Karl Ludwig Boehme

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Karl Ludwig Böhme (born August 1, 1803 in Eppelheim , † October 19, 1869 in Bruchsal ) was a German administrative officer and parliamentarian.


After attending the community grammar school in Heidelberg , Karl Ludwig Böhme studied philosophy and law at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg from 1820 to 1824 . In 1821 he became a member of the Corps Suevia Heidelberg . In 1824 he was legal intern, was briefly a lawyer in Müllheim (Baden) and was there in 1830 Office Assessor, 1832 bailiff in Hornberg and in 1836 bailiff of the district office Loerrach . In 1842 he was appointed senior bailiff of the Lahr district office . As early as 1843 he was appointed senior administrator of the Pforzheim district office . In 1844 he was appointed city director and board member of the Heidelberg district office in Heidelberg . In 1846 he became director of the Evangelical Upper Church Council in Karlsruhe . From 1849 to 1860 he was government director of the district government of the Lower Rhine District in Mannheim and during the war in Baden he was extraordinary state commissioner for the Lower Rhine District. From 1864 until his death in 1869, after the district governments had been replaced by state commissioner districts, he was director of the administrative court in Bruchsal .


From 1842 to 1845 and from 1847 to 1854 Böhme belonged to the second chamber of the assembly of estates of the Grand Duchy of Baden, in the first period for the electoral district 17 (offices Triberg, Hornberg, Wolfach and Haslach), in the second period for the office electoral district 36 (Amt Neckarbischofsheim and Locations of the Mosbach District). In 1854 he was a member of the rural estate committee.

In 1850 Böhme was a member of the state house of the Erfurt Union Parliament . He was a member of the Baden delegation appointed by the Grand Ducal Government.



  • Armin Danco: The Yellow Book of the Corps Suevia zu Heidelberg, 3rd edition (members 1810–1985), Heidelberg 1985, no. 148
  • Jochen Lengemann : The German Parliament (Erfurt Union Parliament) from 1850 , 2000, pp. 89-90.
  • Wolfram Angerbauer (Red.): The heads of the upper offices, district offices and district offices in Baden-Württemberg from 1810 to 1972 . Published by the working group of the district archives at the Baden-Württemberg district assembly. Theiss, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-8062-1213-9 . , P. 193

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 121 , 197