Starshine 3

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Starshine 3 (OSCAR 43)
Starshine 3 (OSCAR 43)
Type: Research satellite
COSPAR-ID : 2001-043A
Mission dates
Dimensions: 91 kg
Size: 94 cm diameter
Begin: September 30, 2001, 02:40 UTC
Starting place: Kodiak Launch Complex LP-1
Launcher: Athena-I LM-001
Flight duration: 16 months
Status: burned up on January 21, 2003
Orbit data
Rotation time : 94 min
Orbit inclination : 67 °
Apogee height 472 km
Perigee height 472 km

Starshine 3 (also SO-43 , OSCAR 43 ) is one of five satellites in the Starshine project (Student Tracked Atmospheric Research Satellite for Heuristic International Equipment).


Starshine 3's main task was to study the density of the Earth's outer atmosphere . In addition, the 94 cm long and 91 kg heavy spherical satellite body covered with 1,500 mirrors that were made by mechanical technology students in Utah and polished by nearly 40,000 students in 1,000 different schools. In addition, 31 laser reflectors and a radio beacon in the amateur radio frequency range (145.825 MHz) were installed. The transmitter was powered by solar cells and batteries. Starshine 3 had neither drive nor position control.


The satellite was launched together with the PICOSat , PCSat and SAPPHIRE satellites on September 30, 2001 UTC (September 29 local time) with an Athena-I rocket from the Kodiak Launch Complex in Alaska into a 472 km high orbit with a 67 ° orbit inclination . It was the first orbital launch in Alaska.

Due to the mirrors, the satellite could also be seen with the naked eye from Earth at night. Students measured the difference in the daily shortening orbital period and derived the density of the atmosphere from it. They also measured fluctuations in the intensity of the sun's UV radiation , which they linked to different densities in the atmosphere.

Starshine 3 burned up on January 21, 2003 after 7,434 orbits in the earth's atmosphere about two years earlier than originally expected.

Web links

Commons : Starshine 3  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Starshine 3 in the NSSDCA Master Catalog , accessed on October 2, 2012 (English).
  2. Gunter Krebs: Starshine 3 (Oscar 43, SO 43). Gunter's Space Page, August 13, 2013, accessed November 15, 2013 .
  3. ^ Project Starshine - Student Tracked Atmospheric Research Satellite. Azinet, February 4, 2003, accessed November 15, 2013 .