Spruce forest

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coat of arms Germany map
The municipality of Fichtwald does not have a coat of arms
Spruce forest
Map of Germany, position of the municipality Fichtwald highlighted

Coordinates: 51 ° 42 ′  N , 13 ° 28 ′  E

Basic data
State : Brandenburg
County : Elbe Elster
Office : Close
Height : 112 m above sea level NHN
Area : 31.76 km 2
Residents: 614 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 19 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 04936
Area code : 035361
License plate : EE, FI, LIB
Community key : 12 0 62 134
Community structure: 3 districts
Office administration address: Herzberger Strasse 7
04936 Schlieben
Mayoress : Peggy Bulst
Location of the municipality of Fichtwald in the Elbe-Elster district
Bad Liebenwerda Crinitz Doberlug-Kirchhain Elsterwerda Falkenberg Fichtwald Finsterwalde Gorden-Staupitz Großthiemig Gröden Heideland Herzberg Hirschfeld Hohenbucko Hohenleipisch Kremitzaue Lebusa Lichterfeld-Schacksdorf Massen-Niederlausitz Merzdorf Mühlberg/Elbe Plessa Röderland Rückersdorf Sallgast Schilda Schlieben Schönborn Schönewalde Schraden Sonnewalde Tröbitz Uebigau-Wahrenbrück Brandenburgmap
About this picture

The municipality of Fichtwald is located in the Elbe-Elster district in Brandenburg and belongs to the Schlieben office with its seat in the town of Schlieben .


The community of Fichtwald is located in the eastern part of the spruce forest , a damp lowland area that is today characterized by meadows, pastures and arable land. The original moorland has been drained more and more since it was settled. The spruce forest is surrounded by six formerly independent villages, three of which became part of the municipality of Fichtwald. The other villages were Proßmarke, Wehrhain and Frankenhain . In the 19th century, peat was extracted from the spruce forest area. With the development of lignite in Lower Lusatia, peat lost its importance and agricultural use became more important again.

Community structure

Districts of the community are Hillmersdorf , Naundorf and Stechau .


Hillmersdorf, Naundorf and Stechau belonged to the Schweinitz district in the Prussian province of Saxony since 1816 and to the Herzberg district in the GDR district of Cottbus from 1952 . Since 1993 they have been in the Elbe-Elster district of Brandenburg.

The community of Fichtwald was created on December 31, 2001 from the voluntary amalgamation of the previously independent communities of Hillmersdorf, Naundorf and Stechau.

Population development

year Hillmersdorf Naundorf Stechau year Spruce forest year Spruce forest
1875 300 370 300 2001 802 2015 673
1910 310 300 350 2005 735 2016 649
1939 293 231 342 2010 675 2017 625
1946 447 348 567 2011 660 2018 614
1950 445 332 556 2012 683 2019 614
1971 281 275 447 2013 685
1990 219 243 421 2014 678
1995 210 242 391
2000 206 240 358

Territory of the respective year, number of inhabitants: as of December 31, from 2011 based on the 2011 census


Community representation

The community council of Fichtwald consists of eight community representatives and the honorary mayor. The local election on May 26, 2019 resulted in the following distribution of seats:

Voter group Seats
Citizens' Community Fichtwald 5
Free voter community Fichtwald 2
Individual applicant Maik Kuske 1


  • 2003–2014: Reinhard Schulze
  • since 2014: Peggy Bulst (Bürgergemeinschaft Fichtwald)

Bulst was elected in the mayoral election on May 26, 2019 with 87.1% of the valid votes for a further five-year term.

Castle in Stechau


The list of monuments in Fichtwald includes the monuments entered in the list of monuments of the State of Brandenburg.


The federal road 87 , which connects Herzberg / Elster with Luckau , runs through the municipality . The district Hillmersdorf lies on the national road L 70 between Hohenbucko and Doberlug-Kirchhain .


Web links

Commons : Fichtwald  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Population in the State of Brandenburg according to municipalities, offices and municipalities not subject to official registration on December 31, 2019 (XLSX file; 223 KB) (updated official population figures) ( help on this ).
  2. ^ Hans-Dieter Lehmann: The history of the Schliebener country . Book Chamber, Herzberg / Elster 2006
  3. ^ Service portal of the state administration Brandenburg. Fichtwald community
  4. ^ Formation of a new community in Fichtwald. Announcement of the Ministry of the Interior of October 9, 2001 Official Gazette for Brandenburg Common Ministerial Gazette for the State of Brandenburg, Volume 12, 2001, Number 44, Potsdam, October 30, 2001, p. 696 PDF
  5. Historical municipality register of the state of Brandenburg 1875 to 2005. Elbe-Elster district . Pp. 14-17
  6. Population in the state of Brandenburg from 1991 to 2015 according to independent cities, districts and municipalities , Table 7
  7. ^ Office for Statistics Berlin-Brandenburg (Ed.): Statistical report AI 7, A II 3, A III 3. Population development and population status in the state of Brandenburg (respective editions of the month of December)
  8. ^ Result of the local election on May 26, 2019
  9. Local elections October 26, 2003. Mayoral elections , p. 24
  10. ^ Result of the mayoral election on May 25, 2014
  11. Section 73 of the Brandenburg Local Election Act
  12. ^ Result of the mayoral election on May 26, 2019