János Nádasdy

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János Nádasdy (left) with Hanover's former mayor Herbert Schmalstieg during the vernissage of the No Man's Land retrospective at Landestrost Castle in June 2014
János Nádasdy in the private studio in front of a work from the series "One-Man Bunker"

János Nádasdy (born July 19, 1939 in Szigetszentmiklós , Hungary ) is a visual artist who created graphics , objects , installations and action art .

Nádasdy lives and works in Hanover in the List district .


János Nádasdy attended the high school for fine arts and applied arts in Budapest (“Képzö- és Iparmüvészeti Szakközépiskola”, Török Pál Street). After the failed Hungarian uprising in 1956 , he emigrated via Vienna to Montevideo in Uruguay , where he continued the art studies he had begun in Hungary at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes . In 1962 he returned to Europe. In 1964 he was recognized as a political refugee in the FRG under the Geneva Convention . From 1966 to 1970 Nádasdy studied free painting and graphic design with Herbert Ribitzki and Herbert Jaeckel at the Werkkunstschule Hannover . From 1971 to 1996 he worked as an art teacher at the Hanover College / Evening High School in Hanover .

János Nádasdy 1970 in the "Residential lock" campaign during the first old town festival , (here on Leibnizufer in front of the Lower Saxony state parliament )
Memorial to Kurt Schwitters and Karl Jakob Hirsch on the Hohe Ufer ; 1980, 1987 and 1990
"... Dedicated to the citizens ...", 1991
Infini solitude , serigraph on canvas, 140 × 100 cm, 1993
2001: Waldfrieden 2000 No. III on the yard of the Hanover College / Evening High School in Döhren

He became famous in 1970 with his street art - action "housing lock" on the first Old Town Festival in Hanover .

Later, in Hanover, Nádasdy cleared out memories in the Leine in 1977, 1980, 1987, 1990, which he processed in his memorial for Kurt Schwitters and Karl Jakob Hirsch on the Hohe Ufer between Marstallbrücke and Leineschloss .

Ultimately, the actions led to the naming of Kurt-Schwitters-Platz in front of the Sprengel Museum Hannover as early as 1979 .

János Nádasdy is a member

  • in the BBK Hannover,
  • in the Werkbund Nord ,
  • in the Hungarian artist association MAOE. ( Magyar Alkotómuvészek Országos Egyesülete ; Association of Hungarian Visual Artists)
  • as well as in the Hungarian artist group Patak .


Wrong-way driver , 2010 in the collective exhibition Sound Gardens - Art on the Tree with Group 7 at Vierthaler Teich , Hanover-Waldhausen
2012: Rainforest installation in the winter gardens V - H2O joint
exhibition in Güntherstrasse , Hanover-Waldhausen

János Nádasdy turns to different artistic techniques, processes and materials in his work. He is not interested in questions of style. In terms of content, the focus of his artistic attention is on the deformations caused by humans in modern society. Examples are his Müllkippenladschaften , lithographs from the 1970s, his bunker serials and bitumen -Work

Graphic works

In the 1970s, the artist created large-format colored pencil drawings on the subject of the environment , such as No Man's Land (1973), Seascape (1974), Strategic Landscape (1974), Seascape II (sinking of an oil tanker , 1979), Dohle (1981), Sunset ( drive-in cinema , 1980), renovation (1982). At the same time, after a trip to Denmark and later to Brittany, he began in the early 1970s with his bunker pictures , for which he developed his own screen printing technique. His picture series are: All revolutionaries are paper tigers / toilet folder with 16 etchings (1969), wall (1980), etching , lost - the Merz picture 1919 (1986-89), heart severely luxated - heart surgery / pictures from the operating room ( general St. Georg Hospital in Hamburg , “Seriemonotypien”, own printing process, 1996–1999), wall flowers - Berlin postcards (1980–1989), Lenin in need of explanation - Budapest 1956 (2002–2006).

Actions and objects in public space (selection)

One of the first major works was the Aktion Wohnsperre on the occasion of the opening of the first street art program in Hanover in 1971 ( Altstadtfest (Hanover) ). Leine clearing out followed later for the naming of Kurt-Schwitters-Platz in front of the Sprengel Museum Hannover with the memorial for Kurt Schwitters and Karl Jakob Hirsch in Hannover Am Hohen Ufer . His large sculpture Waldfrieden 2000 from 1990 in front of the town hall in Hanover was deliberately destroyed and rebuilt in 1991 at the instigation of the then Prime Minister of Lower Saxony Gerhard Schröder in front of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Art . "Waldfrieden 2000 No. III" has been in the yard of the Hanover College / Evening High School in Hanover-Döhren since 1996 . Other actions such as B. "Perpetrator-victim" (Memento 2001, 100 meter long red fabric ribbon over the leash) and "Sound Gardens" (wrong-way driver 2010, car in a tree) and "Rainforest" 2012, in the exhibition Winter Gardens V - H2O with Group 7.

Pictures and objects with bitumen since 1995: The shadowy side of the moon , 1995, thriller , 2002, news , 2008, aerial view of a landscape , 2008. Since 2009 broken glass pictures iconostas .

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 2014, June 21 to August 3, Landestrost Castle : No man's land
  • 2012:
    • Infini solitude. In: Images of yes and no. Ev.-luth. Market Church St. Georgii et Jacobi , Hanover
    • Váltoáramlatok / alternating currents , double exhibition at the imago Kunstverein Wedemark and the Galerie Pécs. Pécs , Hungary
    • Conservatories V - H2O. Art campaign in the front gardens of Güntherstrasse Hanover , sculpture rainforest , November 4, 2012 to January 27, 2012
    • News from the Hanoverian Atelier II. Eisfabrik , Hanover
  • 2011: Städtische Galerie KUBUS , together with Leiv Warren Donnan , Hanover
  • 2010:
    • Alps - Adriatic Symposium. St. Kanzian , Carinthia, Austria
    • Installation “wrong-way driver”, sound gardens. with Group 7, Vierthaler Teich , Hanover
    • Lenin in need of explanation. Embassy of the Republic of Hungary , Berlin
  • Supra , with the Patak group . in Sárospatak , Hungary
  • 2009: no man's land. Pécs Gallery & Visual Arts Workshop, Pécs (Fünfkirchen, solo exhibition)
  • 2008:
    • No man's land, Vajda Lajos Studió. Szentendre , Hungary
    • "Wake up": Utopia - Gardens of the Future. Winter gardens IV. Güntherstrasse, Hanover
    • Iridescent books - book objects. On the occasion of the 250th birthday of Friedrich Schiller , Imago Kunstverein, Wedemark
  • 2007
    • International Print Triennial. Traveling exhibition in Kraków / Poland and in the Horst Janssen Museum , Oldenburg
    • Art in Emigration. Kunsthalle, Szentendre, Hungary
    • "Schwitters never came to Mellendorf ", Kunstverein Imago Wedemark
    • Hungarian artist group Patak. Galeria Umlecov, Spišská Nová Ves , Slovakia
  • 2006
  • 2005
    • Mirrored garden. In: Winter Gardens III. with Group 7, Güntherstrasse Hanover
    • Country and people. Lohl Collection in the Alfeld Museum
    • DECIMUS. Artist group Patak in MüvészetMalom (Art Mill), Szentendre, Hungary
    • Association of Hungarian Artists - MAOE, Duna Galérie, Budapest
    • No love without a riot. In: Art Book - Book Art. Picture book based on Friedrich Schiller's Cabal and Love on the 200th anniversary of his death, Hanover
    • Mellendorf well thought out. Art campaign in Wedemarkstraße in Mellendorf, imago Kunstverein Mellendorf
    • International Print Triennial. Traveling exhibition in Krakow , Budapest , Győr , Pécs
  • 2003:
    • Pictures for the Hanover Bible. Market Church Hanover
    • Eurographic. Krakow and Kiev , organized by the International Print Triennal Society in Kraków and the Lavra Gallery, Kiev
  • 2000: Aesthetic alternatives. International graphics for the Horst Janssen Museum , Oldenburg, from the Jürgen Weichardt collection
  • 1998: Images of people (media). Kunstforum Nord 9, BBK annual exhibition in the EISFABRIK , organized by the IGBK in cooperation with Expo 2000
  • 1994: Kunstforum Nord 7th hall in the Marstall, Schwerin.
  • 1989: Lost - The Merz picture 1919. Sprengel Museum Hannover (solo exhibition)
  • 1985: Without rectangle and base. Prisma 85. 33rd annual exhibition of the German Association of Artists, Kestner Society, Hanover.
  • 1983/84: 31st annual exhibition of the German Association of Artists. Martin-Gropius-Bau and National Gallery (Berlin)
  • 1980: On paper, with paper - material elementary. 28th annual exhibition of the German Association of Artists in the Kunstverein Hannover, KUBUS Städtische Galerie, Kestner-Gesellschaft , Kunstmuseum Hannover with the Sprengel Collection
  • 1970: Residential barrier campaign. at the first Hanoverian street art program / old town festival
  • 1969 autumn exhibition of Lower Saxon artists. Art Association Hanover

Fonts (selection)

  • János Nádasdy. In: Váltoáramlatok / alternating currents. ed. by Brigitte Maaß-Spielmann (imago Kunstverein Wedemark eV). Self-published, Wedemark 2012, ISBN 978-3-940576-62-0 .
  • János Nádasdy: Üzlet a legnagyobb müvészet. (“Business is the greatest art”) In: balcony. (Journal of Contemporary Art, Budapest) May 2010 issue, HU ISSN  1216-8890 , pp. 13-17.
  • 2009 Napút (Journal of Literature, Art and Environment, Budapest), 10th edition.
  • János Nádasdy: Nádasdy János. Képzömüvész (Szigetszentmiklós, 1939, július 19.) ("Visual artist") Szigetszentmiklós, July 19, 1939, In: Nápkut Kiadó Kft. (Ed.): Napút Évkönyv 2009, Irodalom, müvezzet., Környalom 10. Nyolcvanegy jeles hetvenes. Nápkut Kiadó Kft., Budapest 2008 ISSN  1419-4082 , p. 103ff.
  • János Nádasdy, Gerhard Schröder: Waldfrieden 2000 No. 2, 1992. with photos by Herbert Nelius, catalog for installation in front of the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture in Hanover, Leibnizufer . Self-published, Hanover 1992.
  • Stephan Lohr, János Nádasdy: The history of the action Kurt-Schwitters-Platz in revonnaH. János Nádasdy 1977-79. Brochure with photos by Ludolf Baucke and M. von Esmarsch. Self-published, Hanover 1979.
  • Stephan Lohr, Ludwig Zerull , János Nádasdy: János Nádasdy , catalog for the clearing out actions in Hanover in the leash ... , with photos by Photo Hoerner , A. Spolvint, G. Schmidt-Ulms, L. Baucke and J. Nádasdy . Self-published, Hanover 1991.
  • János Nádasdy: Old Town Festival in Hanover 29./30. August 1970. Opening of the street art program. Experienced and discussed by János Nádasdy in his residence ban on the festival meadow. From the perspective of the imprisoned. Hanover around 1970.
  • János Nádasdy: No man's land - works from 1968-2013. 252 pages illustrated. Editor Wolfgang Menzel, Schöneworth-Verlag. Authors: Siegfried Barth, Beate Blatz, Ludolf Baucke, Balázs Feledy, Ines Kartenhusen, Helmut R. Leppin, Ulla and Heinz Lohmann, Stefan Lohr, Perdita von Kraft (Lottner), Wolfgang Menzel, Janós Nádasdy, Jörg Ostermeier, Mark Richartz, Ferenc Romváry, Herbert Schmalstieg, Michael Stoeber, Ernö B. Szabó, Heinz Thiel, Jürgen Weichardt, Rolf Wernstedt, Ludwig Zerull. Hanover 2014

Literature (selection)

  • NN : János Nádasdy on the page kuenstler.haz.de of the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung [o. D.], last accessed on December 3, 2012
  • Christian Grohn, Dagmar Brand : János Nádasdy. In: Winter gardens V - H2O. Art action in the front gardens of Güntherstrasse Hanover. Exhibition from November 4, 2012 to January 27, 2013, organized by the Association for the Promotion and Implementation of Art Projects eV, City of Hanover, Region Hanover, Garden Region Hanover. Self-published, 2012, ISBN 978-3-00-040065-0 , pp. 76-79.
  • Michael Stoeber: János Nádasdy. In: Images of yes and no. Exhibition as part of the 3rd Festival of Philosophy. under the heading How Much Reason Do People Need? in the Ev.-luth. Market Church St. Georgii et Jacobi in Hanover from April 11th - 25th 2012. Self-published, Hanover 2012, ISBN 978-3-00-038039-6 .
  • Michael Stoeber, Stephan Lohr: János Nádasdy. Brochure for the “Art from Hanover” exhibition Nádasdy. Municipal gallery KUBUS from May 1st to 29th, 2011, with photos by Foto Weckbrock, Jens Fehlisch, Herbert Nelius. Self-published, Hanover 2011.
  • Tihamér Novotny: Felforgató esztétizmus, avagy "flört az antimúzsával": Nádasdy János müvészete. (“Rousing aesthetics, or» Flirt with the Antimuse «, the art of János Nádasdy”) In: Zempléni Múzsa. (Magazine for Culture and Art in Hungary), ed. by Zempléni Múzsa. VIII. Volume, Issue 4, Sárospatak 2008, ISSN  1585-7182 , pp. 40–54.
  • Ines Katenhusen : “What use are good ideas at the top of the pyramid if they just don't reach the bottom.” Street art program and image politics (1969–1974). In: The 1960s in Hanover. Artists, galleries and street art. ed. by Stephan Lohr and Ludwig Zerull in collaboration with the Sprengel Museum Hannover. Sprengel Museum Hannover, Hannover 2008, ISBN 978-3-89169-206-6 , pp. 166–171.
  • SZ. Szilágyi Gábor: János Nádasdy. In: András Sándor: 1956 - Müvészet emigrációban. (“Art in Emigration”) In: 1956 - Müvészet emigrációban. Catalog of the exhibition in the Ferenczy Múzeum, Szentendrei Képtár, from November 10, 2006 to January 14, 2007, ed. from Pest Megyei Múzeumok ("Pest County Museums"). Szentendre 2006, ISBN 963-9590-16-9 , p. 32f.
  • Tihamér Novotny: János Nádasdy , in: Tizéves (múlt) a PATAK CSOPORT (1994–2006) , exhibition catalog for DECIMUS X in Szentendre in 2006, ed. from the Patak Képzömüvészeti Egyesület association , self-published, 2006, ISBN 963 87353 0 9 , pp. 130–147
  • Lust for art. Hanoverian artists introduce themselves. János Nádasdy. In: dvg news. Employee magazine of dvg - Datenververarbeitunggesellschaft mbH. Issue 2/2002 June, p. 20f.
  • Ellen Runge, Anne Winkel: Living in Hanover. Strong Impulse / A Powerful Stimulus. Hannover benefits from its multicultural society. In: Hannover journal 1/1993 , editor and publisher: Verlagsgesellschaft Grütter in cooperation with the state capital of Hanover, pp. 6–13; here: p. 7.
  • Peter Grabowski, Michael Stoeber, Heinz Thiel, János Nádasdy: János Nádasdy. Bunker landscapes. Travel sketches, prints, pictures, objects 1973 - 1993. for the exhibition from October 29 - November 22, 1993 at the Kunstverein Langenhagen, ed. from the Langenhagen Art Association. Self-published, Langenhagen 1993.
  • Gerhard Schröder , Heinz Thiel: Waldfrieden 2000. Free sculpture from twenty tree trunks ... and from twenty scrap cubes; compressed cars and cans. Catalog with photos by Herbert Nelius, CF Ernst and Walter Wilken, ed. by János Nádasdy. around 1990.
  • Jürgen Weichardt , Lásló Beke, Ernst Nündel: On the work of János Nádasdy. In: PlasMa group. ed. from the Kunstverein Salzgitter eV. Self-published, Salzgitter 1984.
  • Jürgen Weichardt, Lásló Beke, Ernst Nündel: On the work of János Nádasdy. In: PlasMa group. with texts and photos etc. a. by Wilhelm Beuermann, Ulrike Enders, János Nádasdy, Max Sauk, Rosemarie Würth. Self-published around 1984.
  • János Nádasdy. In: Artists in Hanover. Directory of visual artists in Hanover. with a foreword by Head of the Department of Culture Karl-Ernst Bungenstab , ed. from the cultural office of the state capital Hanover. Schlütersche, Hannover 1979, ISBN 3-87706-020-X , p. 157.
  • Wolfgang Menzel, Katrin Herrmann, János Nádasdy (Red.): János Nádasdy. No mans land. Works from 1968 to 2013 , 1st edition, ed. by Wolfgang Menzel, Hanover: SchöneworthVerlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3-9811060-6-0


  • Horst Latzke (director): Art takes to the streets , 23 minutes, 1970
  • Ingo Petzold: Leine clearing out , c. 20 minutes, 1990/1992
  • Ingo Petzold: Waldfrieden 2000 , 20 minutes, 1991

See also

Web links

Commons : János Nádasdy  - collection of images, videos and audio files

References and comments

  1. NN: János Nádasdy (see literature)
  2. see also: Ernst Nündel: Epilogue: Eternal lasts longest. In: Kurt and Beate Kusenberg (eds.): Schwitters. Series of rororo picture monographs. Rowohlt Taschenbuchverlag, Hamburg 1981, ISBN 3-499-50296-8 , pp. 128-132.
  3. ^ Franz Betz (1st board member): members on the bbk-hannover.de site , last accessed on November 7, 2012
  4. Christian Grohn, Dagmar Brand: János Nádasdy (see literature)
  5. Ewald Gäßler , Jutta Moster-Hoos , Jürgen Weichardt: Aesthetic alternatives . International graphics for the Horst Janssen Museum, Oldenburg. Donation Horst Janssen, catalog on the occasion of the exhibition in the Oldenburg City Museum from May 4 to June 12, 2000. Ed. von der Stadt Oldenburg, in the series Publications of the Stadtmuseum Oldenburg, Volume 37. Isensee Verlag, Stadt Oldenburg 2000, ISBN 3-89598-682-8 , p. 70.