List of plenary lectures at the International Congress of Mathematicians

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The list of plenary lectures at the international congresses of mathematicians lists the plenary lectures at the international congresses of mathematicians .

For Russian lectures, the title of the lecture is given in the translation language of the lecture volumes.

1897 Zurich

  • Henri Poincaré : Sur les rapports de l'analyse pure et de la physique mathématique
  • Adolf Hurwitz : About the development of the general theory of analytical functions in recent times
  • Giuseppe Peano : Logica matematica
  • Felix Klein : On the question of higher mathematical instruction

1900 Paris

1904 Heidelberg

1908 Rome

1912 Cambridge

1920 Strasbourg

1924 Toronto

  • Élie Cartan : La théorie des groupes et les recherches récentes de géométrie différentielle.
  • Leonard Dickson : Outline of the Theory to Date of the Arithmetics of Algebras.
  • Jean-Marie Le Roux , Considérations sur une équation aux dérivées partielles de la physique mathématique.
  • James Pierpont : Non-Euclidean Geometry from Non-Projective Standpoint.
  • Salvatore Pincherle : Sulle operazioni funzionali lineari.
  • Francesco Severi : La géométrie algébrique.
  • Carl Størmer : Modern Norwegian Researches on the Aurora Borealis
  • William Henry Young : Some Characteristic Features of Twentieth Century Pure Mathematical Research.

1928 Bologna

1932 Zurich

1936 Oslo

1950 Cambridge

1954 Amsterdam

1958 Edinburgh

1962 Stockholm

  • Lars Ahlfors : Teichmüller Spaces.
  • Armand Borel : Arithmetic Properties of Linear Algebraic Groups.
  • Alonzo Church : Logic, Arithmetic, and Automata.
  • Eugene Dynkin : Markov Processes and Problems in Analysis. (Russian)
  • Beno Eckmann : Homotopy and Cohomology Theory.
  • Israel Gelfand : Automorphic Functions and the Theory of Representations. (Russian)
  • Hans Grauert : The importance of the Levian problem for analytic and algebraic geometry.
  • Peter Henrici : Problems of Stability and Error Propagation in the Numerical Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations.
  • Jean-Pierre Kahane : Transformées de Fourier des fonctions sommables.
  • John Milnor : Topological Manifolds and Smooth Manifolds (Fields Medal Winner that same year)
  • MHA Newman : Geometrical Topology.
  • Louis Nirenberg : Some Aspects of Linear and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations.
  • Igor Schafarewitsch : Algebraic Number Fields. (Russian)
  • Atle Selberg : Discontinuous Groups and Harmonic Analysis (Winner of the Fields Medal 1950)
  • Jean-Pierre Serre : Géométrie algébrique (winner of the Fields Medal 1954)
  • Jacques Tits : Groupes simples et géométries associées.

1966 Moscow

1970 Nice

1974 Vancouver

1978 Helsinki

1983 Warsaw

  • Wladimir Arnold : Singularities of Ray Systems.
  • Paul Erdős : Extremal Problems in Number Theory, Combinatorics, and Geometry.
  • Wendell Fleming : Optimal Control of Markov Processes.
  • Christopher Hooley : Some Recent Advances in Analytical Number Theory.
  • Wu-Chung Hsiang : Geometric Applications of Algebraic K-Theory.
  • Peter Lax : Problems Solved and Unsolved Concerning Linear and Non-Linear Partial Differential Equations.
  • Viktor Pavlovich Maslow : Non-Standard Characteristics in Asymptotical Problems.
  • Barry Mazur : Modular Curves and Arithmetic.
  • Robert MacPherson : Global Questions in the Topology of Singular Spaces.
  • Aleksander Pełczyński : Structural Theory of Branch Spaces and Its Interplay with Analysis and Probability.
  • Gilles Pisier : Finite rank projections on Banach spaces and a conjecture of Grothendieck
  • David Ruelle : Turbulent Dynamical Systems.
  • Mikio Satō : Monodromy Theory and Holonomic Quantum Fields - a New Link between Mathematics and Theoretical Physics.
  • Yum-Tong Siu : Some Recent Developments in Complex Differential Geometry.

1986 Berkeley

1990 Kyoto

  • Spencer Bloch : Algebraic K-Theory, Motives, and Algebraic Cycles.
  • Stephen Cook : Computational Complexity of Higher Type Functions.
  • Boris Feigin : Conformal Field Theory and Cohomologies of the Lie Algebra of Holomorphic Vector Fields on a Complex Curve.
  • Andreas Floer : Elliptic Methods in Variational Problems.
  • Yasutaka Ihara : Braids, Galois Groups, and Some Arithmetic Functions.
  • Vaughan Jones : Von Neumann Algebras in Mathematics and Physics (winner of the Fields Medal in the same year)
  • László Lovász : Geometric Algorithms and Algorithmic Geometry.
  • George Lusztig : Intersection Cohomology Methods in Representation Theory.
  • Andrew Majda : The Interaction on Non-Linear Analysis and Modern Applied Mathematics.
  • Gregori Margulis : Dynamical and Ergodic Properties of Subgroup Actions on Homogeneous Spaces with Applications to Number Theory (Winner of the Fields Medal 1978)
  • Richard Melrose : Pseudodifferential Operators, Corners and Singular Limits.
  • Shigefumi Mori : Birational Classification of Algebraic Threefolds (Winner of the Fields Medal in the same year)
  • Jakow Grigoryevich Sinai : Hyperbolic Billiards.
  • Karen Uhlenbeck : Applications of Non-Linear Analysis in Topology.
  • Alexander Nikolajewitsch Wartschenko (Varchenko): Multidimensional Hypergeometric Functions in Conformal Field Theory, Algebraic K-Theory, Algebraic Geometry.

1994 Zurich

1998 Berlin

2002 Beijing

  • Noga Alon : Discrete Mathematics: Methods and Challenges.
  • Douglas Arnold : Differential Complexes and Numerical Stability.
  • Alberto Bressan : Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws in One Space Dimension.
  • Luis Caffarelli : Nonlinear Elliptic Theory and the Monge-Ampere Equation.
  • Sun-Yung Alice Chang , Paul C. Yang : Non-linear Partial Differential Equations in Conformal Geometry.
  • David Donoho : Emerging Applications of Geometric Multiscale Analysis.
  • Ludwig Faddejew (Fadeev): Knotted Solitons.
  • Shafi Goldwasser : Mathematical Foundations of Modern Cryptography: Computational Complexity Perspective.
  • Uffe Haagerup : Random Matrices, Free Probability and the Invariant Subspace Problem Relative to a von Neumann Algebra.
  • Michael J. Hopkins : Algebraic Topology and Modular Forms.
  • Victor Kac : Classification of Supersymmetries.
  • Harry Kesten : Some Highlights of Percolation.
  • Frances Kirwan : Cohomology of Moduli Spaces.
  • Laurent Lafforgue : Chtoucas de Drinfeld , Formule des Traces d'Arthur-Selberg et Correspondance de Langlands (winner of the Fields Medal in the same year)
  • David Mumford : Pattern Theory: The Mathematics of Perception (1974 Fields Medal Winner)
  • Hiraku Nakajima : Geometric Construction of Representations of Affine Algebras.
  • Yum-Tong Siu : Some Recent Transcendental Techniques in Algebraic and Complex Geometry.
  • Richard Taylor : Galois Representations.
  • Gang Tian : Geometry and Nonlinear Analysis.
  • Edward Witten : Singularities in String Theory (winner of the Fields Medal 1990)

2006 Madrid

2010 Hyderabad

2014 Seoul

2018 Rio de Janeiro

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See also