List of religious buildings in Viersen

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The list of sacred buildings in Viersen lists current and former sacred buildings in the North Rhine-Westphalian city ​​of Viersen . In addition, meeting houses and rooms (etc.) of religious communities from Viersen as well as mourning halls in cemeteries are listed here, which are not sacred buildings in the narrower sense.



Illustration District Affiliation Name / designation Location Coordinates construction time description

2020 07 23 Bahaitum Viersen.jpg
City center Bahaitum Bahá'í Viersen Dülkener Strasse 107, 41747 Viersen Erioll world.svg

Viersen - Remigiusplatz - St Remigius 12 ies.jpg
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City center Roman Catholic community St. Remigius Viersen Goetersstrasse 8, 41747 Viersen Erioll world.svg 8/9 Century / 1181/1484
Already in Carolingian times in the 8th / 9th A stone church was built in Viersen in the 17th century. It was a Franconian hall church that was converted into a three-aisled Romanesque pillar basilica around 1181 . From the 14th century, the church began to be converted into an early Gothic church. Today's late Gothic church was built in 1484.

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Helenabrunn Roman Catholic community St. Helena Viersen Heimerstraße 8, 41747 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1636/1666/1843 to 1852
A chapel is mentioned here for the first time in 1636, which was replaced by a larger new building 30 years later. In 1800 the two honors Heimer and Ummer were separated from St. Remigius and the chapel was elevated to a parish church . The church was built from 1843 to 1852 according to plans by Lüdke and consecrated on June 11, 1852 by Archbishop Johann Anton Friedrich Baudri .

2020 07 09 St. Joseph's Church of the Holy Sepulcher (Viersen) (1) .jpg
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Rintgen Roman Catholic community Church of the Holy Sepulcher St. Joseph Viersen At the Josefskirche 15, 41747 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1889 to 1891/2012
On March 19, 1889, the groundbreaking ceremony for a new Catholic church in what was then the district of Rintgen was laid. The solemn consecration was carried out on November 17, 1891 (by Archbishop Philipp Krementz ). After an eventful history with fires, destruction and renovations, the church was converted to the Holy Sepulcher in mid-2012 .

475 Catholic parish church, Pastor-Grünig-Platz 1 (Hamm) .jpg
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Hamm Roman Catholic community St. Marien Viersen Pastor-Grünig-Platz 1, 41748 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1951 to 1955
The catholic church could be built between 1951 and 1955 according to the plans of Adam Dickmann .

368 Catholic parish church, Dechant-Stroux-Straße 22 (Unterrahser) .jpg
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Rakers Roman Catholic community St. Notburga Viersen Notburgastraße 1, 41748 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1929
In 1909 a church building association was founded. In 1914 a design for a new Romanesque church was drawn up (based on plans by Josef Kleesattel ), but it had to be abandoned due to the First World War . After the revival of the church building association, the foundation stone for a new church was laid on June 29, 1928 (according to the plans of Paul Sültenfuß and Kuno Seidel). The solemn inauguration by the auxiliary bishop Hermann Joseph Sträter took place on September 15, 1929. In the following years further redesigns took place.

Church of st peter viersen bockert.jpg
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Bockert Roman Catholic community St. Peter Viersen Pastor-Lennartz-Platz 1 41748 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1890 to 1891
The design for the Church of St. Peter comes from the Haaren architect Heinrich van Kann . The first cut of the spade was made on April 28, 1890 by Pastor Stroux, and the inauguration took place on November 19, 1891 (by Archbishop Philipp Krementz ). The church is built as a three-aisled basilica in the neo-Gothic style . It has a west tower, a transept and a choir. The church interior is bright during the day, because the clever arrangement of the windows also floods the vaults with light. The church was last renovated from July 1998 to Pentecost Sunday in May 1999.

2020 07 09 Kreuzkirche (Viersen) (1) .jpg
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Rintgen Evangelical regional church community Kreuzkirche Viersen Hauptstrasse 124, 41747 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1718/1780/1877 to 1879
There is first evidence of Protestant Christians in Viersen for the year 1580, after 1629 a Protestant congregation was gradually formed here. In 1718 a preaching house was built, which (against the resistance of the Catholic community) was rebuilt in 1780 (bell tower, pulpit, organ). In 1877 the construction of a new house of God in neo-Gothic style could begin and it could be consecrated on May 27, 1879. After interim restoration measures (due to the two world wars ), the church was given the name "Kreuzkirche" (previously unnamed) in 1994.


Rakers Jehovah's Witnesses Jehovah's Witnesses Viersen Gerberstrasse 95, 41748 Viersen Erioll world.svg

2020 07 23 Synagogue Viersen.jpg
City center Judaism Prayer room Viersen Rektoratstrasse 10, 41747 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1860 The first Jewish citizens in Viersen are documented in the 18th century, the community did not have its own synagogue building. Services were held in rented private rooms until around 1860 a house on Rektoratstraße could be bought. A Jewish school could be set up on the ground floor and a prayer room on the upper floor. Between 1939 and 1940 the Jewish property was expropriated, the prayer house and the cemetery passed into the hands of the city. In the mid-1980s, a memorial plaque was attached to the building on Rektoratstrasse in which the Jewish prayer room was located (see photo).

2020 07 23 Turkish Islamic Union Viersen.jpg
Rakers Islam Turkish Islamic Union Viersen Süchtelner Strasse 16, 41747 Viersen Erioll world.svg

267 Former  Cemetery chapel, Dechant-Frenken-Platz 3 (Viersen) .jpg
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City center Cemetery Chapel (Roman Catholic Church) Former Cemetery chapel at St. Remigius Viersen Dechant-Frenken-Platz 3, 41747 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1842
The cemetery and cruciform chapel was built in 1842 by the master mason Johann Schnitzler, more or less exactly on the axis of the Remigius Church.

2020 05 22 Former  Catholic cemetery chapel Viersen (1) .jpg
City center Cemetery Chapel (Roman Catholic Church) Former Viersen Catholic cemetery chapel Hoserkirchweg 45, 41747 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1868 The (former) Catholic cemetery chapel, built in 1868 and used today as a columbarium, can be found in the cemetery on Löhweg .

2020 05 22 Former  Protestant cemetery chapel Viersen (1) .jpg
City center Friedhofskapelle (Evangelical Church) Former Protestant cemetery chapel Viersen Hoserkirchweg 45, 41747 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1868 The (former) Protestant cemetery chapel, which was built in 1895 and is now used as a columbarium, can be found in the cemetery on Löhweg .

2020 05 22 Friedhofshalle Viersen (1) .jpg
City center Urban mourning hall Viersen cemetery hall Hoserkirchweg 45, 41747 Viersen Erioll world.svg In a central location on the cemetery on Löhweg there is a cemetery hall, which consists of several parts of the building (mortuary hall, administration rooms, cemetery office).


Illustration District Affiliation Name / designation Location Coordinates construction time description

Boisheim - Church of St. Peter - panoramio.jpg
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Boisheim Roman Catholic community St. Peter To St. Peter 13, 41751 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1258 to 1291/1487/1898
The first documentary evidence of a chapel at this location can be found between 1258 and 1291, the church standing here was built in 1487 (according to the inscription on the north side). A larger extension took place (according to the plans of the architects Carl Rüdell and Richard Odenthal) in 1898, from 1901 to 1902 the interior was painted by Jacob Rensing from Cologne. After damage during the Second World War , the church was restored in 1952. As a result, further renovations took place, the last time the exterior was restored in 1976.

89 St. Lucia Chapel, Kapellenstrasse (Boisheim) .jpg
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Boisheim Roman Catholic Chapel St. Lucia Chapel Kapellenstrasse, 41751 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1629/1893
In the "Directory of Parishes, Monasteries and Chapels in the District of Christianity zu Süchteln", St. Lucia is named as the year of construction of the chapel, but the year above the door mentions 1629. In 1893 a thorough restoration was carried out.


Illustration District Religious community / type Affiliation Location Coordinates construction time description

2020 07 05 St. Cornelius (Viersen) (1) .jpg
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Dulken Roman Catholic community St. Cornelius Old Market, 41751 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1279/1478/1871/1908
On December 3, 1135 to Cologne Archbishop Bruno II for the first time a church in Dülken have mentioned, the first documentary evidence but the admonition of the parishioners of Dülken I. Hermann ( Abbey of St. Vitus in Gladbach ) from the year 1210. On 14 October 1279, Archbishop Siegfried of Cologne enforces the removal of the fortifications around the church tower (which is also the defense and watchtower). For June 15, 1453 there is a lay judge's letter for the construction of a new Gothic church (staggered church with a tower on four floors), in 1478 the church could be consecrated to the saints St. Cornelius and St. Udalricus . In 1593 the bell vault collapsed and a fire on June 19, 1723 destroyed the church (and 40 houses). In 1729 the church was restored as a three-aisled stepped hall with four bays with groin vaults on round pillars, 2 choir bays and a 3/8 end. After the tower tower was destroyed on February 22nd, 1799 (which could be restored on June 1st, 1827), the foundation stone for the third church building was laid on June 16th, 1871 (according to plans by the architect Heinrich Wiethase ). The first construction phase (choir, transept, two eastern bays) can be completed and consecrated on June 8, 1874. The second construction phase was started by Wiethase's nephew Heinrich Renard on October 6, 1903. The construction work was completed in 1908. Several restorations took place after the Second World War .


bush Roman Catholic community Ortisei To St. Ulrich, 41751 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1967 After the south of Dülken was increasingly populated in the early 1960s, the need for another Catholic church arose. For this purpose, a church building association was founded on June 1, 1962. On March 12, 1967, the church (built according to the plans of the Mönchengladbach architecture office Willy Decker) was ceremoniously consecrated.

2020 08 02 Herz Jesu (Dülken) (2) .jpg
Dulken Roman Catholic community Heart of jesus Kreyenbergstrasse 2a, 41751 Viersen Erioll world.svg The pastoral care district “Dülken-Nord” was separated from the main parish of St. Cornelius in 1927 , and a warehouse was acquired as the basis for the church. After the renovation, the emergency church could be designated December 13, 1931. The building was destroyed in an air raid on February 24, 1945, and the new building (based on plans by Karl Schlueter ) was consecrated on October 31, 1954.

327 Former  Kreuzherrenkloster Chapel, Kreuzherrenstr.  29-49 (Dülken) .jpg
Dulken Roman Catholic community Former Kreuzherrenkloster Dülken / Marienkapelle Kreuzherrenstrasse 29–49, 41751 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1407/1491 As early as 1407, according to the chronicle of Dr. Hugo Doergens mentions an inn with an attached chapel in Dülken, which was dedicated to St. Sebastian . Further documents from 1452 and 1465 confirm that there is a chapel here (it was restored in 1591 and 1592). On July 4, 1479, Wilhelm von Bocholz (pastor of the parish church in Dülken ) granted permission to set up a monastery of the Kreuzherrn in his parish. After the donation of land, the new church of the Dülkener Kreuzherren was consecrated on September 28, 1491 by the auxiliary bishop Johann Spender , it was (also) dedicated to St. Sebastian . According to the statutes of the Order of the Knights of the Cross, however, their churches and monasteries were to be consecrated to the Holy Cross, but the patronage was retained when an existing sacred building was taken over. On February 9, 1802, the Kreuzherrenkloster in Dülken was closed. In the following years the buildings were used for administrative and school purposes (Kreuzherrenschule). After several years of vacancy, residential and commercial space was created here from 2017.
The former Marienkapelle in the monastery garden can be found on the property of the house at Kreuzherrenstraße 29, the old monastery wall of the Kreuzherren monastery still exists along the east wall and part of Hospitalstraße.

204 Evang.  Christ Church, Martin-Luther-Strasse 2 (Dülken) .jpg
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Dulken Evangelical regional church community Christ Church Martin-Luther-Strasse 2, 41751 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1854
The first mention of an evangelical pastor goes back to 1609, services were held in a factory at the cathedral courtyard. In 1854 the foundation stone for a Protestant church was laid on today's Martin-Luther-Straße, and in 1857 the inauguration was celebrated. Since the evangelical community in Dülken grew steadily after the Second World War , it was necessary to build a new church in the neighborhood (1966). Since the necessary renovation of the (new) tent church could not be borne by the community, it was decided to renovate the old church and demolish the (new) tent church. In October 2018, the parishioners moved from the New Christ Church to the (old) Christ Church, the house of God was consecrated.


Dulken Evangelical regional church community New Christ Church Martin-Luther-Strasse 2, 41751 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1966 Since the evangelical community in Dülken grew steadily after the Second World War , it was necessary to build a new church here. On October 23, 1966, the New Christ Church, which was built in 1966 as a tent church right next to the (old) Christ Church , was consecrated. The new building was connected to the old church by a foyer. After the necessary renovation could not be financed by the community, it was decided to demolish the tent church and renovate the (old) Christ Church. The New Christ Church was divorced on February 3, 2020, and demolition began a month later.


Dulken New Apostolic Church New Apostolic Church Dülken Eintrachtstrasse 54, 41751 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1971 The congregation in Dülken was founded in 1971, and the church on Eintrachtstrasse was ceremonially consecrated on February 9, 1971.

2020 07 05 Evangelical Free Church Congregation in the Paulussaal (Dülken) (2) .jpg

Dulken Evangelical Free Church Congregation ( Baptist Congregation ) Evangelical free church congregation in the Paulussaal Dammstrasse 45, 41751 Viersen Erioll world.svg

471 Former  Mortuary, Arnoldstrasse 48 (Dülken) .jpg
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Dulken Urban mourning hall Former Dülken cemetery hall Arnoldstrasse 48, 41751 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1873 to 1876
In 1976 (according to the inscription above the portal) a morgue with a gravedigger's apartment was built on the third cemetery in Dülken, which was newly laid out at the end of 1873.


Illustration District Affiliation Name / designation Location Coordinates construction time description

2020 04 18 St. Clemens (Süchteln) (1) .jpg
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Alt addicts Roman Catholic community St. Clement Hochstrasse 8, 41749 Viersen Erioll world.svg 2nd half of the 15th century / 1612/1856 to 1858
A Christian place of worship is said to have existed here as early as Carolingian times. There is evidence that the parish was incorporated in 1246 by Archbishop Konrad von Hochstaden , but a pastor is mentioned as early as 1220. The original structural substance no longer exists; a new building was built in the second half of the 15th century. On March 22, 1855, the foundation stone for the extension of the new building was laid (according to the plans of Vincenz Statz ), and the building was completed on April 21, 1858.

451 Catholic parish church, Grefrather Straße 183 (Süchteln) .jpg
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Vorst Roman Catholic community St. Francis Grefrather Str. 183, 41749 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1951 to 1954
As early as 1929, an emergency church (a converted hall of Hermann's restaurant) in the Vorst district is mentioned. After the founding of a church building association in 1951, the construction of the new church (according to the plans of Hans Rompelberg) began in the same year in place of a Lady Chapel. The inauguration was celebrated on May 30, 1954.

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Thorn bush Roman Catholic community St. Mary Help of Christians Barionstrasse 14, 41749 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1855 to 1857/1903 to 1909
A chapel (according to the plans of Vincenz Statz ) was built at this point between 1855 and 1857 , and benefited from it on December 1, 1857. In the years 1903 to 1909 the building was extended to a church.

2020 04 19 Irmgardiskapelle (Süchteln) (4) .jpg
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Alt addicts Roman Catholic Chapel Irmgardiskapelle Süchtelner Höhen / Equatorweg, 41749 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1498/1664
As early as 1498 there was a small church on this site, it was completely destroyed in 1589. In 1664, today's chapel was built in honor of the patron saint Irmgard von Süchteln . The abbot of the Benedictine monastery of St. Pantaleon in Cologne , who also donated an altar in 1681, is considered to be the builder .

2020 04 18 Evangelical Church (Süchteln) (1) .jpg
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Alt addicts Evangelical regional church community Protestant church Hindenburgstrasse 3, 41749 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1669/1681 to 1722
The new doctrine was announced in Süchteln as early as 1566, and in 1568 the Süchteln community was mentioned at the Wesel convent . In 1608 the congregation was given its own cemetery and school, and the first services with a priest took place in a house on Hochstrasse in mid-1609. In 1644 the congregation was able to purchase a piece of land, and on May 20, 1669 the foundation stone was laid for the preaching house. The church is being built with the rectory and school house in front of it, the first service was celebrated on September 1, 1669. In the years 1681 to 1722, major renovations took place, the last time the interior of the church was redesigned in the years 1967 to 1968.

Viersen Süchteln - Johannisstrasse - Johanniskirche ex 03 ies.jpg
Alt addicts Evangelical regional church community Johanniskirche Johannisstrasse 88, 41749 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1904 to 1906 Between 1904 and 1906, the St. John's Church was built on the site of today's LVR Clinic Viersen. The first service was celebrated on April 7, 1907, and the interior was redesigned around 1986. The church contains a crucifix by Hans Franke and a church window by Ernst Otto Köpke .

450 Church Orthop.  Children's hospital, Horionstraße 2 (Süchteln) .jpg
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Alt addicts Ecumenical movement Church Orthop. Children's Hospital Horionstrasse 2, 41749 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1927
As part of the expansion of the "Provinzial-Krüppelanstalt" a Catholic institute church with an integrated Protestant prayer room was built in 1927. In the 1950s / 1960s, the interior was converted.

2020 04 18 Synagogue Süchteln.jpg
Alt addicts Judaism Synagogue Süchteln Hindenburgstrasse 3, 41749 Viersen Erioll world.svg 1810 The synagogue Süchteln is mentioned for the first time in the original cadastre in 1810, but it is said to have been a prayer room on the first floor of a residential building right next to the Evangelical Church in Süchteln . In the pogrom night on November 9, 1938 , only the prayer room on the first floor was destroyed, as a hairdressing salon was run by a non-Jewish person on the ground floor. In 1970 the house was demolished and replaced by a new building. In 1985, a memorial plaque was attached to the new building, commemorating the former synagogue.

2020 04 19 Friedhofshalle Süchteln (3) .jpg
Alt addicts Urban mourning hall Süchteln cemetery hall Bergstrasse 91, 41749 Viersen Erioll world.svg

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Homepage of Bahá'í Viersen
  2. ST. REMIGIUS - The development of the parish in
  3. ST. HELENA - The development of the parish in
  4. ST. JOSEPH - The long way of a remarkable building in
  5. St. Marien in
  6. St. Notburga in
  7. ST. PETER - The history of the church in Viersen-Bockert in
  8. Our Evangelical Kreuzkirche - A few words about history in
  9. ^ Synagogue Viersen in jewische
  10. Former Catholic cemetery chapel Viersen in
  11. Former Protestant cemetery chapel Viersen in
  12. cemetery hall Viersen in
  13. St. Peter in
  14. St. Peter in
  15. St. Lucia Chapel in
  16. St. Lucia Chapel in
  17. ^ Catholic parish church St. Cornelius in
  18. St. Cornelius: Open and versatile in
  19. St. Cornelius Dülken , Art Guide No. 2117, Verlag Schnell & Steiner, Regensburg, 1994, without ISBN
  20. St. Ulrich in
  21. St. Ulrich Catholic Church in Dülken in
  22. In St. Ulrich experiments are carried out in
  23. Herz Jesu in
  24. Herz Jesu in
  25. Heimatbuch 1980 des Kreises Viersen , p. 27 ff, Viersen, Oberkreisdirektor Viersen (1980), without ISBN
  26. ^ Hugo Doergens: Chronicle of the City of Dülken, 1925, without ISBN
  27. Kreuzherrenkloster, monastery wall, Marienkapelle in
  28. Kreuzherrenkloster in
  29. Dülken's craziest house in
  30. History of the community in
  31. Christ Church in
  32. The Christ Church - more beautiful than ever in
  33. Our buildings - places of life in
  34. 50 years of the New Christ Church in
  35. Farewell to the new Christ Church in Dülken - and return to the old one in
  36. Apostolic Church Dülken in
  37. Viersen-Dülken in
  38. Evangelical Free Church congregation in Paulussaal in
  39. Former Dülken cemetery hall in
  40. St. Clemens in
  41. St. Clemens in
  42. St. Franziskus in
  43. St. Franziskus in
  44. St. Maria Hilfe der Christisten in
  45. St. Maria Hilfe der Christisten in
  46. With Irmgardis to inner peace in
  47. History of the Ev. Parish of Süchteln in
  48. The St. John's Church in
  49. ^ Church of the Orthopädische Provinzial-Kinderheilanstalt Süchteln in
  50. ^ Jewish prayer house Süchteln in