Gabriele Kuby

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Gabriele Kuby (2018)

Gabriele Kuby (* 1944 in Konstanz ) is a German journalist and translator . Her theses deal with socio-political positions from a Christian-conservative point of view, such as “ gender criticism ” as well as family- political and (sex-) educational topics.

life and work

Gabriele Kuby is the daughter of the writer Erich Kuby and the sculptor Edith Schumacher . On her mother's side, she is a grandchild of the economist Hermann Schumacher and a niece of the economist Fritz Schumacher and the physicist Werner Heisenberg . Gabriele Kuby has four siblings, including the author Clemens Kuby . At the age of eight she was baptized Protestant at her own request.

Kuby grew up in Weilheim in Upper Bavaria . She attended an English boarding school between the ages of 14 and 16. From 1964 to 1967 she studied sociology at the Free University of Berlin . In the 1967 summer semester she continued her studies at the newly founded University of Konstanz , which she completed with a Magister Artium under Ralf Dahrendorf . She then worked on the assembly line at Agfa for half a year before she got a job as a scientific planner for the social sciences entrance course at the University of Bremen .

From 1974 to 1976 Kuby attended the International Academy for Continuous Education in England. Its founder, John G. Bennett, taught a mixture of different spiritual methods from the various world religions. When Kuby returned to Germany from England in 1976, GEO magazine commissioned her to write about spiritual communities in the United States. To do this, she traveled to the USA for half a year.

Kuby also worked as a translator and interpreter from English for twenty years.

Kuby married Wolfgang Furth in 1979, with whom she has three children. After separating from her husband in 1996, she converted to Roman Catholicism . The marriage was divorced in 1999. She described her own path to the Catholic faith in her first book, My Path to Mary - From the Power of Living Faith .

Kuby works in her subject areas as a speaker, seminar leader and translator. In 2010 she took part in the “Embryo Offensive” organized by the “Durchblick” association in Saarland. On October 31, 2012, it was presented to Pope Benedict XVI in a private audience in the Vatican . her book The Global Sexual Revolution - Destroying Freedom in the Name of Freedom.

Memberships and functions

She is a member of the board of trustees in the Forum of German Catholics .



Gabriele Kuby advocates conservative and Christian - Catholic socio-political positions, in which she defends positions of the church teaching post .

She sees adherence to traditional sexual norms as an important existential question for Christianity. She defends celibacy . She sees the sexual abuse of children as a problem of society and not as a specific problem of the Roman Catholic Church. Addressing the problem in connection with the church in the media is an attempt to "bring the church to its knees".

Attitude to Chastity

In August 2010, Kuby spoke at the Joy of Faith congress in Fulda about the Christian concept of virtue of chastity . The lecture was published in a revised form in the specialist journal Theologisches . Kuby defended the virtue of chastity against what they believed to be unbridled and softened sexual morals. The virtue of chastity was "disposed of" in the course of the 1968 movement and afterwards.

Criticism of contraception and abortions

With regard to contraception and abortion, she addresses the demographic development on a national level and describes the Germans as a “dying people” and Germany as a “retirement home”.

Criticism of day nurseries

Kuby is against the fact that children under three years of age are cared for in day nurseries because she is of the opinion that this leads to irreversible damage to their attachment that only fully breaks out with puberty. In Sweden , according to Kuby, day-care centers have resulted in “every third child [...] being mentally disturbed”. In this context, she also criticizes the fact that the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs regards gender mainstreaming as an essential task of politics and, in contrast, neglects the promotion of families and measures against the growing social and psychological need of children and young people.

Criticism of sex education

In the summer of 2007 Kuby accused the German federal government and some state governments in an article in the Junge Freiheit of " sexualising " children from the earliest age with educational brochures such as body, love, doctor games and to advertise gay and lesbian lifestyles in school, with which The aim is to abolish the gender differentiation between men and women.

Attitude to homo- and transsexuality

Kuby does not hold all "sexual orientations" ( "hetero- , homo- , bi- , trans [sexual] ") and every form of sexuality ("gay, lesbian, bi-, trans-, metrosexual - anal and oral sex ") for equivalent.

Kuby adheres to the classification of anti-homosexuals and the ex-gay movement . For them, transsexuality and homosexuality are both a sexual orientation and a gender identity disorder . She described it as a "dam break" that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has not listed adult homosexuality in the DSM-II since 1973 as a mental disorder. Homosexuality and transsexuality were until then under the category Sexual Deviations 'Sexual Deviations' , which was a sub-category of Personality Disorders and certain other Non-Psychotic Mental Disorders . She also mistakenly considers metrosexuality to be a form of sexuality in the narrower sense.

The philosopher Petra Gehring accused Kuby of using a “ homophobic polemic” in the book The Gender Revolution . She describes the book as a conglomerate of false assumptions, fallacies and resentments, in terms of content as a “strange mixture of theology of creation and the scientific naturalism of life science ”. Kuby replied that Petra Gehring was defaming her with the “swear word 'homophobia'”. In 2009, Kuby signed the Marburg Declaration - For Freedom and Self-Determination - against totalitarian efforts by lesbian and gay associations .

The first chapter of her 30-page treatise Gender - A New Ideology Destroys the Family (4th edition 2014) is directed in particular against Judith Butler as a pioneer of gender theory. The booklet is available free of charge in some Catholic churches in German-speaking countries as far as South Tyrol.

Harry Potter

Kuby published a first critical book on Harry Potter , Harry Potter - The Global Thrust in Occult Paganism , in 2002, and a second in 2003, Harry Potter - Good or Evil? . After doubts about the Vatican's position on Harry Potter surfaced in the media, she sent her first book to then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger . In his reply he wrote: "It is good that you enlighten in matters of Harry Potter, because these are subtle seductions that work imperceptibly and precisely because of this deep and decompose Christianity in the soul before it could even grow." After Ratzinger elected Pope, his verdict on Harry Potter received worldwide media attention.

Statements on the corona pandemic

In an article published in various magazines, Kuby takes the corona pandemic as an opportunity to support the thesis of faith that it is now the hour of the Church and that there is therefore a need to "use the rich treasure of spiritual resources that we as Catholics have" , among other things also "the authority of exorcism ". This particular text passage was deleted as part of the publication by the " Vatican Magazin ".

Violation of your personal rights by Deutschlandradio

Deutschlandradio had to pay a monetary compensation of 5,000 in 2019 for a serious violation of personal rights ( abuse ). In the play FEAR by Falk Richter, Kuby was accused of hate speech and totalitarian tendencies. The Germany radio had Quote fakes taken: "Germany radio had not only taken over the defamatory fake quotes, but with the comment: '. Falk Richter is the most powerful weapon against those which stir up fear and preach hatred He quotes them,' even the alleged authenticity of Forgeries emphasized unchecked. "


  • The conservative, evangelical weekly magazine idea voted her Journalist of the Year in 2008.
  • Church in Need , a worldwide aid organization under papal law, awarded Gabriele Kuby the Pater Werenfried Prize on March 14, 2015 .


Her daughter Sophia (* 1981) is also active in public as an advocate of conservative tendencies in the Catholic Church.

Today Kuby lives in Rimsting in Upper Bavaria .

Works (selection)

  • Translations
  • own works

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Tacheles in April - God, Allah and women: Discrimination in the name of the Lord? Tacheles (broadcast) , April 28, 2010, archived from the original on May 24, 2010 ; Retrieved April 28, 2010 ( aired on May 2, 2010 on Phoenix ).
  2. Gabriele Kuby: Mein Weg zu Maria , p. 13
  3. Only You Flyer. (PDF; 95 kB) Accessed May 24, 2010 .
  4. Nationalization of Education - On the Way to Becoming a New Gender Person? (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on May 30, 2009 ; Retrieved May 24, 2010 .
  5. Life path . (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on May 22, 2010 ; Retrieved May 24, 2010 .
  6. Perspective e. V .: Embryo offensive
  7. Pope to Gabriele Kuby: Thank God that you speak and write from November 27, 2012, accessed on November 27, 2012
  8. Gabriele Kuby: Obama - the gay activist. In: Die Tagespost & . June 18, 2009, accessed April 24, 2010 .
  9. Gabriele Kuby, Ausbruch zur Liebe - For young people who want the future , ISBN 978-3-939684-29-9 , p. 91 ff: Influences of school and like .
  10. Gabriele Kuby: From the hope that sustains us. , Opening lecture at the Theological Summer Academy in Dießen on September 11, 2002, in: Initiative group of Catholic lay people and priests in the Diözese Augsburg e. V., Gerhard Stumpf (Ed.): In expectation of eternal life - Theological Summer Academy Dießen 2002 . ( Memento of August 22, 2006 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF) Self-published by: Initiativkreis, ISBN 3-9808068-1-2 , p. 11 = p. 12 (PDF)
  11. ^ Gabriele Kuby: Speech at the youth festival in Medjugorje. (No longer available online.) August 5, 2009, archived from the original on August 24, 2009 ; Retrieved April 24, 2010 .
  12. Gabriele Kuby: On the way to the new gender person. Nationalization of Education. ISBN 978-3-939684-09-1 , p. 48 ff: “State guidance on the sexualization of small children”.
  13. a b c Sexuality and Family (Part 2); Lecture by Gabriele Kuby as part of a retreat in Reisbach from February 20 to 24, 2009 ,, at around 4:40 minutes
  14. Gabriele Kuby: When the goats make themselves gardeners. In: Idea. from February 24, 2010 (Also online ( Memento from May 22, 2010 in the Internet Archive )).
  15. Stefan Kuzmany: Abuse Talk at Maischberger - Indictment is the worst defense , on Spiegel Online Kultur , March 10, 2010.
  16. ^ Rupert Sommer: Off into the darkest Middle Ages. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . March 10, 2010.
  17. Thorsten Pifan: The guilt of the 68ers for abuse in the church. In: The world . March 10, 2010.
  18. Chastity - Catholic Legacy or Christian Identification? In: Theological . Volume 40, No. 11/12, pp. 407–416.
  19. Gabriele Kuby: Is society incapable of truth? at from March 2, 2010 (also online ( Memento from May 16, 2010 in the Internet Archive ))
  20. Gabriele Kuby: On the way to the new gender person: Nationalization of education. ISBN 978-3-939684-09-1 , p. 13 ff: Binding damage .
  21. Sandra Fomferek: Mixa and the mad Swedes. In: The world . February 26, 2007, accessed April 24, 2010 .
  22. So that the “Brave New World” does not become a reality , on , August 1st, 2007
  23. ^ Federal Center for Health Education : Body, Love, Doctor Games - A guide for parents on child sexual development from the 1st to the 3rd year of life. (PDF).
  24. On the way to the new person. In: Young Freedom . June 29, 2007.
  25. a b Gabriele Kuby: Speech at the youth festival in Medjugorje.
  26. ^ A b Gabriele Kuby: Strategic early sexualization of children. In: December 3, 2012, accessed on December 7, 2012 (In the film, the door "METROSEXUAL" is listed with a short laugh in front of it. It is not discussed in the descriptive manual, but is not mentioned in the continuum either.): "It's about To recondition the natural sensations of children from an early age so that they perceive every form of sexuality (gay, lesbian, bi-, trans, metro-sexual - anal and oral sex) as equivalent. "
  27. a b Gabriele Kuby: Sexual Totalitarianism. ... using the example of the “6. International Congress for Psychotherapy and Pastoral Care “in Marburg. In: May 19, 2009, accessed on December 7, 2012 : “The dam break for the cultural revolutionary“ reversal ”of societal attitudes to homosexuality came in 1973 with the decision of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to remove homosexuality from the list of mental disorders. Until then, homosexuality was generally considered a disorder of gender identity. "
  28. ^ Bert Cutler: The History of the DSM's Classification of Sex. (PDF; 240 kB) (No longer available online.) Arizona Power Exchange, December 2000, pp. 3–4 , archived from the original on August 11, 2013 ; accessed on December 7, 2012 .
  29. ^ Steven W Hurt, Marvin Reznikoff, John F. Clarkin: Psychological Assessment, Psychiatric Diagnosis, and Treatment Planning . Psychology Press, 1991, ISBN 978-0-87630-607-9 , pp. 19 (English, limited preview in Google Book Search [accessed December 7, 2012]).
  30. Petra Gehring: Physical, short-circuited. In: FAZ of February 12, 2007; Retrieved June 3, 2009.
  31. Gabriele Kuby: Subject: book review, physical, short-circuited. In: FAZ . from February 12, 2007, online also at [1] .
  32. Signatory of the declaration “For freedom and self-determination - against totalitarian efforts by lesbian and gay associations”. In: Medrum. seen May 14, 2009.
  33. ^ Reply from Joseph Ratzinger dated March 7, 2003. With a letter dated May 27, 2003, Ratzinger allows "to appeal to my judgment about Harry Potter".
  34. Gabriele Kuby: Harry Potter - good or bad - table of contents, facsimile of the correspondence with Cardinal Ratzinger and other selected media reports. Archived from the original on December 16, 2003 ; Retrieved April 24, 2010 .
  35. Cardinal Ratzinger warns of Harry Potter. In: FAZ . Retrieved April 24, 2010 .
  36. Harry and the Hackers - Potter ending surfaced. In: Spiegel Online . June 22, 2007, accessed April 24, 2010 .
  37. Gabriele Kuby: Corona calls for people to turn back! In: . April 7, 2020, accessed April 8, 2020 .
  38. Corona calls for people to turn back In: VATICAN magazine . Volume 14, No. 4, p. 6.
  39. Gabriele Kuby prevails against Deutschlandfunk. February 25, 2020, accessed May 28, 2020 .
  40. Video award
  41. European Dignity Watch Sophia Kuby, Executive Director ( Memento from May 10, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  42. April 11, 2010 on Anne Will (TV broadcast) : April 12, 2010 Late Night “Anne Will”
    Heated battle over the sexual morality of the church
    , TV review: Anne Will leaving the church live by Alexander Kissler