Project 211

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The Project 211 ( Chinese  211工程 , Pinyin 211 Gongcheng ) denotes a project with the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China , the state higher education in the 21st century by elite support intended to improve.


Are on the approved project in 1995 (as of 2009) 112 Universities (formerly gravity colleges ; English: key universities ) throughout China participated. The affiliation of a university to the project is of outstanding importance for the scientific level, the material and human resources and subsequently also for the evaluation of the university degrees acquired . The basic idea was that the number of around 30 top universities in the People's Republic of China at which research is carried out at a high international level is too few. The hundred or so universities involved are only 3 percent of a total of 3,000 Chinese universities. This means that in the future the fight for state funds will be tougher.

The affiliation of a university to the so-called 211 project is of outstanding importance for the scientific level, the material and personnel resources and subsequently also for the evaluation of the qualifications acquired. The 100 or so universities or university institutes, which are particularly funded by the Chinese government in this project, are to achieve a level in the 21st century that is comparable to that of the top universities in the (western) world.

The designation of the university of applied sciences no longer applies. However, it can be stated that the former universities of applied sciences are largely identical to the current 211 universities.

List of universities

Web links