Gola Grodkowska

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Gola Grodkowska
Gola Grodkowska Guhlau does not have a coat of arms
Gola Grodkowska Guhlau (Poland)
Gola Grodkowska Guhlau
Gola Grodkowska
Basic data
State : Poland
Voivodeship : Opole
Powiat : Brzeg (Brieg)
Gmina : Grodków (Grottkau)
Geographic location : 50 ° 43 ′  N , 17 ° 25 ′  E Coordinates: 50 ° 42 ′ 52 "  N , 17 ° 25 ′ 6"  E
Height : 150-170 m npm
Residents : 310 (2016)
Postal code : 49-200
Telephone code : (+48) 77
License plate : IF
Economy and Transport
Next international airport : Wroclaw

Gola Grodkowska ( German Guhlau , also Groß-Guhlau ) is a village in the urban-and-rural municipality Grodków (Grottkau) in the Opole Voivodeship in Poland .


Geographical location

The street village Gola Grodkowska is located in the west of the historical region of Upper Silesia in the Grottkauer Land. Gola Grodkowska located about three kilometers northeast of the parish seat Grodków , about 20 kilometers south of the county seat Brzeg ( Brieg ) and about 35 kilometers west of the voivodship Opole.

Gola Grodkowska is located in the Nizina Śląska ( Silesian Plain ) within the Równina Grodkowska ( Grottkau Plain ). Gola Grodkowska is located on the Grottkauer Wasser ( Grodkowska Struga ), a left tributary of the Glatzer Neisse . The Nysa – Brzeg railway runs north of the village .


The district of Gola Grodkowska is Golka ( Vorwerk Klein Guhlau ).

Neighboring places

Neighboring towns of Gola Grodkowska are in the north Lipowa ( German Leippe ), in the east Osiek Grodkowski ( Osseg ), in the southwest Tarnów Grodkowski ( Tharnau bei Grottkau ) and in the west Polana ( Ebenau ).


Village with place-name sign
Stone wayside chapel

The village was first mentioned in 1260 in the tithes register of the Kamenz monastery . In 1343 "Gola" was acquired by the city of Grottkau, with whom it came to the clerical principality of Neisse a year later . In 1425 it belonged to Heincze (Heinz) von Pogrella . In 1579 the rulership of the village was owned by the heirs of the Grottkau captain Georg Dresske.

After the First Silesian War in 1742, Guhlau and most of the Principality of Neisse fell to Prussia .

After the reorganization of the province of Silesia , the rural community of Guhlau belonged to the district of Grottkau in the administrative district of Opole from 1816 . In 1816 a school was established in the village. In 1845 there was a castle, an outbuilding, a Catholic school and 74 other houses in the village. In the same year 305 people lived in Guhlau, 20 of them Protestants. In 1855 there were 333 people living in the village. In 1865 there were six farmers, four half-farmers, 22 gardeners and eight cottagers in the village . The one-class Catholic school was attended by 52 students in the same year. In 1874 Guhlau came to the newly formed district Striegendorf, which the rural communities Guhlau and Tharnau b. Grottkau and the manor districts of Guhlau and Tharnau b. Grottkau included. In 1885 Guhlau had 318 inhabitants.

In 1933 there were 341 residents in Guhlau and 311 in 1939. Until the end of the war in 1945, the place belonged to the district of Grottkau .

Guhlau was captured by Soviet soldiers on February 4, 1945. A large part of the population had previously been evacuated. As a result of the Second World War, Guhlau fell to Poland in 1945, like most of Silesia . It was subsequently renamed Gola Grodkowska and joined the Silesian Voivodeship. In 1950 it was incorporated into the Opole Voivodeship. In 1999 the place came to the newly founded Powiat Brzeski ( Brieg district ).


  • Stone wayside chapel


  • G. Wilczek: Greetings from the Grottkauer Lande . ed. from Bundesverband der Grottkau eV - home group district and city of Grottkau / Oberschlesien, 1996, p. 94.

Web links

Commons : Gola Grodkowska  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Population Gola Grodkowska
  2. Bernhard W. Scholz: The spiritual principality of Neisse . 2011 Böhlau Verlag Cologne Weimar Vienna, ISBN 978-3-412-20628-4 , 1998 pp. 55, 83, 242 and 356.
  3. ^ Johann Georg Knie : Alphabetical-statistical-topographical overview of the villages, spots, cities and other places of the royal family. Preuss. Province of Silesia. Breslau 1845, p. 194
  4. Cf. Felix Triest: Topographisches Handbuch von Oberschlesien. Breslau 1865, p. 1191.
  5. ^ Territorial district of Guhlau
  6. AGoFF circle Grottkau
  7. ^ Administrative history - Grottkau district ( Memento from September 3, 2017 in the Internet Archive )
  8. ^ Georg Gunter: Last Laurel - Prehistory and history of the fighting in Upper Silesia - from January to May 1945 . JG Bläschke Verlag, Darmstadt, 1974. p. 260