Leopold grasses

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Leopold Gräser (born January 14, 1869 in Malsch , † November 18, 1927 in Karlsruhe ) was an administrative officer in Baden.


After attending the high school in Ettlingen and the grammar school in Rastatt and Karlsruhe, Gräser studied law at the universities of Würzburg , Munich , Heidelberg and Berlin from 1887 to 1891 and passed the 2nd state law examination in 1895. From 1892 to 1895 he worked as a trainee at various local courts as well as the regional courts in Waldshut and Mannheim . He then worked in a subordinate position at various Baden district offices until 1900 . In 1900 he became a bailiff in the Mosbach district office and in 1902 in Pforzheim . In 1905 he worked briefly in the district offices of Karlsruhe and Boxberg , where he was Oberamtmann from 1906 to 1907. He then took over the management of the Buchen district office . From 1912 to 1919 he headed the police department of the Mannheim district office as police director, and in 1917 he was appointed a secret councilor. In 1919 he was appointed head of the district office of Lörrach until 1924 when he was transferred to the state commissioner district of Karlsruhe . He held this office until his death in 1927.


  • Wolfram Angerbauer: Grasses, Leopold. In: Wolfram Angerbauer (Red.): The heads of the higher offices, district offices and district offices in Baden-Württemberg from 1810 to 1972 . Published by the working group of the district archives at the Baden-Württemberg district assembly. Theiss, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-8062-1213-9 . , P. 284

Individual evidence

  1. see Angerbauer
  2. State Handbook for Baden 1927, p. 41