List of Polish capitals

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Capitals of Poland

Capitals of the voivodeships from 1919 to 1939

Since the names of the voivodships are partly derived from the names of their capitals, a translation of these voivodeship names is superfluous.
¹ voivodeship city
² 1922-25 Vilnius district, since 1925 voivodeship

Capitals of the voivodeships from 1945 to 1975

Since the names of the voivodeships are derived from the names of their capitals, there is no need to translate the voivodeship names.

The non-voivodeship cities

Capitals of the voivodships from 1975 to 1998

Since the names of the voivodeships are derived from the names of their capitals, there is no need to translate the voivodeship names.

Capitals of the voivodeships since 1999

¹ Seat of the voivode appointed by the central government, who is responsible for the administration of the finances allocated centrally from Warsaw
² Seat of the voivodship marshal, his government and parliament (Sejmik)