Kato Lefkara

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Kato Lefkara
Κάτω Λεύκαρα
Kato Lefkara (Cyprus)
Basic data
State : Cyprus RepublicRepublic of Cyprus Cyprus
District : Larnaka
Geographic coordinates : 34 ° 52 ′  N , 33 ° 19 ′  E Coordinates: 34 ° 52 ′  N , 33 ° 19 ′  E
Height above d. M .: 480  m
Residents : 128 (2011)
LAU-1 code no .: CY-03
Website: katolefkara.org

Kato Lefkara ( Greek Κάτω Λεύκαρα ) is a mountainous area in the district of Larnaca in Cyprus . In 2011 it had 128 inhabitants. Similar to its neighboring village Pano Lefkara , the place is best known for the production of lefkaritika , traditional ornate embroidery.


The place is located in the southeastern foothills of the Troodos Mountains at an altitude of about 480 meters. Direct neighbor is the higher, northern and better known Pano Lefkara . Municipalities and places in the area besides Pano Lefkara are Kato Drys , Vavla and Skarinou . The land in the area is mostly uncultivated, but grapes , olives , almond trees and various types of fruit are grown.

Web links

Commons : Kato Lefkara  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Statistical Service. Accessed February 16, 2019 (Download)
  2. a b katolefkara.org (accessed on February 16, 2019 (English))