Affectionate chaos

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Original title Affectionate chaos
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1987
length 93 minutes
Age rating FSK 0
Director Franz Josef Gottlieb
script Thomas Gottschalk
production Karl Spiehs
music Gerhard Heinz
camera Klaus Werner
cut Ute Albrecht

Zärtliche Chaoten is a German feature film from 1987 . Thomas Gottschalk wrote the script and plays one of the leading roles alongside Michael Winslow , Helmut Fischer and Dey Young . In 1988 the sequel Zärtliche Chaoten II followed .


At the beginning of the film, the three male main actors are involved in the production of a new Winnetou film: Richy acts as an extra, Walker is responsible for the pyrotechnic effects and Schmidgruber helps entertain the crew. Due to their clumsiness, all three are fired and together they find themselves without a job on the street. There they meet Rosi, who breaks down her car. For their help, the three of them are invited to his home by Rosi. A boozy party develops there, ending with all four waking up in the bedroom and no one can remember what exactly happened.

Shortly afterwards, Rosi discovers that she is pregnant and that only one of the three can be the father. Since each of the men believes that he is the father, they all do their best to support the mother-to-be. This also means that they look for new jobs in order to earn money. They are so clumsy that one catastrophe follows another. When Rosi becomes a mother, the film's final surprise occurs: she gives birth to triplets and one of the children is black. This makes it clear that all three "chaos" became fathers.

Production notes

Tender Chaots was created on the trail of the successful French film Three Men and a Baby . The motorboat race was filmed in and on Lake Wörthersee . The German premiere took place on August 20, 1987. Michael Winslow was dubbed by Randolf Kronberg . The film drew over two million viewers to the cinemas.


“If you don't like the films with Thomas Gottschalk and Mike Krüger, you won't necessarily like 'Zärtliche Chaoten' either. These types of films cannot boast of top acting performances. The aim is to entertain and amuse the audience and the trio around Helmut Fischer, Michael Winslow and Thomas Gottschalk succeeds in doing this very well. "

- DVD digital

"Refreshing comedy with Thomas Gottschalk and Helmut Fischer."


"A sloppy staged 'summer comedy' with talentless actors, boring and full of trite jokes."

Guest appearances and supporting roles

A number of well-known actors play small supporting roles in Zärtliche Chaoten , including Ernst H. Hilbich and Ottfried Fischer . In addition, Pierre Brice , Jean-Marie Pfaff and Hans-Georg Panczak play themselves.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Roman Schliesser: The super nose. Karl Spiehs and his films , Verlag Carl Ueberreuter, Vienna 2006, p. 167
  2. Roman Schliesser: The super nose. Karl Spiehs and his films , Verlag Carl Ueberreuter, Vienna 2006, p. 170