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Market raft
Coordinates: 49 ° 43 ′ 9 ″  N , 12 ° 13 ′ 11 ″  E
Height : 460 m above sea level NHN
Incorporation : April 1, 1949
Incorporated into: Gailertsreuth
Postal code : 92685
Area code : 09603
Diepoltsreuth (2014)
Diepoltsreuth (2014)

Diepoltsreuth is part of the market Floß in the Bavarian district of Upper Palatinate in the district of Neustadt an der Waldnaab in Germany .

Geographical location

Diepoltsreuth is about five kilometers west of Floß, east of the Girnitz, on the western slope of the 484 meter high Pfaffenried.


Diepoltsreuth (also: Diepoltsreut, Diepoltzreut, Diepolzreuth, Tiepolzreut) was listed in the Lower Bavarian Salbuch from the period between 1269 and 1320. Perthold Chleistentoler was named as the owner of three farms. Every year he had to deliver six mutt wheat, six mutt grain (rye), five mutt oats, three mutt hops and three pigs.

The following localities belonging to Floß were named in this directory: Bergnetsreuth, Boxdorf, Diepoltsreuth, Ellenbach, Gösen, Grafenreuth, Hardt, Haupertsreuth, Kalmreuth, Niedernfloß, Oberndorf, Pauschendorf, Ritzlersreuth, Schlattein, Schönberg, Weikersmühle, Welsenhof, Würnreuth, Würzelbrunn.

Diepoltsreuth was also mentioned in the Bohemian Salbüchlein . There were five farms listed for Diepoltsreuth, which together had to pay three pigs, 16 cheeses, 150 eggs and three mutt hops every year. The Böhmisches Salbüchlein contained records from the period from 1366 to 1373 for all the places that were mentioned in the Lower Bavarian Salbuch cited above and also Plankenhammer as hamer zu Mekenhofen .

Diepoltsreuth is recorded in the Salbuch from 1416/1440. The following seven farming families in Diepoltsreuth were named: Hannß Pinder, Vlerich Kurz, Vlerich Widenhauer, Wollfarth Widenhauer, Hainzel, Peßolt Lindtner, Prunner.

As crowd services , Hannß Pinder, Hainzel, Peßolt Lindtner, Prunner had to load manure, plow, back wood, and fertilize, if requested. The annual taxes for all seven farms together amounted to eleven eight liters of grain, one eight liters of wheat, four and a half eight liters of barley, eight eight liters of oats, 28 cheese, 210 eggs, four chickens and half a bowl of oil. Cash had to be paid by the seven farmers together at Walburgi and at Michelstag four pounds, two and a half shillings.

This Salbuch, with information about the localities belonging to Floß, dates from 1416 to 1440. The following localities belonging to Floß appeared in it, as in the two older Salbuch: Bergnetsreuth, Boxdorf, Diepoltsreuth, Ellenbach, Gosen, Grafenreuth, Hardt, Haupertsreuth , Niedernfloß, Oberndorf, pack village, Ritzlersreuth, Schlattein, Schönberg, Welsenhof, Würnreuth, Würzelbrunn. Missing: Kalmreuth, Plankenhammer, Weikersmühle. There were also: Fehrsdorf, Gailertsreuth, Konradsreuth, Meierhof, Wilkershof.

The following localities belonging to Floß were listed in a list of the teams from around 1559: Bergnetsreuth, Boxdorf, Diebersreuth, Diepoltsreuth, Ellenbach, Fehrsdorf, Gailertsreuth, Gosen, Grafenreuth, Hardt, Haupertsreuth, Höfen, Konradsreuth, Meierhof, Niedernfloß, Oberndorf, Package village, Plankenhammer, Ritzlersreuth, Schnepfenhof, Schönberg, Steinfrankenreuth, Weikersmühle, Welsenhof, Wilkershof, Würnreuth, Würzelbrunn.

The following seven teams were recorded for Diepoltsreuth: Thoman Wiedenhover, Hanns Lintner, Hanns Fuchs, Linhardt Rüdell, Mertenn Winter, Hanns Mages, Michael Mages.

17th century

During the Thirty Years' War in 1620 and 1621 the Mansfeld soldiers marched through Diepoltsreuth. They robbed the farmers of money, cattle, grain, food, clothing, linen, beds, copper pans and pots, tools, weapons, etc., fished the ponds, and burned and destroyed the farms. A list of damages for Diepoltsreuth from 1621 showed a total of 847 guilders and 51 cruisers.

In 1650 the hereditary homage to Count Palatinate of Palatinate-Sulzbach Christian August took place in the courtyard of the Friedrichsburg in Vohenstrauss .

Diepoltsreuth appears on the homage list with the seven farm owners: Nicoll Winder, Michael Winder, Hannß Riebl, Hannß Kost, Cunz Ridter, Hannß Hirtdenberger, Michael Beumbler.

In 1652 Diepoltsreuth is described with five courtyards, one half courtyard and one Gütl. Its inhabitants at that time were six farmers, namely five married couples, a single, a widow and eight children. The cattle consisted of five horses, 14 oxen, 16 cows, 29 young cattle, 18 pigs and 49 sheep.

18th century

A description by the Princely Nursing Office Floßerbürg from 1704 recorded seven teams, five yards and two half yards for Diepoltsreuth.

In a historical-statistical description of the Floß nursing department from 1794, six farmers, a Gütler, a shepherd and a total of 47 residents were listed for Diepoltsreuth.

By 1800 Diepoltsreuth had eight houses and 61 residents.

19th century to the present

At the beginning of the 19th century Diepoltsreuth became a tax district and at the same time also a rural community .

In addition to Diepoltsreuth, the tax district Diepoltsreuth also included the hamlet of Ritzlersreuth and the wastes Schnepfenhof and Schönberg. The Diepoltsreuth tax district had a total of 190 residents and 19 residential buildings.

Diepoltsreuth had 67 inhabitants in eight residential buildings in 1817, 68 inhabitants in 1861 and 29 inhabitants and six residential buildings in 1961.

In 1946 Diepoltsreuth was incorporated into Gailertsreuth.

On January 1, 1972, the community of Gailertsreuth and thus also Diepoltsreuth was incorporated into the Floß market.

Population development in the community of Diepoltsreuth from 1861 to 1961

year Residents
1861 107
1871 106
1880 120
1890 109
1900 96
year Residents
1910 87
1919 86
1933 75
1939 73
1961 29

House names in Diepoltsreuth

  • Saml: Diepoltsreuth 1, abbreviation of Samuel, a previous owner.
  • Guatbauer: Diepoltsreuth 7, since 1739, from Gutbauernhof (1/4 yard).

Individual evidence

  1. Fritsch hiking map of the Northern Upper Palatinate Forest Nature Park, scale 1: 50,000
  2. ^ Adolf Wolfgang Schuster : 1000 Years of Floss , 1976, Verlag Marktgemeinde Floss, pp. 41, 42
  3. ^ Adolf Wolfgang Schuster : 1000 Years of Floss , 1976, Verlag Marktgemeinde Floss, pp. 52–56
  4. ^ Adolf Wolfgang Schuster : 1000 Years of Floss , 1976, Verlag Marktgemeinde Floss, pp. 67, 68, 73, 74, 76, 78
  5. ^ Adolf Wolfgang Schuster : 1000 Years of Floss , 1976, Verlag Marktgemeinde Floss, pp. 67–79
  6. ^ Adolf Wolfgang Schuster : 1000 Years of Floss , 1976, Verlag Marktgemeinde Floss, pp. 67–79
  7. ^ Adolf Wolfgang Schuster : 1000 Years of Floss , 1976, Verlag Marktgemeinde Floss, pp. 104-107
  8. ^ Adolf Wolfgang Schuster : 1000 Years of Floss , 1976, Verlag Marktgemeinde Floss, pp. 168–195
  9. ^ Adolf Wolfgang Schuster : 1000 Years of Floss , 1976, Verlag Marktgemeinde Floss, pp. 220, 221
  10. ^ Historical Atlas of Bavaria, Altbayern, Issue 47, Heribert Sturm: Neustadt an der Waldnaab Weiden , Commission for Bavarian State History, Michael Lassleben Publishing House, Kallmünz, 1978, ISBN 3769699122 , p. 341
  11. ^ Adolf Wolfgang Schuster : 1000 Years of Floss , 1976, Verlag Marktgemeinde Floss, pp. 247, 248
  12. ^ Adolf Wolfgang Schuster : 1000 Years of Floss , 1976, Verlag Marktgemeinde Floss, p. 276
  13. ^ Historical Atlas of Bavaria, Altbayern, Issue 47, Heribert Sturm: Neustadt an der Waldnaab Weiden , Commission for Bavarian State History, Michael Lassleben Publishing House, Kallmünz, 1978, ISBN 3769699122 , p. 341
  14. Historical Atlas of Bavaria, Altbayern, Issue 47, Heribert Sturm: Neustadt an der Waldnaab Weiden , Commission for Bavarian State History, Michael Lassleben Publishing House, Kallmünz, 1978, ISBN 3769699122 , p. 415
  15. Historical Atlas of Bavaria, Altbayern, Issue 47, Heribert Sturm: Neustadt an der Waldnaab Weiden , Commission for Bavarian State History, Verlag Michael Lassleben, Kallmünz, 1978, ISBN 3769699122 , pp. 428, 433
  16. ^ Adolf Wolfgang Schuster : 1000 Years of Floss , 1976, Verlag Marktgemeinde Floss, p. 423
  17. Historical Atlas of Bavaria, Altbayern, No. 47, Heribert Sturm: Neustadt an der Waldnaab Weiden , Commission for Bavarian State History, Michael Lassleben Publishing House, Kallmünz, 1978, ISBN 3769699122 , p. 461
  18. ^ Adolf Wolfgang Schuster : 1000 Years of Floss , 1976, Verlag Marktgemeinde Floss, p. 394, 400