Series A1 1960/61

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Series A1
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Master: SG Cortina
• Series A1

The 1960/61 season was the 27th season of Serie A1 , the highest Italian ice hockey division . SG Cortina became champion for the fourth time in the club's history .


The four teams played six games each in the main round. The two first-placed finishers with equal points then contested the championship final. Each team received two points for a win, one point for a draw and zero points for a defeat.

Main round


club Points
1. SG Cortina 10
2. HC Diavoli Milano 10
3. HC Bolzano 4th
4th Ortisei 0

Sp = games, S = wins, U = draws, N = losses, OTS = overtime wins, OTN = overtime losses, SOS = penalty wins, SON = penalty losses


Champions team

Enrico Benedetti - Alberto Da Rin - Gianfranco Da Rin - Renzo De Gasperi - Paolo De Zanna - Bruno Frison - Paolo Gaspari - Ivo Ghezze - Giuseppe Lorenzi - Francesco Macchietto - Giulio Oberhammer - Carmine Tucci - Giulio Veroncai - Giuseppe Zandegiacomo

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