Wendisch ferry

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Wendisch ferry
Community Rathsmannsdorf
Coordinates: 50 ° 55 ′ 30 ″  N , 14 ° 8 ′ 0 ″  E
Height : 130 m above sea level NN
Incorporation : 1937
Postal code : 01814
Area code : 035022
View over the Elbe to the Wendisch ferry, on the left the Lilienstein

Wendisch ferry is a district of the municipality Rathmannsdorf in the district of Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains , Saxony . It originated as a settlement at an old ferry point across the Elbe in its narrow valley in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains .


Wendisch ferry is located in Saxon Switzerland and is the only district of Rathmannsdorf in the Elbe Valley. The Wendisch ferry district is 18 hectares in size and is located on the right bank of the Elbe in an approximately 300 meter wide valley widening directly above the confluence of the Lachsbach .

The district covers the southwest of the Rathmannsdorfer municipality area. Around 500 meters as the crow flies northeast of the Elbe valley lies the central part of Rathmannsdorf, the location Höhe. To the north, the Wendisch ferry is followed by the Rathmannsdorf locality of Plan in the Lachsbachtal (Tiefer Grund). Neighboring to the east is the center of the city of Bad Schandau , to the west is the district of Prossen . The opposite side of the Elbe is part of the Krippen district , which also belongs to Bad Schandau. The closest districts on the left bank of the Elbe are Gohrisch (two kilometers southwest) and its district Kleinhennersdorf (two kilometers southeast).

The most important street in Wendisch ferry is the state road 163, which leads from Bad Schandau via Porschdorf to Stürza . It reaches the district through the Elbe Valley as Elbstraße, in the center of Am Ring the street divides into two separate lanes, to the north of it it leaves the district through the Lachsbachtal as Hohnsteiner Straße. Other named streets in the village are Am Dörfel, Schulberg, Gartenstrasse and Prossener Strasse.

Carolabrücke , behind it Wendisch ferry

Directly south of Wendisch ferry , the Elbe is spanned by the Carolabrücke , a railway bridge on the Bautzen – Bad Schandau railway line . The Rathmannsdorf stop is located on this railway line in Wendischfähre. The place is also connected to the local public transport via the bus route 253 of the regional traffic Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains , which serves three stops in Wendisch ferry.

The district is mostly built up by individual houses. The town center is near the Elbe at Am Dörfel / Am Plan. The oldest buildings of Wendisch ferry can be found there. The FSV 1924 Bad Schandau is at home on the "sports field on the Carolabrücke" in Wendischfähre, which was inaugurated as an artificial turf pitch in 1999. In addition, Wendisch ferry is located on several important hiking trails, including the European long-distance hiking trail E3 (formerly the international mountain hiking trail of the friendship between Eisenach and Budapest ) and the tourist trail , and the Elbe cycle path also passes the town.


The place name is found for the first time in 1443, when an incident "zcur windischen fehre" was reported. It is of German origin and is made up of "Wendisch", the adjective for the Elbe Slavic Wends , and the basic word " ferry ". Thus, the place name Wendisch ferry means "settlement on the Wendish ferry". It is next to the Meissner district Lower Ferry and Diesbar at Nünchritz one of three place names on the Saxon Upper Elbe, which refer to an old ferry landing. The place was designated in 1445/47 as "Windischfere" and in 1627 as "Wendische Fehra". "Wend. Fehre [...] exists only in a few houses, in a pleasant floodplain on the Elbe, not far from Schandau ”, 1791 is reported. In 1875 the two spellings “Wendischfähre” and “Wendischfehra” existed side by side. In the time of the GDR the place was officially called Rathmannsdorf Ferry.

The coat of arms of Rathmannsdorf emerged from the municipality seal of Wendischfähre.

Wendisch ferry originated as an irregular settlement of fishermen and ferrymen. The four local gardeners cultivated five sixths of a hoof on the local parcel . The place owes its existence in particular to the fact that an old pilgrimage route crosses the Elbe there. Catholic Sorbs from Lausitz made a pilgrimage to Papstdorf and Mariaschein in northern Bohemia . In Saxon Switzerland, these turns had to cross the Elbe. A ferry point formed. In the opposite direction, the pilgrimage took place from the area on the left Elbe to a picture of Mary in Neustadt in Saxony .

In 1648 it is said that people have been ferried since time immemorial, but not cattle and goods. In 1749 nine cottagers were allowed to keep a boat; among them the ferry rights changed on a weekly basis. The ferry house at Am Dörfel 5 dates from around 1750. According to oral tradition, the houses of the boatmen and fishermen were originally closer to the Elbe, but the flood of the Elbe in 1845 at the latest led to their relocation to higher terrain.

Wendisch ferry was already parish in 1539 in the church in Schandau . The manorial rule was already exercised by the owners of the manor in neighboring Prossen in the 16th century . This means that Wendisch ferry has been under the jurisdiction of the Bünau and Lüttichau families over the centuries . The administration of the place was incumbent on the care Hohnstein in 1445 , from the 16th century on the office Hohnstein. From 1856 the Schandau court office was responsible.

On the basis of the rural community code of 1838 , Wendisch ferry gained independence as a rural community. In 1875 this was part of the Pirna Authority . During this time the place grew rapidly. The main reason for this was the construction of the Carolabrücke in 1877. It was designed as both a road and a railway bridge; In the same year, a station was built on the railway line in Wendisch ferry. Via the Carolabrücke, the imperial, later trunk road 172 ran from Dresden via Königstein / Saxon Switzerland to Schmilka . The bridge construction, however, also led to the discontinuation of the old Elbe ferry connection from Wendisch ferry. Exactly a century after its construction, the bridge lost its function for road traffic to the Bad Schandau Elbe Bridge, which was completed in 1977 .

In 1925 Wendisch ferry had 542 inhabitants, of which 478 were Evangelical Lutheran, three were Reformed, 15 were Catholic, two were Jewish and 44 were members of other or no religions. Since 1930 the place has been part of the Bad Schandau-Porschdorf parish. Wendisch ferry was incorporated into the neighboring Rathmannsdorf in 1937 . Rathmannsdorf also adopted the old seal of the Wendischfähre community as a coat of arms. It showed an anchor held by seven rings. This symbolized the local ferry and its seven ferry days a week. As a result of the incorporation, the Wendisch ferry station was also renamed Rathmannsdorf station, now downgraded to a stopping point. Rathmannsdorf came to the Pirna district in 1952 , which today forms part of the Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains district after several mergers.

Population development

year Residents
1547 4 gardeners
1764 4 gardeners, 7 cottagers
1834 66
1871 123
1890 382
1910 505
1925 542
1999 363


Web links

References and footnotes

  1. This value refers to the distance between the bank of the Elbe and the lower end of the right bank of the Elbe valley.
  2. fsv1924badschandau.de : Association history of the FSV 1924 Bad Schandau. Retrieved January 22, 2012.
  3. ^ Ernst Eichler , Hans Walther : Historical book of place names of Saxony . Volume 2. Berlin 2001. p. 577.
  4. ^ Wendisch ferry in the Digital Historical Directory of Saxony . Retrieved January 22, 2012.
  5. a b Königstein area, Saxon Switzerland (= values ​​of the German homeland . Volume 1). 2nd Edition. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1985, p. 162.
  6. faehren-der-oberelbe.de : Ferry Wendisch ferry KF Km 23.0. Retrieved January 22, 2012.
  7. ^ Sächsische.de : Lars Kühl: A chapel for Rathmannsdorf. In: Sächsische Zeitung , Pirna edition , December 26, 2010.
  8. The miraculous picture of the Virgin Mary in Neustadt . ( Wikisource )
  9. heimatverein-prossen.de : From the history of the Prossen manor. Retrieved January 22, 2012.
  10. sebnitztalbahn.de : Rathmannsdorf (Pirna) station, 128.52 m above sea level. NN (km 62.90 BS). Retrieved January 22, 2012.
  11. ↑ The population of Bad Schandau is falling. In: Sächsische Zeitung , Pirna edition , January 26, 2010.