Patrick singer

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Patrick Sänger (born June 15, 1979 in Vienna ) is an Austrian ancient historian , papyrologist and epigraphist .

Scientific career

Patrick Singer began studying ancient history and antiquity at the University of Vienna in the 1997 winter semester , which he completed after the 2003 winter semester. In February 2004 he graduated as Mag. Phil. , The subject of the thesis was The Eirenarchs of Roman Egypt . In the summer of 2004, Sänger started a doctoral degree in Vienna, which he finished in the summer of 2009. The doctoral examination took place in October 2009. The subject of the dissertation was veterans among the Severans and the early soldier emperors in Egypt: A consideration based on the archives of the veterans Aelius Sarapammon and Aelius Syrion . The printed dissertation was largely received positively by the professional world and comparatively frequently, including in the historical journal , in Das Historisch-Politische Buch , der Klio , Anzeiger für die Altertumswirtschaft , journal of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History. Romance Studies Department , the Bonner Jahrbucher , Sehepunkte and H-Soz-Kult , but also in publications from non-German-speaking countries such as Bryn Mawr Classical Review . The habilitation also took place for the subject Ancient History and Papyrology in October 2017 at the University of Vienna, the habilitation thesis was written by singer on the subject of the Ptolemaic organizational form politeuma. A Controversial Aspect of Jewish and Hellenistic Legal History .

During his studies, from 2003 onwards, he took part in the excavations of the Austrian Archaeological Institute in Ephesus , from 2004 onwards with a focus on the epigraphic field research led by Hans Taeuber . This commitment lasted until 2012. In the summer semester of 2003 he gained his first teaching experience as a tutor at an event by Bernhard Palme . From April to November 2004 he worked as the holder of a contract for work on the collective book of Greek documents from Egypt , a project of the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz . From October 2005 to September 2009, Sänger was employed as an assistant in training at the Institute for Ancient History and Archeology at the University of Vienna. Between January and March 2009 he was a Jacobi fellow of the Commission for Ancient History and Epigraphy in Munich . In October 2009, Sänger moved to the Institute for Papyrology at Heidelberg University as a research assistant . In 2010 he and Rodney Ast received the Klaus-Georg and Sigrid Hengstberger Prize for young scientists from Heidelberg University. In July 2011, they used the prize money to finance the Hengstberger Symposium on Minorities and Migration Phenomena .

In March 2013, Sänger returned to the Vienna Institute for Ancient History and Archeology , where he worked on his habilitation project as a research associate as an APART scholarship holder of the Austrian Academy of Sciences until June 2016 . This was interrupted between September and December 2014 when he was a member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton . In his project, financed by the Herodotus Fund , Sänger dealt with The Jurisdiction of the Jewish πολίτευμα of Herakleopolis . From September 2016 to February 2017 he was an external lecturer at the Vienna Institute for Ancient History and Archeology , from March to September 2017 at the Institute for Ancient History and Ancient Oriental Studies , and from December 2016 to March 2017 on behalf of the Collaborative Research Center 950 "Manuscript Cultures in Asia, Africa and Europe ” entrusted the German Research Foundation with the viewing and cataloging of the papyrus collection of the Hamburg State and University Library . In November 2016, he and Sandra Scheuble-Reiter organized the conference Shaping Politics and Society - Mercenaries in the Greek World at the University of Halle . In October 2017, Sänger became a research assistant in the Department of Ancient History at the Institute for Classical Archeology at the University of Kiel .

On April 1, 2018, Patrick Sänger was appointed to succeed Norbert Ehrhardt as W2 Professor for Ancient History at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster .

Singer has been a member of the International Society for Arabic Papyrology and the Association Internationale de Papyrologues since 2009, of the International Network for the Study of Late Antiquity since 2011 and of the Association Internationale d'Épigraphie Grecque et Latine since 2016 . From volume 18 (2003) to volume 31 (2016) he was editor of the magazine for ancient history, papyrology and epigraphy Tyche . So far he has contributed around 50 articles to magazines and compilations, and has given almost as many lectures.

Singer's research focuses on minorities and migration phenomena in antiquity , with a focus on Hellenism , the administrative, legal and social history of the eastern Mediterranean from Hellenism to late antiquity, as well as the edition of documentary papyri and inscriptions from Ephesus.


Web links

  • Singer on the website of the University of Münster

Single receipts

  1. by Oliver Stoll in: Historische Zeitschrift. Volume 295, 2012, pp. 155-156.
  2. by Peter Kehne in: Das Historisch-Politische Buch. Volume 61, 2013, p. 162.
  3. Brian Campbell in: Klio. Volume 95, 2013, pp. 259-261.
  4. ^ By Christian Körner in: Anzeiger für die Altertumswwissenschaften. Volume 66, 2013, 248-250.
  5. ^ By Gerhard Thür in: Journal of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History. Romance Department. Volume 131, 2014, pp. 562-564.
  6. by Gabriele Wesch-Klein in: Bonner Jahrbücher. Volume 212, 2012, pp. 486-488.
  7. for example by Catherine Wolff in: Revue des études anciennes . Volume 114, 2012, pp. 693-694; Alain Martin in: L'antiquité classique. Volume 82, 2013, pp. 511-513 ( PDF ); Markus Handy in: Ancient West & East. Volume 14, 2015, pp. 424-425.
  8. As of June 2018