List of streets in Essen-Bredeney

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The list of streets in Essen-Bredeney describes the street system in the Essen district of Bredeney with the corresponding historical references.

Introduction and overview

In Essen-Bredeney, 10,920 inhabitants (March 31, 2020) live on an area of ​​8.76 square kilometers. The district belongs to the postcode districts 45133, 45134 and 45239.

At the turn of the century, Bredeney was still very rural, so only a few streets had names at that time. The houses were renumbered by official street names by the municipal council resolution of August 6, 1907. Only a few other names were added until 1915 when it was incorporated into the city of Essen.

Even if some streets were renamed after flowers and plants for incorporation in 1915, without expressly forming a street name group, in the course of time further street names were added based on this model in the area west of Alfredstrasse.

In the Krupp settlement of Brandenbusch , which was laid out for employees of the neighboring Villa Hügel , the former residence of the Krupp family, the streets were named after children of the industrial family Krupp von Bohlen and Halbach .

At the suggestion of the former Westerwaldverein, Essen local group, further streets were named after German low mountain ranges during the development of the area at Brucker Holt, following Westerwaldstrasse.

The district boundary of Bredeney is formed roughly clockwise from the north as follows:
Through the federal motorway 52 and the parallel Norbertstraße, the street Nelkengarten, the Einigkeitstraße and part of the Wiedfeldtstraße to Rüttenscheid ; follow the latter, the street Waldeck, the Frankenstraße in an easterly direction and then as the crow flies through the city forest, crossing the Lerchenstraße to the border-forming Trappenbergstraße, the street Drosselanger, the street Bottlenberg to the Heisinger Straße to Stadtwald ; in the southeast through the Ruhr and the Baldeneysee to Fischlaken and Werden ; in the south through the streets Kanonenberg and Heissiwald to Werden, west of the Heissiwald to the north, through the Aseybach and Meisenburgstrasse to Schuir , on through the Hatzperstrasse and the Theodor-Althoff-Strasse and the Autobahn 52 to Margarethenhöhe .

There are 116 designated traffic areas in Bredeney, including a square called Am Brunnen .
Of these, the following streets are only partially in the district:
Aegidiusstraße, Alfredstraße, Am Korintenberg, Bottlenberg, Bredeneyer Straße, Drosselanger, Frankenstraße, Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße, Hatzper Straße, Heisinger Straße, Kanonenberg, Lerchenstraße, Meisenburgstraße, Norbertstraße, Trappenbergstraße, Wilhelm-Bernsau-Weg.

Run through the Bredeney district

List of streets

The following table gives an overview of the streets and paths in the district with corresponding information.

  • Name : current name of the street or square.
  • Length / dimensions in meters:
    The length information contained in the overview are rounded overview values ​​that were determined in Google Earth using the local scale. They are used for comparison purposes and, if official values ​​are known, are exchanged and marked separately.
    For squares, the dimensions are given in the form a × b.
    The addition (in the district) indicates that the length is that of the street section within Huttrop, as the street continues into neighboring districts.
    The addition (without side streets) indicates the length of the "main street" in the case of branched streets.
    The addition (all street sections together) indicates that the street is so winding that there is no “main street”. Instead, the length of all road sections is added together.
  • Derivation : origin or reference of the name
  • Date of designation : first official designation
  • Notes : additional information
  • Image : Photo of the street or an adjacent object
Surname Length / dimensions
(in meters)
Derivation Date of designation Remarks image
Aegidiusstrasse 100
(in the district)
Saint Aegidius Feb. 4, 1904 Aegidiusstraße comes from the neighboring district of Stadtwald and ends in Bredeney as a dead end.
Alfred-Pott-Weg 110 Alfred Pott, chemist and industry manager 2nd July 1958 Alfred Pott was born on December 7, 1882 in Witten . He is considered to be a pioneer of long-distance gas technology and was a co-founder of the corporation for coal utilization, established in 1926, called Ruhrgas AG from 1928. From the beginning until 1934 he was a part-time member of the Management Board and later a member of the Supervisory Board. He died on May 19, 1951 in Essen.
The Alfred-Pott-Weg lies in the area of ​​the former carbon biological research institute of Ruhrgas AG. It is an eastern dead end of the Brucker Holt street.
Alfredstrasse 2090
(in the district)
Alfred Krupp , industrialist 6 Sep 1897 Alfredstraße was originally the field path that Alfred Krupp, who was well known on horseback in Essen, rode between his residence at Villa Hügel and his Krupp cast steel factory. Alfredstrasse was expanded with the substantial participation of the Krupp company.
Alfredstraße, which has been part of Bundesstraße 224 since 1949 , leads south from the border with Rüttenscheid to the Bredeneyer Kreuz.
At the Alfredusbad 140 Former Kurhaus Alfredusbad Jan. 13, 1996 The street is located in the area of ​​the Alfredusbad spa house and sanatorium built in 1895. In 1898 a small tram hall was built here and a little later the Alfredusbad was closed in order to build a tram depot for the Essener Verkehrs-AG on the entire 14,000 m² site , which was in operation until 1968. Until 1996 the depot was used for other trade in order to then build today's office complex.
The street Am Alfredusbad connects Alfredstrasse with Bredeneyer Strasse.
At the Brandenbusch 310 Brandenbusch, court and field name Dec. 1, 1927 The Brandenbusch farm comes from the estate of Werden Abbey . In the log books it is mentioned that our Kaiten was leased to the married couple Johann Brandenbusch in 1557 for 25 years. Until 1808 the farm remained mostly in family ownership and was then publicly auctioned. The previous tenant Johann Brandenbusch was awarded the contract for 12 years. In 1829, after lengthy negotiations between the domain treasury and the miner and farmer Heinrich Brandenbusch, a long-term lease was signed, with the farm being around 41 acres without logging  .
The street Am Brandenbusch is located in the Brandenbusch settlement built by Friedrich Alfred Krupp from 1885 .
At the Brandenbusch
At the fountain 30 × 40 Well in this place Jan. 7, 1909 It was named after a fountain built there in 1908.
The Am Brunnen square connects Graf-Spee-Straße with Am Wiesental street.
At the fountain
At the Heissiwald 240 Location at the Heissiwald March 15, 1950 The 350  acre forest was originally called the Plattenwald in the vernacular and is mentioned in the oldest Werden cartular in the first half of the 9th century. It is located between Bredeney and Werden and came into the possession of the city of Essen through purchase. Its official name has been Heissiwald since 1935. The landowner Wilhelm Bernsau reforested the present forest at the beginning of the 20th century as a mixed forest.
The street Am Heissiwald leads from the street Kanonenberg in an easterly direction and forms the border to Werden for its first 150 meters.
Am Heissiwald 21
On the Hinsberg 110
(without a cul-de-sac)
Hinsberg, field name May 10, 1914 In the mother role of 1826 it is mentioned that the domain tenant Christian Grotkamp owns arable land on the Hiesberg. Occasionally the version Hinsberg appears, whereby Hins can be translated as stallion.
The street Am Hinsberg connects the street Vossbusch with the Grashofstraße.
At the coal fire 250 Coal pots, name of a kott and a hallway Oct 18, 1954 The Kohlkampskate was built in 1743 by Werden Abbey . It was a so-called time lease. In 1808 the Kotten was publicly leased, with the previous tenants called Kohlkamp being awarded the contract. The seven- acre Kotten was owned by the married couple Johann Theodor Schlieper and Anna Katharina Kollenkamp in 1834. In the mother's role from 1826 it is mentioned that the coal fountain in Bredeney belongs to the farm of the domain tenant Christian Grotkamp.
The street Am Kohlenkämchen runs parallel to Meisenburgstraße to the north and creates a connection in the arch of the Heierbusch street.
On Korintenberg 230
(in the district)
Korintenberg, field name March 15, 1950 In 1765 the name appears when the abbot Anselm von Werden enfeoffed Arnold Hicking with mountain lawful seeds on three coal banks on the Corinthenberg on the right side of the Ruhr to the mill on the Plattenberg. Ludger Schützdeller from Bredeney is mentioned in the mother role of 1826, who cultivates land on the Korinthenberg. In 1855 Friedrich Bruns bought the so-called Corinthenberg and built a villa with a park and mountain garden on it. In 1865 the villa was bought by the cloth manufacturer Mathias Wiese. The villa later housed the Werden Mining Authority .
The street Am Korintenberg, which was originally called Florastraße and from 1937 Tiergarten , leads from Werden from the street Kanonenberg in a northerly direction to the game reserve in the Heissiwald.
Am Korintenberg 26
At the St. Mark's Cross 70 Location at the memorial cross of the former St. Mark's Chapel July 15, 1954 Bredeney was already one of the settlements that belonged to the parish of Werden around 875 . The abbot Gerold von Werden had a chapel in honor of St. Erect Mark. It was the common goal of the liturgical processions of Werden, Essen and Rellinghausen , which took place on the Monday before Ascension Day. At times a Sunday service was held here from Werden, but was discontinued in 1775. The Markuskapelle was demolished in 1803 because of dilapidation. A memorial cross was later erected in its place.
The street Am Markuskreuz is an eastern dead end of the Hügelweg.
At the St. Mark's Cross
At the Ruhrstein 660 Location at the former Ruhrstein climatic spa July 9, 1915 Following the example of famous spa hotels in the Rhineland and Switzerland, a climatic spa house with a very comfortable interior was built here in 1896, which included a nine- acre park. It was opened in 1897 by the owner Wilhelm Hartmann. Its 1000 person terrace offered a view over the wooded Ruhr valley and the Villa Hügel . From May 8, 1897 to 1911, the electric tram ran from the Alfredusbad directly to the Kurhaus Ruhrstein. This is how the Ruhrstein country house colony was built near the house, the contractors of which were Messrs A. Diehl and the building officer A. Phillippi. They bought the eight hectare area from the landowner Wilhelm Ostermann for 17 marks per rod and also came up with the name Ruhrstein. The building of the Luftkurhaus was hardly damaged in the war and existed until the 1960s as a venue for parish festivals, weddings and the like. Then it was sold and demolished. Today there is a 6-storey apartment block at number 37.
The street Am Ruhrstein, which was previously called Ruhrsteinstraße , branches off to the east of Bredeneyer Straße and ends in a southern arch as a dead end, where it crosses Graf-Bernadotte-Straße twice.
At the Ruhrstein 41
At the fir 280 Location in a fir forest 5th July 1950 The street Am Tann borders the Krupp settlement Brandenbusch in the west , which was created for employees of the neighboring Villa Hügel , the former residence of the Krupp family. The street had previously belonged to Eckbertstrasse since 1927. The southern section, which was called Hochbassin for a short time , was also attached to the Am Tann street on March 5, 1951. Am Tann, high basin
At the Wiesental 510 Location near a valley with a meadow July 9, 1915 At the time it was named, there was a small valley west of the road, between Frankenstrasse and Wiedfeldtstrasse, whose meadow was used for agriculture.
The street Am Wiesental, which was previously called Wiesenstraße , branches off to the north of Frankenstraße and meets Graf-Spee-Straße in a north-easterly arch.
At the Wiesental
At the Wittkop 85 Wittkopp, family name Feb 22, 1956 In the mother role of 1826 the Kötter Eberhard and Heinrich Wittkopp are named, who own three and six acres of land in Bredeney on Beckmannsheide and on Steinberg.
The street Am Wittkop is an eastern dead end of the Westerwaldstraße.
At the toilet 300 Klusenkapelle St. Aegidius Jan. 7, 1909 The street An der Kluse branches off northwest of Lerchenstraße, passes the Klusenkappele to the north and then turns into Berenberger Mark street.
Anemone Path 100 Anemone , genus of plants Dec 16, 1975 The Anemonenweg connects the spring road with the road Weidenbruch.
Anna-Linder-Weg 400 Anna Linder, representative of the Swedish Red Cross around 1930 Baroness Anna Linder was born on September 24, 1873 in Lilla Malma Församling, Sweden . As a representative for the Swedish Red Cross, she campaigned for German prisoners of war in Russia from 1915 to 1920. At the time of the occupation of the Ruhr , she was in charge of the Swedish aid organization, which was based in the former Huyssens Foundation on Freedom Square in Essen. After the Second World War , she tried to find refugees from the Eastern Zone . In 1927 she received an honorary doctorate from Uppsala University and one year later from Bonn University . She died in Stockholm on December 4, 1950 .
The Anna-Linder-Weg branches off to the east of the Wilhelm-Bernsau-Weg and leads east past the Zur Platte restaurant.
Arnoldstrasse 350 Arnold von Bohlen and Halbach , child of the industrial family Krupp von Bohlen and Halbach , who died young . Dec. 1, 1927 Arnoldstraße is located in the Krupp settlement of Brandenbusch , which was created for employees of the neighboring Villa Hügel , the former residence of the Krupp family. Arnoldstrasse
Aseyweg 410 Asey, hallway and courtyard name Feb 23, 1954 In a list of fiefs from around 1412, it is mentioned that Johannes Kukelshem is enfeoffed cum curia in Walney, cum bonis in the Aze. In 1482 it is recorded in a document that Johann von Schüren, Canonich zu Essen, the goods Walney, Overschüren, Nederschüren and the estate Asey from Werden Abbey are fiefdoms. The Asey family has been fully traceable since 1702. The farm had the character of a time lease. In 1831 there was a lawsuit with the domain treasury due to alleged property claims, which the plaintiff lost. Thus the 168  acre farm came into the unrestricted ownership of the Oberwallney family called Asey by means of a purchase agreement.
The Aseyweg branches off south of Meisenburgstrasse and leads to the Brucker Holt street. For around the first hundred meters, it forms the border with the neighboring district of Schuir .
Baldeney 230
(without side streets)
Name that goes back to Schloss Baldeney Aug 6, 1907 Baldeney is a numbering district between the streets Drosselanger and Bottlenberg.
Tree blossom 180 botany July 9, 1915 The incorporation of Bredeney into the city of Essen made some renaming necessary. For some streets, names were chosen in relation to flowers and blossoms without forming a street name group.
Baumblüte street, which was previously called Schubertstraße , connects Einigkeitstraße with Elderweg.
Beckmannsbusch 1100 Beckmann, hall and yard name July 9, 1915 In the land registry of 1668 you can find that Wilhelm Montagh has a forest on the Brach on Beckmannß Busch three quarters of acres . The Beckmann farm, which was also called Overbeck, was part of the Sadelhof Rhade (Raadt) belonging to the Kurmuds and treatment goods. The princely-eating councilor Joh. Wilhelm Schiffer was treated with it in 1780. Heinrich Beckmann from Rüttenscheid is named as the owner in the parenting role of 1867 . In 1899 the farm passed to Clemens Preutenborbeck and his wife Christine nee Maas. The Friedrich Krupp AG acquired it in 1904. Later, the city of Essen and the Margarethe Krupp Foundation took it over. Otto Langels was the last tenant. In 1963 the farm was closed and the Margarethenhöhe II settlement was built on its fields .
The street Beckmannsbusch, which was previously called Adelskamp , points south of the Norbertstraße and leads in a westerly direction to the Bredeney office park, where it ends as a dead end.
Benzstrasse 70 Carl Benz , automobile pioneer July 24, 1939 Benzstrasse, which was previously part of the former Rausenbergerstrasse , is a south-western strait of the Georg-Baur-Ring.
Berenberger Mark 660 Berenberger Mark, name of a mean thing Jan 15, 1936 The Berenberger Mark is already mentioned in a document from 1393.
The street Berenberger Mark, which was previously called Markenweg and was originally part of the street An der Kluse, leads as an extension of the street An der Kluse in a northerly direction onto Frankenstraße.
Blumenkamp 120 botany July 9, 1915 The incorporation of Bredeney into the city of Essen made some renaming necessary. For some streets, names were chosen in relation to flowers and blossoms without forming a street name group.
The street Blumenkamp, ​​which was previously called Kampstrasse , connects Alfredstrasse with Bredeneyer Strasse.
Bottlenberg 280
(in the district)
Bottlenberg (noble family) July 9, 1915 It was named after the Bottlenberg family called von Schirp at Baldeney Castle from the Bottlenberg family.
The street that was previously called Bottlenbergstraße , Bottlenberg branches off to the southwest of Heisinger Straße, the neighboring district of Stadtwald , and continues to Bredeney to the Heimliche Liebe restaurant.
Brachtstrasse 300 Bracht, name of a kott Aug 7, 1907 The Kotten was a split off the Wusthove, which was leased to the couple on the Bracht for two guilders for their two lives in 1568. Nobody should be entitled to the Kotten after their death. In the lease book of the Abbot Duden from 1589/90, Gordt der Brecht received the cold up of the Bracht under Bredeney until 1605. On January 28, 1808, Joh. Brächter leased the Brachtkathe for twelve years. In 1825 Johann Ludger Brächter replaced all the fiscal burdens on the Kotten and acquired it as his property. In the mother role of 1866, the married couple Johann Ludger Brächter zu Bredeney are recorded as the owners of the six- acre Kathe.
Brachtstraße connects Alfredstraße in a westerly direction with Kiefernhalde street.
Bredeneyer Cross 100 Street cross in Bredeney March 19, 1969 The street Bredeneyer Kreuz, which was previously part of Rellinghauser Straße and after its renaming part of Frankenstraße, forms a link between Frankenstraße and Meisenburgstraße as part of the state road L441. The designation as a cross comes from the intersecting streets of Alfred and Zeunerstrasse.
Bredeneyer Street 3960
(in the district)
Bredeney municipality and former mayor's office July 9, 1915 Since 1907 the part north of Frankenstrasse was named Essener Strasse , the part south of it in the direction of Werden was named Werdener Strasse . Both streets were renamed Bredeneyer Straße to incorporate Bredeney into the city of Essen, according to the incorporation agreement of March 10, 1914. At the time of National Socialism , it was called Hermann-Göring-Straße between 1933 and 1945 . On November 21, 1968, the southernmost section from the confluence of Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße, which belonged to the street Im Löwental , was annexed to Bredeneyer Straße.
Today, Bredeneyer Strasse is an extension of Rüttenscheider Strasse in Rüttenscheid in a southerly direction, crosses Frankenstrasse and joins Bundesstrasse 224 south of Zeunerstrasse as it continues into the neighboring district of Werden.
Bredeneyer Street
Break land 70 Broken land, field name 4th July 1951 In the mother role of 1826 Heinrich Höffken is named as the owner of a four- acre piece of land on the quarry land.
The Bruchland road is a western cul-de-sac of the Zeißbogen road.
Brucker Holt 1200 Brucker Holt, field name July 6, 1929 In the maternal role of 1867 it is mentioned that the farm of Ludger Bruckmann in Bredeney includes a field called Brucksholt.
The Brücker Holt road branches off south of Meisenburgstrasse and ends after an easterly arch crossing Westerwaldstrasse as a dead end.
Dahlia Court 110 botany Jan. 13, 1957 The incorporation of Bredeney into the city of Essen made some renaming necessary. For some streets, names were chosen in relation to flowers and blossoms without forming a street name group. This was evidently also the case later, based on this.
The street Dahlienhof is an eastern dead end of the spring street.
Daimlerstrasse 230 Gottlieb Daimler , engineer, designer Jan. 10, 1929 Daimlerstrasse connects Redtenbacherstrasse with Walter-Sachsse-Weg.
Choke long 150
(in the district)
Thrush , species of bird Dec 22, 1949 The street Drosselanger leads as an extension of the Trappenbergstraße to the northeast and forms the district boundary to the Stadtwald until the junction with the street Bosselberg . She comes to Heisinger Strasse in Stadtwald.
Eckbertstrasse 250 Eckbert von Bohlen and Halbach , child of the industrial family Krupp von Bohlen and Halbach . Dec. 1, 1927 Eckbertstrasse is located in the Krupp settlement of Brandenbusch , which was laid out for employees of the neighboring Villa Hügel , the former residence of the Krupp family. Eckbertstrasse, Ev.  church
Eifel slope 400 Eifel , low mountain range in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate Dec 13, 1961 At the suggestion of the former Westerwaldverein, Essen local group, further streets were named after German low mountain ranges during the development of the area at Brucker Holt, following Westerwaldstrasse.
The Eifelhang street connects the Hunsrückstraße with the Meckenstocker Höfe street.
Unity street 620 Agreement on the unification of Essen and Bredeney July 9, 1915 The naming took place in memory of the union of Essen and Bredeney, when there was agreement between the parties. Rüttenscheid was incorporated into Essen in 1905, and Bredeney followed ten years later.
The Einigkeitstraße, which was previously called Königstraße , leads from Bredeneyer Straße to the junction of Straße Nelkengarten as the border to Rüttenscheid, then it runs in a westerly direction in Bredeney onto Straße Weidenbruch.
Emdenstrasse 260 War memory of the warship Emden July 9, 1915 At the time of the designation, the public was still clearly under the impression of the actions of the small cruiser , which had been sent to the Indian Ocean for an independent trade war and was sunk near the Cocos Islands in 1914 .
Emdenstrasse, which was previously called Bergstrasse , connects Graf-Spee-Strasse with Frankenstrasse.
Fendelweg 130 Fendel, name of a kott Dec. 1, 1927 In 1845, the miner Johann Fendel bought a roughly five- acre piece of land from Maria Catharina Kaldenhoff (née Ridder) from Rüttenscheid . That was in the Langenbach corridor. He built his house on it. By inheritance contract, this Kotten was passed on to his son Johann Fendel junior in 1863, and to his widow Gertrud (née Wintgen) in 1894. They sold it in 1901 to the miner Josef Groß from Bredeney. The Fendelweg is a western dead end of the Elderunderweg.
Lilac bush 85 Lilac , genus of plants July 9, 1915 The incorporation of Bredeney into the city of Essen made some renaming necessary. For some streets, names were chosen in relation to flowers and blossoms without forming a street name group. The Fliederbusch street is also located on the site of the former Bredeneyer Gartenstadt-Gesellschaft, on which a country house-like development was planned.
The Fliederbusch street, previously called Schlägelgasse , connects the Kiefernhalde and Weidenbruch streets.
Frankenstrasse 1340
(in the district)
Tribal border between Franconia and Saxony 16 Sep 1910 The Rüttenscheid peasantry was separated from the Bredeney, Haarzopf and Fulerum tribes by the Essen tenth border, the marca Francorum et Saxonum, the tribal border of the Franks and Saxons . The road led west to the former Franconian region and established such a connection for the first time. A precise borderline is not proven. After the street got its name in its eastern course in 1910 in Rellinghausen and Stadtwald , it was called Rellinghauser street in its western part in Bredeney until 1915 . In 1969 a short stretch of Frankestrasse between Bredeneyerstrasse and Alfredstrasse was renamed the Bredeneyer Kreuz.
The Frankenstraße leads from the Bredeneyer Straße in an easterly direction to the districts of Stadtwald and Rellinghausen . It is part of the L441 state road.
Frankenstrasse, St. Mark's Church
Freiherr-vom-Stein-Strasse 3400
(in the district)
Imperial Baron Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom und zum Stein , statesman, reformer May 8, 1933 Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße, previously Löwentaler way and from 1927 in the Ruhr Valley was called, leading from Heisingen coming at Castle Baldeney over and heads west on the north shore of Baldeneysees along and opens to the Bredeneyer road that part here of Bundesstrasse 224 is. Freiherr-vom-Stein-Strasse, Baldeney Castle
Spring road 520 Spring in relation to botany July 9, 1915 The incorporation of Bredeney into the city of Essen made some renaming necessary. For some streets, names were chosen in relation to flowers and blossoms without forming a street name group. This also includes the spring road.
The Frühlingstrasse, which was previously called Mittelstrasse , leads from the Brachtsstrasse in a northerly direction to the Anemonenweg and has ended as a dead end since the construction of the Federal Highway 52 in the 1960s. Before that, there was a connection to Norbertstraße in Rüttenscheid and in an easterly direction to Tulpenweg until 1927 .
Fuchsgang 260 Made up street name Jan. 9, 1909 The street name was invented based on the nearby Vossbusch.
The street Fuchsgang connects the street Talbogen with the Grashofstraße.
Georg Baur Ring 190 Carl Georg Friedrich Baur , civil engineer, industry manager Jan 15, 1936 The Georg-Baur-Ring connects Benzstrasse with Ruschen Strasse in a northern arch.
Gillhausenstrasse 200 Karl Heinrich Gisbert Gillhausen , civil engineer, industry manager July 24, 1929 Gillhausenstrasse connects Ruschenstrasse with Zeunerstrasse.
Graf-Bernadotte-Strasse 780 Folke Bernadotte Graf von Wisborg , Swedish officer and philanthropist March 20, 1949 Count Folke Bernadotte was the organizer of the aid organization in Germany, which also helped the children in Essen in the post-war period through the Sweden feed. In the Essener Mitteilunge of April 9, 1949, it says: The Swedish delegation, which over the past few years has distributed millions of meals to our children four times in Essen and around 150,000 items of clothing, is leaving the city of Essen for good in a few days. The main committee of the city council decided on March 3rd to name a street after the organizer of the entire aid organization in Germany, the deceased Count Bernadotte, as an outward sign of the gratitude of the people of the city of Essen in memory of the generous help of the Swedish people. - Tirpitzstrasse was selected and renamed Graf-Bernadotte-Strasse because all the delegations of the Swedish Red Cross were based here during their stay.
Graf-Bernadotte-Straße, which was previously called Wusthoffstraße and Tirpitzstraße, leads from Frankenstraße in a southerly direction and leads in a western arc onto Bredeneyer Straße.
Graf-Spee-Strasse 460 Maximilian Reichsgraf von Spee , naval officer July 9, 1915 Graf-Spee-Straße leads from Frankenstraße in a northerly direction to Platz Am Brunnen and then bends east onto Wiedfeldtstraße. The first-mentioned section to the Am Brunnen square was previously Schulstrasse , the second-mentioned Brunnenweg . Graf-Spee-Strasse
Grashofstrasse 1790 Franz Grashof , mechanical engineer and university professor June 9, 1928 The name was given on the occasion of the 67th Annual General Meeting of the Association of German Engineers on June 9, 1928 in Essen. On this occasion, Lord Mayor Franz Bracht informed the assembly that he wanted to give the engineering profession special recognition. In Bredeney a district has been formed in which outstanding men in their field are to be honored by naming streets in the future.
Grashofstraße branches off north of Meisenburgstraße and after an arch leads back onto it.
Grashofstraße, Grashofschule
Haraldstrasse 1100 Harald von Bohlen and Halbach , industrialist and younger brother of Alfried Krupp von Bohlen and Halbach Dec. 1, 1927 Haraldtstrasse connects the Krupp settlement of Brandenbusch , which was created for employees of the neighboring Villa Hügel , the former residence of the Krupp family, with Villa Hügel. Haraldstrasse
Hatzper Strasse 320
(in the district)
Description of the location, derived from the name of the Haarzopf district around 1967 Hatzper is an old form of Hartzappe / hair pigtail. Here is Appe (actually Apa ) "flowing water". Some linguists interpret Hartz as "deer" or "forest". According to this, Hartzappe could be translated as Waldbach or Hirschbach, and it is assumed that Hirschbach was the name of the stream that flows through Haarzopf today and is called Steinbach.
After the construction of the federal highway 52 in 1967, it got its current course in Bredeney and Schuir . Before that, today's Hatzper Bogen in Schuir was the original course of Hatzper Strasse.
Hatzper Strasse comes from the neighboring district of Haarzopf and forms the boundary between Bredeney and Schuir between Theodor-Althoffstrasse and Meisenburgstrasse, into which it joins. In this section it is part of the L441 state road.
Heidmannsbusch 140 Hiedmannsbusch, field name Apr 9, 1956 In the mother's role from 1826 it is mentioned that the Hospital zum Heiligen Geist, once located on Kopstadtplatz , owns five acres of farmland in Heidmannsbusch. According to this parenting role, Heinrich Heidmann was the tenant of the domain, and so the name goes back to the Kotten Heidmann, who with a size of around 16 acres later passed on to Heinrich Wilhelm Köpper.
The street Heidmannsbusch connects the streets Am Kohlenkämpchen and Küppersheide.
Heierbusch 900 Heierbusch, location name Feb 15, 1916 In 1807 the name Heierbusch appears in a lease contract for the Hospital of the Holy Spirit, once located on Kopstadtplatz . No other records are known from cadastral maps or books. Maybe the Heidmannsbusch is meant.
Heierbusch street, which was originally called Krummer Weg , branches off north of Meisenburgstraße and leads back to it after a northern curve.
Heierbusch, Ev.  church
Heisinger Strasse 210
(in the district)
former municipality of Heisingen Feb. 27, 1928 Heisinger Strasse, newly laid out in Stadtwald and Bredeney in 1928, leads from the neighboring district of Heisingen in a north-westerly direction to Stadtwaldplatz in Stadtwald. Only the southern branch of Heisinger Strasse, which leads to the Schellenberg hunting lodge, belongs to Bredeney .
Helmertweg 250
(all road sections together)
Friedrich Robert Helmert , geodesist , mathematician June 13, 1966 The naming took place on the occasion of the 51st German Geodetic Day in Essen in September 1966.
The Helmertweg is an eastern branch road of the street Zeißbogen.
High beeches 420 Beech , deciduous tree March 8, 1922 In the justification for the name from 1922 it is said that in 1823 there were still tall beech trees on this site, which belonged to the forest on Kruppallee and were later felled to obtain arable land. Today there is residential development here.
The Hohe Buchen road, the southern section of which was part of the Markuspfad until December 3, 1925, connects Bredeneyer Strasse in a southerly direction with Frankenstrasse.
High beeches 12
Elder path 740 Elderberry , genus of plants July 9, 1915 The incorporation of Bredeney into the city of Essen made some renaming necessary. For some streets, names were chosen in relation to flowers and blossoms without forming a street name group.
The Elderweg, which was previously called Kruppstraße , branches off to the west of Bredeneyer Straße and meets Brachtstraße in an arc from the west.
hill 1200
(all road sections together)
Hill, location of Villa Hügel July 6, 1907 Hill denotes a numbering district at the southern end of Haraldstraße, which opens up the houses around Villa Hügel, which was built on the hill. There is also a connection to Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße to the south. The villa was built as the home of the industrial family Krupp from 1870. Alfred Krupp came up with the name hill . hill
Hill path 1090
(without access roads)
Former main access road to Villa Hügel July 15, 1954 The Hügelweg was once the main access route to Villa Hügel, the residential and representative building of the industrial family Krupp built from 1870 onwards . Alfred Krupp used it to continue on horseback along the field path, which was later named Alfredstrasse, to his Krupp cast steel factory in the west of Essen.
Hunsrückstrasse 630 Hunsrück , low mountain range in Rhineland-Palatinate Dec 13, 1961 At the suggestion of the former Westerwaldverein, Essen local group, further streets were named after German low mountain ranges during the development of the area at Brucker Holt, following Westerwaldstrasse.
The Hunsrückstraße connects the two streets Brucker Holt and Meckenstocker Höfe in a south-western arc.
In Heidkamp 85 Heidkamp, ​​artificially formed field name Feb 23, 1956 In Heidkamp there is a western cul-de-sac of the Zeißbogen street.
Kanonenberg 370
(in the district)
Canonenberg's Kathe Aug 6, 1907 On October 14, 1775, the married couple Herman auf dem Kamp and Anna Maria Flackers received a lease letter from Werden Abbey , with which they received the three- acre so-called Kettelberg or Dückesland in body profit and the authorization to erect a cathe on it. They call this house they built Canonenbergs Kathe, and they also call themselves Canonenberg. In 1816 their son Wilhelm Canonenberg and his wife Maria Böhners received the Kathe from the domain treasury in lease. In the mother role of 1826 Wilhelm Kanonenberg from Bredeney is named as the owner of the six-acre Kottens. The land belonging to it was called Kanonenbergsfeld.
The Kanonenberg road branches off to the west of the Wilhelm-Bernsau-Weg, forms the border to Werden up to the junction of the Am Heissiwald road and continues there to the south-west.
Pine dump 470 Mountain dump with pine forest July 9, 1915 Near the road there was once a mountain dump with an adjoining pine forest.
The street Kiefernhalde, which was previously called Glückaufstraße , is a short connection in the arch of the Elder Trail and then continues north on the street Weidenbruch.
Kirchmannshof 150 Kirchmann, court name July 15, 1954 The sources go back to the 15th century. According to the register of the rent master Gortfrid Carthuis, Johan Wobelen schulte to Bredeney de bono dicto Kerckengudt had to pay taxes around 1490. Tor Kerken became ter Kerken or ter Kirken. The yard was a part of the treatment item that did not belong in any Sadelhof. The last profit and Kurmud were paid for Anna Catharina Kirchmann on April 22, 1733. When the fiscal burdens were removed in 1836, the yard was about 254  acres . In the mother role of 1826 Heinrich Kirchmann is named as the owner of the farm. In 1887 it passed to the couple Franz Ostrop. The economist Johann Kirchmann died in 1874 and donated 10,000 thalers in cash to the Catholic church council in Werden and land worth 2900 thalers for the construction of a church in Bredeney.
The Kirchmannshof street connects the Kruppallee with the Hügelweg.
Kirchmannstrasse 380 Kirchmann, court name Aug 6, 1907 See Kirchmannshof .
Kirchmannstraße connects Wiedfeldtstraße in a westerly direction with Am Wiesental street.
Klausstrasse 150 Claus von Bohlen and Halbach , child of the industrial family Krupp von Bohlen and Halbach . Dec. 1, 1927 Eckbertstrasse is located in the Krupp settlement of Brandenbusch , which was laid out for employees of the neighboring Villa Hügel , the former residence of the Krupp family. Klausstrasse
Kruger view 60 Ferdinand Adolf Krüger, medical adviser, dialect poet June 5, 1934 Ferdinand Adolf Krüger was born on October 27, 1843 in Beckum, the son of a court secretary. He studied science, mathematics, literature and medicine. From 1868 to 1910 he was the miners' surgeon and chief physician at the St. Josefs Hospital in Bochum . He also wrote numerous poems, stories and novels in the Münsterland dialect. He spent his old age in Bredeney and died on February 8, 1915 in Essen (not Bredeney).
The street Krügerblick connects the Walter-Sachsse-Weg in a southern extension with the Bredeneyer street.
Kruger Trail 400 Ferdinand Adolf Krüger, medical adviser, dialect poet June 5, 1934 See Krügerblick
The Krüger path branches off to the west from the southern part of the Walter-Sachsse-Weg and leads north into the Heissiwald, which was called the Plattenwald until 1933.
Kruppallee 940 Krupp (family) March 31, 1955 It is named after the Krupp family, which can be traced back to Essen in 1587, who initially ran trade, later provided councilors and mayors for several generations, and finally established a global industrial company with the founding of the Krupp cast steel factory.
The Kruppallee connects the Hügelweg in a northerly direction, crossing the Frankenstrasse, with the Bredeneyer Strasse.
Küppersheide 220 Family name, Küppers on the Heide Oct 18, 1954 The street Küppersheide was named after the long-established Bredeneyer family Küppers auf der Heide and connects the streets Heierbusch and Am Kohlenkämpchen.
Lerchenstrasse 1400
(in the district)
Lark , species of bird 16 Sep 1910 Lerchenstrasse was previously called Hügelstrasse and was renamed General-Ludendorff-Strasse at the time of National Socialism . Lerchenstraße branches off north of Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße and leads in a north-easterly direction to Stadtwaldplatz in the Stadtwald district .
Lilienstraße 380 Lily , genus of plants July 9, 1915 The Lilienstraße, previously Alleestraße was called and during the period of National Socialism in Hugenbergstraße was renamed, joins the road pine stockpile with the Alfred Street.
Mallow slope 110 Mallow , genus of plants May 5, 1936 The incorporation of Bredeney into the city of Essen made some renaming necessary. For some streets, names were chosen in relation to flowers and blossoms without forming a street name group. The Malvenweg got its name based on this.
The Malvenhang street connects the Tulip and Narcissus Path in a western arc.
St. Mark's Path 180 Markusfeld, field name March 8, 1922 It was named after the old field name Markusfeld, which probably goes back to the old Markuskapelle. The abbot Gerold von Werden had a chapel in honor of St. Erect Mark. In a register of the Werden monastery from the period from 1474 to 1477 on leased and rented goods, income is recorded “van den gude toe Bredenneyg prope Westenhove: det Marckfeld”. In addition to this form, there are also the spellings Markesfeld and Markusfeld.
The Markuspfad connects the Hohe Buchen street with the Bredeneyer Straße. Until December 3, 1925, it continued over the southern section of the Hohe Buchen road to the Frankenstrasse.
St. Mark's Path
Maybachstrasse 320 Wilhelm Maybach , designer, automobile pioneer May 31, 1930 Maybachstrasse connects Walter-Sachsse-Weg with the Zweihonnschaftenwald road. This was previously called Am Zweihonnschaftenwald and was the eastern part of today's Maybachstrasse.
Meckenstocker Höfe 350 Meckenstock, farm group Dec 13, 1961 As early as the middle of the 13th century, a mansus in Meckenstocke was submitted to the Frohnhof in Rhade ( Raadt ) in a register of the Probstei Werden . In the chain book of 1332 belonging to the Essen monastery , a mansus ten Meckenstocke prope Bredeneye belonging to the Oberhof Borbeck is mentioned. There are also the spellings Makkinstokkon, Makkingstokke or Meckestocke. At the beginning of the 19th century, the farm group consisted of the following three farms: the Meckenstockshof (originally Heisingsgut, also Schimmelroggengut), the Thielen- or Schevemannsgut (called Ruschengut) and the Lotschengut. Everyone belonged to the Sadelhof Rhade. The first two were later combined and known under the name Ruschenhof. The street Meckenstocker Höfe, which was previously part of the Meckenstocker Weg, connects the streets Taunusbogen and Brucker Holt.
Meckenstocker way 360 Meckenstock, way to the farm group May 10, 1914 Until July 15, 1954, Meckenstocker Weg led from Bredeneyer Straße in a westerly direction via today's Reckmannshof, and before that, until January 14, 1935, via the then so-called Westerwaldstraße to Meisenburgstraße.
Today the shortened Meckenstocker Weg leads from Bredeneyer Straße in a westerly direction in an arch to Wolfsbachweg.
Meisenburgstrasse 1350
(in the district)
Meisenburg, field name and family name July 9, 1915 In 1825 the domain administration leased a piece of land to the landlord Wilhelm Meisenburg in Schuir .
Coming from the neighboring districts of Kettwig and Schuir, Meisenburgstrasse, which was previously called Kettwiger Strasse , runs eastwards from the junction of Aseyweg in Bredeney to Alfredstrasse. It is part of the L441 state road.
Daffodil Path 95 Narcissus , genus of plants Aug 5, 1936 The incorporation of Bredeney into the city of Essen made some renaming necessary. For some streets, names were chosen in relation to flowers and blossoms without forming a street name group. The Narzissenweg got its name based on this.
The Narzissenweg connects the Malvenhang street with the Tulpenweg.
Carnation Garden 85 Carnation , genus of plants July 9, 1915 The incorporation of Bredeney into the city of Essen made some renaming necessary. For some streets, names were chosen in relation to flowers and blossoms without forming a street name group.
The street Nelkengarten, which was previously called Grenzstraße , connects the Tulpenweg with the Einigkeitstraße and forms the border to the neighboring district of Rüttenscheid along its entire length .
Norbertstrasse 1900
(in the district)
Norbert , male first name May 25, 1906 It was named after a male first name through a Rüttenscheid resolution of 1895. Norbertstrasse, previously called Nikolausstrasse and briefly Nicodemusstrasse , was originally part of an old trade route from Essen via Rüttenscheid to Kettwig .
The Norbertstraße runs in Bredeney from Rüttenscheid come north and south parallel to the federal motorway 52 and acts as a feeder in both directions. It leads from Hatzper Strasse to Theodor-Althoff-Strasse as the border to Schuir , and on to Strasse Nelkengarten. In the last-mentioned section, it roughly forms the border to Margarethenhöhe and Rüttenscheid.
Ostropweg 190 Franz Ostrop, farmer and politician May 27, 1986 Franz Ostrop was born in Olfen in 1847 . The farmer bought the Bredeneyer Kirchmannshof from the Kirchmann brothers. From 1902 until it was incorporated into the city of Essen in 1915, he was the second deputy of the mayor of Bredeney. Until his death in Essen in 1926, he held the post of head of the poor district.
The Ostropweg connects the street Am Wiesental with the Kirchmannstraße in a southeast corner.
Prinz-Adolf-Strasse 170 Adolf zu Schaumburg-Lippe , Prussian general July 1, 1915 Prince Adolf zu Schaumburg-Lippe was also the protector of the Niederrheinischer Verein für Luftschifffahrt. Originally it was planned to form a street name group for airshipmen and balloonists. They started with Prince Adolf zu Schaumburg-Lippe, but abandoned the project because they wanted to wait for the end of the First World War in order to honor deserving balloonists and airmen. In the 1920s, such a street name group was formed around Bamlerstraße in Altenessen- Süd.
Prinz-Adolf-Strasse, which was previously called Friedrichsallee , connects the Strasse Stocksiepen, crossing Alfredstrasse, with Bredeneyer Strasse.
Source view 80 Location near the Wolfsbach spring March 3, 1953 Quellenblick Street is a western cul-de-sac of Zeißbogen Street.
Rausenbergerstrasse 120 Fritz Rausenberger , weapons technician at Friedrich Krupp AG July 6, 1929 The Rausenbergerstraße is a western dead end of the Ruschenstraße.
Vine arbor 140 Vine , genus of plants July 9, 1915 The incorporation of Bredeney into the city of Essen made some renaming necessary. For some streets, names were chosen in relation to flowers and blossoms without forming a street name group.
The street Rebenlaube, which was previously called Haeselerstraße , connects the Tulpenweg with the Einigkeitstraße.
Reckmannshof 490 Reckmann, court name July 15, 1954 Heinrich Reckmann bought the old Lotschenhof on December 30, 1822, so that the name Reckmannshof came into being at that time. Johann Reckmann called Lotschen zu Bredeney is mentioned as the owner in the mother role of 1866. In 1900 it is the widow Gertrud Reckmann born. Ruthmann. It was followed in 1904 by the farmer Max Derendorf. In 1909 the merchant Max Derendorf and two co-owners bought the farm. The Wortbergs came to the farm in 1953 as tenants of the city of Essen. They managed it until 1965.
The street Reckmannshof, which was previously part of the Meckenstocker Weg, leads from this in a westerly direction, dividing the Westerwaldstraße and the Taunusbogen street, and further west meets the Taunusbogen street again.
Redtenbacherstrasse 190 Ferdinand Redtenbacher , professor of mechanical engineering Jan. 10, 1929 Redtenbacherstraße connects Zeunerstraße with Ruschenstraße.
Rüttelskamp 560 Rüttelskamp, ​​field name Aug 6, 1907 At the end of the 14th century, Runtel opper Wolfsbeke is recorded in the register of the storage office Werden Runtel opper. The spelling was later corrected in ager den Ruttels Kamp. The spelling Rüttelskamp can be found in the parent roll of 1866, but the Rüttelsberg also appears.
The street Rüttelskamp is a western cul-de-sac on the way to the Platte.
Ruschenstrasse 430 Friedrich Ruschen, farmer, alderman Jan. 16, 1913 Friedrich Ruschen was born on March 15, 1858 in Bredeney. The farmer, who has completed school and vocational training and the son of a farmer, was from 1888 to 1902 and again from 1910 until it was incorporated into the city of Essen in 1915 as the community leader of Bredeney, which was called Zweihonnschaften until 1903. Ruschen was also an unpaid alderman of the Bredeney mayor from 1890 to 1915. He died on March 16, 1924 in Bredeney and was buried in the Werden  I cemetery. The street got its name on the occasion of his 25 years of service in the public sector. His son Otto Ruschen became a well-known criminal defense attorney in Essen.
Ruschenstrasse connects Meisenburgstrasse with Walter-Sachsse-Weg.
Seippelweg 140 Hermann Seippel , entrepreneur, councilor 8 Sep 1959 The Seippelweg is a southern cul-de-sac of the Alfred-Pott-Weg.
Steinberg 80 Steinberg, field name 4th July 1951 In the mother role of 1826 Heinrich Reckmann called Lotschen is mentioned as the owner of Land am Steinberg.
Steinberg Street is an eastern cul-de-sac from Westerwaldstrasse.
Stocksiepen 270 Stocksiepen, field name July 9, 1915 In the mother role of 1866 Im Stocksiepen is mentioned. At the eastern edge of the road is a valley that has always been called Stocksiepen. The meaning of “stick” has not been clarified, with Siepen standing for a narrow, damp valley.
The street Stocksiepen, which was previously called Stocksiepenstraße , connects the Brachtstraße with the Prinz-Adolf-Straße.
Valley arch 210 Location at the Mühlenbachtal July 9, 1915 The road leads in an arch through the upper Mühlenbach valley and was therefore called the valley arch.
The Talbogen street, which was previously called Langenbachstraße , branches off north of the Elder Trail and leads in a south-westerly arch onto the Fuchsgang street.
Taunus bend 450 Taunus , low mountain range in Rhineland-Palatinate 3rd July 1956 At the suggestion of the former Westerwaldverein, Essen local group, further streets were named after German low mountain ranges during the development of the area at Brucker Holt, following Westerwaldstrasse.
The street Taunusbogen connects the street Meckenbecker Höfe with the Westerwaldstraße in a southern arch.
Theodor-Althoff-Strasse 690 Theodor Althoff , businessman and department store entrepreneur Nov 29, 1967 Theodor Althoff's department store company merged in 1920 with the Karstadt department store chain , whose headquarters in Schuir now surrounds Theodor-Althoff-Strasse.
Theodor-Althoff-Straße, which was previously part of the street Beckmannsbusch , which was previously called Adelskamp , leads from the federal motorway 52 in a southerly direction and then bends west onto the Hatzper Straße. It forms the border to the neighboring district of Schuir over the entire course.
Trappenbergstrasse 130
(in the district)
Trappenberg, field name Feb. 4, 1903 Trappenbergstrasse branches off in Stadtwald southwest of Heisinger Strasse, merges into Strasse Drosselanger in Bredeney and forms the district boundary in this area.
Tulip path 230 Tulip , genus of plants July 9, 1915 The Tulpenweg, which was previously called Zeppelinstrasse , connects the Malvenhang and Nelkengarten streets and partly forms the border with Rüttenscheid .
Vossbusch 470
(without access roads)
Vossbusch, field name July 9, 1915 In the mother role of 1826 Heinrich Untervosbeck from Bredeney is named as the owner of five acres with house, yard and garden in Vossbusch.
The street Voßbusch, which was originally called Voßbuschstraße , connects the Grashofstraße with the Meisenburgstraße.
Juniper hedges 150 old hallway name Nov 14, 2000 In the original cadastral map of 1821/22 the names Wacholderkothen, An der Wacholder and Wachholder can be found.
The Wacholder Hecken road is a western dead end on the way to the Platte.
Waldeck 230 Corner in the city forest Aug 6, 1907 Waldeck Street connects Frankenstrasse with Wiedfeldtstrasse in a north-westerly corner (corner).
Forest peace 170 Location on the former community forest 13 Sep 1922 The Waldfrieden road connects the Walter-Sachsse-Weg with the Zweihonnschaftenwald road.
Waldtrautstrasse 45 Waldtraut von Bohlen und Halbach , younger sister of the industrialist Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Dec. 1, 1927 Waldtrautstrasse is located in the Krupp settlement of Brandenbusch , which was laid out for employees of the neighboring Villa Hügel , the former residence of the Krupp family. Waldtrautstrasse
Walter-Sachsse-Weg 970 Walter Sachsse, Mayor of Bredeneyer July 6, 1929 Walter Heinrich Maria Sachsse (* October 6, 1882 in Hamm , † March 12, 1919 in Essen) was the successor of Georg Gustav Eduard Vorberg from June 23, 1910 to April 1, 1915 mayor of Bredeney. After the incorporation he was an alderman for the city of Essen.
The Walter-Sachsse-Weg, which was previously part of the Ruhrsteinstrasse , which later became the Strasse Am Ruhrstein , leads from the Bredeneyer Strasse in a westerly direction to the Strasse Zweihonnschaftenwald and further through the Heissiwald, which was called Plattenwald until 1933, to the south on the Bredeneyer Strasse back.
Walter-Sachsse-Weg, water tower
Weddigenstrasse 70 Otto Weddigen , lieutenant captain, submarine commander Oct 21, 1938 Weddigenstrasse, which was previously called Am Rathaus and later Mückestrasse , connects Bredeneyer Strasse with Graf-Bernadotte-Strasse.
Way to the plate 1270 Plattenberg, old field name May 10, 1914 In a register from 1490 by the rent master Gortfrid Carhuis von Werden , Aleff in der Munthe von dem Levwendail is named as a taxable person beneven the Plattenberghe boven der mollen. Until 1576 the Plattenberg was leased to the citizens of Werden for Viehhude. These abused the bush in such a way that the Abbey of Werden had it partially cleared and leased it as arable land. In 1579, the abbot Heinrich Duden allowed the married couple Gerhard and Grietgen von Viehausen to build a Kotten on the Plattenberg because of their piety and Arnmut ; the later Kotten Plattenberg. In the mother role of 1826, Johann Klusmann called Plattenberg is mentioned as the tenant of the 23- acre Plattenbergkottens belonging to the domain  .
The path to the Platte branches off in a southerly direction from the Wolfsbachweg and continues south through the Heissiwald, which was called the Plattenwald until 1933, to a restaurant and a viewpoint into the Ruhr Valley.
Willow break 260 artificially formed field name July 9, 1915 The Bruchstrasse was simply renamed in 1915 to Weidenbruch, as there were probably some pastures here .
The street Weidenbruch, which was previously called Bruchstraße , connects the Anemonenweg with the Einigkeitstraße in a north-south direction, whereby it continues in a north and south direction and ends as a spur road.
Western field 70 Westerfeld, field name 4th July 1951 In the mother role of 1866, the domain leaseholder Christian Grotkamp in Bredeney is mentioned as the owner of a wood in Westerfeld.
The street Westernfeld is an eastern dead end of the Westerwaldstrasse.
Westerwaldstrasse 1100
(without side streets)
Westerwald , part of the Rhenish Slate Mountains Jan. 14, 1935 At the suggestion of the former Westerwaldverein, Essen local group, not only Westerwaldstraße, on which the historic Bredeney cemetery is located in the north-west , but also other streets were named after German low mountain ranges when developing the area at Brucker Holt .
The Westerwaldstraße, which was previously part of the Meckenstocker Weg , connects the Reckmannshof street in a northerly direction with the Meisenburgstraße. The southern section between the streets Brucker Holt and Reckmannshof was added on July 15, 1954.
Westerwaldstrasse, Bredeney cemetery
Wiedfeldstrasse 690 Otto Wiedfeldt , politician July 6, 1929 Wiedfeldstraße, which was previously called Waldstraße , connects Bredeneyer Straße with Frankestraße, forming the border to Rüttenscheid between Bredeneyer and Heinrich-Held-Straße and the border to Stadtwald as far as Straße Waldeck .
Wilhelm-Bernsau-Weg 290
(in the district)
Wilhelm Bernsau, landowner, politician June 3, 1935 Johann Wilhelm Bernsau was born on October 12, 1839, the son of the landowner Karl Bernsau at Haus Eigen in Schuir . In 1861 he took over the property. After he gave larger areas of his agricultural property to the Bergisch-Märkische Eisenbahngesellschaft and for the establishment of the hill park , he acquired the Buitzgenhof with the surrounding Kotten and reforested the areas, so that Bernsau is called the creator of the slab forest, the so-called Heissiwald since 1933. For 50 years, Bernsau was a member of the Vierhonnschaften community council (Bredeney also belonged to it) and from 1871 to 1889 unpaid 1st alderman of the Kettwig-Land mayor ( Heisingen , circumstance , Vierhonnschaften). He was also a long-time member of the Essen district council . Wilhelm Bernsau died on April 17, 1913 in Bredeney. He was buried in the Werden II cemetery.
The Wilhelm-Bernsau-Weg, which was originally called Steinhäuser Weg , leads from the path to the Platte in a southerly direction to the Kanonenberg street and then on to Werden .
Wolfsbachweg 780
(without access roads)
Wolfsbach, right tributary of the Ruhr May 10, 1914 The Wolfsbachweg branches off to the west of the path to the Platte and runs south to the northern end of the Heisasiwald.
Zeißbogen 940 Carl Zeiss , entrepreneur, founder of the Carl Zeiss company Aug 5, 1936 The street Zeißbogen connects the Meisenburgstraße in a south-westerly arch with the street Brucker Holt.
Zeunerstrasse 500 Gustav Zeuner , engineer, university professor June 9, 1928 The name was given on the occasion of the 67th Annual General Meeting of the Association of German Engineers on June 9, 1928 in Essen. On this occasion, Lord Mayor Franz Bracht informed the assembly that he wanted to give the engineering profession special recognition. In Bredeney a district has been formed in which outstanding men in their field are to be honored by naming streets in the future.
Zeunerstraße is the link between Alfred- and Bredeneyer Straße as part of Bundesstraße 224 .
Zweihonnschaftwald 190 Location at the Bredeneyer community forest May 31, 1930 Up to February 19, 1903, the official name for Bredeney was Zweihonnschaften.
The road Zweihonnschaftenwald, which was previously called Am Zweihonnschaftenwald , connects Maybachstraße in a northerly direction with the Walter-Sachsse-Weg.

List of former street names

The list of former street names does not claim to be complete.

Surname from to renamed to (current) Derivation Remarks
Adelskamp Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  Beckmannsbusch
→  Theodor-Althoff-Strasse
The southern part of Theodor-Althoff-Straße was part of the Beckmannsbusch street. It was previously called Adelskamp.
Avenue street Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  Lilienstraße
At the high basin 5th July 1950 March 5, 1951 →  Am Tann Former reservoir of the Wolfsbachtal waterworks
At the city Hall Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  Weddigenstrasse Town hall of the former mayorry of Bredeney The town hall of the former mayor of Bredeney , built in 1902 by Oskar Kunhenn, is located here. Today it is a listed building.
The street Am Rathaus was renamed Mückestrasse in 1915 and Weddigenstrasse in 1938.
At the Zweihonnschaftwald Oct 18, 1921 May 31, 1930 →  Maybachstrasse
→  Zweihonnschaftenwald
Location at the Bredeneyer community forest
Mountain road Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  Emdenstrasse
Bottlenbergstrasse Feb. 4, 1904 July 9, 1915 →  Bottlenberg Bottlenberg (noble family) It was named after the Bottlenberg family called von Schirp at Baldeney Castle from the Bottlenberg family.
Bruchstrasse Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  Willow break
Brunnenweg Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  Graf-Spee-Strasse
Essener Strasse Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  Bredeneyer Strasse Road to the former city of Essen
Florastrasse Nov 20, 1937 →  On Korintenberg Florastraße was renamed Tiergarten in 1937 and Am Korintenberg in 1950.
Friedrichsallee Aug 6, 1907 July 1, 1915 →  Prinz-Adolf-Strasse
General-Ludendorff-Strasse Nov 20, 1937 June 18, 1945 →  Lerchenstrasse Erich Ludendorff , general and politician Renamed during the Nazi era in order to promote the symbolic form of the seizure of power .
Glückaufstrasse Jan. 7, 1909 July 9, 1915 →  Pine dump Glückauf , miner's greeting In order to incorporate Bredeney into the city of Essen, Glückaufstrasse was renamed Bredeney on July 9, 1915, and Stoppenberg was given a street of this name at the same time .
Border road Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  Carnation Garden
Haeselerstrasse Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  Vine arbor
Hermann-Goering-Strasse July 13, 1933 June 18, 1945 →  Bredeneyer Strasse Hermann Göring , National Socialist politician Renamed during the Nazi era in order to promote the symbolic form of the seizure of power .
Hill road Feb. 4, 1903 16 Sep 1910 →  Lerchenstrasse Road to the hill with Villa Hügel
Hugenbergstrasse May 8, 1933 May 15, 1945 →  Lilienstraße Alfred Hugenberg , armaments and media entrepreneur, politician Renamed during the Nazi era in order to promote the symbolic form of the seizure of power .
In the Löwental Jan. 12, 1934 Nov 21, 1968 →  Bredeneyer Strasse Löwental, neighboring valley The street section in the neighboring district of Werden still bears this name.
In the Ruhr valley Dec. 1, 1927 May 8, 1933 →  Freiherr-vom Stein-Strasse Located in the Ruhr valley The street in the Ruhr Valley, previously called Löwentaler Weg , was renamed Freiherr-vom Stein-Straße in 1933.
Kampstrasse Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  Blumenkamp In order to incorporate Bredeneys into the city of Essen in 1915, Kampstrasse had to be renamed, as there was already a Kampstrasse in the Bochold district .
Kampstrasse Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  Blumenkamp
Kettwiger Strasse before 1910 July 9, 1915 →  Meisenburgstrasse Road to Kettwig In order to incorporate Bredeney into the city of Essen in 1915, Kettwiger Strasse had to be renamed, as there was already a Kettwiger Strasse in the Essen city ​​center .
Koenigstrasse July 9, 1915 →  Unity Street In order to incorporate Bredeney into the city of Essen in 1915, Königstrasse had to be renamed, as there was already a Königstrasse in the Essen city ​​center at that time.
Crooked way Feb. 18, 1916 →  Heierbusch
Kruppstrasse Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  Elderberry Trail Industrial family Krupp In order to incorporate Bredeney into the city of Essen in 1915, Kruppstrasse had to be renamed, as there was already a Kruppstrasse in Essen's southern district .
Langenbachstrasse Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  valley arch
Löwentaler Weg before 1910 Dec. 1, 1927 →  Freiherr-vom Stein-Strasse Löwental, neighboring valley The Löwentaler Weg was renamed to Straße Im Ruhrtal in 1927 and to Freiherr-vom Stein-Straße in 1933.
Markenweg July 9, 1915 Jan 15, 1936 →  Berenberger Mark
Mittelstrasse Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  spring road In the course of the incorporation of Bredeney into the city of Essen in 1915, Mittelstrasse had to be renamed, as there was already a street with this name in the west quarter .
Mückestrasse July 9, 1915 Oct 6, 1938 →  Weddigenstrasse Mückestrasse was previously called Am Rathaus .
Nicodemusstrasse Jan. 26, 1906 May 25, 1906 →  Norbertstrasse The street was previously called Nikolausstrasse .
Nikolausstrasse 6 Sep 1897 Jan. 26, 1906 →  Norbertstrasse Nikolaus , male first name The name was named after a first name after a Rüttenscheider decision of 1895.
Rausenbergerstrasse July 24, 1929 May 26, 1939 →  Benzstrasse
Rellinghauser Strasse Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  Frankenstrasse
→  Bredeneyer Cross
Road to Rellinghausen In order to incorporate Bredeney into the city of Essen in 1915, Rellinghauser Strasse had to be renamed, as a Rellinghauser Strasse already led through the districts of Südviertel , Rüttenscheid , Huttrop and Bergerhausen .
Ruhrsteinstrasse before 1898 July 9, 1915 →  At the Ruhrstein Former Ruhrstein climatic spa
Schlägelgasse Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  lilac bush Based on the mining symbol mallet and iron
Schubertstrasse Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  tree blossom Franz Schubert , Austrian composer In order to incorporate Bredeney into the city of Essen in 1915, Schubertstrasse had to be renamed, as there was already a street with this name in the Südviertel district .
Schulstrasse Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  Graf-Spee-Strasse adjoining Graf Spee School
Stocksiepenstrasse Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  Stocksiepen Stocksiepen, field name
Zoo Nov 20, 1937 →  On Korintenberg The street Tiergarten was called Florastraße until 1937 and was renamed Am Korintenberg in 1950.
Tirpitzstrasse July 9, 1915 March 30, 1949 →  Graf-Bernadotte-Strasse Alfred von Tirpitz , German Grand Admiral Tirpitzstrasse was previously called Wusthoffstrasse and was renamed Graf-Bernadotte-Strasse in 1949.
Vossbuschstrasse Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  Vossbusch Vossbusch, field name
Werdener street Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  Bredeneyer Strasse Road to Werden
Meadow road Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  At the Wiesental
Wusthoffstrasse Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  Graf-Bernadotte-Strasse Wusthoff, court name Wusthoffstrasse was renamed Tirpitzstrasse in 1915 and Graf-Bernadotte-Strasse in 1949.
Zeppelinstrasse Aug 6, 1907 July 9, 1915 →  Tulip path Ferdinand von Zeppelin , airship developer

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Unless otherwise stated, the source used is: Erwin Dickhoff: Essener Strasse . Ed .: City of Essen - Historical association for the city and monastery of Essen. Klartext-Verlag, Essen 2015, ISBN 978-3-8375-1231-1 .
  2. ^ City of Essen: Population figures. Retrieved May 21, 2020 .
  3. ↑ General plan of the city of Essen, land surveying office of the city of Essen, December 1910