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Renatured, unspoilt area of ​​the moor

Renatured, unspoilt area of ​​the moor

location South-east of Bergen , north-west of Eschede , in the district of Celle
surface 115 ha
Identifier NSG LÜ 170
WDPA ID 162507
Geographical location 52 ° 46 '  N , 10 ° 6'  E Coordinates: 52 ° 46 '29 "  N , 10 ° 5' 50"  E
Bornriethmoor (Lower Saxony)
Sea level from 52 m to 62 m
Setup date 09/02/1988
administration NLWKN

The Bornriethmoor is a raised moor in the district of Celle and belongs to the Südheide nature park . It has a size of 115 ha. The largely peeled bog was rewetted and placed under nature protection in 1988. The moor was also designated as an FFH area ( Fauna-Flora-Habitat ). The responsible nature conservation authority is the district of Celle. There is an absolute ban on entry. Several cranes have returned and are raising their young here. The otherwise rare Gagelstrauch ( Myrica gale ) is widespread here. The moor is extensively interspersed with reeds . The yellow bog lily ( Narthecium ossifragum ), cotton grass ( Eriophorum ), the white beaked reed ( Rhynchospora alba ) and sundew ( Drosera ) can also be found here.

About history

Simmer salt

In the years from 1673 to 1678 , boiling points of the Sülze saltworks were established on the edge of the moor near Lindhorst an der Örtze , as the bogs in the vicinity of Sülze were exhausted. Two salt pans, each with two boiling pans, and a leakage system approx. 200 m long, approx. 14 m high and approx. 7 m wide were built. The peat was brought in via a specially dug ship ditch. The course of this canal can still be seen today. The brine came from brawn via wooden pipes. As early as 1719 the first considerations were made to relocate the boiling points to the "Scheuer Bruch" with the newly emerging village of Altensalzkoth , as the Bornriethmoor was exhausted. 10 to 15 million pieces of peat were required annually. A drill mill for the production of brine pipes from tree trunks was built near the bog. The tubes were made of fir trunks, had a length of 5.80 m to 6.70 m and a bore opening of 5 inches (= 12.14 cm). The drilled out tree trunks were put together to form a line. In 1723 the new pipeline was finished after the "Scheuer Bruch", from 1725 the brine was boiled in Altensalzkoth.


In the course of the coupling or separation that took place in the 18th and 19th centuries, the general division of the moor was carried out on July 21, 1883. Got it

  • Hof Severloh 136,338 parts (= m²),
  • Hof Beutzen 310,476 parts,
  • Realgemeinde Oldendorf 2,350,436 parts,
  • Forestry office Queloh 43,536 parts,
  • Cultivator Behrens, Dehningshof 43,536 parts.

The farmers from Oldendorf, who were previously entitled to cut peat and who have now been excluded, sued the Royal Regional Court of Lüneburg . An on-site visit took place on November 26, 1901. The lawsuit was successful, the plaintiffs were allowed to continue digging peat in Bornriethmoor.

Mock airfield

During the Second World War , a dummy airfield was created in the moor . The nearby air base in Fassberg was supposed to be simulated and thereby distracted from it.

Web links

Commons : Bornriethmoor  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files