Charlotte Joeres

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Charlotte Joeres (born September 28, 1916 in Dortmund , † January 21, 2007 in Ramstedt Schleswig-Holstein district of North Friesland ) was a German theater actress , radio play speaker and voice actress . She became known to a larger audience through film and television roles. In the course of her career she played major roles on important German theaters .


Louise Charlotte Joeres is the daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm Joeres, born on January 10, 1881 in Mönchengladbach , Düsseldorf administrative district , North Rhine-Westphalia , died in 1953 at the age of 71 in Brunswick Lower Saxony and his wife Florentine Joeres née Zöller, born in Dortmund 1879, died in Dortmund on July 31, 1930.

Charlotte Joeres grew up in Dortmund. She is the youngest of four siblings, two much older brothers, Friedrich-Karl Joeres, 11 years older, brother Hans Joeres and her sister, the concert pianist Margret Moufang, born 14 years older . Joeres (born August 28, 1902 in Dortmund , † August 28, 1965 in Heidelberg ), the first wife of Franz Moufang . One of her great-nephews is the composer and sound artist David Moufang .

Artistic way of life


Charlotte Joeres was a student of Gustaf Gründgens . It belonged to the Second World War, the ensemble of the Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg at; In 1952 she moved to the young theater in the room , also in Hamburg, under the direction of Helmuth Gmelins . After a short interlude at the Hessian State Theater Wiesbaden , Gustav Rudolf Sellner brought Charlotte Joeres to the Landestheater Darmstadt , today's Darmstadt State Theater , to which she remained for many years as a member of the ensemble . Here she embodied, among many other roles, the role of " Gertrud Stauffacher " in Sellner's production of Schiller's Wilhelm Tell , the " Duvernoy " in Tennessee Williams " Camino Real " and the " Demeter " in Artur Müller's " Francois Cenodoxus ". For many years, Charlotte Joeres was an actress in the character subject at the Schillertheater in Berlin , where she also played " Mother Courage " in Bert Brecht's Mother Courage and Her Children , in addition to many other important roles .


Charlotte Joeres became known to a wider audience in the 1960s and 1970s through her occasional appearances in film and television productions. She starred in various adaptations of stage designs such as Jean Giraudoux's The Trojan War Doesn't Take Place, directed by Gustav Rudolf Sellner and Anton Chekhov's Der Kirschgarten , directed by Heinz Hilpert ; Film adaptations of literature such as Eli , a drama by the Jewish author and Nobel Prize winner for literature Nelly Sachs and The Flight to Egypt by Wolfdietrich Schnurre , but also in entertainment productions such as the crime thriller The Trial of Carl von O. directed by John Olden . In the cinema, Charlotte Joeres appeared in the dramas Ein Frauenarzt Accuses and Heinrich Penthesilea von Kleist , directed by Falk Harnack , among others.

radio play

In addition, Charlotte Joeres worked extensively as a radio play speaker for various radio companies. She embodied the laboratory assistant Meta under the direction of Otto Kurth in An Angel Named Schmitt by Just Scheu and Ernst Nebhut at NWDR 1953, Mrs. John in Hans Lietzau's production of Gerhart Hauptmann's Die Ratten im RIAS 1962, Hermione in Die Reise des Herr Admet after Marie Luise Kaschnitz in HR 1960, directed by Peter Schulze-Rohr , the mother in Tom Stoppards Alberts Brücke in the SFB 1968, Donna Clara in Thornton Wilder's Die Brücke von San Luis Rey (novel) also in the SFB in 1952.


Charlotte Joeres lent her voice as a voice actress Katherine Kath in John Huston's Moulin Rouge , Jean Dixon in George Cukor's The sister of the bride and other film actresses.


Theater performances (selection)

Radio plays (selection)

Filmography (selection)

  • 1957: The Trojan War does not take place
  • 1959: The cherry orchard
  • 1964: The Carl von O.
  • 1964: A gynecologist charges
  • 1968: Wind in the branches of the Sassafras
  • 1969: The flight to Egypt
  • 1970: Eli
  • 1974: Six weeks in the life of the G.
  • 1983: Heinrich Penthesilea von Kleist


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Heidelberg City Archives, Franz Moufang family records
  2. City Archives Heidelberg and family group Feuerlein strain Conradi in