Vaslui district

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Location of Vaslui County in Romania
Map of the Vaslui district
Coat of arms of the Vaslui district
Coat of arms of the Vaslui district, at the time of real socialism
Coat of arms of Vaslui County, in the interwar period

Vaslui [ vasˈluj ] is a Romanian district ( Rum. Județ ) in the Moldau region with the district capital Vaslui . Its common abbreviation and license plate are VS.

The Vaslui county borders in the north to the Iaşi County , in the east of the Republic of Moldova , in the south to the Galaţi County , in the southwest of the Vrancea County , in the west of the county Bacau and in the north-west of the county Neamt .


In 2002 the Vaslui County had 455,049 inhabitants and a population density of 86 inhabitants per km². Of these, 449,796 were Romanians , 4,873 Roma , 134 Lipovans , 33 Jews , 22 Greeks , 21 Turks , 20 Germans .

In 2011 the district had 395,499 inhabitants, thus a population density of 74 inhabitants per km².


The Vaslui district has (according to various information) a total area of ​​5318 km², which corresponds to 2.23% of the area of ​​Romania.

In the east of Romania, crossed by the river Bârlad in a north-south direction, the district is located east of the Eastern Carpathians in the historical region of the Principality of Moldova (Principatul Moldovei) . Between the municipalities of Drânceni in the north and Blăgești in the south, the river Prut (Prut) delimits the east of the district.

cities and communes

The Vaslui County officially consists of 465 localities. Five of them have city status , 81 that of municipality and the rest are administratively assigned to cities and municipalities.

Biggest places

City / municipality Residents
Vaslui ( German Wassluy ) 55,407
Bârlad ( Eng . Bariach ) 55,837
Huși (German Hussburg ) 26,266
Zorleni 08,595
Negreşti 08,380
Murgeni 07.119
Banca 05,389
Stănileşti 05.117
Fălciu 05,103
Dragomireşti 04,900
Berezeni 04,780
Puieşti 04,661
Ivăneşti 04,495
Duda-Epureni 04,397
Pădureni 04,028
(As of October 20, 2011)

See also

Web links

Commons : Vaslui District  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Ethnic and religious composition in the 2002 census , accessed November 29, 2015.
  2. a b 2011 census in Romania at
  3. ^ Website of the Vaslui County Council: Aşezare geografică ("Geographical Location")