Dolgensee (nature reserve)

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IUCN Category IV - Habitat / Species Management Area

Dolgensee nature reserve (April 2017)

Dolgensee nature reserve (April 2017)

location Heidesee , Dahme-Spreewald district , Brandenburg , Germany
surface 308.45 hectares
Identifier 1207
WDPA ID 162769
Natura 2000 ID DE3748301
FFH area 302.58 ha
Geographical location 52 ° 15 '  N , 13 ° 45'  E Coordinates: 52 ° 14 '54 "  N , 13 ° 44' 58"  E
Dolgensee (nature reserve) (Brandenburg)
Dolgensee (nature reserve)
Setup date June 28, 1995
administration State Environment Agency Brandenburg (Department of Ecology, Nature Conservation, Water)
Legal basis Directive 92/43 / EEC

The Dolgensee nature reserve is located in the municipality of Heidesee in the Dahme-Spreewald district in Brandenburg . It belongs to the Dahme-Heideseen nature park .

The approximately 308.5 hectare area with the identification number 1207 was placed under nature protection by ordinance of June 9, 1995 . The nature reserve with the Dolgensee through which the Dahme flows extends between Gussow in the northwest and Dolgenbrodt in the southeast - both are districts of the Heidesee community . The B 246 runs south .

natural reserve

Natura 2000 and FFH areas

The NSG Dolgensee is part of the coherent European ecological network of special protection areas Natura 2000 . The profile of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) contains the following characterization for the 302.58 hectare FFH area under the number 3748-301:

"A nutrient-rich flat lake with extensive reed beds and large sedge beds, perennial vegetation, alder fields, meadows and willows"

- Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. Profile of the FFH area Dolgensee.

Nature reserve

The ordinance on the nature reserve includes the following protection purposes:

"[...] as a location of rare wild growing plant communities that are threatened in their existence, in particular the extensive bank vegetation of the Dolgen Lake, especially the reed and floating leaf vegetation, as well as the alder communities and the alternating wet meadows and grasslands [...] as a habitat for animal species threatened by the population, especially as brood - and feeding area for songbirds and large bird species, as well as a retreat for reptiles and mammals that are bound to the aquatic habitat [...] because of the special nature of the area as a previously largely intact habitat with predominantly undeveloped shore zones and its regional importance as a wintering area for water birds . "

- Ordinance on the "Dolgensee" nature reserve of June 9, 1995

Flora and fauna


The FFH profile lists the following plant and forest communities under the habitat types : Moist tall herbaceous vegetation (Natura 2000 code 6430; Convolvuletalia sepium , Glechometalia hederaceae and Filipendulion ), open grass areas with silver grass and ostrich grass on inland dunes (2330) and natural and near-natural still waters with pondweed or frog-bite groups (3150; magnopotamion or hydrocharition ).


According to Annex II of the Flora Fauna Habitat Directive and the country's regulation are particularly protected, including their for reproduction, nutrition, migration and wintering important habitats: among the mammals, the otter ( Lutra lutra ), and among the fish of the asp ( Aspius aspius ) and the bitterling ( Rhodeus amarus ).

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b Ordinance on the "Dolgensee" nature reserve of 9 June 1995 in the Brandenburg system of regulations (BRAVORS)
  2. a b c 3748-301 Dolgensee.  (FFH area) Profiles of the Natura 2000 areas. Published by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation . Retrieved February 12, 2020.

Web links

Commons : Dolgensee (nature reserve)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files