Tharaka-Nithi County

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Tharaka-Nithi County
Population (state)
- population density
393,177 inh. (2019)
151 inh / km²
surface 2609 km²
Coordinates 1 ° 10 ′  S , 36 ° 50 ′  E Coordinates: 1 ° 10 ′  S , 36 ° 50 ′  E
ISO 3166-2 KE-42
Tharaka-Nithi County in Kenya.svg
Homepage of Tharaka-Nithi County

Tharaka-Nithi is a county in Kenya . The county covers an area of ​​2609 km² and had a population of 393,177 at the 2019 census, making it one of the country's smallest counties in terms of area. The capital is Kathwana . Tharaka Nithi is bordered by Meru County to the north, Kitui County to the east, and Embu County to the south . Tharaka Nithi consists of the three constituencies of Maara, Chuka and Tharaka.

The National Park Mount Kenya is to parts in the County.


Tharaka Nithi is located in a semi-arid area. The annual rainfall is between 200 mm and 800 mm, whereby the temperatures between the cold and the warm season can vary from 11 ° C to 26 ° C.


The majority of the population is made up of different Meru tribes, such as the Tharaka, Mwimbi, Muthambi and Chuka. All speak Kiimeru , the ethnic language of the Meru, as well as Swahili and / or English . Other peoples found in small numbers are the Kikuyu , Kamba , Embu , Borana , Somali and other ethnic groups of Kenya. Over 80% of the people living in Tharaka Nithi County are Christian. There are also minorities of Muslims and a few Hindus .

In 2014 the fertility rate was 3.4 children per woman. The literacy rate was 84.1% for women and 90.5% for men between the ages of 15 and 49.


Agriculture is the main economic activity for the locals. Millet , sorghum , corn , cassava and vegetables are grown on a small scale . The area also relies on tea , coffee, and horticulture . Fishing also plays a role.

In 2017, the county's GDP per capita was 169,141 Kenya Shillings (approximately 3,377 international dollars ), making it 12th among the 47 counties in the country.

Individual evidence

  1. 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census Volume I: Population by County and Sub-County. KNBS, accessed November 20, 2019 .
  2. a b About Tharaka Nithi County in Kenya. Retrieved July 1, 2019 .
  3. Kenya Demographic and Health Survey 2014. Retrieved June 30, 2019 .
  4. ^ Gross County Product 2019 .

Web links

Commons : Tharaka-Nithi County  - Collection of Pictures, Videos, and Audio Files