Telephone code (Romania)

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The telephone prefix codes in Romania are organized and assigned by the Autoritatea Națională pentru Comunicații (ANC) . There are regulations and guidelines for assigning number ranges. Responsibility for the allocation and use of numbers within the area code is then the responsibility of the respective network operator (in the case of regional area codes, this is usually Romtelecom , in the case of cell phone codes, the relevant network operator, etc.).

There are no legal regulations in Romania for the spelling of telephone numbers (telephone numbers), but the use of DIN 5008 is recommended . More about this under phone number: spelling .


Dialing a Romanian number from abroad:

International phone code + 40 ( country code ) + operator + area code + phone number

The area code is the area code of a location, cellular network or other type of network. Dialing within the country can always be done as follows:

0 + operator + area code + phone number
  • The usual operator code for dialing the location is 2 (Romtelecom).
  • Most private providers use number 3 for this .
  • 6 and 7 are provided for mobile phone numbers .
  • 8 is for service numbers, 0800 is free.
  • 9 is reserved for premium services.

Area codes

The Romanian telephone prefixes are based on the national division into circles .

x can be 2 or 3 (see above).
circle prefix
Alba district 0x58
Arad district 0x57
Argeș County 0x48
Bacau County 0x34
Bihor County 0x59
Bistrița-Năsăud County 0x63
Botoșani County 0x31
Brăila County 0x39
Brasov County 0x68
Bucharest 0x1
Buzau County 0x38
Călărași County 0x42
Caraș-Severin County 0x55
Cluj County 0x64
Constanța County 0x41
Covasna County 0x67
Dâmbovița district 0x45
Dolj district 0x51
Galați district 0x36
Giurgiu County 0x46
Gorj district 0x53
Harghita County 0x66
Hunedoara County 0x54
Ialomița district 0x43
Iasi County 0x32
Maramureș County 0x62
Mehedinți County 0x52
Mureș County 0x65
Neamț district 0x33
District of Olt 0x49
Prahova district 0x44
Sălaj County 0x60
Satu Mare County 0x61
Sibiu County 0x69
Suceava County 0x30
Teleorman County 0x47
Timiș County 0x56
Tulcea County 0x40
District of Vâlcea 0x50
Vaslui district 0x35
Vrancea County 0x37

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Cum apelezi un număr de phone
  2. planul Naţional de Numerotaţie