Běleč u Mladé Vožice

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Běleč u Mladé Vožice (Czech Republic)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Basic data
State : Czech RepublicCzech Republic Czech Republic
Region : Jihočeský kraj
District : Tábor
Area : 1222 ha
Geographic location : 49 ° 32 '  N , 14 ° 50'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 32 '29 "  N , 14 ° 49' 55"  E
Height: 457  m nm
Residents : 202 (Jan. 1, 2019)
Postal code : 391 43
License plate : C.
Status: local community
Districts: 3
Mayor : Josef Bartůněk (as of 2006)
Address: Běleč 22
391 43 Mladá Vožice
Municipality number: 560448
Website : www.obecbelec.cz

Běleč (German Bieltsch ) is a municipality in the Czech Republic , the history of which dates back to 1375 and which is located near Mladá Vožice in Jihočeský kraj . 182 inhabitants live in the three districts.

Community structure

The municipality of Běleč consists of the districts Běleč ( Bieltsch ), Bzová ( Bsowa ) and Elbančice ( Elbanschitz ) as well as the settlement of Šelmberk with the Šelmberk castle .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Český statistický úřad - The population of the Czech municipalities as of January 1, 2019 (PDF; 0.8 MiB)

Web links

Commons : Běleč u Mladé Vožice  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files