Alexander Dunin from Przychowski

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Friedrich Alexander Franz Stanislaus Dunin von Przychowski (born March 6, 1826 in Danzig , † April 14, 1916 in Erfurt ) was a Prussian lieutenant general .



Alexander was a son of the Prussian captain Friedrich Dunin von Przychowski (1782-1838) and his wife Franziska, nee Countess Prebendow von Przebendowski (1800-1865). She later married the Prussian government president in Posen Gustav Adolf Ferdinand Heinrich Leo (1779-1840).

Military career

Przychowski graduated from the higher middle school in Graudenz and attended the cadet houses in Kulm and Berlin . Subsequently, on August 10, 1843, he was transferred to the 26th Infantry Regiment of the Prussian Army as Portepeefähnrich and at the beginning of December 1843 advanced to Second Lieutenant . In 1849 he took part in the fighting at Carlsdorf, Ubstadt , Bruchsal and Michelbach in the suppression of the Baden Revolution . In October / November 1850 he was assigned to the rifle factory in Sömmerda for training purposes . On June 1, 1852 he was appointed Adjutant of the 1st Battalion, before he was commanded in the same capacity on June 1, 1853 in the 1st Battalion in the 26th Landwehr Regiment in Stendal . From October 1855 Przychowski was company commander in this battalion and rose to captain by the end of May 1859. On May 1, 1860 he was assigned to the 26th Combined Infantry Regiment, from which the 3rd Magdeburg Infantry Regiment No. 66 emerged in early July 1860 . There he was appointed company commander on October 17, 1860 .

In the war against Austria , Przychowski led his company in 1866 near Münchengrätz , Königgrätz and Pressburg and received the Order of the Red Eagle, IV class with swords , for his work . He was promoted to major on October 30, 1866, transferred to Infantry Regiment No. 79 in Hildesheim , on January 19, 1867 with the command of the Jäger Battalion No. 10 in Goslar , and on August 3, 1867 as commander appointed this battalion. This position was a special one for Przychowski, as he had no experience with the hunters' troops and, moreover, received little or no support from the city administration in setting up the new battalion.

During the war against France in 1870/71 he took part with the Goslar hunters in the battles near Vionville , Gravelotte , Beaune-la-Rolande , Les Tapes, Ladon , Lorcy , Maizières, Neuville-aux-Bois , Cravant , Beaugency , Vendôme , Rilly , Montoire , La Chartre-sur-le-Loir and Chahaignes and was wounded in the Battle of Le Mans . Winner of both classes of the Iron Cross he was after the peace agreement on August 18, 1871 to lieutenant colonel promoted and on 21 May 1872 as commander of the fusilier battalion in the 3rd Guards Regiment on foot was added. After being promoted to colonel , Przychowski was commissioned on January 16, 1874, initially with the command of the 5th Baden Infantry Regiment No. 113 under position à la suite , and on February 14, 1874 he was appointed regiment commander. In this capacity, Grand Duke Friedrich I awarded him the Commander's Cross 2nd Class of the Order of the Zähringer Lions with Swords in 1877 . With the promotion to major general , Przychowski took over the 7th Infantry Brigade in Bromberg on February 3, 1880 and was put up for disposition on February 12, 1884 with the character of lieutenant general and pension .

After his departure, Kaiser Wilhelm II honored him in mid-September 1891 with the Crown Order II. Class with a star and on the occasion of the Order Festival in January 1896 with the star to the Red Eagle Order II. Class with oak leaves and swords on the ring. On June 16, 1913, on the foundation day of the Hanoverian Jäger Battalion No. 10, Przychowski was given permission to wear the uniform of this association . He died on April 14, 1916 in Erfurt.


Przychowski married on June 8, 1856 in Magdeburg Ida Henriette Nobbe (1832-1897), a daughter of the district president in Magdeburg Heinrich Friedrich August Nobbe . The couple had several children:

  • Hans (1857–1901), Prussian major in the General Staff
  • Anna (* 1858)
  • Ella (* 1861)
  • Fritz (1863–1914), Prussian major and battalion commander in the 2nd Nassau Infantry Regiment No. 88 , killed at Bertrix
  • Heinrich (1864–1920)
  • Wanda (* 1868)


  • Paul Haehling von Lanzenauer: List of officers of the 3rd Baden Infantry Regiment No. 113 and his regular battalion of the Grand Ducal Baden 3rd Fusilier Battalion. Mittler & Sohn, Berlin 1904, p. 121.
  • Kurt von Priesdorff : Soldier leadership . Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt Hamburg, undated [Hamburg], undated [1939], DNB 367632829 , Volume 9, pp. 416-417, No. 2978