List of streets in Essen-Stadtwald

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City forest

The list of streets in Essen-Stadtwald describes the street system in Essen 's Stadtwald district with the corresponding historical references.

Introduction and overview

In Essen-Stadtwald there are 9818 inhabitants today (March 31, 2020) on an area of ​​4.14 square kilometers. The district belongs to the postcode districts 45133 and 45134.

The urban district boundary of Stadtwald is formed roughly clockwise from the north as follows:
the street Im Walpurgistal to Bergerhausen in the north; in the east to Rellinghausen take the street Am Glockenberg and continue a straight line to the south over the Frankenstrasse to the street Kuckucksrain, then follow the course of the Pilgrimsteig and the Mattheyweg; in the southwest to Heisingen south of the road Renteilichtung through the Schellenberg forest; in the south to Bredeney a course south of the Heisinger Straße, crossing the Lerchenstraße further through the city forest, crossing the Frankenstraße to the north further on the Wiedfeldstraße; running in the north-east and north to Rüttenscheid via Heinrich-Held-Straße, Bundesautobahn 52 and Birkenstraße.

In the area of ​​Frankenstrasse and Heisinger Strasse there is the street name group of the bird species. Another group of names after so-called Krupp officials can be found in the Krupp settlement Altenhof II .

There are 121 designated traffic areas in Stadtwald, including two squares, Stadtwaldplatz and Grünhof .
Of these, the following streets are only partially in the district:
Aegidiusstraße, Bohrmühlental, Bottlenberg, Frankenstraße, Heinrich-Held-Straße, Heisinger Straße, Im Walpurgistal, Kantorie, Kuckucksrain, Oberstraße, Renteilichtung, Riesweg, Wiedfeldstraße, Wittekindstraße and Wittenbergstraße.

Run through the Stadtwald district

  • the federal highway 52 as part of the northern border to Rüttenscheid
  • the state road L441 from Rellinghausen on the Frankenstrasse to Bredeney.

List of streets

The following table gives an overview of the streets and paths in the district with corresponding information.

  • Name : current name of the street or square.
  • Length / dimensions in meters:
    The length information contained in the overview are rounded overview values ​​that were determined in Google Earth using the local scale. They are used for comparison purposes and, if official values ​​are known, are exchanged and marked separately.
    For squares, the dimensions are given in the form a × b.
    The addition (in the district) indicates that the length is that of the street section within Huttrop, as the street continues into neighboring districts.
    The addition (without side streets) indicates the length of the "main street" in the case of branched streets.
  • Derivation : origin or reference of the name
  • Date of designation : first official designation
  • Notes : additional information
  • Image : Photo of the street or an adjacent object
Surname Length / dimensions
(in meters)
Derivation Date of designation Remarks image
Aegidiusstrasse 420
(in the district)
Saint Aegidius Feb. 4, 1904 The Aegidiusstraße leads to Bredeney and ends there as a dead end.
Ahornstrasse 700 Maple , deciduous tree 16 Sep 1910 Ahornstraße was previously called Bergisch-Märkische Straße . It branches off to the north of Frankenstrasse and leads in a northerly direction onto Eschenstrasse. Ahornstrasse, access to the train station
Maple branch 60 Ahronstrasse junction June 3, 1935 The Ahornzweig road branches off to the west of the Ahornstrasse.
At the Dönhof 220 Dönhof, farm name December 11, 1931 Don or Dun should mean low or deep, according to the official reason for the street naming from 1931. According to the Honigmann’s map from 1803, the Dönhof was located on today's Amselstrasse, right next to Blashof and Kellermann. This actually refers to the Untereyhof, which was on Hagelkreuz Street and belonged to Baron von Schell.
The street Am Dönhof, which was previously called Eyhof , connects the street Waldsaum with the Angerstraße.
On the Glockenberg 490 Bell tower of the Rellinghauser collegiate church 16 Sep 1910 The road leads from the Rellinghauser Mühlenbachtal up to the collegiate church of St. Lambertus and got its name in relation to the bell tower.
The street on Glockenberg, which previously had the names Glockenbergstraße , Kurzestraße , Steinstraße in parts and was a northern part of Stiftstraße in the south , leads in a western extension of street St. Annental to the south and west around the collegiate church on Frankenstraße. Almost in its entirety, it forms the border with Rellinghausen .
At the Uhlenkrug 560
(without access roads)
Uhlenkrug, neighboring restaurant Apr 15, 1969 The neighboring Uhlenkrug restaurant was built in 1912 on the sole site of the demolished Wittenberghof.
The street on the Uhlenkrug, which was previously part of the Wittekindstraße, branches off to the east of the Wittenbergstraße and leads back to it in an arch.
Uhlenkrug Stadium
At the Wiedenfeld 100 Widumfeld, field name Dec 16, 1970 The name goes back to the Widumfeld, whereby Widum or Widem meant the donation to a church. The Wiedenfeld was located in the area of ​​the Hagelkreuz built in 1677 and belonged to the Rellinghauser pastorate.
The street Am Wiedenfeld, which was previously called Am Hang , connects Angerstraße with Frankenstraße.
Amselstrasse 620 Blackbird , species of bird 16 Sep 1910 The Amselstraße was part of the original course of the Frankenstraße until it was led around it in a northerly arc before 1875. The straight part of the street was named Kuhstraße in 1903 , before becoming today's Amselstraße in 1910.
Angerstrasse 590 Anger , grassy land Oct 9, 1914 Anger was understood here to mean a natural pasture area with short grass growth that was here before the Eyhof settlement was established.
Angerstraße connects Ahornstraße with the eastern part of Waldsaum road.
Ascherfeldweg 95 Adalbert Ascherfeld, a so-called Krupp officer Oct 21, 1938 Adalbert Ascherfeld was born in Essen on December 28, 1811 and was the cousin of the industrialist Alfred Krupp . Ascherfeld was head of the smelting department in the Krupp cast steel factory from 1845 to 1868. He died on October 30, 1881 in Wiesbaden .
The Ascherfeldweg is located in the Altenhof II Krupp settlement .
Birkenstrasse 380 Birch , deciduous tree 16 Sep 1910 The Birkenstraße, previously known as Bachstraße , branches off to the east of Witteringstraße and forms a dead end from Ulmenstraße. Birkenstrasse forms part of the suburb of Rüttenscheid .
Bodelschwinghstrasse 250 Friedrich von Bodelschwingh , theologian 16 Sep 1910 Bodelschwinghstraße, which was previously called in parts Kirchstraße , Kuckuckstraße and Ludgerusstraße , connects the street Kuckucksrain with the Oberstraße.
Bohrmühlental 240
(without access roads)
Former drilling and grinding mill Feb 25, 1937 At the corner of Eschenstrasse and Im Walpurgistak there was a boring and grinding mill. Gerhard Oefte and Christian Schlieper received on 25 July 1619 permission to land the Rellinghauser create a Mill Pond Mark comrades. For the years 1655 and 1685 the Essen citizen Dietrich Waterfohr is named as the mill owner. In 1716 a Mr. Tevenar is mentioned as a tenant. In 1801 the lease of the merchant Ruland expired, after which there should be no further leases. Nevertheless, he first leased it to a certain Halbach and then to a Grillo. He won a lawsuit against the march comrades and was allowed to use the mill for another 14 years. Toussaint Mureau acquired it on July 16, 1823 for 1,525 thalers and converted it into a grain mill, since the gunsmithing in Essen had meanwhile come to a standstill. The last owner of the mill was a Mr. Langhardt, who sold it to the city of Essen in 1905. It was later converted into a residential building.
The Bohrmühlental street, which was previously called Kreuzstraße and was then part of Willenbergstraße , connects Bussardstraße in a northerly direction with Eschenstraße.
Bosselberg 210 Kleinzeche Bosselberg Aug 5, 1936 The Kleinzeche Bosselberg was located in the area of ​​the Kluse and thus at the origin of the Langenbrahm colliery , the name of which appeared before 1800. There was also the Bosselbank seam, which was awarded in 1796.
The Bosselberg street branches off north of the Drosselanger street and leads back in an arc back onto it.
Bottlenberg 280
(in the district)
Bottlenberg (noble family) July 9, 1915 It was named after the Bottlenberg family called von Schirp at Baldeney Castle from the Bottlenberg family.
The street that was previously called Bottlenbergstraße , Bottlenberg, branches off southwest of Heisinger Straße and continues to Bredeney .
Breidbachweg 85 Joseph Breidbach, so-called Krupp official Nov 14, 1935 Joseph Breidbach was born on May 28, 1831 in Kruft . He was an engineer and head of department at Krupp and died on June 17, 1913 in Essen.
The Breidbachweg is located in the Kruppsiedlung Altenhof II and was therefore named Altenhof II along with several other streets there .
Buttnerstrasse 380 Paul Büttner, so-called Krupp officer Oct 14, 1935 Paul Büttner was born on June 19, 1875 in Gartz (Oder) . He became assistant in 1904, operations manager in 1908, head of department in 1915, head of department at the Krupp locomotive and wagon construction factory in 1919, and finally in 1921 authorized signatory of Friedrich Krupp AG. He died in Essen on June 6, 1934.
The Büttnerstraße is located in the Krupp settlement Altenhof II and was therefore named Altenhof II along with several other streets .
Buschfeldweg 110 Wilhelm Buschfeld, so-called Krupp officer Oct 21, 1938 Wilhelm Buschfeld was born on January 21, 1873 in Mönchengladbach . From 1910 he was director of the Friedrich Krupp Germania shipyard in Kiel and from 1923 a member of the board of directors of Friedrich Krupp AG. He died in Essen on October 16, 1936.
The Buschfeldweg is located in the Altenhof II Krupp settlement .
Bussardweg 400 Buzzard , bird of prey Apr. 24, 1974 Bussardstraße branches off from Bohrmühlental in an easterly direction and ends in a dead end.
Corveystrasse 100 Fief of the Corvey Monastery May 31, 1930 According to the Essen monastery archivist Johannes Nikolaus Kindlinger (1749–1819), the Vittinghoff farm, before the construction of Schellenberg Castle, was the residence of the Vittinghoff- Schell family , until the 14th century a fief of the Corvey monastery.
Corveystraße is a southern cul-de-sac of Sundernholz street and is located near the former Vittinghoff house .
Choke long 230 Thrush , species of bird Dec 22, 1949 The street Drosselanger branches off southeast of the Heisinger Straße and from the junction of the street Bosselberg forms the district boundary to Bredeney . It finally turns into Trappenbergstrasse. Until 1949 the street Drosselanger was part of the Drosselstraße.
Drosselstrasse 330 Thrush , species of bird 16 Sep 1910 Drosselstrasse, which was previously called Hochstrasse , connects Leveringstrasse with Schellstrasse. In 1949, today's Drosselanger road was cut off.
Thrush Path 65 Johann Druschel, the so-called Krupp officer Oct 14, 1935 Johann Druschel was born on November 14th in Wallroth and was a master craftsman at Friedrich Krupp AG. He died in Essen on October 14, 1907.
The Druschelpfad is located in the Kruppsiedlung Altenhof II and was therefore named Altenhof II along with several other streets there .
Eginhardhöhe 370 Eginhard, name of the farm owners Aug 5, 1936 Around 950 AD a certain Eginhard and his wife Rickilt were entitled to inherit the Oberhof Ruoldinchus (Rellinghausen).
The Eginhardhöhe connects Amselstrasse with Oberstrasse.
Oak Street 1040 Oak , deciduous tree 16 Sep 1910 Eichenstrasse, which was previously called the Ringstrasse , is now a short stretch of the Büttnerstrasse south of the federal autobahn 52, forming the border with Rüttenscheid . It is located here in the Altenhof II Kruppsiedlung and leads in a southerly direction west past the Schillerwiese sports facility to Frankenstrasse. Until the construction of the A52 in the 1970s, Eichenstraße led north of Büttnerstraße further east over the course of today's motorway to Wittekindstraße.
Eichhoffweg 160 Ernst Eichhoff, the so-called Krupp official Oct. 31, 1938 Ernst Eichhoff was born on May 24, 1820 in Andernach and was authorized officer of Friedrich Krupp AG from 1871 to 1881. As the brother-in-law of the company owner Alfred Krupp, he was responsible for the so-called commercial department. He died on October 28, 1881 in Essen- Bredeney .
The Eichhoffweg is located in the Altenhof II Krupp settlement .
Island 150 green island country, location description Oct. 1, 1920 The reason for the name says: Eiland, as much as green island country, according to the location of the street on an island-like protrusion in the Eyhofsiedlung that extends northwards.
The Eiland road is a short connection in the arch of the Waldsaum road.
Erikapfad 170 Erika, heather 13 Sep 1922 The reason for the name lies in the location of the Erikapfads in the area of ​​the former Rellinghauser Heide.
The Erikapfad connects the streets Uhlenkruggarten and Am Uhlenkrug.
Eschenstrasse 1170 Ash , deciduous tree 16 Sep 1910 Eschenstraße, which was previously called Markenstraße , leads from Am Uhlenkrug in a north-westerly direction to Straße Im Walpurgistal.
Fasanenstrasse 480 Pheasant , species of bird 16 Sep 1910 The Fasanenstraße, which was previously called Hallohstraße , connects the Riesweg with the Eginhardhöhe street.
Finkenhof 180 Finches , species of bird Feb. 27, 1928 The street Finkenhof branches off to the southwest of the Schellstraße and leads back to it in an arch.
Forsthausstrasse 1050
(without access roads)
Forsthaus, location name Feb. 4, 1903 At the time it was named, the road led to the forester's house of the Vittinghoff- Schellschen Rentei.
Today the Forsthausstraße connects the Frankenstraße in a southerly direction with the Renteilichtung road.
Frankenstrasse 3600
(in the district)
Tribal border between Franconia and Saxony 16 Sep 1910 The Rüttenscheid peasantry was separated from the Bredeney , Haarzopf and Fulerum tribes by the Essen tenth border, the marca Francorum et Saxonum, the tribal border of the Franks and Saxons . The road led west to the former Franconian region and established such a connection for the first time. A precise borderline is not proven. After the street was called Steeler Straße in its eastern course in Rellinghausen and Stadtwald until 1910 , it was called Rellinghauser Straße until 1915 in its western part in Bredeney. In 1969 the city of Essen renamed Frankenstraße after the important politicians of the post-war years in Rellinghausen as Kurt-Schumacher- Straße and in the western part as Konrad-Adenauer- Straße. This was followed by protests by the population in the form of a collection of signatures and actions by the citizens' alliance. After a few weeks, the city gave in and the entire length of the street was renamed Frankenstrasse. Frankenstrasse divides the Stadtwald district in an east-west direction between the neighboring districts of Bredeney and Rellinghausen . It is part of the L441 state road.
Gantesweiler 120 Karl Gantesweiler, so-called Krupp official Oct 14, 1935 Karl Gantesweiler was born on July 16, 1809 in Düsseldorf and was an authorized signatory of Friedrich Krupp AG. He Strab on November 21, 1855 in Essen.
The Gantesweiler strait is located in the Altenhof II Krupp estate and was therefore named Altenhof II along with several other streets there .
Geitlingstrasse 210 former Geitling colliery at Wittenberge around 1899 A coal seam also bears the name Geitling.
Geilingstrasse connects Drosselstrasse with Goldfinkstrasse.
Girondellenstrasse 340 Girondelle, name of a coal seam Feb. 4, 1903 The field name Gyrendelle or Gierendelle existed before 1780, i.e. before the start of operations at the Gierendeller Siepen colliery , which was also known as the Gyrendeller Siepen colliery, the Girendeller colliery Siepen or the Girondeller Siepen colliery.
Girondellenstraße connects Heidehang with Geitlingstraße.
Goldammerweg 130 Goldenhammer , species of bird Aug 5, 1936 The Goldammerweg connects the Fasanenweg in a southerly direction with the Oberstraße.
Goldfinkstrasse 440 Golden finch , bird species; previously coal seam Feb. 4, 1903 Like the neighboring Geitlingstrasse and Girondellenstrasse, Goldfinkstrasse was named after a coal seam at the time of the Rellinghausen mayor's office . After the incorporation into the city of Essen, the surrounding streets were named after bird species, whether consciously or out of ignorance of the connection is no longer verifiable.
Goldfinkstraße connects Heidehang street with Schellstraße.
Grevendieck 230 Grevendieck, name of the farm Aug 5, 1936 It is named after an old monastery yard, which, according to the map of the chief forester Pasbach, was on the corner of Amselstraße and Forsthausstraße. The kötter and joiner Grevendieck is mentioned in 1795, with the landlord being Baron von Schell. In the mother role of 1866, the owner Ludger Wilhelm Graevendyck is mentioned. In 1881 the Kotten was transferred to the Rendanten Überfeld in Rellinghausen . In 1889 the master baker Johann Hülsmann became the owner.
The street Grevendieck connects the Fasanenweg in a southerly direction with the Oberstraße.
Grünhof 120 × 22 green space in the Eyhof settlement Oct. 1, 1920 In its spatial-artistic version, the Grünhof is conceived as a pure architectural space. It consists of lawns and tree planting.
The Grünhof is located in the Eyhof settlement between the Eiland and Hagelkreuz streets.
Habichtstrasse 540 Hawk , species of bird 16 Sep 1910 Habichtstrasse, which was previously called Friedrichstrasse , connects Frankenstrasse in a northerly direction with Bussardstrasse. On April 24, 1974, it was extended by a spur road north of Bussardstrasse.
Hail cross 310 Hagelkreuz, location name Oct. 1, 1920 An old path led from Hagelkreuz to Unter-Eyhof, which ran along today's Hagelkreuz road. This path was used every year on Sunday for the hail procession, which was supposed to prevent hail damage from the fields. The Hagelkreuz itself stood roughly at the corner of the streets Waldsaum and Hagelkreuz and was erected in 1667 by Rellinghauser Pastor Hesselmann.
Hagelkreuz Street is a link in the arch of Waldsaum Street.
Hans-Niemeyer-Strasse 240 Hans Niemeyer , counselor, music patron May 31, 1930 Hans Niemeyer was born on June 9, 1834 as the son of a doctor in Magdeburg . He worked as a lawyer and notary and was a counselor . He also made a great contribution to promoting musical life in Essen. He died in Essen on December 17, 1917. His sons were the painter and architect Adelbert Niemeyer , the international law expert Theodor Niemeyer and the judicial councilor and art patron Victor Niemeyer .
Hans-Niemeyer-Strasse is located in the Krupp housing estate Altenhof II .
Heather slope 410 District Heide July 6, 1929 The street was named because of its location in the Heide district and the nature of the terrain there.
The street Heidehang, which was previously called Kellermannweg and Wachtelweg , connects Amselstraße with Frankenstraße in a southern arch.
Heinrich-Held-Strasse 280
(in the district)
Heinrich Held , Protestant theologian Apr. 27, 1989 Heinrich-Held-Straße branches off northeast from Wiedfeldtstraße and ends in several spur streets. In the western part it forms the suburb of Rüttenscheid and then continues there.
Heisinger Strasse 1340
(in the district)
former municipality of Heisingen Feb. 27, 1928 The Heisinger Straße, which was newly laid out in Stadtwald in 1928, leads from Stadtwaldplatz in a south-easterly direction to the neighboring district of Heisingen, where it meets the Bredeneyer Straße, which has existed since around 1913 and was renamed Heisinger Straße on this move.
In the Walpurgistal 1330
(in the district)
Walburga or Walpurgis , feminine given name March 16, 1979 The street Im Walpurgistal was previously part of the Walpurgisstraße , which was interrupted by the construction of the federal highway 52 . The Rüttenscheider part is still called Walpurgisstrasse today. There is only one connection on foot to get there. The street Im Walpurgistal begins at the autobahn and in its western course forms the border to the neighboring district of Bergerhausen and continues to the west in Rellinghausen .
Jüngstallee 320 Carl Jüngst, a so-called Krupp officer Oct 14, 1935 Carl Jüngst was born on August 25, 1872 in Gleiwitz . He was a mining assessor at the Hannibal colliery and the Hannover colliery . In 1901 he joined the Krupp company, became an assistant in 1906, an authorized signatory in 1913 and a deputy member of the board of directors of Friedrich Krupp AG in 1923.
The Jüngstalle is located in the Kruppsiedlung Altenhof II and was therefore named Altenhof II along with several other streets there .
Cantory 580
(in the district)
Cantory, field name Nov 12, 1934 The Cantorei is mentioned in the so-called Kordenbuch in 1821. The income from this piece of land was due to the respective cantor or sexton von Rellinghausen. It was later exchanged for Schellsche's site on Rellinghauser Mühlenbach.
The street Kantorie leads in a southern curve from the street Renteilichtung in an easterly direction to Rellinghausen .
Kellermann's bush 250 Grove at the Kellermann farm July 6, 1929 A beech forest, called a bush, belonged to the Kellermann farm. The farm is mentioned in the lease book of the Werden monastery from the years 1589/1590 upm Keller der hoff by Rellinckhusen. Originally belonging to the Schellenberg family , it was bought by the Rellinghausen chapter in 1454 . In 1975 the Kellermann lease and the Rellinghausen capital are mentioned as owners. In 1824 Anton Kellermann asserted a hereditary right of use against the Prussian domain administration. He could not enforce his claims. So he and his wife Gertrud nee Vöcklinghaus took over the 68- acre farm on a long  lease. Johann Springob called Kellermann replaced the long lease canon in 1854 and thus became the unrestricted owner.
The street Kellermanns Busch connects the street heidehang with the Leverin street.
Kleppes field 140 Kleppe, location name Oct 13, 1994 A sick person, the Kleppe or Lepros ( leprosy sufferers) lived alone in the Kleppe or the Leprosy House. He drew attention to leprosy with a warning clap. There is also the field name Klepperstrünk in the area of ​​the Langenbrahm colliery and the Krupp forest park, whereby Strünk was probably meant by a bush. In 1837 the Klepperkotten, known as the Oberkleppe, from the Essendische Heide was leased to Hermann Kleppe.
The street Kleppes Feld leads back to the Amselstraße in a northerly curve.
Cuckoo strain 250
(in the district)
Name invented based on the location of the street Oct 18, 1921 The street Kuckucksrain leads from the Forsthausstraße in an easterly direction to Rellinghausen .
Lerchenstrasse 400 Lark , species of bird 16 Sep 1910 The Lerchenstrasse, previously known as Hügelstrasse , leads from Stadtwaldplatz in a south-westerly direction to Bredeney .
Leveringstrasse 440 Levering, court name Feb. 4, 1903 The Leveringhof was a personal prize of the Rellinghausen chapter of women . The first mention of it comes from the year 1378, when Eberhard vd Leiten, with the will of his wife Jutta, sold the Gut op den Lewerke near Rellinghausen to Hugo von der Horst, who on the same day sold it on to the Kapitel in Rellinghausen with the family who were seated. The married couple Johan auf der Levering and his wife Grieten received personal profit at the farm in 1632. The last profit letter from 1803 is for Theodor Levering and his wife Agnes Kirchmann. Due to the fact that the Levering family had owned the farm for over 200 years, the domain administration recognized hereditary property rights, which the Prussian finance minister approved on January 22, 1834. The owner, now called Johann Leverich, replaced the fiscal burdens on the farm on November 24, 1853 and became the unrestricted owner.
The Leveringstraße connects the street Rüstermark in a westward direction with the Frankenstraße.
Mattheyweg 120 Joseph Matthey, Landgeometer of the Essen Abbey Nov 12, 1934 Joseph Matthey was born on April 17th, 1763 in Wesel . He was the land geometer of the Essen monastery and rent master of Baron von Schell. In this capacity he headed the Schellenberger Glashütte around 1817. He died on July 31, 1835 in Rellinghausen.
The Mattheyweg connects the Kantorie street with Renteilichtung street.
Max-Dregener-Weg 100 Max Dregener, the so-called Krupp officer Oct 21, 1938 Max Dreger was born on May 30, 1852 in Neuwedell . He was a chief engineer, construction director and major. Between 1910 and 1915 he was the general representative of the Krupp company in Berlin. He died there on September 12, 1927.
The Max-Dregener-Weg is located in the Altenhof II Krupp estate .
Oberstrasse 670
(in the district)
Location in the upper part of Rellinghausen Feb. 4, 1903 There was once a sub-street in the neighboring district of Rellinghausen , today Ardeystraße, which in the upper part was called Oberstraße and was later extended to Stadtwald on September 16, 1910.
Today's course of the Oberstraße begins in Rellinghausen and leads west into the city forest on the Riesweg.
Otto-Schnabel-Weg 240 Otto Schnabel, a so-called Krupp official Oct 14, 1935 Otto Schnabel was born in Siegen on April 17, 1846 . In 1869 he became a clerk of the Krupp company, in 1893 an authorized signatory and finally from 1899 to 1912 deputy director. He died in Essen on October 28, 1918.
The Otto-Schnabel-Weg is located in the Krupp settlement Altenhof II and was therefore named Altenhof II along with several other streets .
Pilgrim path 440 Pilgrim von der Leiten, pebbles of the Essen monastery 17 Sep 1924 Pilgrim von der Leiten was Erbdrost of the Essen monastery from 1413 to 1440 and lived at Schellenberg Castle . The von der Leiten or von Leytene were an old Essenes ministerial family who probably descended from the Leite family near Kray . Leithe is the name of an Essen district today.
The Pilgrimsteig leads from the Renteilichtung road in a northerly direction to Rellinghausen , where it forms the border along its entire length.
Oriole Street 130 Golden Oriole , species of bird Feb 10, 1931 The Pirolstraße is a dead end of the Zeisigstraße southwest of the Stadtwaldplatz.
Plane path 150 Plane tree , deciduous tree Feb 25, 1970 The plane path, which was previously the western part of Markenstrasse and then Eschenstrasse , connects Eichenstrasse with Wittenbergstrasse.
Rent dividend 1190
(in the district)
Clearing near the pension building Nov 12, 1934 In the Schellenberg Forest the road forms a clearing and leads past the pension building of Baron von Vittinghoff (called Schell).
The Renteilichtung road leads from Vittinhoffstraße in a north-easterly direction and from the junction of Mattheyweg on to Rellinghausen .
Riesweg 810
(in the district)
Riesweg, forest property Feb. 4, 1903 The original spelling was Reisweg. The following announcement comes from the year 1827: On Saturday, September 15th. J. in the morning at 10 a.m., to eat in the business premises of the rent office in the district of Heide, Mayor of Steele, 31 Morgen, 31 Ruthen, 70 feet large domanial forest place, called the Reisweg, in front of the royal rent master Mr. Keller publicly, namely alternative: a) for free purchase, b) for sale with reservation of a pension.
The Riesweg branches off from the Sundernholz road and continues in a north-easterly direction to Rellinghausen .
Armory 460 Armor mark, name of a district Nov 12, 1934 In 1460 the Dendelershove (Dandermann) received a right in the Ryster Mark in a document.
The street Rüstermark, which was previously part of the Hochstraße and as a result of the Drosselstraße, connects the Drosselweg with the street Heidehang.
Schellstrasse 520 Schell, family name 16 Sep 1910 Members of the old family Vietinghoff -Schell were on Schloss Schellenberg Erbdrosten the pin food . After Friedrich von Vittinghoff had moved his seat to the Lower Rhine in 1909, he leased the castle to the Catholic welfare association, which set up a children's home there.
Schellstrasse, which was previously called Isenbergstrasse , connects Vittinghoffstrasse with Heisinger Strasse.
Black Lenen Way 730 Black Lene, nickname of a landlady Feb. 18, 1959 Anna Magdalena Bramkamp b. Plückthun (born October 14, 1777 in Bredeney ; † May 17, 1857 ibid) was the landlady of a summer tavern that was visited by the Trample Club. This club was a notable walking club in Essen, in which, among others, Alfried Krupp and Adolf Knaudt were members. The landlady received the nickname Black Lene because of her black hair.
The Schwarze-Lenen-Weg, which was previously known as Schwarze-Lenen-Straße , leads from Vittinghoffstraße in a south-westerly direction to Heisinger Straße and from there as a spur road further south.
Sperberstrasse 510 Sparrowhawk , species of bird Sep 10 1910 The Sperberstraße is a dead end of the Eschenstraße in the Walpurgistal.
Stadtwaldplatz 85 × 70 Place in the district of the same name July 15, 1957 The Stadtwaldplatz is the central square in the former city district and today's district, which is identical to the district of Heide.
Heisingerstrasse flows into Stadtwaldplatz from the south and Wittenbergstrasse from the north. In an east-west direction, it is crossed by Frankenstrasse as the L441 state road.
City forest turn 310 Municipality and today's district Stadtwald Aug 14, 1933 The street Stadtwaldwende is a southwestern dead end of the Ahornstraße.
Pen bush 130 Stiftbusch, name of a forest Feb 25, 1937 The forest area called Stiftbusch was cleared around 1820.
The street Stiftbusch is a southern cul-de-sac of the street Stiftmühlenbrink.
Stiftmühlenbrink 420 Stiftsmühle at the Rellinghauser Mühlenbach Feb 25, 1937 The former monastery mill on the Rellinghauser Mühlenbach was the mill of the Rellinghauser women's monastery. The addition Brink means grass slope, which means the location of the mill on the slope of the Rellinghauser Mühlenbach. It was first mentioned in 1411. Gert in der Molen was enfeoffed with the mill in 1435. Jörgen Overmann followed in 1507 and an unnamed hand to be named within a year. In 1576, Jörgen's widow obtained from the Essen abbess, who was now responsible for the enfeoff, that one of her children was enfeoffed with the mill with a hand to be named within six years. In 1763 it was given as a fief to Johan Wilhelm Möller. The mill was in operation until the beginning of the 20th century. Since the stream and mill pond were silted up by the discharge of sewage, operations were stopped. By resolution of the Essen city council, the city of Essen bought the mill property on January 26, 1906 for 292,000 marks from Arnold Müller.
The street Stiftmühlenbrink, which was previously called Klosterstraße and Geierstraße , connects the street Am Glockenberg in a westerly direction with Habichtstraße.
Stiftstrasse 50 Rellinghauser women's pen Feb. 4, 1904 The Stiftstrasse connects the Oberstrasse with the Frankenstrasse.
Stroux path 65 Theodor Stroux, so-called Krupp official Oct 14, 1935 Theodor Stroux was born in Essen on April 7, 1840. From 1859 to 1909 he was a designer at the Krupp company. He died in Essen on March 5, 1916.
The Strouxpfad is located in the Krupp settlement Altenhof II and was therefore named Altenhof II along with several other streets .
Sundernwood 690 Sundern, part of a forest July 6, 1929 The so-called Sundern , a separate and separate part of the forest within the Mark, was located in the former armory .
Sundernholz Street connects Amselstraße in a south-eastern arc with Drosselstraße.
Trappenbergstrasse 330 Trappenberg, field name Feb. 4, 1903 Trappenbergstrasse branches off southwest of Heisinger Strasse and merges into Strasse Drosselanger.
Uhlenkruggarten 160 Adjacent garden of the Uhlenkrug restaurant 13 Sep 1922 The street Uhlenkruggarten is a southern cul-de-sac of the street Am Uhlenkrug.
Elm garden 160 Based on the Ulmenhof 22 Sep 1971 The street Ulmengarten branches off south of the street Ulmenhof and leads back to it. See also Ulmenhof.
Elm slope 50 Based on the Ulmenhof 22 Sep 1971 The street Ulmenhang connects the street Ulmengarten with the Ulmenstraße. See also Ulmenhof.
Ulmenhof 210
(without access roads)
Ulmenhof, colliery colony Jan. 26, 1912 The Ulmenhof, named after its location on Ulmenstrasse, was originally a colliery colony of the Langenbrahm colliery , with Ulmenhof being a collective name for all streets in the settlement. In 1971 the streets were given the individual names Ulmengarten, Ulmenhang and Ulmenhof due to their inexpedience.
The street Ulmenhof connects the Ulmenstraße with the Birkenstraße.
Ulmenstrasse 340 Elm , deciduous tree 16 Sep 1910 The Ulmenstraße branches off southeast of the Birkenstraße and ends in two spur streets. The southern cul-de-sac was added as part of the Ulmenhof estate on September 22, 1971.
Verreshöhe 220 Anton Verres, so-called Krupp officer Oct 14, 1935 Anton Verres was born on May 8, 1836 in Bocholt . He started at Krupp in 1864 as a design engineer, became operations manager in 1865 and head of department of the drum rolling mill and the set axis turning shop in 1890. He died on March 18, 1913 in Essen.
The street Verreshöhe is located in the Kruppsiedlung Altenhof II and was therefore named Altenhof II along with several other streets there .
Vittinghoffstrasse 950 Vittinghoff , old family name 16 Sep 1910 The headquarters of the Barons von Vittinghoff called Schell was located between Schwarze-Lenen-Weg and Vittinghoffstrasse. The chapter Rellinghausen acquired it in 1454 together with other farms.
Vittinghoffstrasse, which was previously called Burgstrasse , branches off northeast from Heisinger Strasse and leads back to it in an eastern curve.
Von-Bodenhausen-Weg 330 Eberhard von Bodenhausen , lawyer, art historian, manager Oct 14, 1935 Eberhard von Bodenhausen was a member of the board of directors of the Krupp company in Essen and became a member of the supervisory board in 1918 .
Von-Bodenhausen-Weg is located in the Krupp settlement Altenhof II and was therefore named Altenhof II along with several other streets there .
Von-Oerdingen-Weg 85 Heinrich von Oerdingen, so-called Krupp officer Oct 21, 1938 Heinrich von Oerdingen was born on January 26th, 1820 in Essen. He was a lathe operator at Krupp for more than 40 years . He died in Essen on September 29, 1893.
Von-Oerdingen-Weg is located in the Altenhof II Krupp estate .
Forest view 200 Location at the city forest Oct. 1, 1920 The Waldblick street is a short connection in the arch of the Waldsaum street in the Eyhofsiedlung.
Forest edge 1240 Location at the city forest May 30, 1913 The Waldsaum road branches off to the north of the Frankenstrasse, goes around the Eyhofsiedlung to the north and joins the Frankenstrasse again.
Wehnertweg 85 Julius Wehnert, so-called Krupp officer Oct 14, 1935 Julius Wehnert was born on September 16, 1820 in Insterburg . In 1857 he was master locksmith in the 1st mechanical workshop and later second head of the shooting range of the Krupp company in Essen. He died on August 5, 1892 in Essen.
Von-Bodenhausen-Weg is located in the Krupp settlement Altenhof II and was therefore named Altenhof II along with several other streets there .
Wiedfeldstrasse 210
(in the district)
Otto Wiedfeldt , politician July 6, 1929 Wiedfeldstraße, which was previously called Waldstraße , comes from Rüttenscheid in the north , forms the border with Bredeney from Heinrich-Held-Straße and continues in Bredeney in the south from Waldeck.
Wittekindstrasse 90
(in the district)
War memory of Widukind (Wittekind), Duke of the Saxons 16 Sep 1910 Until 1937, Wittekindstrasse ran from the area of ​​today's Stadtwaldplatz over today's street of Wittenbergstrasse, then following the street Am Uhlenkrug onto today's Wittekindstrasse.
Today it branches off north of the Altenhof II Krupp settlement, west of Wittenbergstrasse and continues to Rüttenscheid .
Wittenbergstrasse 1040
(in the district)
Wittenberg, court name Feb 25, 1937 Hof Wittenberg, which was located in the north of what is now the Stadtwald district , belonged to Oberhof Viehof as a princely food item. The Lindemann couple sold the Wittenbergskotten on the Essen Heath to the princely councilor Johann Waterfohr. In 1620, with the consent of the abbess Maria Clara von Spaur, he left it to the Winterseell family called Wittenberg. After that, the farm was passed on from father to son for generations. In 1776 Gertrud Wittenberg and her husband Heinrich Raupert were treated with the court. The entire farmer and landlord Wittenberg and the princess as landlady are named in 1795. Heinrich Heimann, called Wittenberg, became the unrestricted owner by relieving the fiscal burdens. In 1873 the farm passed through him to Franziska Wittenberg called Schürmann and her husband Joseph Kämper from Katernberg . In 1908, Kämper sold the 26-  acre farm to Stadtwerke-Terrain GmbH. In addition to the farm there seems to have been an inn since the end of the 18th century. The courtyard was demolished around 1911 and the new Uhlenkrug restaurant was built. The Schwarz-Weiß Essen sports field is now on the site of the former courtyard. Coming
from Rüttenscheid , Wittenbergstraße leads southwards under the bridge of today's cycle path on the former railway line to Stadtwald. In its northernmost part from the bridge to Wittekindstrasse, Wittenbergstrasse was previously part of Veronikastrasse . Further south it was called Gebranderstrasse .
Zeisigstrasse 280 Siskin , species of bird 16 Sep 1910 Zeisigstrasse, previously called Parallelstrasse , branches off south of Frankenstrasse and ends as a dead end.

List of former street names

The list of former street names does not claim to be complete.

Surname from to renamed to (current) Derivation Remarks
Altenhof II 19 Sep 1910 Oct 14, 1935 →  Breidbachweg
→  Büttnerstraße
→  Druschelpfad
→  Gantesweiler
→  Jüngstallee
→  Otto-Schnabel-Weg
→  Strouxpfad
→  Verreshöhe
→  Von-Bodenhausen-Weg
Krupp settlement Altenhof II Several streets in the Altenhof II Krupp estate initially simply bore their names.
On a slope Oct 9, 1914 Dec 16, 1970 →  At Wiedenfeld
Baldeneyer Street before 1907 around 1915 repealed and overbuilt Baldeney Castle Baldeneyer Straße branched off southwest of Schellstraße and led to what was then Bottlenbergstraße , now Bottlenberg .
Bergisch-Märkische Strasse Feb. 4, 1904 16 Sep 1910 →  Ahornstrasse
Bottlenbergstrasse Feb. 4, 1904 July 9, 1915 →  Bottlenberg Bottlenberg (noble family) It was named after the Bottlenberg family called von Schirp at Baldeney Castle from the Bottlenberg family.
Buchenstrasse before 1910 around 1935 repealed and overbuilt Beech , deciduous tree Buchenstrasse was in the Altenhof II Krupp estate . Around 1935 it gave way to the third construction phase of the housing estate.
Burgstrasse Feb. 4, 1904 16 Sep 1910 →  Vittinghoffstrasse
Eyhof May 30, 1913 December 11, 1931 →  At the Dönhof Eyhof, farm name
Friedrichstrasse Feb. 4, 1904 16 Sep 1910 →  Habichtstrasse
Gebranderstrasse Feb. 4, 1903 March 20, 1968 →  Wittenbergstraße
→ partially
repealed and overbuilt
The Gebranderstraße was initially a spur road that led northeast of today's Wittenbergstraße over the allotment gardens that are located there today. This spur road was abolished after 1955 and the section between the two current junctions of the street Am Uhlenkrug was called Gebranderstraße. In 1968 this area was added to Wittenbergstrasse.
Burned Street before 1910 before 1927 repealed and overbuilt Gebranntenstrasse was south of the Krupp settlement Altenhof II and led from Eichenstrasse to what was later to be the present day Wittenbergstrasse. Today it is built over by the allotment garden.
Geierstrasse 16 Sep 1910 Feb 25, 1937 →  Stiftmühlenbrink In 1910 the Klosterstrasse was renamed Geierstrasse and in 1937 it was finally renamed Stiftmühlenbrink.
Glockenbergstrasse Feb. 4, 1903 16 Sep 1910 →  On the Glockenberg Part of today's street Am Glockenberg was previously called Glockenbergstraße. The other parts were called Kurzestraße , Steinstraße and Stiftsstraße .
Hallohstrasse Feb. 4, 1904 16 Sep 1910 →  Fasanenstrasse
Elevated road Feb. 4, 1904 16 Sep 1910 →  Drosselanger
→  Drosselstrasse
→  Rüstermark
Hill road Feb. 4, 1903 16 Sep 1910 →  Lerchenstrasse The hill, scenic elevation The scenic elevation to the north of the present Baldeneysees located Ruhr heights in Bredeney called hill. Here Alfred Krupp built the villa of the same name with the Hügel Park in 1873 .
Isenbergstrasse Feb. 4, 1903 16 Sep 1910 →  Schellstrasse
Kellermannweg Feb. 4, 1903 19 Sep 1925 →  Heidehang Kellermann farm For the Kellermann farm, see Kellermanns Busch . The Kellermannweg was renamed Wachtelweg in 1925 and was given the current name Heidehang in 1929.
Kirchstrasse Feb. 4, 1904 16 Sep 1910 →  Bodelschwinghstrasse The Protestant church is located here.
Klosterstrasse Feb. 4, 1904 16 Sep 1910 →  Stiftmühlenbrink In 1910 the Klosterstrasse was renamed Geierstrasse and in 1937 it was finally renamed Stiftmühlenbrink.
Kreuzstrasse Feb. 4, 1903 16 Sep 1910 →  Bohrmühlental Kreuzstrasse became part of Willenbergstrasse in 1910 and became today's Bohrmühlental street in 1937.
Cuckoo Street Feb. 4, 1904 16 Sep 1910 →  Kuckucksrain
→  Bodelschwinghstraße
→  Forsthausstraße
The Kuckuckstraße ran south of the Riesweg as an extension of the Forsthausstraße, branched off to today's Kuckucksrain and bent northwards over the southern part of today's Bodelschwinghstraße and ended again at the Riesweg.
Cow Street Feb. 4, 1903 16 Sep 1910 →  Amselstrasse Cow, female domestic cattle The former Kuhstraße, and thus today's Amselstraße, belonged to the original course of the Frankenstraße until it was led around it in a northern arc before 1875 with a lower incline. The straight part of the street was named Kuhstraße in 1903, before becoming today's Amselstraße in 1910.
Kurzestrasse Feb. 4, 1903 16 Sep 1910 →  On the Glockenberg Part of today's street Am Glockenberg was previously called Kurzestraße. The other parts were called Glockenbergstrasse , Steinstrasse and Stiftsstrasse .
Ludgerusstrasse Feb. 4, 1904 16 Sep 1910 →  Bodelschwinghstrasse Liudger , saint and founder of the monastery Werden
Markenstrasse Feb. 4, 1904 16 Sep 1910 →  Eschenstrasse
→  Platanenweg
Parallel street Feb. 4, 1904 16 Sep 1910 →  Zeisigstrasse
Pelican Street before 1907 before 1920 repealed and overbuilt Pelican , species of bird The Pelikanstrasse connected the Habichtstrasse with the Ahornstrasse and was built over by the Eyhofsiedlung.
Ring road Feb. 4, 1904 16 Sep 1910 →  Eschenstrasse
Schwarze-Lenen-Strasse around 1903 Feb. 18, 1959 →  Black Lenen Way
Steeler Street Feb. 4, 1903 16 Sep 1910 →  Frankenstrasse Former Steele Mayorry
Steinstrasse Feb. 4, 1903 16 Sep 1910 →  On the Glockenberg Part of today's street Am Glockenberg was previously called Steinstraße. The other parts were called Kurzestraße , Glockenbergstraße and Stiftsstraße .
Veronikastrasse 6 Sep 1897 Feb 25, 1937 →  Wittenbergstrasse Veronika , female name The name was named after a first name through the resolution of 1895 mentioned in the introduction . Veronikastraße continued in Rüttenscheid . There it branches off to the west of Wittenbergstrasse today and still bears her name there.
Quail path 19 Sep 1925 July 6, 1929 →  Heidehang Quail , species of bird The Kellermannweg was renamed Wachtelweg in 1925 and was given the current name Heidehang in 1929.
Forest road Aug 6, 1907 July 6, 1929 →  Wiedfeldtstrasse
Walpurgisstrasse Jan. 26, 1906 March 16, 1979 →  In the Walpurgistal Walburga or Walpurgis , feminine given name The name was named after a first name by a Rüttenscheider resolution of 1895. The Walpurgisstrasse was separated by the construction of the federal highway 52 . In Rüttenscheid it still bears this name, to the west it was renamed Im Walpurgistal.
Wiedenfeldstrasse before 1907 after 1928 repealed and overbuilt Widumfeld, field name The name goes back to the Widumfeld, whereby Widum or Widem meant the donation to a church. The Wiedenfeld was located in the area of ​​the Hagelkreuz built in 1677 and belonged to the Rellinghauser pastorate.
The Wiedenfeldstraße ran in a western extension of the former Geierstraße (today Stiftmühlenbrink ) parallel to the south of the former railway line , today the cycle path, and until around 1920 it bent slightly to the south onto Eschenstraße. In this area it was built over by the Eyhofsiedlung and ended at the former Willenbergstrasse .
Willenbergstrasse 16 Sep 1910 Feb 25, 1937 →  Bohrmühlental
→  Waldsaum
Willenbergstrasse, which once reached south to Amselstrasse, was previously called Kreuzstrasse and has belonged to the Bohrmühlental road in the northern part and Waldsaum road in the southern part since 1937.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Unless otherwise stated, the source used is: Erwin Dickhoff: Essener Strasse . Ed .: City of Essen - Historical association for the city and monastery of Essen. Klartext-Verlag, Essen 2015, ISBN 978-3-8375-1231-1 .
  2. ^ City of Essen: Population figures. Retrieved May 21, 2020 .
  3. Michael Heiße: Battle of the Rellinghauser for the Frankenstrasse . In: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung , January 27, 2018
  4. ^ Official Journal of the Government of Düsseldorf , No. 41/1827
  5. a b c d overview plan of the city of Essen, land surveying office of the city of Essen, December 1910