7th century BC Chr.
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7th century BC Chr. |
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5th century BC Chr. |
The 7th century BC Chr. Began on January 1 v 700th And ended on December 31, 601 BC. Chr.
Age / Epoch
- In Persia donates Zarathustra to Zoroastrianism (the date is disputed).
- In Greece , written laws are becoming common and are gradually taking the place of judicial arbitrariness ; also produced poetry and music . The hoplite tactic emerges : a closed phalanx replaces the knightly lone warriors.
- A library made of clay tablets is built in Assyria's capital, Nineveh , but it is destroyed with the fall of the Assyrian Empire.
- For the first time all of Africa is circumnavigated by Phoenician seafarers.
Events / developments
Middle East
- Around 700 BC Chr .: heyday of the South Arabian empire Saba , formation of a large empire under the ruler Karib'il Watar I.
- 696 or 679 BC Chr .: Destruction of Gordion by Cimmerians , with it collapse of the Phrygian Empire ; Midas is said to have committed suicide during the onslaught of the Cimmerians.
- 691 BC Chr .: Victory of the Assyrian king Sennacherib over Elam in the battle of Halule
- 689 BC Chr .: Babylon is destroyed by the Assyrians under King Sennacherib.
- Around 680 BC Chr .: Gyges becomes king of Lydia according to tradition .
- Around 680 BC BC: The Assyrian King Asarhaddon defeats the Cimmerians who invaded the country, a nomadic horsemen, who then conquered Phrygia and caused devastation in Lydia.
- 675 BC BC: Asarhaddon begins to rebuild the city of Babylon .
- 669 BC Chr .: Assurbanipal succeeds Assarhaddon on the Assyrian throne.
- 652 BC Chr .: Beginning of the four-year civil war in Babylonia under Šamaš-šuma-ukin
- 647 BC Chr .: Assurbanipal conquers and destroys Susa .
- 626 BC Chr .: Nabopolassar rebels against the Assyrian rule and founds the New Babylonian Empire .
- 625 BC Chr .: The Medes and the Babylonians attack the Assyrian residence Nineveh .
- 622 BC Chr .: Finding of the Mosaic law book in the temple of Jerusalem
- 614 BC BC: The Medes smash Assyria and destroy Aššur .
- 612 BC Chr .: Destruction of Nineveh by the Babylonians and Medes on August 10th . The Assyrian King Sinsharishkun is killed. His successor, Assuruballit II, is still in Harran .
- 609 BC Chr . : King Josiah of Judah dies in the battle of Megiddo against the Egyptians under Necho II. (2 Kings 23,29-30; 2Chr 35,22-23).
- 609 BC Chr .: The Babylonians conquer Harran, whereby the Assyrian king Assuruballit II falls: end of the Assyrian empire.
- 605 BC Chr .: Battle of Karkemiš : Victory of the Babylonian Crown Prince Nebuchadnezzar II over the Egyptians under Necho II.

Jimmu-tennō (print from the Meiji period )
- 688 BC Chr .: At the 23rd Olympic Games the fist fight is introduced.
- 682 BC Chr .: Beginning of the Attic archon lists
- 669 BC BC: Battle of Hysiai between Sparta and Argos
- around 669 BC Chr .: Beginning of the 2nd Messenian War (dating is disputed!)
- 664 BC BC: First narrated sea battle in Greek history (between Corinth and Kerkyra )
- Around 657 BC Chr .: Cypselus establishes a tyranny in Corinth .
- 639-630 BC BC: The seafarer Kolaios from Samos is the first Greek to cross the Strait of Gibraltar .
- 632 BC Chr .: Unsuccessful attempt to overthrow Cylon in Athens
- Around 628 BC Chr .: Periander succeeds Kypselus as tyrant of Corinth.
- 624 BC Chr .: Drakon reforms the Athenian criminal law.
- End of 7th century / beginning 6th century: Lifetime of several important Greek poets: Alkman , Sappho , Alkaios of Lesbos
East asia
- 683 BC Chr .: The state of Lu repels an invasion of the much more powerful state of Qi .
- 660 BC BC, February 11th: Legendary beginning of the reign of Jimmu , mythical first Tennō (emperor) of Japan , epoch of the Japanese calendar; In truth, the first emperor almost certainly did not rule until the 5th century AD.
- 632 BC BC: Battle of Chengpu: The Chinese empire Jin and its allies are victorious over the empire Chu and its allies.
North africa
- 671 BC BC: Assarhaddon conquered Egypt and entered Memphis on July 5th .
- 663 BC Chr .: Destruction of Thebes (No-Amon) by the Assyrians . Psammetich I succeeds Necho I as king of Egypt.
- 653 BC BC Psammetich I achieved Egyptian independence against Assyria with financial support from Lydia (Carian and Greek mercenaries on duty for the 26th dynasty ).
- 631 BC Chr .: Founding of the Greek colony Cyrene in Libya ("Kyrenaika").
rest of Europe
- Around 660 BC BC: Byzantium founded by settlers from Megara .
- .: from mid-7th century founded many colonies around the Black Sea by Miletus .
- Around 640 BC Chr .: Ancus Marcius is elected King ( rex ) of Rome .
- Around 600 BC BC: Pompeii is founded by the Oscars on a hill near the mouth of the Sarno . Creation of Capua .
- Around 600 BC BC: Founding of Marseilles by Greek colonists.
- Around 600 BC BC: Foundation of Milan as a Celtic settlement.
- Around 600 BC BC: Beginning of iron processing in Central Europe.
- Alkaios of Lesbos , Greek poet (* 630 BC; † 580 BC)
- Alkman , Greek poet and composer
- Amasis , king of Egypt
- Anaximander , Greek natural philosopher (* 610 BC; † 546 BC)
- Ancus Marcius , Roman king (* 675 BC; † 617 BC)
- Archilochus , Greek poet
- Arion of Lesbos , Greek poet and singer
- Aesop , Greek poet
- Aššur-bāni-apli , Assyrian king
- Azarhaddon , Neo-Assyrian king
- Braspati , Indian philosopher
- Drakon , Greek legal reformer
- Ezekiel , Jewish prophet
- Jeremiah , Judean prophet
- Joschiah , King of Judah
- Kallinos , Greek poet
- Karib'il Watar I , Sabaean king
- Kolaios , Greek navigator
- Kyaxares II , King of the Medes
- Manasseh , King of Judah
- Necho II , Egyptian king
- Nabopolassar , King of Babylon
- Nebuchadnezzar II , King of Babylon
- Numa Pompilius , Roman king
- Peisistratos , Greek politician
- Phraortes , King of Medes
- Psammetich I , King of Egypt
- Sappho , Greek poet
- Solon , Greek politician
- Suizei , Japanese Emperor (Japanese 綏靖 天皇; * 632 BC; † May 10, 549 BC)
- Stesichoros , Greek poet
- Terpandros , Greek poet and composer
- Thales , Greek philosopher
- Tyrtaios , Greek poet and singer
- Zarathustra , Persian religious founder
- Zedekiah , last king of Judah
Inventions and discoveries
- First coinage in Lydia
- In America, the Olmecs created the first form of printing with simple cylinder seals for official purposes.
- With the painter from Berlin A 34 , the first vase painter of the black-figure style appeared in Athens.
Web links
Commons : 7th century BC Chr. - collection of pictures, videos and audio files