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The main roads are marked in yellow on the map.
Pattern of the traffic sign # 665: 'Main street number'. However, there is currently no side road 42 .

Kantatiet ( German  main street ) are traffic routes in the Finnish road network, which complement the state road network and serve the provincial traffic. They are comparable to German and Austrian federal highways. These roads together with the state roads (partly comparable to motorways ) form the main road network in Finland. The traffic importance of the main roads is smaller than that of the state roads, but greater than that of the regional roads. 40 to 99 are reserved for main streets in the number system. On traffic signs, the number is marked with black numbers on a yellow background.

The Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communication determines which roads are classified as main roads. At the beginning of 2014 Finland had 4,727 kilometers of main roads. All main roads are asphalted and about 68% are passable all year round. About 2.5% of the main roads are two-lane.


  1. Liikenneviraston tietilasto 2014 . Viitattu April 20, 2016.