Georg Ludwig of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf

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Georg Ludwig von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf, portrait in Eutin Castle

Georg Ludwig von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf (born March 16, 1719 ; † September 7, 1763 in Kiel ) was a Prussian lieutenant general and chief of the IX Dragoons Regiment and an Imperial Russian field marshal .


Georg Ludwig von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf was the youngest son of Christian August von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf and his wife Albertine Friederike von Baden-Durlach († 1755). One of his brothers was the future King of Sweden, Adolf Friedrich .

His father, the prince-bishop of the Lübeck bishopric , died in 1726; therefore Georg Ludwig was raised by his mother. He entered the Saxon service early on and became a captain in the Garde du Corps , but without actually doing any service. In 1737 he was awarded the Holstein Order of St. Anne .

In 1741 he joined the Prussian service as a volunteer and on May 20, 1742 he became a lieutenant colonel in the Cuirassier Regiment No. 5 (Rochow). In 1744 he was appointed major general with the patent dated December 5, 1743. In 1745, Tsarina Elisabeth awarded him the Order of St. Andrew , which Frederick II personally presented to him on January 6 in Berlin. On October 27, 1745 he took over the Dragoon Regiment IX (Platen). His regiment came to Leopold von Anhalt-Dessau's army and took part in the battle of Kesselsdorf . On December 18, he entered Dresden with the king .

With the Seven Years' War he came under the command of Field Marshal Lehwaldt . In February 1757 he was appointed lieutenant general and on August 30th he fought near Groß-Jägersdorf . The regiment was then transferred to Pomerania to fight the Swedes, where he led the field marshal's advance guard with 12,000 men against the Swedes, who retreated as far as Stralsund. Since the Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin supported the Swedes, Georg Ludwig was given the task of demanding contributions and occupied Malchin . On December 28th and 29th he made a surprising invasion of Swedish Pomerania . For this he was awarded the Order of the Black Eagle . On February 2, 1758, he advanced as far as Rostock with two dragoons regiments . But he was then ordered to join Prince Heinrich's army. Here he took part in several battles, Krefeld , Battle of Kassel, Bergen and Minden . In 1760 he joined the king's army and took part in the siege of Dresden and fought in the battle of Torgau . But Friedrich accused Georg Ludwig of being too slow, who therefore asked for his release on December 8, 1760. However, it was only granted to him on March 27, 1761.

At the beginning of 1762 he entered the service of his cousin, the new Tsar Peter III. in Russia. This made him commander in chief of all German troops and governor general and governor of Holstein . On February 21, 1762 he was appointed Field Marshal General of the Russian Troops in St. Petersburg . He was paid a very high salary to bring the Russian army up to Prussian standards. When Tsar Peters was disempowered on June 4, 1762, Georg Ludwig was also briefly imprisoned and released from Russian army service on June 21.

He went to Kiel, where he continued to function as the Russian governor of the Duchy of Holstein-Gottorp. There he founded a faience manufacture . Exactly one month after his wife he died on September 7th, 1763. He is buried in the abbey church of Bordesholm .

For his work he was immortalized in 1851 on the plaques of honor on the equestrian statue of Frederick the Great .


Georg Ludwig and Sofie Charlotte are buried in the Bordesholm monastery church

He was married to Sofie Charlotte (* December 31, 1722 - August 7, 1763) since January 1, 1750. She was the daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm II of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Beck and widow of the Prussian Colonel Alexander Emil zu Dohna-Wartenburg-Schlodien . The couple had the following children:


Friedrich III. of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf (1597–1659)
Christian Albrecht of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf (1641–1695)
Maria Elisabeth of Saxony (1610–1684)
Christian August of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf (1673–1726)
Friedrich III. King of Denmark (1609–1670)
Friederike Amalie of Denmark (1649–1704)
Sophie Amalie of Braunschweig-Calenberg (1628–1685)
Georg Ludwig
Friedrich VI. of Baden-Durlach , (1617–1677)
Friedrich VII. Magnus of Baden-Durlach (1647–1709)
Christine Magdalena of Pfalz-Zweibrücken-Kleeburg (1616–1662)
Albertine Friederike von Baden-Durlach (1682–1755)
Friedrich III. of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf (1597–1659)
Augusta Maria of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf (1649–1728)
Maria Elisabeth of Saxony (1610–1684)

Note: Due to weddings within the family, Friedrich III. von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf and his wife Maria Elisabeth are two-time great-grandparents of Georg Ludwig.

Individual evidence

  1. Faience manufactories (1758 - 1772)


Web links

Commons : Georg Ludwig von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf  - Collection of images, videos and audio files