Leutkirch-Unterzeil airfield

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Leutkirch-Unterzeil EDNL airfield
Leutkirch-Unterzeil-d.jpg airfield

47 ° 51 '34 "  N , 10 ° 0' 40"  E Coordinates: 47 ° 51 '34 "  N , 10 ° 0' 40"  E

Height above MSL 640 m (2100  ft )
Transport links
Distance from the city center 3 km northwest of Leutkirch,
20 km southeast of Memmingen
Street L309
train Unterzeil station
Basic data
opening October 5, 1956 (approval of the Ministry of the Interior, BW)
operator Waldburg-Zeil
Terminals 1
Start-and runway
06/24 1020 m × 20 m asphalt


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The Leutkirch-Unterzeil airfield is an airfield in Leutkirch im Allgäu in the Ravensburg district .

History and location

The airfield is located on the district of Reichenhofen in Unterzeil a partial town of Leutkirch below Schloss Zeil , near the Holzhofs Zeil and the train station Unterzeil. The operator of the airfield is the Waldburg-Zeil aristocratic family .

On December 1, 1954, the operator submitted an application to the Ministry of the Interior of Baden-Württemberg for approval of a motorized airfield . The considerations initially included the construction of the motorized airfield on a site near Lampertsried, near Seibranz . In the course of 1955, a wooden barn measuring twelve meters in length, nine meters in width and a gate height of 2.50 meters was built on the area of ​​the airfield. The grass runway, initially only planned to be 500 m long, was found to be suitable for use in 1954 by the air security inspector Hellwig. On May 16, 1955, the princely administration reported the progress of work on the site in Unterzeil to the Ministry of the Interior. The grass runway was now 610 m long and 50 m wide.

The first landing of an airplane took place on July 2nd, 1955 at 5:00 pm by Georg von Waldburg zu Zeil and Trauchburg with his three-seater Danish SAI KZ VII , called the "Danish Stork" , on the airfield. As required by the Ministry of the Interior, two people, his employees Josef Kieble and Albert Stöckler, stood on the edge of the runway with a fire extinguisher and stretcher . The stork was housed in the old hangar, an old field barn.

On October 5, 1956, the operator received from the Ministry of the Interior of Baden-Württemberg the approval for the operation of a landing field with a grass runway 610 m long, 50 m wide and a take-off weight of the aircraft of 2000 kg. Fees of 50 DM and reimbursement of expenses of 10 DM were charged for this. The first flight controllers were Josef Kieble, Ernst Fischer and, as contract doctor, Dr. Sneak.

As early as 1957, catering at the airfield began in a guest room called the “Propellerstüble” below the tower that was built in the same year. The airfield's infrastructure was rapidly expanded. In 1961, for example, he received his own public telephone connection next to an asphalt access road, after it had been an extension of the princely forest administration in Waldburg-Zeil until then. The runway was paved in 1974. A lighting system from US stocks, originally taken over by the Kaufbeuren Air Base, has been providing the possibility of night flight operations since 1968.


SAI KZ VII Lærke - Type of the first aircraft that landed on the airfield in 1955.

The tower was rebuilt in 2005. A year later, the local flying group celebrated its 50th anniversary on the airfield. In 2011, the paved runway is one thousand and twenty meters long and twenty meters wide. Runway 24 is equipped with an optical glide slope display ( PAPI ). There is a license for aircraft with a take-off weight of up to 5700 kg and helicopters up to 6000 kg. Also balloon launches , glider towing , night operations, ultralight flying and parachute jumps are possible. There are several halls on the site and a tank system with a capacity of 25,000 liters.

Border crossing point

The airport has been exempt from customs duties since August 1, 1958 and has the status of a border crossing point for arriving aircraft and their passengers from abroad. Since 2000, the flight control has had a database-supported airport accounting system. The local parachutist group Nuggets has been located in Hall 3 with its training and recreation rooms since 2003.

When there is snow cover, it is possible to land with snow runners.

Web links

Commons : Verkehrslandeplatz Leutkirch-Unterzeil  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Chronicle of the Leutkirch-Unterzeil airfield ( Memento of the original dated February 3, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed December 27, 2011. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.flugplatz-leutkirch.de