Hugo zu Schönburg-Waldenburg

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Prince Hugo zu Schönburg-Waldenburg (born August 29, 1822 in Waldenburg , † June 9, 1897 in Wiesbaden ) was a Prussian general of the infantry , as well as Fideikommissherr of Schloss Droy says and Quesnitz and owner of the Szelejewo estate in the Krotoschin district .



Hugo came from the noble house of Schönburg -Waldenburg. His parents were Prince Otto Victor zu Schönburg-Waldenburg (1785-1859) and Princess Thekla von Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt (1795-1861). The Saxon cavalry general and adjutant general Georg von Schönburg-Waldenburg (1828–1900) was his brother.


Schönburg-Waldenburg completed his education at the Pädagogium Halle , attended the University of Leipzig from 1843 to 1845 and then until 1847 the University of Halle .

He then began his officer career in the Prussian Army in 1847 as a second lieutenant aggregated to the 31st Infantry Regiment . During the Baden Revolution he took part in the battles at Ladenburg and Steinmauern as well as in the siege of Rastatt . In 1850 he was assigned to the regiment, switched à la suite in 1851 to the 5th Uhlan Regiment and in 1853 advanced to prime lieutenant à la suite in the 2nd Infantry (King) Regiment . He was promoted to captain in 1854. In 1856 he became company commander of the 1st Battalion ( Stettin ) of the 2nd Landwehr Regiment, in 1857 he switched to the 1st Guards Regiment on foot and was then again in the same position from 1859 to 1860 at the III. Battalion ( Graudenz ) of the 1st Guard Landwehr Regiment. In 1860 he was promoted to major in the infantry regiment (No. 66) , returned to the 1st Guards Regiment on foot in 1861, and in 1862 was placed with the army officers in the uniform of this regiment.

In 1865 he was awarded the character as a lieutenant colonel . In 1870 he was given permission to take part in the campaign on the staff of the General Command of the VIII Army Corps . But he became the commander of the 1st Guards Grenadier Landwehr Regiment for the further duration of the mobile relationship . During the war he took part in the battle of Gravelotte and the sieges of Strasbourg and Paris . For the latter he received the Iron Cross, 2nd class. Before the end of the war he was promoted to colonel à la suite in the army.

He had the character of major general in 1875 , lieutenant general in 1883 and infantry general in 1893.

Schönburg-Waldenburg was commander of the Order of St. John , holder of the Grand Cross of the Saxon-Ernestine House Order (1881) and knight of the Red Eagle Order and the Crown Order II. Class with a star.


Hugo married Princess Christiane Hermine Amalie Luise Henriette Reuss of the older line (1840–1890), a daughter of Heinrich XX , in 1862 . Reuss-Greiz (1794–1859) and Caroline von Hessen-Homburg (1819–1872). The marriage resulted in four children.

⚭ I. 1898 Princess Olga zu Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg (1880–1961), divorced in 1920
⚭ II. 1921 Princess Adelheid zur Lippe-Biesterfeld (1884–1963), on Droyßig


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Individual evidence

  1. a b Gothaisches genealogical pocket book . 134th year, Justus Perthes , Gotha 1897, p. 223.