Jürgen von Manger

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Jürgen von Manger (1964)
Jürgen von Manger in a caricature by Hans Pfannmüller (1975)
Jürgen von Manger (second from right), 1949

Jürgen von Manger-Koenig (born March 6, 1923 in Ehrenbreitstein ; † March 15, 1994 in Herne ; as stage character Adolf Tegtmeier ) was a German actor , literary cabaret artist and comedian .


Jürgen von Manger was born in the later Koblenz district of Ehrenbreitstein as Hans Jürgen Julius Emil Fritz Koenig and the second of three sons of the public prosecutor Fritz Koenig and his wife Antonia von Manger, who belonged to a Catholic noble family from Koblenz . In 1927, thanks to an adoption by her uncle Martin von Manger , his mother was able to return to her original name. From then on, the children carried the family name of Manger-Koenig; one brother was the later physician Ludwig von Manger-Koenig .

When he was ten he came to Hagen , where his father got a job at the regional court . Jürgen von Manger graduated from the Albrecht-Dürer-Gymnasium. He began his acting career after the Second World War at the Hagen Theater, later he went to the stages in Bochum and Gelsenkirchen , where the trained actor and singer could not only be seen in comic roles. For 17 years he was active in the comic character subject at the stages in Bochum ( Schauspielhaus Bochum ) (from summer 1947) and Gelsenkirchen (from autumn 1950). In addition, from 1954 to 1958 he made up on the originally intended study of law and political science at the universities of Cologne and Münster , but without a degree, and also completed an acting and singing training.

His appearances with cabaret solo programs, mainly around the character of the Ruhr area - petty bourgeois Adolf Tegtmeier , which he had originally developed for radio, but later also on some very successful speech records ( impromptu stories , two of which received a gold record ) and in numerous Embodied television programs, von Manger began to deepen in the 1960s, after his first radio show New Year's Eve 1961 on NDR in the Ruhr German dialect had become an unexpectedly great success. In addition, he continued to play the theater; Directed by Helmut Käutner , he appeared on stage at the end of 1964 for the Deutsche Oper am Rhein as a frog in the operetta Die Fledermaus .

Jürgen von Manger as an advertising character

Von Manger had great success on television with the series Tegtmeiers Reisen , which was broadcast by ZDF from July 14, 1972 to July 3, 1980 . In addition to his classic character, who analyzed the countries visited in their usual simple way, there was also a kind of co-moderator, Professor Tegtmeier. This scientist, also embodied by von Manger, provided the correct background information for the respective travel destinations and made fun of the sometimes quite absurd arguments of his alter ego . The portrayal of Tegtmeier was accompanied by a peculiar facial expression that became characteristic of this artistic person. In the RTL broadcast The Ultimate Chart Show : The Best Comedians (Jürgen von Manger took first place there) was named as the cause of a one-sided facial paralysis that von Manger is said to have suffered in his early years.

Von Manger exaggerated the language of the Ruhr area citizen in his performances to the point of comical: "If I look at you like that, I can imagine that the imagination of so many gentlemen really starts to boil!" In 1966 he published under the title Bleibense Mensch some of his most successful Tegtmeier stories, with illustrations by the caricaturist Hanns Erich Köhler , also in book form; In an afterword, the philosopher and art historian Heinrich Lützeler , then professor at the University of Bonn , analyzes Tegtmeier's linguistic wit and worldview. In 2013 the Germanist Joachim Wittkowski published the book Der Abschied und other Stückskes from the estate . In it, previously unpublished Manger texts from the holdings of the German Cabaret Archive in Mainz are published.

Jürgen von Manger could also be heard as a speaker in four radio play productions of the WDR , including as Gollum in JRR Tolkien's The Little Hobbit and with a Polish accent as Captain Schikowski in the Paul Temple radio play Paul Temple and the Lawrence case . The radio plays are:

Jürgen von Manger also made two records in the mid-1970s :

  • Bottroper Bier (1977), based on the melody from Udo Jürgens ' Greek Wine ; with the refrain: "Bottrop beer, is like the juice for life here in the Revier, sometimes yawn a lift, and at home I usually crawl a row on a tach like this, because I don't laugh." On the B-side was the Moritat The beggar and his dog .
  • Dat bisken early shift (1978); The inspiration for this song was the song by Johanna von Koczian ( The little household ). The B-side contained the title De kleine Kneipe , a Ruhrpott parody of Peter Alexander's Die kleine Kneipe .

Three of these titles also appeared on the LP Tegtmeier for millions , released in 1978 .

He was married to the photographer Ruth Stanszus since 1952. Jürgen von Manger lived in his Häusken "Häusken" not far from the Herner Stadtgarten since 1965. After a stroke in 1985, which also affected his language center , Jürgen von Manger was no longer able to work as an actor. In March 1988, on the occasion of his 65th birthday, he stepped in front of the camera again and thanked his fans for their support. When his health became so critical that medical care was necessary, he was finally taken to the Marienhospital in Herne, where he died in 1994 at the age of 71. Jürgen von Manger was buried in the cemetery in Hagen- Delstern .


Award certificate of the BVK
Walk of Fame of Cabaret

In 1987 Jürgen von Manger was awarded the Great Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany and in 1990 he was awarded the Order of Merit of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia . A star in the Cabaret Walk of Fame is dedicated to him. In 1997 a street in Herne was named after him.

Sound recordings

LPs and singles

  • Impromptu stories
  • Impromptu stories. New episode
  • Impromptu stories. Latest episode
  • Jürgen von Manger
  • Spain inclusive
  • Stay human ...!
  • My turnip, your turnip
  • Cowboys with Spinach
  • So Äääärlich - Tegtmeier's most beautiful piece of cheese
  • Tegtmeier, pleasant!
  • The topping-out ceremony (advertising panel)
  • The worm in the soul (advertising panel)
  • The medicine chest (advertising single from Gödecke AG Berlin)
  • What the stars prophesy (promotional single of Iduna)
  • Jürgen von Manger as newspaper reader Adolf Tegtmeier (advertising panel of the Westfälische Rundschau )
  • Jürgen von Manger as a development grouch (advertising board)
  • The Weak Hour / Unsuitable for Divorce (Thyssengas Commercial Single)
  • The driving school test
  • The mother-in-law killer
  • The lamp spirit
  • News from Tegtmeier
  • Tegtmeier's hit
  • You can't have enough pigs
  • The NCOs / The Troubadour (Single)
  • Farewell / Knowledge is Power (Single)
  • The driving school test (single)
  • As a development worker (single)
  • Who saves today, lives better tomorrow (promotional single from Stadtsparkasse Dortmund)
  • Tegtmeier speaks to "Herr bug" (advertising single der bug)
  • The miracle of love / The victory of the pants bottom (advertising single of the federal government)
  • ATM (promotional single from Sparkasse Essen)
  • ATM (promotional single from Sparkasse Bochum)
  • Bottroper Beer / The Beggar and His Dog (Single)
  • Dat bisken Frühschicht ... / De kleine Kneipe (single)
  • Tegtmeier for millions (LP released by Philips, best of + three music tracks)
  • About happy cows ... / Fine behavior (advertising single from Glücksklee GmbH)
  • The small shareholder / asset formation (advertising single of the community service of soil and communal credit institutions)
  • Golden Eggs (Single)
  • About Siporex / The worm in the soul / The intimate problem (commercial single)


  • Dear Ones …
  • Just watch out, you old guys
  • Tegtmeier
  • Dat is maybe one thing
  • Wonderful (four CD box)
  • Impromptu stories
  • So annually ... - ... Tegtmeier gently, how is it!

Television broadcasts

TV Shows
  • Steel Net - The Twelfth Knife (1958)
  • Hello, neighbors (various episodes, 1963–1965)
  • Secret agent Adolf Tegtmeier (6 episodes, 1966)
  • Good evening - sounds, bars and theater (7 episodes, 1966–1968)
  • 13 x macabres (various episodes, 1968)
  • Jürgen von Manger as a witness of history (11 episodes, 1969)
  • ARD - Glücksspirale (various episodes, 1969)
  • Put in plain German (10 episodes, 1969)
  • Stay human, says Tegtmeier (8 episodes, 1970)
  • Tegtmeier's Travels (20 episodes, 1972–1980)
  • Election advertising for the FDP (various episodes, 1972)
  • So Ääährlich - Tegtmeier's most beautiful piece of skes (various episodes, 1977)
  • Tegtmeier explains (14 episodes, 1981-1983)
  • When the TV pictures become plastic (2 episodes, 1982)
  • Tegtmeier (6 episodes, 1984–1985)
  • Between onion and doubt (8 episodes, 1984–1986)
TV movie
  • Mr. Tägemeier tells (1962)
  • The Mother-in-Law Killer (1963)
  • The driving school test (1963)
  • Stand in for the rendezvous in Cologne (1964)
  • The marriage initiation institute (1964)
  • Television - exclusive (1965)
  • Looking back - but not in anger (1965)
  • Program without broadcast (1965) (broadcast 1968)
  • Adieu 1965 - Hello 1966 (1965/66)
  • In Germany-Nowadays: Ruhr Parodists (1967)
  • Travels in Germany (1968)
  • Next please! (1968)
  • Review 68 (1968)
  • Lucky Spiral (1970)
  • Tegtmeiers Stückskes (1970)
  • Ääährlich - That's Life (1979)
  • Jürgen von Manger - Also Ääährlich ... (1981) (broadcast 1987)
  • Two dead in the transmitter and Don Carlos in the PoGl (1982)
  • Scarf Show '82 (1982)
  • Permit, Tegtmeier, in front with Adolf (1982)
  • Technological Advancement - Human Backward Steps (1984)
  • Freshly turned (1984)
  • Songs and words about the turning point (1984)
  • Olympic Speech (1984)
  • Fresh, cheeky, happy-free? (1984)
  • Tegtmeiers Trost (1984) (possibly only working title)
  • Man, Tegtmeier! - Tour of IFA Berlin (1985) (canceled due to illness)
  • On the occasion of Jürgen von Manger's 70th birthday (1993) (last TV appearance)
Guest appearances

Radio plays


  • Stay human. Dreams, speeches and talk of Adolf Tegtmeier. With drawings by HE Köhler and an afterword by Heinrich Lützeler . Piper, Munich 1966. (Numerous reprints in various publishers; most recently: Henselowsky Boschmann, Bottrop 2007, ISBN 978-3-922750-74-1 )
  • Farewell and other piece of cheese from the estate. Edited by Joachim Wittkowski. With drawings by Michael Hüter. Henselowsky Boschmann, Bottrop 2013, ISBN 978-3-942094-37-5 .


  • Peter F. Schütze , Mirjam von Jankó (Ed.): Dat should first imitate me. Adolf Tegtmeier and Jürgen von Manger. Klartext, Essen 1998, ISBN 3-88474-659-6 . (with bibliography, pp. 173–175, and discography, pp. 175–176.)
  • Wolfgang Schütz: Koblenz heads. People from the city's history - namesake for streets and squares. 2. revised u. exp. Edition. Publishing house for advertising papers , Mülheim-Kärlich 2005, OCLC 712343799 .
  • Gerhard Schiweck (eds.) And Torsten Kropp (caricatures): Tegtmeier's heirs - "... this is perhaps a thing ..." An original and his heirs in 13 pictures. Frischtexte-Verlag, Herne 2009, ISBN 978-3-933059-09-3 .

Web links

Commons : Jürgen von Manger  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Bat: Fresh Frogs . In: Der Spiegel . No. 52 , 1964 ( online ).
  2. Jürgen von Manger: The Farewell , Ruhr News , October 20, 2013
  3. ^ Streets in Herne: Jürgen-von-Manger-Straße , accessed on June 14, 2015.
  4. ^ The grave of Jürgen von Manger on knerger.de