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Coat of arms of Kassel
district of Kassel
Location of Wehlheiden in Kassel
Coordinates 51 ° 18 '43 "  N , 9 ° 27' 57"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 18 '43 "  N , 9 ° 27' 57"  E.
surface 2.92 km² (12/23)
Residents 14,430 (Dec. 31, 2019) (3/23)
Population density 4942 inhabitants / km² (3/23)
Proportion of foreigners 11.9% (Dec. 31, 2019) (16/23)
Incorporation Apr 1, 1899
Post Code 34121
prefix 0561
Website District information Wehlheiden
Mayor Norbert Sprafke ( SPD )
Allocation of seats (local advisory board)
A total of 13 seats
Source: Kassel Statistical Atlas

Wehlheiden is one of 23 districts of the north Hessian city ​​of Kassel ( Hesse , Germany ).


The Wehlheiden district is located southwest of the Mitte district , which essentially consists of the Kassel city ​​center . It is framed all around by other parts of the city. In the north and north-west it joins the district of Vorderer Westen , which is located on the other side of Wilhelmshöher Allee , in the north-east on the just mentioned "Mitte" and in the east, south-east and south on the southern part . In the west of the Schönfeld Park , bordering the Wehlheiden in the south, the boundaries of four Kassel districts meet on just one coordinate , so that there, in addition to the westernmost tip of the area of ​​the just mentioned Südstadt, it also borders Niederzwehren ; From this point in a westerly direction, the border to Süsterfeld-Helleböhn , which is located southwest of Wehlheiden, runs along numerous railway tracks . Beyond the Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe train station and thus west of Wehlheiden is Bad Wilhelmshöhe . The Druselbach flows through the district in a west-east direction. It is visible uncased on both sides of Schönfelder Strasse. The district has significant differences in altitude (150-180 m above sea level).


Wehlheiden, which is mostly very densely built, has some green areas, especially in the south and south-west, for example at Schönfeld Park , including the botanical garden , but also in the geographical center of the Wehlheider Friedhof district. Many streets are defined by multi-storey residential buildings from the early days. The earlier village character is still evident in some preserved half-timbered houses, e.g. B. in the Kochstrasse and in the vicinity of the Druselbach.

Public facilities

Other facilities


The first documentary mention was made in 1143 as "superior villa Welede" (Oberwehlheiden), in 1219 also called "inferior Welede" (Niederwehlheiden). On April 1, 1899 Wehlheiden was in the city of Kassel incorporated , while the urban area to 3.72 square kilometers expanded.

Population development

  • 1747: 400 inhabitants
  • 1866: 2,200 inhabitants
  • 1899: 10,114 inhabitants
  • 2009: 13,388 inhabitants

Local council election

The turnout in the 2016 local council election was 49.87%.

Wehlheiden local council election 2016
Gains and losses
compared to 2011
 % p
-2.50  % p
-6.72  % p
+ 2.47  % p.p.
+ 6.42  % p.p.
+ 0.33  % p

District life

Wehlheider Market

A weekly market has been held on Wehlheider Platz on Fridays since October 1983.

Wehlheider fair

The four-day Wehlheider fair is the district attraction in mid-August. Rides in the Kohlenstraße, food stalls and luck and skill stalls in the adjacent streets shape the image of the annual folk festival . After the symbol of the fair, the people of Wehlheider are popularly known as the “chariot stakes”.


The Turngemeinde Wehlheiden, the Kasseler SV 1951 eV and the FSC Dynamo Windrad Kassel offer popular sports activities.

Transport links

The district of Wehlheiden is connected to three different motorways in the southeast via Ludwig-Mond-Straße and Am Auedamm (part of the B 3 ) : Driving in this direction you come to the A 49 (junction Kassel Auestadion ), from the you can get south to the A 44 and to the east to the A 7 . There is a connection to ICE trains via the Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe train station .


Sons and daughters of Wehlheiden

Web links

Commons : Wehlheiden  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


Individual evidence

  1. Where do wagon stakes live - HNA of August 10, 2010