European elections in France 2014
The 2014 European elections in France took place on May 24th and 25th, 2014 as part of the 2014 EU- wide European elections . In France, 74 out of 751 members of the European Parliament were elected, two more than in the 2009 European elections.
Electoral system
The election took place over two days, with May 24 only in the overseas territories of French Polynesia , Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon , Guadeloupe , Martinique , French Guiana , Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin , on May 25 throughout rest of France was chosen.
The seats were distributed proportionally according to the D'Hondt procedure with a threshold clause of 5 percent in eight constituencies . The number of seats per constituency is determined by decree before each election according to their population. With the exception of the two largest constituencies, with a share of the vote below 5 percent it would be practically impossible to obtain a mandate even without a threshold clause. The constituencies are: Nord-Ouest (10 parliamentarians in the 2009 European elections), Ouest (9), Est (9), Sud-Ouest (10), Sud-Est (13), Massif Central-Center (5), Île- de-France (13) and Outre-Mer (overseas territories , 3). With the exception of the Île-de-France constituencies, each constituency consists of several regions .
Starting position
The composition after the 2009 election had changed as follows:
Political party | % | Seats | European party | fraction | |
2009 | 2014 | ||||
UMP | 27.88 | 29 | 25th | EPP | EPP |
PS | 16.48 | 14th | 12 | SPE | S&D |
Europe Ecology | 16.28 | 14th | 12 | EGP | Greens / EFA |
Modem | 8.46 | 6th | 5 | EDP | ALDE |
FN | 6.34 | 3 | 3 | EAF | non-attached |
Front de gauche | 6.48 | 5 | 4th | Tbsp | GUE / NGL |
NPA | 4.88 | - | - | EAL | not in parliament |
Libertas ( MPF ) | 4.80 | 1 | 1 | Libertas | EVS |
Other parties | 8.41 | - | 10 |
Campaigning parties and lists
The following parties or lists were represented in the European Parliament or competed in several constituencies:
List name | Party (s) | Seats | European party / group | Constituencies |
UMP | Union for a Popular Movement | 25th | EPP | all |
Choisir notre Europe | Parti socialiste / Parti radical de gauche | 12 | SPE / - | all |
Europe Ecology | Europe Ecologie-Les Verts | 12 | EGP | all |
Les Européens - l'Alternative | Union des démocrates et indépendants / Mouvement démocrate | 10 | EPP Group / EDP | all |
Front de gauche | Parti de gauche / Parti communiste français | 4th | Tbsp | all but overseas |
FN | Front National | 3 | EAF | all |
Régions et peuples solidaires | Partitu di a Nazione Corsa , Eusko Alderdi Jeltzalea-Partido Nacionalista Vasco , Union démocratique bretonne , ( non-party ) | 2 | EFA | South-West, South-East, Center, Ile-de-France, West and Overseas |
Nouvelle Donne | Nouvelle Donne | 2 | - | all but overseas |
Europe citoyenne | Cap21 | 1 | ALDE group | all but west and south-east |
L'Union pour l'Outremer-Divers gauche et citoyens | Parti communiste réunionnais | 1 | GUE / NGL Group | Overseas |
Debout la France, ni système, ni extremes | Debout la République | - | EUD | all |
Prenons nos affaires en mains | Nouveau Parti anticapitaliste | - | EAL | all except center, south-east and overseas |
Espéranto langue commune équitable pour l'Europe | Europe Démocratie Espéranto | - | EDE | all |
Force Vie | Force Vie | - | - | all |
Democratie réelle | Democratie réelle | - | - | all except east, north-west and overseas |
Parti fédéraliste européen | Parti fédéraliste européen | - | EFP | all |
Parti Pirate | Parti Pirate | - | PPEU | all but overseas, east and west |
Lutte ouvrière-Faire entender le camp des travailleurs | Lutte Ouvrière | - | - | all |
Citoyens you vote blanc | Parti du vote blanc | - | - | all except south-east and overseas |
Union popular republicaine | Union popular republicaine | - | - | all |
Le réveil citoyen | Nous citoyens / Européens Solidaires | - | - | all but overseas |
Féministes pour une Europe solidaire | - | - | - | all |
Communistes | Communistes | - | - | all but overseas |
Une France Royale au cœur de l'Europe | Alliance Royale | - | - | all except north-west and overseas |
Alliance écologiste indépendante | Alliance écologiste indépendante | - | - | all except north-west, west and south-west |
Parti pour la décroissance | Parti pour la décroissance | - | - | all except South-West, South-East and Overseas |
The following lists only appear in one constituency:
- Radicalement Citoyen (North-West)
- Mouvement socialiste alternatif (West)
- La France se réveille (West)
- Nous te ferons l'Europe! (West)
- Pour l'Union, une Génération d'Action! (East)
- Program libertaire pour une Europe exemplaire contre le sexisme et la précarité (South-West)
- List Antiremplaciste - Non au Grand Remplacement (South-West)
- Pour une Europe Utile aux Français (South-East)
- Mayaud Hors Bords (South-East)
- Syndicat de lutte contre les banques (center)
- Europe solidaire (Ile-de-France)
- Cannabis sans Frontiere - Stop la prohibition (Ile-de-France)
- Ensemble pour une Europe equitable (Ile-de-France)
- L'Europe de Marrakech à Istanbul (Ile-de-France)
- Parti européen (Île-de-France)
- Mouvement citoyens réunionais (overseas)
- Ultramarins et ultramarines, merci! (Overseas)
- 100,000 Votes Contestataires et Constructifs d'Outre-Mer en Europe (overseas)
The Mouvement pour la France , currently represented by one member in the Europe of Freedom and Democracy Group , is not running.
survey | FN | UMP | PS | MoDem / UDI | Gauche | EE | NPA | DLR | Other |
Ifop, October 9, 2013 | 24% | 22% | 19% | 11% | 10% | 6% | 2% | 2% | 4% |
Ifop, January 17, 2014 | 23% | 21% | 18% | 11% | 9% | 7% | 2% | 2.5% | 6.5% |
OpinionWay, February 14, 2014 | 20% | 22% | 16% | 12% | 9% | 9% | 4% | 3% | 5% |

be right | in% of eligible voters | in% of voters | |
Eligible voters | 46,544,712 | 100.00 | |
Abstentions | 26,796,819 | 57.57 | |
Voters | 19,747,893 | 42.43 | 100.00 |
Ballot papers not filled out | 546601 | 1.17 | 2.77 |
Invalid ballot | 245,531 | 0.53 | 1.24 |
Valid votes | 18,955,761 | 40.73 | 95.99 |
Party or coalition | European party | be right | % Percent |
Seats |
Front National | European Alliance for Freedom | 4,711,339 | 24.85 | 24 |
Union for a Popular Movement | European People's Party | 3,942,766 | 20.80 | 20th |
Parti socialiste - Parti radical de gauche | European Social Democratic Party | 2,649,202 | 13.98 | 13 |
Union des démocrates et indépendants - Mouvement démocrate | European Democratic Party | 1,883,051 | 9.93 | 7th |
Europe Ecologie-Les Verts | European Green Party | 1,695,914 | 8.95 | 6th |
Front de gauche - Union pour les Outre-Mers | European left | 1,252,422 | 6.61 | 4th |
Debout la République | Europeans United for Democracy | 723.956 | 3.82 | 0 |
Nouvelle Donne | no | 549.774 | 2.90 | 0 |
Nous Citoyens | no | 266,468 | 1.41 | 0 |
Lutte Ouvrière | no | 222.509 | 1.17 | 0 |
Alliance écologiste indépendante | no | 212.100 | 1.12 | 0 |
Parti chrétien-démocrate | no | 138,725 | 0.73 | 0 |
Europe citoyenne | no | 127.964 | 0.68 | 0 |
Parti du vote blanc | no | 110,150 | 0.58 | 0 |
Union popular republicaine | no | 77,136 | 0.41 | 0 |
Nouveau Parti anticapitaliste | European anti-capitalist left | 75,304 | 0.40 | 0 |
Régions et peuples solidaires | European Free Alliance | 65,116 | 0.34 | 0 |
Parti Pirate | European pirate party | 39,473 | 0.21 | 0 |
Europe Démocratie Espéranto | Eŭropo - Democracy - Esperanto | 33,609 | 0.18 | 0 |
Féministes pour une Europe solidaire | no | 27,380 | 0.14 | 0 |
Parti fédéraliste | European Federalist Party | 18,486 | 0.10 | 0 |
Communistes | no | 5,001 | 0.03 | 0 |
Democratie réelle | no | 4,996 | 0.03 | 0 |
Europe Décroissance | no | 4,883 | 0.03 | 0 |
Alliance Royale | no | 3,576 | 0.02 | 0 |
Various right-wing extremists | no | 1,344 | 0.01 | 0 |
Various left-wing extremists | no | 747 | 0.00 | 0 |
Various lefts | no | 577 | 0.00 | 0 |
Not assignable | no | 110,774 | 0.58 | 0 |
Individual evidence
- ↑ Résultats des élections européennes 2014. France Entière - résultats définitifs. Final official results. Ministry of Interior of France , May 28, 2014, accessed October 19, 2015 (French).
- ↑ French European Election Law
- ^ French Ministry of the Interior [1]
- ↑ Status before the 2014 election
- ↑
- ↑
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- ↑ Poll for the European elections , LeFigaro from February 14, 2014 (accessed: February 15, 2014)
- ↑ a b Results des élections européennes 2014. France Entière - results définitifs. Final official results. Ministry of the Interior of France , 28 May 2014, accessed 31 May 2019 (French).
- ↑ Results complets des élections européennes de 2014 en France. Ministry of Interior of France, accessed May 27, 2014 (French).