Music year 1516

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Music year 1516
Renaissance lute
The renaissance lute - shown here on a detail of the picture Presentation in the Temple by Vittore Carpaccio from the years 1490–1495 - is a buckled neck lute in quart / third tuning , as it was first used in Europe from around 1500 to 1620 . In Europe it has frets made of gut strings. The transition from playing the pick to touching the finger ( Arnold Schlick and Hans Judenkönig ) at the beginning of the 16th century is decisive . Separate fingering ( tabs, lute tabs ) are also developed for the lute .


  • Bonifacius Amerbach , who initially studied at the Artistic Faculty of the University of Basel and listened to   music theory there, has continued his studies at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau since 1513 , where he turns to law . Here he is on friendly terms with Sixt Dietrich and the organist Hans Weck.
  • Jakob Arcadelt was a choirboy ("vicariot") from 1516 to 1524 under the choirmasters Lambert Masson and Charles de Niquet at the collegiate church of St. Aubain in his hometown of Namur .
  • Pietro Aron is a priest in Imola .
  • Hans Buchner is the cathedral organist at the Cathedral of Our Lady in Constance .
  • Vincenzo Capirola works in Italy. One of Capirola's pupils began writing the so-called “Capirola Lute Book” in Venice in 1515 , which he completed in 1520. It is a richly illustrated manuscript that not only contains compositions, but also information on playing technique in the foreword and thus provides important information about lute playing during the Italian Renaissance.
  • Marco Cara has been a lute virtuoso in the service of the Gonzaga family in Mantua since 1495 and until 1525 , who promoted artists of all kinds in his day.
  • Carpentras is Kapellmeister of the papal chapel in Rome under the Medici Pope Leo X , who is an avid patron of music and the arts.
  • Nicolas Champion is called canon - Kantor in Lier successor to the late cantor de Nicolas Leesmeester , but still remains temporarily in the service of the court chapel of Charles V
  • From 1516 to 1517, Jean Courtois worked in Cambrai as “ petit vicaire” .
  • Josquin Desprez has been provost at his former place of work in Condé-sur-l'Escaut since 1504 . He is referred to as monsieur le prevost messire Josse des pres . The position is attractive for the former music director not only for its local property ownership, but even more because of the good staffing the church and the quality of the local music exercise, second only to the cathedral in Cambrai and Saint-Vincent in Soignies exceeded becomes. The provost here (according to a list from 1523) holds the secular power in the parish and is the superior of the dean , the treasurer, 25 canons, 18 chaplains, 16 vicars and six choirboys, plus some priests without benefices; A choir of vicars and choirboys usually takes part in the lavishly designed church services, so that up to 22 music-trained voices are available and up to six-part works can be performed. Josquin Desprez worked in this position for 17 years until the end of his life.
  • Sixt Dietrich , who had been studying at the University of Freiburg since September 1509 , married a Freiburg bourgeois daughter in 1516 († 1519).
  • Antonius Divitis is a singer in the court orchestra of the French King Franz I.
  • Benedictus Ducis has probably been the organist in London since 1515 .
  • Heinrich Isaac , who was certainly involved in the musical arrangement of the visit of Pope Leo X in Florence from November 30, 1515 to February 19, 1516 , fell ill in autumn 1516 and wrote his third will in December.
  • Jacotin Le Bel , who first tried to become a member of the French court orchestra in 1516, worked from 1516 to 1520 as a singer in the private chapel of Pope Leo X in Rome.
  • Georg Liban , in 1511 Krakow of the academic degree Magister has acquired, gives lectures at the university and is about 1506 to 1528 at the School of St. Mary's Church as Kantor worked. He was first cantor here, has been rector since 1514 and teaches Latin prosody , Greek and music.
  • Jean l'Héritier works for Pope Leo X in Rome .
  • Johannes Lupi is a choirboy at the Notre-Dame Cathedral in his hometown of Cambrai and is thus receiving training at one of the most important ecclesiastical music centers of the time.
  • Jachet de Mantua is in 1516 as "Iachetto cantore" in the service of the ducal family d'Este in Ferrara .
  • Jean Mouton is - like Antonius Divitis - a member of Franz I's court orchestra .
  • Marbrianus de Orto , who has been premier chapelain of the court chapel of the regent Margaret of Austria since 1510 and of the Duke of the Burgundian Netherlands Charles (later Emperor Charles V ) in Brussels since 1510 , alternates in this office with Anthoine de Berghes until 1517. This change is related to residency obligations at other churches, after he worked as a canon at the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Antwerp (Church of Our Lady) from 1510 and in the same position at Saint-Gudule in Brussels from 1513.
  • Francisco de Peñalosa is a member of the Spanish Royal Chapel. Since 1511 he has also worked as a music teacher for the heir to the throne Ferdinand I; He served as a singer in the Spanish royal chapel until the king's death in 1516.
  • Matteo Rampollini worked from 1515 to 1520 as a singer at the Basilica di San Lorenzo church in Florence in the service of the Medici family .
  • Jean Richafort , who was probably a member of the chapel of the French Queen Anne de Bretagne since August 1509 and received a benefice in Brittany from her , belongs to the death of Louis XII. as a singer in the chapel of his successor Franz I (term of office 1515–1547). He accompanied the king and his court to Bologna in January 1516 to sign the Bologna Concordat on January 30, 1516. There Richafort received further benefices and other awards from Pope Leo X.
  • Pierre de la Rue is - like Nicolas Champion and Marbrianus de Orto - active in the court chapel of the Duke of the Burgundian Netherlands Charles (later Emperor Charles V) in Brussels. The last (presumably subsequent) salary payment to Pierre de la Rue was made on January 21, 1516; possibly he resigned from court service in the summer of 1515. In June 1516 he retired to Kortrijk , bought a house there and became a local canon. His will of June 16, 1516 shows him to be a wealthy man.
  • In 1516, Arnolt Schlick took down the organ of the Neustadt an der Weinstrasse collegiate church .
  • Claudin de Sermisy works as a clergyman in the Diocese of Noyon and - like Antonius Divitis and Jean Mouton - as a singer in the court chapel of King Francis I of France. He almost certainly accompanied his employer to Italy in the summer of 1515 and sang mass with the royal chapel at the meeting of King Francis with Pope Leo X in Bologna from December 11 to 15, 1515 . The outcome of the meeting is the Bologna Concordat between the Vatican and France. Pope Leo shows his generosity by rewarding several members of the king's company, for example on December 17, 1515 the royal conductor Antoine du Longueval († 1525) and the main composer Jean Mouton . On January 30th, 1516, he granted a donation to "Claudio de Sermysy canonico Noviomensis" and four other royal singers, including the composer Jean Richafort , which allowed them to take on a special benefice. On March 31 of the same year, the Pope gave the royal singer and organist Pierre Mouton the priority .


Vocal music


  • Contents of the first collection of sacred music printed in Rome by Andrea Antico: Liber quindecim missarum (1516)
    Pietro Roselli - Missa Laysez moy




Born around 1516

See also

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