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City of Blieskastel
Former municipal coat of arms of Ballweiler
Coordinates: 49 ° 12 '14 "  N , 7 ° 12' 57"  E
Height : 294 m above sea level NHN
Residents : 757  (Dec. 31, 2019)
Incorporation : 1st January 1974
Postal code : 66440
Area code : 06842
Ballweiler (Saarland)

Location of Ballweiler in Saarland

View of Ballweiler
View of Ballweiler

Ballweiler is a district of Blieskastel in the Saar- Palatinate district of Saarland . Until the end of 1973 Ballweiler was an independent municipality in the district of Sankt Ingbert . The Wecklingen district also belongs to Ballweiler .


Ballweiler is located in the Bliesgau around 8 km southwest of Blieskastel at an altitude of 294  m above sea level. NHN between Hölschberg and Kalbenberg. From both mountains you have an excellent view of the town and large parts of the Saarpfalz district. The limestone of the Kalbenberg nature reserve is known for its wealth of fossils. Limestone was mined on Kalbenberg from the 1880s until the end of World War II . The limestone was transported via a 2.8 km long cable car to the Blickweiler lime works . Towards the end of the Second World War, the residents of the surrounding towns used the tunnels as a shelter.


The name of the place is derived from "Ballo", a Franconian clan leader. The written tradition for Ballweiler, in which one suspects an expansion of the older district of Wecklingen , begins with a document from the year 1231: "Albertus, knight, called zu Munt, gives the monastery Wörschweiler his tithe to Ballweiler for eternal alms and also that Patronage right to the church of Wecklingen ”.

In the 14th century Ballweiler and Wecklingen came into the possession of Kurtrier and were each awarded half as a fief . At the beginning of the 16th century, the lords of Eltz became owners of this fiefdom, who built a castle in Wecklingen around 1554/55 . In 1659/1660 the Wecklinger Schloss was acquired by the von der Leyen family , along with the rights and serfs of the two villages .

As part of the regional and administrative reform in Saarland , the previously independent municipality of Ballweiler was assigned to the city of Blieskastel on January 1, 1974 . Ballweiler has been a district and a municipality since then. Today Ballweiler is an emerging and popular place as a residential and weekend area, as the buildings that have been built in recent years show.


Result of the federal election on September 24, 2017.

The turnout was 78.9%.

Local council

Distribution of seats in the local council :

  • CDU: 4 seats
  • SPD: 2 seats
  • Greens: 1 seat

(As of July 2009)


  • Stefan Noll (since July 7, 2009)

Worth seeing

Catholic parish church of St. Joseph

The catholic parish church of St. Josef in the center of Ballweiler is worth seeing . It was built in 1929 according to plans by Albert Boßlet and shows neo-baroque influences. The mighty dome of the church tower that flanks the choir is visible from afar . The church building is a wide, barrel-vaulted hall with six bays to which a narrow aisle is added. In the choir, two entrances in a Baroque style lead to small side rooms that serve as a sacristy . The southern part of these rooms is also the substructure of the church tower, from which a covered connecting passage leads to the rectory . During the Second World War , the church suffered damage from shell impacts, which were repaired after 1945. The church was renovated in 1990/91. The Blieskastel sculptor Karl Erich Riemann created a large Pietà in 1931 for the furnishings .

Also worth seeing are two crossroads from the 18th and 19th centuries in Biesinger Strasse, which are listed as individual monuments in the Saarland monuments list.


Web links

Commons : Ballweiler  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Blieskasteler Nachrichten, January 17, 2020 - Population statistics
  2. a b City of Blieskastel: On the history of Ballweiler and Wecklingen. Retrieved December 23, 2018 .
  3. ^ Andreas Neubauer: Regesten des Werschweiler Monastery , Speyer 1921
  4. ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 809 .
  5. Blieskastel: Elections | Blieskastel. Accessed June 19, 2018 (German).
  6. Allocation of seats in the local council of Ballweiler at:, accessed on April 2, 2013
  7. Constituent meeting of the local council at:, accessed on April 2, 2013
  8. On the history of Ballweiler and Wecklingen at:, accessed on June 30, 2012
  9. List of monuments of the Saarland, sub-monuments list Saarpfalz-Kreis (PDF; 1.2 MB), accessed on April 3, 2013