List of former municipalities in Norrbotten County

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The list of former municipalities in Norrbottens län lists all municipalities in the Swedish province of Norrbottens län that existed between the entry into force of the municipal code of 1862 and the implementation of the municipality reform of 1971, when the municipalities were formed in the form that still exists today. In addition, an overview of the population development of the communities in this period is given.

List of municipalities

The municipality of Norrbotten County was organized in 1952
Parish structure of Norrbotten County since 1971

The first Swedish Local Government Code of 1862 with the development of municipalities ( stadskommun, usually stad in name) Market town communities ( köpingskommun or köping, in Norrbotten County until 1948) and rural communities (landskommun) occurred in the province to January 1, 1863 only in the coastal part, the historical province (landskap) Norrbotten , through the formation of initially 14 municipalities in force. In the sparsely populated inland, part of the historic province of Lapland , seven municipalities did not emerge until January 1, 1874.

The municipal reform of 1952, which reduced the number of municipalities in Sweden by almost two thirds, had no effect in Norrbotten County. Consolidation did not begin until the second half of the 1960s. Before that, in the period from 1948 to 1966, the highest level of 31 municipalities had been reached (5 cities, 1 minority town, 25 rural communities).

The local government reform in 1971 consistent with the formation of the still existing 14 municipalities type (kommun) occurred throughout the province on January 1, 1971 in force, without the usual in most other provinces of Sweden temporary survival of some former municipalities to December 31 1973rd

coat of arms local community main place From To Emerged from Incorporated into Today's church comment
Älvsby landskommun coat of arms Älvsby landskommun Älvsbyn 1874 1968 Piteå landskommun * Älvsbyns köping Älvsbyn
Älvsbyns köping coat of arms Älvsbyns köping Älvsbyn 1948 1970 Älvsby landskommun * Älvsbyn
Coat of arms of Arjeplogs landskommun Arjeplogs landskommun Arjeplog 1874 1970 Arjeplog
Coat of arms of Arvidsjaurs landskommun Arvidsjaurs landskommun Arvidsjaur 1874 1970 Arvidsjaur
Coat of arms of Bodens stad Boden stad ground 1919 1970 Överluleå landskommun * ground
Edefors landskommun Harads 1892 1970 Överluleå landskommun * ground
Enontekis landskommun Karesuando 1874 1906 Karesuando landskommun (renamed) Kiruna
Coat of arms of Gällivare landskommun Gällivare landskommun Gällivare 1874 1970 Gällivare
Coat of arms of Haparanda stad Haparanda stad Haparanda 1863 1970 Haparanda City charter since December 10, 1842
Hietaniemi landskommun Hedenäset 1863 1968 Övertorneå landskommun Övertorneå
Hortlax landskommun Hortlax 1918 1966 Piteå landskommun * Piteå stad Piteå
Coat of arms of Jokkmokks landskommun Jokkmokks landskommun Jokkmokk 1874 1970 Jokkmokk
Jukkasjärvi landskommun Jukkasjärvi
1874 1947 Kiruna stad Kiruna
Junosuando landskommun Junosuando 1914 1970 Pajala landskommun * Pajala
Coat of arms of Kalix landskommun Kalix landskommun Kalix 1967 1970 Nederkalix landskommun
Töre landskommun
Karesuando landskommun Karesuando 1907 1970 Kiruna
Coat of arms of Karl Gustavs landskommun * Karl Gustavs landskommun * Karungi 1863 1966 Haparanda stad Haparanda
Coat of arms of Kiruna stad Kiruna stad Kiruna 1948 1970 Jukkasjärvi landskommun Kiruna
Coat of arms of Korpilombolo landskommun Korpilombolo landskommun Corpilombolo 1870 1970 Pajala landskommun *
Överkalix landskommun *
Övertorneå landskommun *
Pajala Congregation formed June 3, 1870
Coat of arms of Luleå stad Luleå stad Luleå 1863 1970 Luleå City charter since July 12, 1621
Coat of arms of Nederkalix landskommun Nederkalix landskommun Kalix 1863 1966 Kalix landskommun Kalix
Coat of arms of Nederluleå landskommun Nederluleå landskommun Gammelstad 1863 1968 Luleå stad Luleå
Nedertorneå landskommun Haparanda 1863 1966 Haparanda stad Haparanda
Norrfjärdens landskommun Norrfjärden 1916 1966 Piteå landskommun * Piteå stad Piteå
Coat of arms of Överkalix landskommun Överkalix landskommun Överkalix 1863 1970 Överkalix
Överluleå landskommun ground 1863 1966 Boden stad ground
Coat of arms of Övertorneå landskommun Övertorneå landskommun Övertorneå 1863 1970 Övertorneå
Coat of arms of Pajala landskommun Pajala landskommun Pajala 1863 1970 Pajala
Coat of arms of Piteå landskommun Piteå landskommun Piteå 1863 1966 Piteå stad Piteå
Coat of arms of Piteå stad Piteå stad Piteå 1863 1970 Piteå City charter since May 12, 1621
Coat of arms of Råneå landskommun Råneå landskommun Råneå 1863 1968 Luleå stad Floor
1967 Gunnarsbyns församling to Bodensstad
Coat of arms of Tärendö landskommun Tärendö landskommun Tärendö 1885 1970 Pajala landskommun * Pajala
Coat of arms of Töre landskommun Fool landskommun Fools 1924 1966 Nederkalix landskommun * Kalix landskommun Kalix
  • Municipalities are highlighted in green , minority municipalities in yellow .
  • The designations of municipalities that continue to exist today in an adapted form as commun under the respective name are shown in bold ; if there were city or minor city or rural communities with the same name, then the former.
  • Several stated main places per municipality mean that this has shifted during the time of the existence of the municipality.
  • Communities were formed on January 1 of the year mentioned ( From column ) or ceased to exist on December 31 ( To column ), unless otherwise stated in the comments.
  • For those that originally emerged from the earlier ecclesiastical administrative units in 1863/1874, nothing is noted in the column “ Originated from” ; usually this was the parish of the same name ( socks ). An asterisk (*) means that a church was formed from a part of the earlier church marked in this way.
  • For municipalities that existed until 1970, nothing is noted in the Raised up column if they continue to exist as a municipality named under Today's municipality or if they were absorbed into one.
  • If the associated city did not receive its city charter at the same time (but usually earlier) when a municipality was formed , this is stated under comments.

Population development

The following table shows the development of the population of the former municipalities of Norbottens län between 1860 and 1970, in each case for December 31 of the respective year.

Surname 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970
Älvsby landskommun 1,802 2,276 2,915 3,759 4,995 5,810 6.376 7,054 7,481 7,692 8,390 8,897 9,306 6,521 6,184 5,875 5.122
Älvsbyns köping 2,782 3.119 3,618 4,170 8,686
Arjeplogs landskommun 1,207 1,234 1,352 1,771 2,325 2,849 3,084 3,195 3,462 3,795 4.130 4,427 4,939 5,320 5,711 5,573 5,063 4,435
Arvidsjaurs landskommun 2,026 2,473 3.164 4,040 5,220 6,349 6,708 7.005 7,693 8,948 9,648 9,824 10,679 11.096 10,754 10,317 9,374 8,400
Boden stad 6.220 6,707 6,517 6,594 7,753 10.121 11,458 12.301 13,720 14,354 24,600
Edefors landskommun 2,415 2,569 2,852 3,220 3,454 3,553 3,774 3,845 3,840 3,894 3,645 3.811 3,079 2,549
Enontekis landskommun
Karesuando landskommun
1,239 1,364 1,293 1,348 1,266 1,198 1,183 1,182 1,021 1,086 1,152 1,222 1,224 1,325 1,425 1,446 1,442 1,293
Gällivare landskommun 2,443 2,691 3,253 4,279 11,745 16,245 18,698 19.164 18,477 20,228 19,895 20,824 21,704 22,479 24,849 27,670 27,056 25,417
Haparanda stad 737 942 1,039 1,252 1,568 1,423 1,531 2,784 2,694 2,519 2,610 2,722 3,038 2,973 3,194 3,373 3,966 8,888
Hietaniemi landskommun 1,796 1,837 1,998 1,946 1,968 2,150 2,323 2,437 2,557 2,489 2,595 2,648 2,638 2,657 2,644 2,438 2.136
Hortlax landskommun 3,766 4.156 4,339 4,467 4,508 4,628 4,844 4,907 4,769 4,519
Jokkmokks landskommun 1,905 1,983 2,522 3,256 4,372 5,416 6,565 7,648 7,590 7,530 8,699 8,668 8,968 10,744 9,267 11,533 10,106 7,998
Jukkasjärvi landskommun
Kiruna stad
1,750 1,783 1,973 2,256 3,048 11,530 14,477 13,601 16,210 18,575 17,390 18.205 18,377 19,023 22,374 26,748 28,343 29,330
Junosuando landskommun 1.104 1,141 1,235 1,349 1,547 1,756 1,850 1.914 1,870 1,770 1,511 1,395
Karl Gustavs landskommun * 2,285 2.149 2,244 2,229 2,403 2,536 2,996 2,875 2,846 2,894 3.159 3,371 3,561 3,390 3.226 2,850 2,432
Korpilombolo landskommun 962 1,096 1,415 1,732 1,990 2.005 2,058 2,261 2,520 2,747 3.112 3,471 3,690 3,923 3,995 3,767 3,357 2,659
Luleå stad 1,516 1,905 3,120 4,755 9,484 8,959 9,833 10,545 10,971 11,334 13,510 14,018 17,086 22,514 27,767 30,566 34,853 58,946
Nederkalix landskommun
Kalix landskommun
6,969 7,522 9.419 11,090 12,946 15,365 15,899 16,461 12,684 13,460 14,075 14,467 14,784 14,903 15,220 15,182 14,616 18.199
Nederluleå landskommun 8,283 8,702 10,105 10,727 12,166 12,278 12,321 12,581 12,733 12,980 10,954 11,020 11,073 11,472 11,733 12,461 13,341
Nedertorneå landskommun 1.995 2,033 2,347 2,520 3,056 3,972 4,436 4.210 4,481 4.171 4,551 4,542 4,542 4,242 3,937 3,596 3.214
Norrfjärdens landskommun 4,600 4,834 4,890 4,887 4,938 4,858 4,801 4,666 4,530 4.126 3,760
Överkalix landskommun 2,913 3,544 4,217 4,834 5,539 6.013 6,208 6,518 7.004 7,396 8.006 8,564 9,171 9.214 9,065 8,598 7,518 6,023
Överluleå landskommun 5,809 7,230 8,386 9,540 10,555 13,961 14,625 9,641 9,779 9,408 9,569 9,573 10,598 10,281 9,532 9,177 8,893
Övertorneå landskommun 2,368 2,528 2,942 3.122 3,406 3,683 3,891 4,096 4,524 4,913 5,531 6.233 6,844 7,419 7,402 7,033 6,549 7,356
Pajala landskommun 3,008 3.233 3,903 3,549 4,584 4,895 4.015 4,192 4,451 4,850 5,459 6.229 6,817 7,066 6,941 6,415 5,927 4,878
Piteå landskommun 10,451 11,638 13,682 15,535 17,951 19,640 15,869 12,671 12,916 13,807 14,458 13,967 14,063 13,852 13,759 13,726 14,278
Piteå stad 1,554 1,800 2,337 2,691 2,655 2,632 2,622 3,047 3.129 3,102 3,407 4,264 4,883 5,574 6,466 7,426 8,476 32,829
Råneå landskommun 5,487 6.094 7.135 7,411 7,777 8,137 8,392 8,838 8,844 8,730 8,965 9,087 8,972 8,634 8.091 7,523 6,663
Tärendö landskommun 1,141 1,335 1,517 1,561 1,762 1,875 1,982 2.164 2,216 2,251 2,295 2,283 2.213 2.023 1,813
Fool landskommun 4,556 4,544 4,804 4,969 5,213 5,127 4,840 4,482 3,683
  • Municipalities that emerged directly from one another in the chronological sequence through a change in type and / or renaming are, in contrast to the first table, summarized in one row each; the transition is marked by a thicker border between the table columns.
  • In 1860 or partly in 1870, the communities did not yet exist; For comparison purposes, the number of inhabitants of the administrative unit from which the municipality later emerged is given (usually parishes / socks that corresponded in size to the municipalities; possibly in the sum of several).
  • Missing information means that the municipality did not exist that year (see first table).


  • Per Andersson: Sveriges kommunindelning 1863–1993 . Draking, Mjölby 1993, ISBN 91-87784-05-X (Swedish).

Individual evidence

  1. Data from Statistiska centralbyrån (Swedish Central Statistical Office):
    • Bidrag till Sveriges officiella statistics. A. Compliance statistics. (Each Andra afdelningen / Department II, PDF for 1860 , 1870 , 1880 , 1890 , 1900 )
    • Folkmängden inom administrativa områden December 31, 1910. ( PDF , as well as the following for 1915 , 1920 , 1925 , 1930 , 1935 , 1940 , 1945 , 1950 , 1955 )
    • 1960–1970 according to Folkmängd 31 dec 1950–1975 i län, communer och församlingar enligt communindelningen 1 jan 1976. ( PDF )