Gustav Falke
Gustav Falke (born January 11, 1853 in Lübeck , † February 8, 1916 in Hamburg-Groß Borstel ) was a German writer .
Gustav Falke was the son of the businessman Johann Friedrich Christian Falke and his wife Elisabeth Franziska Hoyer. The historians Johannes Falke and Jacob von Falke were his paternal uncles.
Falke visited the real branch of the Katharineum in Lübeck and completed an apprenticeship as a bookseller in Hamburg from 1868 . Since his stepfather refused his wish to study literature or music , Falke left Hamburg in 1870. From 1870 to 1877 he worked as a bookseller in Essen , then in Stuttgart in the August Auerbach publishing house and in the Lindemann bookstore, and finally in Hildburghausen . In 1878 he returned to Hamburg, where he received private music training from Emil Krause . He then earned his living as a piano teacher.
In 1890 he married his former piano student Anna Heissel and adopted Theen (1862–1946). With her he had two daughters, Gertrud (1891–1984 - married to the lawyer Hermann Heller since 1922) and Ursula (1896–1981 - married to the sculptor Richard Luksch since 1923 ), and a son, Walter (1901–1967).
In the 1890s he began to publish his own literary works and thus very quickly came into contact with the circle of the Hamburg Literary Society around Otto Ernst , Jakob Löwenberg and Emil von Schoenaich-Carolath .
Detlev von Liliencron got in touch with Falke already in Munich through a poem by Falke. At first the friendship only existed in writing, but was intensified after Liliencron had moved to Ottensen .
On his fiftieth birthday in 1903, the city of Hamburg offered Falke a lifelong honorary salary "because of his services to German literature", which enabled him to purchase the Villa Brückwiesenstrasse. 27 in Groß Borstel and made an independent literary existence possible.
There is a Gustav-Falke-Straße in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel , Lübeck-St. Jürgen and Kiel-Pries . In 1952, a Gustav Falke stele by the sculptor Ludwig Kunstmann was erected in the Herbstschen Park in Groß Borstel .
The memorial stone of the “ Cemetery of the Nameless ” on Neuwerk , erected at Pentecost 1909, has a bronze plaque in the form of a lifebuoy with verses by Gustav Falke, whose name is not mentioned.
In the Gesundbrunnen district of Berlin , a primary school is named after Falke.
Artistic creation
Gustav Falke began his literary career as an impressionist poet . His contemporary role models were above all Richard Dehmel , Paul Heyse and Detlev von Liliencron , but as a conservative bourgeois author he also cultivated the folk and folk song-like tone and saw himself in the tradition of poets such as Mörike , Eichendorff , Storm and Geibel .
Falke's novels, in which a lot of Hamburg local flavor flowed, can be assigned to a moderate naturalism . He also wrote epics and short stories . His children's books in poetry and prose form a remarkable part of his work , the cheerful and lively tone of which made them great successes at the turn of the century. - With the beginning of the First World War , Falke proved to be an uncompromising nationalist who put his literary work entirely at the service of German national goals . For his work in the service of war propaganda he was awarded the Prussian Red Eagle Order in 1915 .
He belonged to the group of authors and writers who, on behalf of the Cologne chocolate producer Ludwig Stollwerck, worked on the literary design of the Stollwerck collector's pictures and scrapbooks.
Falke's work was published by the Alfred Janssen publishing house, which was founded by Alfred Janssen in Leipzig in 1891 and moved to Hamburg in 1899 . Janssen had connections to Carl Adolf Mönckeberg , Gustav Schiefler , Alfred Lichtwark , Heinrich Scharrelmann . In 1917 he sold the publishing house to Georg Westermann .
Several books were illustrated by Carl Otto Czeschka (1878–1960), who, like one of Gustav Falke's later sons-in-law, Richard Luksch , had been appointed from Vienna to the Hamburg School of Applied Arts in 1907 .
Musical compositions for Gustav Falkes poetry created a. a. Leo Blech , Engelbert Humperdinck , Alma Mahler-Werfel , Max Reger , Paul Scheinpflug , Max von Schillings , Arnold Schönberg , Richard Strauss and Anton Webern . By the time the poet died, the music department of the Royal Library in Berlin had over 480 different compositions of Falkean texts (for example, “The moon shines on my camp” had been set to music 26 times).

- Mynheer's death and other poems , Dresden a. a. 1892
- From the average. Roman , Berlin 1892
- Dance and devotion. Poems , Munich 1893
- The kiss. A capriccio , Munich 1894
- Harmless humoresques , Munich 1894
- Between two nights. New poems , Stuttgart 1894
Landing and stranding. A Hamburg novel , Berlin
- 1. Hamburg children , 1895
- 2. Beside work , 1895
- 3. I only have your love , 1901
- New ride. Poems , Berlin 1897
- The man in the fog. Roman , Hamburg 1899
- With life. New poems , Hamburg 1899
- Gustav Falke as a poet. A selection from his seals , Hamburg 1900
- Otto Speckter's cat book , Hamburg 1900 (together with Otto Speckter )
- Otto Specker's bird book , Hamburg 1901
- Putzi. Fairy Tale Comedy , Hamburg 1902
- High summer days. New poems , Hamburg 1902
- From Muckimack's realm. Fairy tales and satires , Hamburg 1903
- Intermediate dishes. Dedicated to his guests in memory of January 11, 1903 , Leipzig 1903
- Puss in Boots. Seal in 11 songs , Hamburg 1904
- Selected poems , Hamburg 1905
- Bübchen's Christmas dream. Melodramatic nativity scene . Music (1906): Engelbert Humperdinck . WP 1906
- Timm Kroeger. Literary study , Hamburg 1906
- Eichendorff. Monograph , Berlin a. a. 1906
- En Handvull Appeln. Plattdütsche Rimels vör unse Görn , Hamburg 1906
- Cheerful stories , Berlin a. a. 1907
- Happy freight. New poems , Hamburg 1907
- Three good comrades. Story for the youth , Mainz 1908
- Hamburg , Stuttgart a. a. 1908
- The children from Ohlsen's gang. Roman , Hamburg 1908
- Dörten and other stories , with an introduction by Timm Kröger, Leipzig 1909
- A fun year of the animals. A cheerful picture book , Munich 1909 (together with Th. Huggenberger)
Tierbilder , Mainz (together with Eugen Osswald)
- 1 (1909)
- 2 (1909)
- Winter and Spring , Leipzig 1909
- The selection. Poems , Hamburg 1910
- Klaus Bärlappe. Story for the youth , Mainz 1910
- The Spaniard. A novella , Berlin 1910
- Geelgösch. Novellas , Leipzig a. a. 1910
- The shooting festival. In the fishing village. Stories for the youth , Reutlingen 1911
- Longing rises restlessly. (Selection) , Hamburg a. a. 1911
- Three heroes. A picture book , Mainz 1911 (together with Arpad Schmidhammer )
- The envious sisters. Fairy tales from 1001 nights , Berlin 1912
- Mr. Henning or Die Tönniesfresser von Hildesheim. Story , Leipzig 1912
Collected seals , Hamburg a. a.
- 1. Herddämmerglück , 1912
- 2. Dance and Devotion , 1912
- 3. The Spring Rider , 1912
- 4. The Reaper , 1912
- 5. Narrative Seals , 1912
- The city with the golden towers. The story of my life , Berlin 1912
- Anna. Verse , Hamburg 1913
- Mr. Purtaller and his daughter. Story for the youth , Mainz 1913
- Kunterbunt , Mainz 1914 (together with Eugen Osswald )
- Fatherland Holy Land , Leipzig 1915
- Much enemy, much honor , Leipzig 1915
- Life is alive. Last poems , Berlin 1916
- Holger Drachmann : Prescribed , Leipzig 1904 (translated together with Julia Koppel )
- John Brymer with drawings by Stewart Orr : Two funny sailors , Cologne on the Rhine 1905 Original: Two Merry Mariners
- Friedrich Hebbel : My childhood , Hamburg 1903
- The little book evergreen. A selection of German poetry for young girls , Cologne 1903 (book design by Heinrich Vogeler )
- Stand on you dear little children , Cologne 1906 (published together with Jakob Loewenberg )
War seals , Hamburg
- 1. Up, Kaiser and Reich! , 1914
- 2. Our heroes , 1915
- 3. We and Austria , 1915
- 4. On land and sea , 1915
- 5. Enemies All Around , 1915
- 6. From field to field , 1915
- 7. Far from war , 1916
- 8. To the bloody happy dance , 1917
Individual evidence
- ↑ #Spiero 1928 , pp. 10-11, .
- ↑ after Schmidt-Wiegand; 1888 after Spiero p. 16
- ↑ see tombstones on the Ohlsdorf cemetery - AC 109-113 - near chap. 8th
- ^ Gustav-Falke-Straße - On the history of a street in Kiel. Retrieved June 19, 2020 .
- ↑ Detlef Lorenz: Advertising art around 1900. Artist lexicon for collecting pictures . Reimer-Verlag, Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-496-01220-X .
- ^ Janssen, Alfred at SUB Hamburg ; Wiebke Wiede p. 62
- ↑ Brandt 1917, p. 19f.
- Oscar Ludwig Brandt: Gustav Falke . Enoch Verlag, Hamburg 1917.
- Friedrich Castelle : Gustav Falke. A German lyric poet . Hesse and Becker, Leipzig 1909.
- Bruno Frank : [Review by Gustav Falke: The selection]. In: Das literäre Echo , 13th year, 1910/1911, issue 9, February 1, 1911, column 682.
- Joachim Müller (Ed.): The files Gustav Falke and Max Dauthendey , Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin 1970 (= from the archive of the German Schiller Foundation; 15/16)
- Kurt Oppert: Gustav Falke. Presentation of his personality and analysis of the form of his poems from a general point of view and in comparison to other types of poetry . Dissertation, University, Bonn 1925.
- Jens Resühr: Verskunstprobleme in the poetry of Gustav Falkes . Hamburg, Phil. Mag.-Schr. v. February 10, 1968 (typewriter).
- Ernst Ludwig Schellenberg : Gustav Falke . Verlag für Literatur, Kunst und Musik, Leipzig 1908 (= contributions to the history of literature; H. 55)
- M [eier] Spaniards : Gustav Falke as a poet. A selection from his seals. With an introduction , Janssen, Hamburg 1903 (contains p. 22–28 Falkes autobiographical sketch Im Spiegel ).
- Heinrich Spiero : Gustav Falke. A picture of life . Westermann, Braunschweig 1928.
- Gerhard Steiner: Silent roofs, tender love. The youth of the poet Gustav Falke in Hildburghausen . Verlag Frankenschwelle Salier, Hildburghausen 1994, ISBN 3-86180-024-1 .
- Ruth Schmidt-Wiegand : Falke, Gustav. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 5, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1961, ISBN 3-428-00186-9 , p. 7 f. ( Digitized version ).
Web links
- Literature by and about Gustav Falke in the catalog of the German National Library
- Works by Gustav Falke at .
- Works by Gustav Falke in the Gutenberg-DE project
- Works by Gustav Falke in Project Gutenberg ( currently not usually available to users from Germany )
- Setting of poems by Gustav Falke
personal data | |
SURNAME | Falke, Gustav |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | German writer |
DATE OF BIRTH | January 11, 1853 |
DATE OF DEATH | February 8, 1916 |
Place of death | Hamburg-Groß Borstel |