Bagnoli Friularo

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Under the name Bagnoli Friularo or Friularo di Bagnoli there are red wines that are produced in the northern Italian province of Padua , Veneto region . Wines with the predicate “Riserva” and “Vendemmia tardiva” (late harvest) are also produced. The wines have had a "controlled and guaranteed designation of origin " ("Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita" - DOCG ) since 2011 , which was last updated on March 7, 2014.

Growing area

The following municipalities in the province of Padua are authorized for cultivation and production: Agna , Arre , Bagnoli di Sopra , Battaglia Terme , Bovolenta , Candiana , Due Carrare , Cartura , Conselve , Monselice , Pernumia , San Pietro Viminario , Terrassa and Tribano .


The wines are mainly (90–100%) made from the Raboso Piave grape variety . A maximum of 10% other red grape varieties approved for cultivation in the province of Padua may be added.

The following types of wine are produced.

  • Bagnoli Friularo or Friularo di Bagnoli (also called "Riserva" and "Vendemmia tardiva")
  • Bagnoli Friularo Classico or Friularo di Bagnoli Classico (also called "Riserva" and "Vendemmia tardiva")
  • Bagnoli Friularo Passito or Friularo di Bagnoli Passito (made from sun-dried and partially rosinated grapes)
  • Bagnoli Friularo Classico Passito or Friularo di Bagnoli Classico Passito

Wines with the predicate "Classico" are only produced in the municipality of Bagnoli di Sopra. Wines with the predicate "Riserva" must have matured for at least 24 months (12 months of which in barrel). The late harvest wines can only be put on the market after two years of maturation in oak barrels, calculated from November 1st of the harvest year . All other wines must have matured for at least 12 months.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Provvedimenti generali relativi ai Disciplinari consolidati dei vini DOP e IGP italiani. (PDF) (Italian Ministry of Agriculture), November 27, 2017, accessed on June 26, 2018 (Italian, download page with all consolidated specifications of Italian DOP and IGP wines).

Web links