Ymir (moon)

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Provisional or systematic name S / 2000 S 1
Central body Saturn
Properties of the orbit
Major semi-axis 23,130,000 km
Periapsis 15,320,000 km
Apoapsis 30,760,000 km
eccentricity 0.334
Orbit inclination 173.50 °
Orbital time 1315.6 d
Mean orbital velocity 1.27 km / s
Physical Properties
Albedo 0.06
Apparent brightness 21.7 mag
Medium diameter ≈ 18 km
Dimensions ≈ 4.9 × 10 15 kg
Medium density 2.3 g / cm 3
Sidereal rotation 11.92220 h
Acceleration of gravity on the surface ≈ 0.004 m / s 2
Escape speed ≈ 8.5 m / s

Brett Gladman et al.

Date of discovery August 7, 2000

Ymir (also Saturn XIX) is the third outer known moon of the planet Saturn .


The discovery of Ymir by Brett Gladman on recordings from August 7th to September 29th, 2000, was announced on October 25th, 2000. Ymir was initially given the provisional designation S / 2000 S 1.

The moon was named after Ymir , the ancient giant of Nordic mythology .

Orbit data

Ymir orbits Saturn on an eccentric orbit at a mean distance of 23,130,000 km in 1,315.6 days or 3.6 years. The orbital eccentricity is 0.33. The orbit is inclined 173.5 ° to the ecliptic and is therefore retrograde, i.e. That is, the moon runs around the planet in the opposite direction to the direction of rotation of Saturn.

Structure and physical data

Ymir has a diameter of 18 km. It has a very dark surface with an albedo of about 0.06, i.e. H. only 6% of the incident sunlight is reflected .

With an apparent brightness of 21.7 m , Ymir is an extremely faint object. The rotation period is just under 12 hours.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b T. Denk, S. Mottola, F. Tosi, WF Bottke, DP Hamilton (2018): The Irregular Satellites of Saturn. In: Enceladus and the Icy Moons of Saturn , Schenk, PM, Clark, RN, Howett, CJA, Verbiscer, AJ, Waite, JH (eds.), Space Science Series, The University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ. Chapter 20, p. 409-434. DOI: 10.2458 / azu_uapress_9780816537075-ch020 .
further inside Saturn moons further outside
S / 2004 S 39
Semi- major axis  (km) Ymir 23,040,000