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Gustavstraße was the old main street of Fürth, today the gastronomy dominates.
Gustavstrasse 16, 14, 12, on the right part of 15, in the background 10
Gustavstrasse 56, 54, 52, church tower St. Michael, Gustavstrasse 48

The Gustavstraße in Fürth was the old main street of the city. The picturesque street with its town houses from the 18th and 19th centuries Century and its distinctive bar scene as well as its immediate surroundings (old town quarter St. Michael) are considered to be the main attraction of Fürth, almost all buildings on Gustavstrasse are under monument protection. Due to conflicts between residents, restaurant operators and restaurant visitors, she has recently not only occupied the Fürth city council and the courts, but also repeatedly the Bavarian State Parliament and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety .

Urban planning features

Grafflmarkt in Gustavstrasse, June 2006
Gustavstrasse 16, 14

The Bauerngasse (today: Gustavstraße) was a section of the Via Publica ( see below ). The function as the main street of the market in Fürth was transferred in the 18th century to the parallel running Rosengasse (later Obere Frankfurter Straße, today Königstraße).

Another typical feature of Fürth's old town is the jumble of building lines on Gustavstrasse. The reason for this is the so-called "triple rule", the diocese of Bamberg , the burgraves of Nuremberg (from 1415 Margraves of Brandenburg-Ansbach ) and the imperial city of Nuremberg , faced each other as rivals in their sovereign claims on Fürth. However, this special status of Fürth also gave the residents special freedom. Only when the last Margrave Karl Alexander handed over his Principality of Ansbach to his Prussian relatives in 1791 and the invading Prussians ignored the rights of the other landlords did the triple rule end for Fürth. In part, you can read off the overlords from the building line: gabled houses are often Bambergian, eaves-facing Nuremberg and mansard roofs Ansbachian (there were no Ansbachian houses on Gustavstrasse). In Gustavstrasse has

“The historical building fabric from the 17th and 18th centuries has been preserved almost undisturbed. [The market square] and the street show the typical image of an old Franconian town. The old town streetscape is still preserved today in an impressive cohesion. "

At the confluence of Baldstrasse and Henri-Dunant-Strasse, the street scene is continued by a few houses from the turn of the century before last, which also documents the city's heyday in the old town center (Fürth is a city of historicism in terms of art history ). Gustavstrasse and the old town quarter of St. Michael were able to maintain the appearance of a small Franconian town with medieval / baroque structures, because the old town was located in the outermost confluence of Rednitz and Pegnitz . Normally (i.e. in other cities) the old town forms the core of the settlement, which is renewed, overlaid and restructured many times over the course of time. In Fürth, due to the peripheral location of the old town, there was no possibility of expansion in the old town area, so the city function shifted to the south and southeast in the 19th and early 20th centuries, so that the old town with Gustavstraße moved to the edge of development and hardly was overmolded.

Characteristic of the urban structure are the cul-de-sac-like courtyard areas branching off on both sides of the street (including Kannengießershof, Roßnershof, Hülßenhof, Blaue Schüssel, Pfarrhof, Grüner Baum, Schuhshof, Kannengießerhof, Hof des Langen Haus, Rößleinswirtshof, Guter Bauernhof, Meckhof) from the former farms that went back to the Middle Ages. As part of the Rößleinshof, today's Waagstrasse and Waagplatz also belonged to Gustavstrasse.


Old town district of St. Michael based on a map from 1717. - 1: Bauerngasse, today Gustavstraße, 2: Kirchplatz, 3: Marktplatz, 4: Königsplatz, 5: Rosengasse, today Königstraße. - Green: Nuremberg property. Red: property under the sovereignty of the Provost Bamberg.
Gustavstrasse, from right to left: Edge of 43, then 41 (Yellow Lion), 39, 37, 35, 33, 31
Grüner Baum restaurant , Gustavstrasse 34
Altes Rentamt restaurant , founding establishment of SpVgg Fürth
Gustavstrasse 58, church tower Stadtkirche St. Michael, Gustavstrasse 56 and 65
Gustavstrasse at the confluence with Waagstrasse, in the center of the picture house no.33, restaurant Die Bar


Fürth owes its foundation as well as further development to its convenient location on a ford and a trade route . Accordingly, numerous restaurants settled on the main street as early as the Middle Ages.

The street was part of the Via Publica , this old street led from Brussels in Flanders via Frankfurt , Würzburg and Nuremberg to Prague in Bohemia . In Fürth, it is one of the few streets that is not straight, but slightly curved. Originally, according to the assumptions of the Fürth historian Alexander Mayer, it was continued westwards via Angerstraße and went to the ford that gave Fürth its name via the Rednitz and then past the lost Martinskapelle , which according to legend was founded by Charlemagne , on towards Frankfurt. Later it was relocated for the first time, so that the passage axis bent several times, from west to east: Maxbrücke (formerly Badbrücke) - northern Königstraße (formerly Untere Frankfurter Straße) - market square - Gustavstraße. To the east, the continuation originally ran on the old country road via Muggenhof and the Bärenschanze to Nuremberg and from there on to Bohemia and Prague. The old continuation streets were replaced with the one from Bau der Chaussee (today's Nürnberger- / Fürther Straße ) (completed in 1804). As early as the late Middle Ages, through traffic shifted increasingly from Gustavstrasse (then: Bauerngasse) to the middle Königstrasse (then: Rosengasse).

The medieval market town was grouped around Gustavstraße, until 1827 it was called Bauerngasse (the name has been documented since the 16th century), as the farmers from the surrounding area stopped here in one of the numerous inns after visiting the Fürth market (many of which were part-time operated Fürth farms was a bar fair ). It has always been closely related to the marketplace in terms of traffic and functions.

Modern times

According to oral tradition, the Swedish King Gustav Adolf was in the restaurant Zum Grünen Baum (Gustavstraße 34) on March 30, 1632 and June 17 to 19, 1632 in the run-up to the battle of the Alte Veste, according to the evidence in the nearby rectory and he is likely to have visited the street between September 1 and September 18, 1632 ( army camp on the Hardhöhe ), which is why he was chosen as the namesake. In 1827 Gustavstrasse was renamed after Gustav Adolf, because a Bauerngasse was no longer compatible with the city's self-image. In order to avoid confusion with Gustav-Adolf-Straße in Nuremberg, the first name was used.

On September 23, 1903, the founding meeting of the Fürth gaming association took place in the Balzer inn (today "Zum Alten Rentamt", Gustavstrasse 61 ).

With the rise to an industrial city, the growth of the working-class population and the establishment of a garrison in 1889, parts of the old town area developed into a real entertainment district with several brothels (Gustavstrasse 20/22, Obere Fischerstr. 1, Untere Fischerstr. 5). The pastor of St. Michael repeatedly complained that his confirmands had to go through this disreputable area. There was also some "Winkelhurerei" (street prostitution). Only when the Fürth garrison had to be dissolved as a result of the Treaty of Versailles did some calm return. In 1923 prostitution was banned due to complaints in the old town quarter and thus also in Gustavstrasse. When the Americans set up a garrison in Fürth in 1945, the situation escalated again, leading to serious disturbances of the peace, local battles and fights. Therefore, on November 6, 1951, the American military administration declared the area to be Off Lmits between 5 p.m. and 6 a.m., no American was allowed to enter this zone without a special permit .

In the pub "Gelber Löwe" Freddy Quinn appeared as a hillbilly singer around 1950 in front of American soldiers and in Nuremberg on their radio station AFN , before he appeared in the Washington Bar in Hamburg-St. Pauli was discovered by talent scouts for Polydor .

In the following years there was a trading down of the old town quarter and Gustavstraße, numerous long-established businesses had to close, and the catering trade was also affected. The street and the old town lost their relative importance within the city. The relatively falling rents increased the proportion of poor people, old people and foreigners in the quarter, but also made the quarter more and more interesting for “pioneers” of the subculture (students, artists). Apart from that, the building structure was not in good condition, but was almost completely preserved in its historical form. The street, the St. Michael church and the dilapidated old town district always remained the historical core of Fürth, even in public perception. From around the mid-1970s, the street was upgraded through renovations, an increasingly lively bar scene and cultural activities. With this and with the factual traffic calming from 1974 (relocation of the federal highway, see below), the street regained its leisure attractiveness, which was expressed, among other things, in the opening of new pubs . However, most retailers and almost all craft businesses have disappeared, and new openings have only recently taken place.

Traffic calming, revitalization and "pub stop development plan"

Gustavstrasse was part of Bundesstrasse 8 until 1974 , only with the opening of the northern bypass (breakthrough at Königsplatz) on May 7, 1974, the corresponding through traffic could be relocated from the street that had become too narrow. The Old Town Association of Fürth, founded in 1974/75, established the so-called Grafflmarkt ( Trempelmarkt with cultural program) in 1975 , which further increased interest in Gustavstraße. However, the associated development of gastronomy made the old town club again worried, so in September 1979 it called for a traffic-calmed zone on Gustavstrasse and in June 1979 and December 1980 a “pub stop”. In January 1982 discussions took place with the city council factions and in July 1982 a survey of citizens on traffic calming took place. On September 22, 1982, the building committee dealt with the preparation of a new development plan for the old town district of St. Michael (so-called "pub stop development plan"), which the building committee recommended to the city council for acceptance on November 15, 1982. On August 29, 1983, a change ban was issued for the draft of the development plan 001 and thus de facto the so-called “pub stop” in Gustavstrasse (and the old town quarter): from this point onwards no further pubs were (theoretically) allowed to be opened. In April 1984, the old town association had talks with the building and green space department, as well as a panel discussion in the Green Tree about traffic calming in Gustavstrasse, and a corresponding concept was also presented there in July 1986. On February 19, 1988 the city published the legally binding development plan 001 (“pub stop development plan”). The structural measures to calm the traffic on Gustavstrasse took place between August 1987 and September 1988. On October 11, 1990, the city council decided to designate large parts of the old town as a redevelopment area, with the formal determination not being made of area redevelopment such as the nearby and completely demolished Gänsberg of the redevelopment area Gustavstraße / Rednitzhof / Helmplatz took place on October 11, 1990.

On February 8, 1997, the city council changed the "pub stop development plan" to include the opening of new facilities for clubs and associations connected to restaurants. Ä. Is also prohibited. In view of the flourishing Gustavstrasse, the blocking time for open bar areas was shortened on a trial basis from Sunday to Thursday to 11:30 p.m. to 6 a.m. and Friday and Saturday to midnight to 6 a.m. (in Gustavstrasse, the bar areas are mostly in public space with special uses , similar to the Austrian pub gardens ). After the trial phase, the city council changed the curfew ordinance for the Gustavstraße, Waagplatz, Marktplatz and Königstraße 37 area accordingly in the city council meeting on February 26, 2003 (validity period from June 1 to August 31 annually). In 2005 the city shortened the closing times of the bar areas during the Grafflmarkt, it was allowed to stay open until 2 a.m. On June 24th, 2009 the city council extended the new opening times to the month of May. As a result of the referendum on "Protection of non-smokers" in Bavaria , from August 1st 2010 until the end of the catering in the interior (usually 1:00 am) smoking guests can be found in front of the inns, who naturally talk, which leads to the nightly limit values ​​of the TA Lärm being exceeded can.

Dispute since 2011

Striking residents' vote in favor of the pub scene (Gustavstraße 54)
Kulturforum Fürth : Event organized by the SPD parliamentary group on April 13, 2015
Maximilianeum , July 16, 2015: Activists of the initiative “We are the Gustavstrasse” after handing over the collected signatures in discussion with MdL Markus Ganserer

A resident who moved in in 2008, mostly in the lead, and a few other residents of the old town (between one and five plaintiffs, depending on the proceedings) have filed lawsuits against the city of Fürth since 2011, some of which have been successful. Several mediations did not lead to a solution. Above all, it is about the outside bar areas (number of seats and opening times) as well as about events (length and opening times). The plaintiffs' success is primarily due to the fact that the courts - especially the Ansbach Administrative Court - use the TA Lärm as a guideline, although this excludes its application to “open-air restaurants”. For Gustavstraße as so-called. This means Mischgebiet a immission day (6 to 22 hours) of 60 dB A , at night (22 pm to 6 am) of 45 dB A . These are values ​​that, in the opinion of critics, generally cannot be adhered to in practice. The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety confirmed the exclusion (i.e. not applicable to Gustavstrasse), but the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs denies it, since “open-air restaurants” means something other than free bar areas. Only recently the Bavarian Administrative Court moved away from the application of the TA Lärm. The dispute led to a broad press coverage, numerous newspaper articles and some radio and television programs deal with the topic.

On January 25, 2012, in light of the ongoing proceedings, the city council decided to extend the closing time (i.e. shorten the serving time) for the open bar areas to 11 p.m. In April 2012, the spontaneous found in the Gustavstraße rise celebration of SpVgg Fürth instead, which further strengthened the ambiguous reputation of the street as a "party mile".

Since the city of Fürth left an increasingly inactive impression in the dispute, various initiatives took a stand in favor of the previous liberal regulation. On November 10, 2012, a demonstration with around 600 participants moved through the inner city of Fürth, which was carried out as a silent march on Gustavstrasse. On July 13, 2013, the then home nurse Alexander Mayer put an internet petition with the title Our Gustavstrasse online on the platform , which was also submitted to the petition committees of the Bundestag and the Bavarian State Parliament on July 14th. The online petition reached 12,000 supporters within ten days (up to 2015: 15,600 supporters). The petition calls on the federal government and the state government to “do everything in their legislative competence and within the framework of their other possibilities of influencing, in order to guarantee the following: In streets or areas in which there is a traditional pub culture, hospitality should be on the open bar areas - for example analogous to the Bavarian Beer Garden Ordinance - be allowed until 11 p.m. In streets or areas that are the venue for traditional events, these events must remain feasible to the usual extent ”. The Bundestag, however, denied its jurisdiction because in its opinion (contrary to the opinion of the Bavarian state government) the TA Lärm as a federal regulation should not be applied. The economic committee of the state parliament discussed the petition on December 5, 2013. While the Ministry of Economic Affairs expressed its negative opinion in a written statement, the committee's rapporteur Markus Ganserer was positive about the matter. The decision was postponed to await a statement from the city ​​council .

The SPD -Landtagsfraktion presented on February 6, 2014 the petition resembling request in the Bavarian parliament, according to the Free State with a prescription by Federal Pollution Control Act (§ 23 para. 1 and para. 2 sentence 1) the free dispensing surfaces with the Bavarian beer gardens generally should equate what would guarantee opening times until 11 p.m. This application was rejected by the majority of the CSU in the state parliament on May 7, 2014, although Prime Minister Horst Seehofer had previously promised support. The deputy chairman of the environmental committee Otto Hünnerkopf described the "Gustavstrasse case" as a local problem in the state parliament, and the street had also developed into a "permanent Oktoberfest ".

In early 2014, three of the main plaintiffs moved from their homes on Gustavstrasse. However, they remained in the possession of the real estate and were therefore still entitled to sue, which they also made use of.

In 2014, drastic restrictions resulted from the lawsuits against the events that were in some cases already perceived as traditional, such as the Grafflmarkt and the Wine Festival. The innkeepers then canceled the wine festival completely.

In connection with the disputes, the interest group Wir sind die Gustavstraße was formed . a. In early August 2014, a protest picnic, in September 2014 a television show a demonstrative one silent action with candle for "Grafflmarkt", in March 2015 heralding the free Schank season and for "Grafflmarkt" in June 2015, a mob with a to Joy ajar musical performance organized.

The SPD parliamentary group held a "technical discussion" on April 13, 2015 in Fürth with the title Living together in Gustavstrasse , u. a. with State Secretary Florian Pronold , who promised help in favor of the pub guests before the Bundestag summer break in 2015, but remained very vague.

The interest group Wir sind die Gustavstrasse again collected more than 16,600 signatures from March to mid-July 2015 (up to November 2015: 22,000 signatures). It is required to regulate the interpretation of the TA Lärm separately in favor of longer opening times of the open bar areas in Gustavstrasse. The signatures collected up to that point were given to MPs Petra Guttenberger ( CSU ), Horst Arnold ( SPD ), Gabi Schmidt ( FW ) and Markus Ganserer ( Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen ) on July 16, 2015 together with the lists of the online petition in the Maximilianeum to hand over.

In July 2015, the Fürth city council decided by a large majority on a new usage concept that only marginally restricts outdoor events in their previous scope. At the Fürth Festival there is no stage in Gustavstrasse; the wine festival - if it should be held again in contrast to the years 2014 and 2015 - will be shortened from six to four days. With the new regulations, the city council and the city administration of Fürth hope to take appropriate account of the interests of all conflict parties and to contain the extent of future legal disputes.

In October 2015, the Fürth city council decided with a large majority to change the "pub stop development plan 001" originally dating from 1988, including: a. in order to improve the legal position of the city: the "increased protection of living" stipulated there will be "reduced to what is legally prescribed".

On November 19, 2015, a new hearing on the dispute took place in the Bavarian Administrative Court after all attempts at mediation had failed. It was particularly noticeable that the court moved away from the "direct applicability" of the TA Lärm. The reasons for the judgment were published on February 11, 2016. The Administrative Court overturned the judgment of the Ansbach Administrative Court and stated that the TA Lärm should not be applied to open bar areas. In relation to Gustavstrasse, postponing the start of night time to 11 p.m. is generally possible with regard to those nights that preceded a Saturday, a Sunday or a public holiday; contrary to previous practice, however, this is generally not the case for weekdays other than Friday. However, the court made this dependent on various, generally formulated conditions. Changes in the framework conditions, such as B. the development plan could not be considered in the judgment.

On April 21, 2016, the economic committee of the Bavarian state parliament rejected the concerns (see above) of the petitions of the former Fürth home guardian Alexander Mayer and the interest group Wir sind die Gustavstraße with the votes of the CSU majority . In mid-May 2016, it was surprisingly announced that the petitions would not only be dealt with in the committee, but in the plenary session of the state parliament itself on June 1, 2016, which was due to a motion by the parliamentary group Greens / Alliance 90. The petitions were rejected in the state parliament on June 1, 2016 with 70 votes from the CSU, 59 members of the SPD, Greens / Alliance 90 and FW voted in favor of the petition, three members of the CSU abstained.

In the official gazette no. 10/2016 of May 25, 2016, the “ local announcement of the early participation of the public in accordance with Section 3 (1) BauGB for the second amendment to the development plan number 001” was made. It states that “the legal planning restrictions for pubs and restaurants in the area of ​​application are to be removed”: “The city of Fürth is pursuing the goal of maintaining the area around the historically grown Gustavstraße in the current structures, including its catering establishments and established events, without neglecting the protection of the resident population there. "At the end of July 2016, the city of Fürth announced that it would approve the draft of the" Law to implement Directive 2014/52 / EU in urban planning law and to strengthen the new coexistence in the City ”, as the new building area category“ Urban Areas ” may then allow even higher noise levels than in mixed areas.

In June 2016, the city of Fürth introduced changes to the development plan in order to lower the regulations for the special protection of residents introduced there in the 1980s to the normal level of a mixed area and thus to strengthen the legal position of the city. The "accelerated procedure" was then canceled and converted into a regular - not accelerated - procedure in order to offer legal challenges less open to attack. Until the development plan is changed, the city of Fürth must ensure an eight-hour night's sleep in the area in question, so that the restaurants involved in the lawsuit can only use the open bar areas during the week until 10 p.m. and on Fridays and Saturdays until 11 p.m. A noise measurement specially carried out by the city of Fürth from May to September 2016 showed that the average noise measurement results did not exceed the limit values. The previously preferred proposal to convert the area around Gustavstrasse into an “urban area” was rejected by the city of Fürth at the beginning of 2017, which met with incomprehension among the interest group We are the Gustavstrasse and led to their work being discontinued.

In June 2018, two residents again requested in an urgent application that the serving hours be shortened and the graffiti market ended at 10 p.m., so that an end to the dispute was again called into question. On June 20, 2018, the court did not grant the application because numerous noise protection measures had been implemented, the calendar of events had been thinned out, the closing times during the week had been set to 10 p.m. and effective compliance with the regulations was being monitored.

See also


  • Heinrich Habel: City of Fürth . Series of monuments in Bavaria. Vol. V.61, publisher: Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation, Karl M. Lipp Verlag, Munich 1994, ISBN 3-87490-571-3 .
  • Gustavstrasse . In: Adolf Schwammberger: Fürth from A to Z. A history dictionary . Fürth: Self-published by the city of Fürth, 1968, p. 159
  • Alexander Mayer, Ernst-Ludwig Vogel: St. Michael old town. Städtebilder-Verlag, Fürth 1995, ISBN 3-927347-34-5
  • Alexander Mayer: On water, on land and in the air. A traffic story in Fürth . Sutton Verlag, Erfurt 2010, ISBN 978-3-86680-594-1
  • Barbara Ohm: Fürth. History of the city. Jungkunz, Fürth 2007, ISBN 978-3-9808686-1-7
  • Gerd Walther: The old town of Fürth. Around Sankt Michael . Städtebilder-Verlag, Fürth 1990, ISBN 3-927347-21-3
  • Bernd Windsheimer: History of the City of Fürth. Verlag CH Beck, Munich 2007, ISBN 978-3-406-55821-4

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Habel: City of Fürth . Munich 1994, p. 126.
  2. ^ Habel: City of Fürth . Munich 1994, p. 126.
  3. ^ Habel: City of Fürth . Munich 1994, p. XVII.
  4. ^ Habel: City of Fürth . Munich 1994, p. 126.
  5. Walther: The old town of Fürth. Around Sankt Michael. Fürth 1990 ,. 23 ff.
  6. Mayer: On water, on land and in the air. A traffic story in Fürth . 2010, p. 9.
  7. Alexander Mayer: The pub as a cultural asset ( Memento from August 12, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) .
  8. Mayer: On water, on land and in the air. A traffic story in Fürth . 2010, p. 11 ff.
  9. ^ Windsheimer: History of the City of Fürth. Munich 2007, p. 12.
  10. ^ Habel: City of Fürth . Munich 1994, p. 126 ff.
  11. Alexander Mayer: The mayors in the flea chamber . Wartberg Verlag, Gudensberg-Gleichen 2007, pp. 43, 45.
  12. Walther: The old town of Fürth. Around Sankt Michael . Fürth 1990, p. 120 ff.
  13. Walther: The old town of Fürth. Around Sankt Michael . Fürth 1990, p. 124 ff.
  14. When Freddy Quinn came to Fürth, came from September 20, 2011.
  15. ^ Stefan Maurer: Citizens' Association Old Town District St. Michael Fürth eV Activities from 1974 until today. Attempt a chronological compilation . Fuerth 1995.
  16. Alexander Mayer: On water, on land and in the air. A traffic story in Fürth . Sutton Verlag, Erfurt 2010, ISBN 978-3-86680-594-1 , p. 120.
  17. Development plan 001 in the version from 1996
  18. ^ Stefan Maurer: Citizens' Association Old Town District St. Michael Fürth eV. Activities from 1974 until today. Attempt a chronological compilation . Fuerth 1995.
  19. Resolution Item 8 City Council dated February 26, 2003 , approved draft Item 8 City Council dated February 26, 2003 ; Resolution Item 8 City Council of February 26, 2003: Experience report February 7, 2003 Ref. III .
  20. ^ Resolution of the city council of June 24, 2009 Item 11 , draft amendment to the resolution of the city council of June 24, 2009 Item 11 .
  21. Johannes Alles: Schandfleck removed ( Memento from July 4, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) . In: of September 13, 2008, p. 5.
  22. ^ Thematic archive Fürther Gustavstrasse
  23. ↑ Proposal for the meeting of the City Council of Fürth from July 29, 2015: City calendar of events for the years 2015 ff. (Presentation of the results of five "landmark decisions of the Bavarian Administrative Court of Ansbach and the VGH Munich")
  24. from March 31, 2015: Knatsch um Gustavstraße Mediation does not bring any result for the time being ( Memento from June 10, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) .
  25. TA Lärm , number 1, sentence 2 letter b.
  26. Bavarian State Parliament: Written request for printed matter no. 17/1003 of April 17, 2014: Legal regulation of the opening times of the bar areas and outdoor catering / permits according to the Catering Act
  27. of November 19, 2015: Gustavstrasse Trial: Fürth has to wait for the closure period ruling
  28. See e.g. For example : topic archive on nn-online , collection of press reports on fuertheraltstadtlä , collection of television reports on ( memento of the original from June 26, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  29. City Council of 25 January 2012 TOP 8: template , Innenstadtperrzeitverordnung , blocking time regulation , plan downtown blocking time regulation .
  30. Fürth celebrates the rise . from April 16, 2012.
  31. Bavarian Beer Garden Ordinance
  32. Petition on
  33. Sebastian Linstädt: Fürth: Gustavstrasse is a matter of the state . In: from December 6, 2013
  34. Legal ordinance for free bar areas in gastronomy based on the Bavarian Beer Garden Ordinance, application for printed matter no. 17/644 of February 6, 2014
  35. Legal ordinance for free bar areas in gastronomy based on the Bavarian Beer Garden Ordinance, application for printed matter no. 17/644 of February 6, 2014
  36. Johannes Alles: Seehofer provides campaign support in Fürth . In: of March 2, 2014
  37. Claudia Ziob: Because of "Halligalli": Gustavstrasse has a new fan in Munich. In: of July 17, 2014
  38. Birgit Heidingsfelder: Fürth: Noisy residents leave Gustavstrasse. In: of February 8, 2014.
  39. Birgit Heidingsfelder: - Gustavstrasse: Noise discussion again in court . In: of February 10, 2014
  40. Claudia Ziob: Gustavstraße: defeat for the city of Fuerth . In: from February 19, 2014.
  41. of July 25, 2014: According to the judgment: landlords cancel the wine festival in Gustavstrasse.
  42. Sebastian Linstädt: Canceled Wine Festival: This is no longer a game! . In: of July 26, 2014.
  43. Claudia Ziob: Fürth: The future of the wine festival is completely open . In: of July 30, 2014.
  44. ^ Gustavstrasse: Protest picnic instead of canceled wine festival . In: of August 3, 2014
  45. NN-online from September 20, 2014: Gustavstraße protests against reduced serving times at the Grafflmarkt .
  46. Claudia Ziob: For TV show: Protest action in Fürth Gustavstraße . In: of March 23, 2015.
  47. ^ Peter Berthold: Joy, beautiful Gustavstrasse (video) ; from June 27, 2015: Flashmob for a lively bar street
  48. Alexander Mayer: Hot air around Gustavstrasse . In: Fürther Freiheit from April 14, 2015.
  49. Czi / dpa: Gustavstraße: Does the Ministry of Construction a solution? In: from April 14, 2015.
  50. Homepage “We are the Gustavstrasse” , accessed on November 23, 2015.
  51. of July 17, 2015: Gustavstrasse: 16,600 signatures for a lively Fürth ; : Fürther Gustavstraße: Signatures against blocking times ( Memento from August 9, 2015 in the Internet Archive ); from May 22, 2015: 11,000 signatures for Fürth Gustavstrasse .
  52. New regulations for outdoor events , Gustavstrasse and others , press report from July 29, 2015
  53. New regulations in detail , July 29, 2015
  54. Session template for the Fürth City Council from July 29, 2015: City calendar of events for the years 2015 ff.
  55. Meeting of the City Council of the City of Fürth on October 21, 2015, presentation item 7.1 ; from October 22, 2015: Gustavstraße: The pub stop should be lifted
  56. of November 19, 2015: Gustavstrasse Trial: Fürth has to wait for the closure period ruling ; Live ticker from the courtroom on Facebook
  57. Alexander Mayer: Partial success: TA Lärm not applicable (news on the petition “Our Gustavstrasse” on from February 11, 2016); Press release of the Administrative Court (PDF) ; Judgment (PDF) .
  58. ^ Gustavstrasse: Munich rejects Fürth petitions . from April 21, 2016.
  59. Alexander Mayer: Petition on June 1st in the state parliament! . Online petition “Our Gustavstrasse” on , updated May 10, 2016.
  60. 74th plenary session of the Bavarian State Parliament on June 1, 2016 (official video recording of the State Parliament ).
  61. of June 4, 2016: Gustavstrasse: Petitions do not change the state parliament
  62. ^ City of Fürth: Official notices of the city of Fürth No. 10/2016 of May 25, 2016 (PDF), p. 34.
  63. of June 7, 2016: Gustavstrasse: Fürth wants to change the development plan .
  64. Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety : Act to implement Directive 2014/52 / EU in urban planning law and to strengthen the new coexistence in the city . As of June 16, 2016.
  65. Fürther Nachrichten of July 27, 2016, p. 29: Noise dispute: Help from Berlin?
  66. Citizen participation is repeated . In: Fürther Nachrichten of September 21, 2016
  67. Noise measurement cam at Gustavstrasse . Internet portal of the city of Fürth; Claudia Ziob: City of Fürth measures noise: "Gustavstrasse is not too loud" . In: Fürther Nachrichten of November 17, 2016.
  68. Claudia Ziob: Stadtspitze confirms: The old town will not be an urban area. In: Fürther Nachrichten of January 14, 2017, p. 33
  69. Claudia Ziob: Urgent motion: Plaintiffs demand an early end to the graffl market . In: Fürther Nachrichten of June 18, 2018.
  70. Johannes Alles, Claudia Ziob: Grafflmarkt: Court rejects urgent application for an early end . In: Fürther Nachrichten of June 20, 2018.

Coordinates: 49 ° 28 ′ 44 ″  N , 10 ° 59 ′ 20 ″  E