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Coat of arms of Gumefens
State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Canton of FriborgCanton of Friborg Freiburg (FR)
District : Gruyèrew
Municipality : Pont-en-Ogozi2
Postal code : 1643
former BFS no. : XXXX
Coordinates : 572817  /  170297 coordinates: 46 ° 41 '0 "  N , 7 ° 5' 0"  O ; CH1903:  572817  /  170297
Height : 726  m above sea level M.
Residents: 669 (2002)
Gumefens (Switzerland)
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Parish before the merger on January 1, 2003

Gumefens ( Freiburg Patois Gumefin ? / I ) is a village and formerly independent municipality in the district Greyerz the canton of Friborg in Switzerland . On January 1, 2003, Gumefens merged with Avry-devant-Pont and Le Bry to form the new municipality of Pont-en-Ogoz . The former German names Gümefingen and Gumefing are no longer used today. Audio file / audio sample


View of the Lac de la Gruyère and the Alps from the La Gruyères service area near Gumufens

Gumefens is 726  m above sea level. M. , seven kilometers north-northeast of the district capital Bulle (linear distance ), in the Ogoz region. The village extends on a terrace on the southeast slope of the Gibloux , in a panoramic location around 50 m above the lake level of the Lac de la Gruyère reservoir in northern Gruyère, in the Freiburg Alpine foothills . The former community area was around 3.7 km² (including the lake). The area extended from the shallow lake shore at the mouth of the Sionge , Gérignoz and Ruisseau de Malessert streams to the northwest over the slope of Gumefens to the Gibloux ridge (up to 1192  m above sea level ).


With 669 inhabitants (2002), Gumefens was one of the smaller municipalities in the canton of Friborg before the merger. Since the 1960s in particular, the village has seen a sharp increase in population.


For a long time, Gumefens was a predominantly agricultural village. The livestock and dairy industry have a certain role in the employment structure of the population today. There are also other jobs in local small businesses and in the service sector. Since the 1980s, businesses in the electrical and construction industries and a carpentry shop have set up shop in the village. Gumefens has a campsite and several holiday homes on the shores of Lac de la Gruyère. In the past few decades, Gumefens has also developed into a residential community. Many people in employment are therefore commuters who work primarily in the Freiburg and Bulle regions.


The community has good transport connections. It is located a little above the main road from Freiburg to Bulle . The area is crossed by the A12 motorway , which has been open from Bern to Vevey since 1981 . The next connection is about 6 km from the town center. Gumefens is connected to the public transport network by the Transports publics fribourgeois bus line , which runs from Freiburg via Rossens to Bulle.


The Gumefens area was populated very early. Two tombs from the Latène period with rich gifts (weapons and jewelry) have been excavated near the village . Individual traces of settlement have also been preserved from Roman times .

The place was first mentioned in a document in 1298 under the names Gugmufens and Gumoufins . The spellings Gumofens (1301), Gumufens (1307), Gumifens (1577) as well as Goumefens and Gumfleur appeared later . The place name goes back to the Burgundian personal name Gumulf and means with the suffix -ens as much as with the people of Gumulf .

The Lords of Vuippens sold the Gumefens area to Peter II of Savoy in 1263 and received it back as a fief. From then on, the village remained under the rule of Vuippens. Since the 14th century the Premonstratensian monastery Humilimont (near Marsens) had the right to collect tithes in Gumefens. In 1549 Gumefens came to Freiburg and was assigned to the newly founded Bailiwick of Vuippens-Everdes. After the collapse of the Ancien Régime (1798), the village belonged to the then Farvagny district during the Helvetic and the subsequent period until 1848, before it was incorporated into the Gruyères district.

In 2002 the voters of Gumefens only voted with a narrow yes majority of 52% for the merger of the municipalities of Gumefens, Avry-devant-Pont and Le Bry . With effect from January 1, 2003, the new municipality of Pont-en-Ogoz was created.


The Saint-Jean-Baptiste chapel was built in 1618. Gumefens has belonged to the parish of Avry-devant-Pont since it was first mentioned.

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