Harbin Polytechnic University

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哈尔滨 工业 大学
Harbin Institute of Technology
founding 1920
Sponsorship Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
place Harbin , People's Republic of China
Rector Zhou Yu (周玉)
Students 53,292
Employee 3045
Annual budget 1.89 billion yuan (2017)
Website en.hit.edu.cn

The Harbin Polytechnic University ( Chinese  哈爾濱 工業 大學  /  哈尔滨 工业 大学 , Pinyin Hā'ěrbīn Gōngyè Dàxué ), known abroad as the Harbin Institute of Technology , therefore often "HIT" or 哈工大 for short, is one of the best universities in China. It belonged to the first group of educational establishments designated as Universities of Excellence as part of “ Project 211 ”. In addition to its headquarters in the Nangang district of Harbin , Heilongjiang Province , it has had a campus in Weihai , Shandong Province since 1985 and another in Shenzhen , Guangdong Province since 2002 .


Song Xiaolian, 1920–1924 rector of the Polytechnic

The university was founded on October 17, 1920 under the name "Sino-Russian Polytechnic Harbin" (哈尔滨 中俄 工业 学校). The first principal was Song Xiaolian (宋小 濂, 1863-1926), the language of instruction was Russian. The aim of founding the school was to train engineers for the East China Railroad (中国 东方 铁路) project initiated by Tsarist Russia . Initially, two five-year courses were offered there: railway construction and electromechanics . On April 2, 1922, the Polytechnic was upgraded to university and was now called "Sino-Russian Polytechnic University of Harbin" (哈尔滨 中俄 工业 大 学校). On October 20, 1928, a faculty for law and a faculty for business administration were opened. There were preparatory classes (预科 班) for Chinese students in which they could learn Russian.

After the occupation of Manchuria by Japan in late 1931 / early 1932, the Soviet Union sold the East China Railroad, and with it the Polytechnic University, to Manchukuo , a puppet regime deployed by the Japanese in northeast China , for 140 million yen . The language of instruction was changed from Russian to Japanese, from January 1937 to August 1945 the Japanese Suzuki Masao (鈴木 正雄) was the rector of the university. From its founding in 1920 to 1938, the university had a total of 1267 graduates, 382 of them Chinese, 885 Soviet citizens and Poles. Since the Japanese came to power, only Chinese, Japanese and Korean students had been accepted.

After Operation August Storm and the victory over Japan, the university was placed under the Chinese Changchun Railway (中国 长春 铁路, the new name of the East China Railway), which had now been re-occupied by the Soviet Union , and the language of instruction was changed back to Russian. There were now five-year courses in architecture, electrical engineering, business administration, mining, chemical engineering, and Asian economics. On June 7, 1950, the Soviet government handed over the Changchun Railway and with it the Harbin Polytechnic University to China, and the language of instruction was changed to Chinese. When the then Ministry of Higher Education (高等教育 部) named six Chinese universities as "National Specialized Universities" (全国 重点 大学) in October 1954, Harbin was one of them, the only one not in Beijing.

Beginning in September 1958, under the direction of Deng Xiaoping , then general secretary of the CCP Political Bureau , the curriculum was changed, civil subjects removed and adapted to the requirements of the People's Liberation Army . This transformation process was completed in 1962.

As in all educational establishments, teaching came to a standstill in 1966 with the outbreak of the Cultural Revolution . In 1969, after the incident on the Ussuri, tensions with the Soviet Union increased so much that Defense Minister Lin Biao issued his "Order No. 1" (林 副 统帅 一号 战斗 号令, Pinyin Lín Fùtǒngshuài Yīhào Zhàndòu Hàolìng ) on October 18, 1969 got the Chinese nuclear missiles ready for launch. In this order, Lin Biao not only ordered that all military units should be widely dispersed, but also that the important institutes should immediately be relocated inland, the so-called "Third Front" (三 线), a project that had been ongoing since 1964. This required some organization; the actual marching orders were issued on January 12, 1970. A large part of the Polytechnic University moved together with the Nuclear Engineering Faculty of the Harbin Academy of Engineering to Chongqing in Sichuan , where they formed the Chongqing Polytechnic University (重庆 工业 大学) on the grounds of the Southwest China Pedagogical University (西南 师范 学院) Subordinated to the Second Ministry of Mechanical Engineering (第二 机械 工业 部), which is responsible for civil and military nuclear activities. In Chongqing, however, new students were never enrolled, and on July 3, 1973, the State Council of the People's Republic of China together with the Central Military Commission ordered the return of the Harbin Institutes in "Government Document (1973) 79" (国 发 (1973) 79 号 文件) their old location; the original nuclear engineering faculty of the Academy of Engineering was attached to the Changsha Polytechnic Academy in Hunan .

After returning to Harbin, the institutes initially only carried out research. In 1977 students were enrolled again, taken from 1978 graduate students, and from 1982 postdocs . In 1984, Harbin Polytechnic University was named one of the country's 15 priority universities, which gives it access to funding for further expansion. In 1996 Harbin was one of the first universities to be included in the " Project 211 " adopted in 1995 , and in November 1999 the university was one of only nine universities in all of China that were to be brought up to the level of top international universities by the state at great financial expense .

On May 10, 1982, the Second Ministry of Mechanical Engineering was renamed the "Ministry of Nuclear Industry" (核工业部) as part of an administrative reform. At the same time, the universities, which had been subordinate to the ministry until then, became the same day through the merger of the previous Commission for Defense Technology of the People's Liberation Army , the Office for Defense Industry at the State Council (国务院 国防 工业 办公室) and the Commission for Scientific and Technical Equipment at the Central Military Commission (中央军委 科学 技术 装备 委员会) subordinated to the National Defense Commission for Science, Technology and Industry . Like most of these educational establishments, Harbin Polytechnic University was transferred to another administrative reform on March 15, 2008, under the responsibility of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which on that day emerged from the Ministry of Information Industry .


Harbin Polytechnic University now has 18 faculties:

There is also a center for life sciences and an institute for advanced mathematics . Metallurg Zhou Yu (*, * 1955) has been the rector of the university since June 13, 2014. He is a graduate of Harbin Polytechnic University and has been a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering since 2009 . In the academic year 2018/2019, the university total 3,045 faculty and academic staff and 53,292 students had, of which 16,199 engineering students, 7,999 graduate students and 5,197 post-doctoral researchers . 1157 students were foreigners. In 2017, the university had an annual budget of 1.89 billion yuan (around 240 million euros at the time).


Since the curriculum change in the 1958/59 academic year, the Harbin Polytechnic University has been an integral part of the military-industrial complex of the People's Republic of China. There is also research on materials science, chemistry and physics, but the focus is on space technology. In the late 1960s, for example, scientists at the university were involved in the development of China's first satellite, Dong Fang Hong I , and a total of seven microsatellites have been developed since 2004, two of them by students on their own. In 2008, the university and the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation established a joint center for technological innovation, with a director provided by CASC and a chief engineer from the university. This center was extended in 2010 to the Institute for Innovation in Aerospace Science and Engineering, and in 2012 finally the Cooperative Innovation Center for Space Science was and established technique in the next HIT and CASC as core institutions, the University of Beijing , the Beihang University and the Chinese University of Science and Technology in Hefei , plus the National Center for Space Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , Princeton University , Moscow Lomonosov University and the astronaut training center of the Weapons Development Department of the Central Military Commission .

In 2012, laser communication with a satellite, a modern high-speed variant of the old blinking signals, was successfully tested for the first time. In 2014 this invention was awarded the National Innovation Prize, and in 2015 the university and the provincial government of Heilongjiang founded their own company to bring the system to market. This succeeded. In the meantime, the so-called “ optoelectronic message transmission ” is routinely used by the units of the People's Liberation Army when the solar wind disrupts radio communications in bad space weather .

In addition, the Polytechnic University Harbin account, inter alia with a system for simulating low gravity, to avoid deformations when a landing capsule as it enters the atmosphere heated welding techniques, and the locomotion system of Jadehase Moon Rover to manned space program and the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program at . A project funded by the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011–2015) and the National Foundation for Natural Sciences, which was then subordinate to the State Council of the People's Republic of China , with a total of 1.8 billion yuan (about 2 billion euros in purchasing power) is the Cosmic Rays Simulator (空间 辐射 地面 模拟 装置), often abbreviated to "SESRI" abroad because of the English name Space Environment Simulation and Research Infrastructure . In the Songbei district , 72 institutes from 25 countries have two cyclotron resonance ion sources, a linear accelerator for ions and a 43.9 m synchrotron with which three targets can be bombarded with adjustable ion beams .


See also

Web links

Commons : Harbin Polytechnic University  - collection of images, videos, and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ History. In: en.hitwh.edu.cn. Retrieved August 10, 2019 .
  2. ^ History. In: en.hitsz.edu.cn. Retrieved August 10, 2019 .
  3. 中国 探 月 工程 总设计师 回想 “两弹一星” 的 日子. In: news.sohu.com. July 26, 2007, Retrieved August 11, 2019 (Chinese).
  4. 伍 豪: 中东 铁路. In: zhuanlan.zhihu.com. February 19, 2019, accessed August 11, 2019 (Chinese).
  5. 历史 上 就是 一 所 国际性 大学. In: hit.edu.cn. June 26, 2015, accessed August 10, 2019 (Chinese).
  6. 开创 第 一个 黄金时代. In: hit.edu.cn. June 26, 2015, accessed August 10, 2019 (Chinese).
  7. 南懷沙: 挖 山洞 的 大兵.秀 威 資訊 科技 股份有限公司, 台北 2013, p. 111.
  8. China putting on a brave 'Third Front'. In: en.people.cn. December 6, 2003, accessed August 10, 2019 .
  9. 十年动乱 与 南迁 北 返. In: hit.edu.cn. June 26, 2015, accessed August 10, 2019 (Chinese).
  10. 再铸辉煌. In: hit.edu.cn. June 26, 2015, accessed August 10, 2019 (Chinese).
  11. 工业 和 信息 化 部 对 哈尔滨 工业 大学 、 哈尔滨 工程 大学 开展 安全 管理 督查 工作. In: miit.gov.cn. March 12, 2018, accessed August 10, 2019 (Chinese).
  12. ^ Faculty. In: en.hit.edu.cn. Retrieved August 10, 2019 .
  13. 杨尚峰: 周玉 等 三人 当选 中国 工程 院 院士 黑龙江 院士 增至 38 人. In: heilongjiang.dbw.cn. December 3, 2009, Retrieved August 10, 2019 (Chinese).
  14. 周玉 任 哈尔滨 工业 大学 校长. In: news.hit.edu.cn. June 16, 2014, accessed August 10, 2019 (Chinese).
  15. 现任 领导. In: hit.edu.cn. June 13, 2019, accessed August 10, 2019 (Chinese).
  16. Statistics. In: en.hit.edu.cn. Retrieved August 10, 2019 .
  17. 2017 Brief Introduction. In: en.hit.edu.cn. Retrieved August 10, 2019 .
  18. Peng Ying: China starts new astronaut selection process. In: xinhuanet.com. April 23, 2018, accessed on August 11, 2019 .
  19. 空间 中心 夏令营 营 员 参观 中国 航天 员 科研 训练 中心. In: nssc.ac.cn. July 20, 2018, accessed August 11, 2019 (Chinese).
  20. 2017 Brief Introduction. In: en.hit.edu.cn. Retrieved August 10, 2019 .
  21. 张宏洲: 2017 军校 巡礼 第二 十五 站 : 航天 工程 大学. In: mod.gov.cn. June 15, 2017, Retrieved August 12, 2019 (Chinese).
  22. 大 科学 装置 科学研究 联合 基金. In: nsfc.gov.cn. Retrieved August 12, 2019 (Chinese).
  23. 刘明 et al .: 空间 辐射 地面 模拟 装置 (SESRI) 同步加速器 注入 设计 和 模拟 研究. In: npr.ac.cn. November 23, 2016, accessed August 12, 2019 (Chinese).
  24. 建设 进展. In: sesri.hit.edu.cn. Retrieved August 12, 2019 (Chinese).
  25. 2017 Brief Introduction. In: en.hit.edu.cn. Retrieved August 12, 2019 .

Coordinates: 45 ° 44 ′ 40.8 ″  N , 126 ° 37 ′ 42.4 ″  E