Cabinet Ürgüplü

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28. Cabinet of the Republic of Turkey
Suat Ürgüplü
Prime Minister Suat Hayri Ürgüplü
choice October 15, 1961
Appointed by President Cemal Gürsel
education February 20, 1965
The End October 27, 1965
Duration 0 years and 249 days
predecessor Cabinet İnönü X
successor Cabinet Demirel I
Party (s) Transitional government
Great National Assembly of Turkey
Opposition leader İsmet İnönü , Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi

The Ürgüplü cabinet was the 29th government of Turkey , which was headed by Prime Minister Suat Hayri Ürgüplü from February 20, 1965 to October 27, 1965 .

After the coalitions of the Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi under Prime Minister İsmet İnönü with the Adalet Partisi as well as with Yeni Türkiye Partisi and Cumhuriyetçi Köylü Millet Partisi failed, Inönü relied on a minority government supported by the Yeni Türkiye Partisi and independent MPs. On February 13, 1965, Parliament refused to approve the budget. Inönü had failed. He resigned and the non-party Senator Suat Hayri Ürgüplü became Prime Minister in a transitional government that ran government until the new elections in October 1965. The government all the opposition parties were involved, including the elimination of as the CKMP 1962 Osman Bölükbaşı founded Millet Partisi .


29th Government of the Republic of Turkey
Ürgüplü Cabinet - February 20, 1965 to October 27, 1965
title Surname Political party Term of office
Prime Minister Suat Hayri Ürgüplü independently
Deputy Prime Minister Suleyman Demirel AP
Minister of State
Hayati ataman MP
Mehmet Altinsoy CKMP
Şekip İnal YTP
Minister of Justice İrfan Baran
Hayati Köknel
February 20, 1965 - July 31, 1965
July 31, 1965 - October 27, 1965
Defense Minister  Hasan Dinçer
Hazım Dağlı
February 20, 1965 - August
10, 1965 August 10, 1965 - October 27, 1965
Interior minister İsmail Hakkı Akdoğan
İzzet Gencer
Foreign minister Hasan Esat Işık independently
Finance minister İhsan Gürsan AP
Minister of Education Cihat Bilgehan AP
Minister for Public Works Orhan Alp independently
Minister for Monopolies Ahmet Topaloğlu AP
Minister of Commerce Macit Zeren AP
Minister for Health and Welfare Faruk Sükan AP
Minister of Agriculture Turhan Kapanlı YTP
Minister for Construction and Settlement Recai İskenderoğlu YTP
Minister of transport Mithat San
Kazım Yurdakul
February 20, 1965 - July 31, 1965
July 31, 1965 - October 27, 1965
Industry Minister Ali Naili Erdem AP
Minister for Culture and Tourism  Ömer Zekai Dorman
İsmail Hakkı Akdoğan
February 20, 1965 - August
28, 1965 August 28, 1965 - October 27, 1965
Minister for Village Affairs  Seyfi Öztürk
Mustafa Kepir
February 20, 1965 - August
10, 1965 August 10, 1965 - October 27, 1965
Minister for Labor and Social Security İhsan Sabri Çağlayangil AP
Minister for Energy and Natural Resources Mehmet Turgut AP

Individual evidence

  1. Matthes Buhbe: Turkey. Politics and Contemporary History . (= Volume 2, studies on politics and society in the Middle East ), Leske + Budrich, Opladen 1996, p. 83
  2. 29th Government of the Republic of Turkey , Grand National Assembly of Turkey, accessed on July 26, 2018