August von Galen

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August Aloysius Graf von Galen (born October 1, 1866 in Assen , † November 20, 1912 in Bonn ) was a German district administrator .

Life and origin

The Catholic Galen was a member of the Westphalian noble family Galen . He was a son of Fiedeikommissherrn and Erbkämmerers the Principality of Münster , Ferdinand von Galen and his wife Elisabeth Friederike (1842-1920), born Countess von Spee . After attending the Marianum Gymnasium in Warburg , he studied law in Münster , Bonn , Leipzig and Berlin . He then became a trainee lawyer at the Coesfeld district court on October 22, 1891, and a government trainee at the Frankfurt (Oder) government on February 3, 1894 . On October 24, 1896, he was appointed government assessor and from May 1897 worked for the Sigmaringen government and from August 1899 for the Düsseldorf government. On January 20, 1900 he was appointed provisional district administrator of the Prüm district, which was followed by the definitive appointment on December 3 of the same year . On October 1, 1903, he was appointed provisional district administrator of the Bonn district, the final transfer by decree took place on May 12, 1904. Galen died there on November 20, 1912 while he was serving.


Galen was a member of the German Center Party and ran in the Reichstag elections in 1903.


Galen had been in Münster with Levina Countess von Korff, called Schmising (born April 30, 1867 in Steinhausen, † September 14, 1941 in Bonn), daughter of the castle captain of Münster, Count Klemens von Korff, called Schmising ( 1834–1921) and his wife Ferdinandine, née Freiin von Fürstenberg , married. The couple had a daughter Elisabeth Clementine Josepha von Galen (born November 17, 1899 in Düsseldorf, † July 25, 1992 in Ehreshoven ) and a son Christoph-Bernhard Paulus von Galen (born January 11, 1907 in Bonn).


August Graf von Galen had 12 siblings:

  • Elisabeth Ferdinanda (1862–1870)
  • Maria Anna (1863–1930, religious sister)
  • Friedrich Mathias von Galen (member of the Reichstag)
  • Maria Franziska Christina (1869–1938 in St. Louis, religious sister)
  • Maria Franziska Elisabeth (1869–1876)
  • Augustine of Galen (Augustinian monk)
  • Maria Gertrud Agnes (1872–1943)
  • Joseph Ferdinand Hubert (1873–1876)
  • Maria Paula Antonia (1876–1923, religious sister)
  • Clemens August Graf von Galen (Bishop of Münster and Cardinal)
  • Franz von Galen (estate manager and politician)
  • Maria Monika von Galen (1886-1896)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Horst Romeyk : The leading state and municipal administrative officials of the Rhine Province 1816–1945 (=  publications of the Society for Rhenish History . Volume 69 ). Droste, Düsseldorf 1994, ISBN 3-7700-7585-4 , p. 125 .
  2. Augustinus Aloysius von Galen, In: (accessed on July 19, 2020)