Union Internationale du Cinéma

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The Union Internationale du Cinéma ( UNICA ) is the independent international organization for

  • Promotion of the production of films and videos as instruments of international understanding
  • Support for international cultural cooperation and for the recognition of the independence and freedom of expression of the member federations.
  • Representation of the member federations at UNESCO .

She is a member of the responsible UNESCO Council. The highest body of UNICA is the General Assembly, in which all member federations have the right to participate and vote. UNICA is headed by a committee composed of 10 members and elected for three years by the General Assembly.

The UNICA film archive was established in 1938 and currently contains over 900 film and video works. The oldest work dates from 1935. The film and video copies of the archive have been provided free of charge by their manufacturers and the relevant federations. The member federations have access to a catalog with detailed information on the archive titles.

On request, UNICA supports international film festivals that undertake to comply with the patronage rules. A special UNICA medal is offered for these events and is awarded by the organizers.

The national federations are kept informed of the latest developments in the market through UNICA News , an information sheet published three or four times a year in different languages. Other publications are also issued on special occasions.

The General Assembly is an annual forum where the member federations meet to discuss and decide on matters that are important for the future development of UNICA.

The highlight of the annual UNICA meeting is the world championship, at which each federation presents a selection of films made during the previous year. Prizes are awarded by an international jury, which also includes professional filmmakers; the most interesting works are awarded gold, silver or bronze medals. The UNICA Jeunesse competition is intended for filmmakers up to 25 years of age. It is included in the country programs. The World Minute Movie Cup is also open to non-members. It is a competition for films up to 1 minute in length. The final discussion of the jury, in which the annual award-winning films are decided, is open to the public.

The audience has the opportunity to meet the filmmakers at this event and to discuss the films shown. The discussions are carried out with the help of simultaneous interpreters. There are also forums on various topics of interest to the participants and UNICA members who meet here to exchange ideas and experiences.

The UNICA Committee and the organizers of the Congress endeavor to encourage contacts between filmmakers, the public and non-members.

The program of a congress also includes various leisure activities and other social events.

UNICA congresses held so far

  • 1931 Brussels ( Belgium ) - 1st International Amateur Film Competition. Participation from 5 countries.
  • 1932 Amsterdam ( Netherlands )
  • 1933 Paris ( France ) - 17 federations take part in the 3rd competition chaired by Louis Lumiere
  • 1935 Barcelona ( Spain ) - 1st International Congress of Amateur Filmmakers
  • 1936 Berlin ( Germany ) - Decision to establish an international federation
  • 1937 Paris (France) - UNICA founded during the World Exhibition
  • 1938 Vienna ( Austria ) - Foundation of the film archive
  • 1939 Zurich ( Switzerland ) - The Congress is in conjunction with the Swiss National Exhibition two months before the start of World War II conducted

During the Second World War and 1945 there were no UNICA congresses.

Planned UNICA congresses

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