Jörg Zittlau

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Jörg Zittlau (* 1960 in Düsseldorf ) is a German freelance science journalist and non-fiction author . He has written around 60 non-fiction books that have been translated into 20 languages.


Education and scientific work

Zittlau grew up in Düsseldorf, where he passed his Abitur in 1978 and studied philosophy , sociology , biology and sports - with a focus on sports medicine - at the Heinrich Heine University there . During this time he was already active as a journalist and published a satirical student magazine. After graduating with a Magister Artium in 1985, Zittlau researched and taught from 1986 to 1992 at the University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration in North Rhine-Westphalia . He primarily dealt with stress management and health management . One focus was on health behavior in everyday life with the authorities . With the dissertation Reason and Temptation. The erotic nihilism Otto Weininger was he in 1990 at the University of Dusseldorf to Dr. phil. PhD .

Non-fiction author

In 1992 Zittlau switched to science journalism and since then has been working as a freelance journalist specializing in naturopathy , psychology and nutrition . Most of his guides are published by Südwest-Verlag and Ludwig Verlag, both in Munich . Zittlau also published for Rasch and Röhring , Econ , Droemer Knaur , Gondrom , Herder , Ullstein and Eichborn . So far, he has written around 60 non-fiction books, some of which have had multiple editions and have been translated into a total of 20 languages ​​(as of 2016).

He became known nationwide in 1994 with his book An Elite Makes Money. The professors' report , in which he revealed and denounced grievances and undesirable developments within the science scene. As a result, however, Zittlau concentrated on writing advice literature. He is the author of dozens of popular science and generally understandable books on diets and healthy lifestyles as well as alternative medicine . One of his specialties are medicinal plants , the areas of application and effects of which he outlined in numerous general guides and monographs - from ginger to sage . He dealt in this context, with the health-promoting effect of different tea coals, including green tea , rooibos -Tee and pu-erh tea . The household remedies guide, written together with Norbert Kriegisch and Dagmar P. Heinke (first published in 1995), has become a bestseller that has been published again and again . The guide Run yourself happy is based on his experiences as a former athlete and as a trainer in popular sports . The running course for body and soul (2004).

Together with the nutritionist Annette Sabersky , Zittlau published The Big Nutrition Lies. Eating with Side Effects (2007), Hidden Fatteners. How the Food Industry Makes Us Addictive (2009) and The Quality Lie. Shopping with Side Effects (2009).

He also has a particular preference for philosophical topics, which he has presented in a number of books that are generally understandable and related to everyday life, such as The Philosophical Escalator (2004) and several volumes in the bathtub meditations series published by Gondrom-Verlag. Quite spoke critically meant It's cool, man! New German for Americanized Teutons (1996), in which he humorously took up the increasingly rampant “ Denglisch ”. In Why seals don't see blue and moose go to retirement homes. Bankruptcies and mishaps in the blueprint of nature (2008) he dealt with "errors of evolution".

In addition to his book publications, Zittlau regularly publishes articles in daily newspapers , including Die Welt , Frankfurter Rundschau and Rheinische Post , as well as in popular science magazines such as Psychologie heute , natur + kosmos and bild der Wissenschaft . In September 2011 he received the journalism award of the European Skin Cancer Foundation and in November 2016 the media award of the German Diabetes Society . He also occasionally appears as a lecturer and guest on television and radio programs.

His book Your brain knows more than you think. The latest findings from brain research (together with Niels Birbaumer ) was voted Science Book of the Year 2015.

Musical activity

In addition to his professional activity as a freelance science journalist, Zittlaus is passionate about making music. He plays guitar , slide guitar , banjo , mandolin , blues harp and sings. He learned his first string instruments at the age of nine. In a Roma settlement he was initiated into so-called gypsy jazz . He later switched to skiffle , folk and blues . He played in several formations, accompanied blues and gospel singers such as champion Jack Dupree , Joan Orleans and Louisiana Red . He currently presents roots, gospel, blues, folk, creole and boogie from the Mississippi with Doctor Cleanhead. The four musicians use authentic instruments such as the national, mandolin, banjo, blues harp and cajon, and there are also polyphonic singing and witty-ironic announcements with a training character in matters of music history.


Zittlau has two children and lives in Bremen .


  • Reason and temptation. The erotic nihilism of Otto Weininger . Dissertation, Düsseldorf 1990, ISBN 3-925790-15-2 .
  • An elite cashes in. The Professors Report . Hamburg 1994, ISBN 3-89136-507-1 .
  • Psychological help for everyone. Plain text on: anxiety , baby blues, depression , migraines , neurodermatitis and 45 other keywords . Hamburg 1995, ISBN 3-89136-531-4 .
  • together with Norbert Kriegisch and Dagmar P. Heinke: Hausmittel . The proven medicine cabinet against all diseases. The best recipes for health . Munich 1995 (6th, completely revised and expanded edition, Munich 1999, ISBN 3-517-06039-9 ; new edition, Munich 2003, under the title Home Remedies. The best recipes for health. The proven medicine cabinet against all diseases - tested natural remedies without side effects . ISBN 3-517-06690-7 )
  • It's cool man! New German for Americanized Germans . Hamburg 1996, ISBN 3-89136-564-0 .
  • Joy of life and health through St. John's wort . Use the medicinal plant for depression, sleep disorders and nervousness. With formulas to strengthen the heart and treat injuries . Munich 1997, ISBN 3-517-01936-4 .
  • together with Michael Helfferich: Medicinal plants from our homeland. Health, beauty and wellbeing with herbs that you collect yourself. Application, healing effects and recipes . Munich 1997, ISBN 3-7787-3559-4 .
  • Green tea for health and vitality. Use the healing power of Asian tea for body and soul. The most effective recipes for the treatment of diseases and beauty care . Munich 1997, ISBN 3-7787-3616-7 .
  • Healing spice cuisine. Health and well-being through the gentle effects of spices. Recipes for teas, snacks, main dishes and desserts . Munich 1998, ISBN 3-7787-3665-5 .
  • The ideal diet for your blood type. Type-appropriate nutrition - the new health formula .
    • Main volume under this title, Munich 1998, ISBN 3-612-20629-X .
    • Recipe book: 150 type-specific recipes. With a special treatment: slim and fit in 7 days! Munich 2000, ISBN 3-612-20677-X .
  • The best recipes from the spice kitchen. Use the gentle healing power of spices. Cooking and baking with herbs from nature . Munich 1998, ISBN 3-517-08018-7 .
  • Healthy and beautiful with kefir . Strengthen the immune system with the healing ingredients, protect the heart and circulation and take care of the intestines. With numerous recipes for vitality and beauty . Munich 1998, ISBN 3-7787-3636-1 .
  • The best recipes from the medicine cabinet. Quick and effective help with complaints and minor accidents. Gentle natural remedies with no side effects . Munich 1998, ISBN 3-517-08026-8 .
  • Heal naturally with the marigold . With the active ingredients of the calendula for natural beauty and health. Gentle help with skin problems and gastrointestinal disorders . Munich 1998, ISBN 3-7787-3690-6 .
  • Johannis herbs. Nature's remedies. Prevent depression, sleep disorders and nervousness. With recipes to strengthen the heart and circulation . Munich 1998, ISBN 3-517-08043-8 .
  • Rooibos tea for health and beauty. With the healing ingredients of rooibos or rooibos tea, prevent diseases, treat them effectively and feel good all round . Munich 1998, ISBN 3-7787-3691-4 .
  • Painkiller substitutes: nature's healing power. Natural alternatives to synthetic drugs. Easy to use, cheap and with no side effects . Munich 1999, ISBN 3-517-08051-9 .
  • Health from the strength of the roots. Healing recipes with angelica , valerian , ginseng , dandelion & Co. Relieve pain, strengthen psyche and vitality with teas, tinctures and baths. Original healing knowledge for body and soul . Munich 1999, ISBN 3-517-07792-5 .
  • The individual self-help program for tinnitus and sudden hearing loss . Recognize the possible causes and treat them optimally with natural healing methods . Munich 1999, ISBN 3-517-08059-4 .
  • Heal naturally with sage . Relieve infections, inflammations, wounds and gastrointestinal diseases with the gentle power of the medicinal plant. The best recipes for health and beauty . Munich 1999, ISBN 3-7787-3737-6 .
  • The smoking diet plan. Reduce health risks through vital substances . Munich 1999, ISBN 3-612-20647-8 .
  • Lose weight successfully with pu-erh tea . With the natural fat killer to feel good weight. Regulate cholesterol levels, stimulate digestion and detoxify the body . Munich 1999, ISBN 3-7787-3815-1 .
  • Lexicon of Spices . Whether sweet or spicy - the best spice combinations with a health effect . Munich 1999, ISBN 3-517-08097-7 .
  • Stop smoking and stay slim. The new diet and fitness program . Munich 2000, ISBN 3-612-20660-5 .
  • Relieve pain with magnets. Use healing magnets correctly for pain in muscles, joints and teeth, for sleep disorders, colds and constipation . Munich 2000, ISBN 3-517-06164-6 .
  • together with Norbert Kriegisch: Practice book on healthy eating. Eat yourself healthy! Munich 2000, ISBN 3-517-06313-4 .
  • The big book on green tea. Use the healing power of Asian tea for body and soul. The most effective recipes for disease treatment and beauty care . Munich 2000, ISBN 3-7787-3895-X .
  • Healing magnets . Targeted use of healing magnets. Relieve illness and pain effectively with the power of magnets . Munich 2000, ISBN 3-517-06387-8 .
  • Fat blockers. The new successful diet . Munich 2001, ISBN 3-517-06306-1 .
  • Women eat differently, men too. Facts and background on the menu of the sexes . Frankfurt am Main 2002, ISBN 3-8218-3905-8 .
  • together with Hans-Ulrich Grimm : Vitamin Shock . The Truth About Vitamins : How They Use, When They Harm . Munich 2002, ISBN 3-426-27250-4 .
  • Buddha for managers . Munich 2002, ISBN 3-430-19937-9 .
  • The Adam and Eve Diet. Live together - cook - lose weight . Frankfurt am Main 2003, ISBN 3-8218-3983-X .
  • Gandhi for managers. The other way to success . Frankfurt am Main 2003, ISBN 3-8218-5563-0 .
  • The Alma Fitness Book. Fit forever! . Rastatt 2004, ISBN 3-8118-2934-3 .
  • Run yourself happy. The running course for body and soul . Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-332-01519-2 .
  • The philosophical escalator. Small lexicon of thinkers and their universal world wisdom . Frankfurt am Main 2004, ISBN 3-8218-3968-6 .
  • together with Dieter Trzolek: The natural sports pharmacy . The best home remedies for fitness and performance enhancement . Munich 2004, ISBN 3-517-06753-9 .
  • The Gandhi Principle. The gentle way to assert yourself . Freiburg im Breisgau, Basel and Vienna 2005, ISBN 3-451-05554-6 .
  • Philosophical splinters of thought. 77 wisdoms of great thinkers . Bindlach 2005, ISBN 3-8112-2469-7 .
  • Nordic walking . The entry-level course for long-term wellbeing . Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-332-01618-0 .
  • The food doctor. Naturally compensate for the individual lack of nutrients in everyday complaints . Munich 2005, ISBN 978-3-517-06933-3 .
  • Discover your inner strength . Bindlach 2005, ISBN 3-8112-2639-8 .
  • The rheumatism revolution . Munich 2005, ISBN 3-931294-13-7 .
  • Instructions for philosophizing . Bindlach 2006, ISBN 978-3-8112-2735-4 .
  • Remedies ginkgo . Everything about the positive effects on body, mind and soul . Munich 2006, ISBN 978-3-517-06951-7 .
  • More desire to love. The best means from nature for more lust and potency . Munich 2006, ISBN 978-3-517-06925-8 .
  • Happiness instructions for everyday life . Bindlach 2006, ISBN 978-3-8112-2838-2 .
  • Ideas that change my life . Bindlach 2007, ISBN 978-3-8112-2908-2 .
  • together with Annette Sabersky : The great food lies. Eating with side effects . Munich 2007, ISBN 978-3-426-78002-2 .
  • Why seals don't see blue and moose go to retirement homes. Bankruptcies and mishaps in nature's blueprint . with illustrations by Lucia Obi. Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-430-30012-4 .
  • Why monkeys pay for love. Even more bankruptcies and mishaps in nature's blueprint . with illustrations by Lucia Obi. Berlin 2008 (paperback edition Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-548-37297-6 )
  • together with Annette Sabersky: Hidden Fat Makers. How the food industry makes us addicted . Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-426-78119-7 .
  • together with Annette Sabersky: The quality lie. Shopping with side effects . Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-426-78212-5 .
  • Ginger . Naturally healthy with the Asian medicinal root . Stuttgart 2009, ISBN 978-3-7831-9050-2 .
  • Now I am helping myself. The best home remedies just in case . Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-517-08555-5 .
  • He lay there tired and miserable. Famous sick people and their bad doctors . Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-550-08779-0 .
  • You meant it well. Famous people and their terrible parents . Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-471-35054-6
  • Nerds. Where there are glasses, there is a way . Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-471-35069-0
  • Boring lives longer. About the real causes of long life . Gütersloh 2012, ISBN 978-3-579-06647-9
  • together with Annette Sabersky: Real sausage has no face. How children can enjoy eating again . Munich 2014, ISBN 978-3-453-60268-7
  • Who still needs sex ?: Why we do it less and less - and why that is not so bad . Gütersloh 2014, ISBN 978-3-579-07062-9
  • with Niels Birbaumer: Your brain knows more than you think. The latest findings from brain research . Ullstein, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-550-08031-9
  • with Niels Birbaumer: Thinking is overrated. Why our brain loves emptiness. Ullstein, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-550-08123-1
  • Don't mess with crows. How the animal world strikes back. Structure, Berlin 2017, 978-3-7466-3293-3

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Biographical information on Jörg Zittlaus' website ( Memento of the original from May 5, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ; accessed on November 13, 2016 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.joerg-zittlau.de
  2. cf. for example the review by Gerlinde Unverzagt : Intrigue and egoism among professors. New report looks behind the scenes from November 24, 1994 in the intrigue and egoism among professors - online archive of the Berliner Zeitung
  3. Award ceremony of the ESCF ( Memento of the original from September 21, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.escf-network.eu
  4. ^ German Diabetes Society eV: German Diabetes Society: German Diabetes Society awards media prizes 2016: Four winners will be honored at the Diabetes Autumn Conference in Nuremberg. In: www.deutsche-diabetes-gesellschaft.de. Retrieved November 13, 2016 .
  5. Dr. Jörg Zittlau at www.referenten.de
  6. a b Jörg Zittlau as one of the Delta Crabs ( memento of the original from September 5, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ; Retrieved July 24, 2010  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.deltacrabs.de
  7. ^ Doctor Cleanhead, Band (Blues, Folk / Country) from Bremen - Backstage PRO. Retrieved September 19, 2018 .
  8. ^ Doctor Cleanhead. Retrieved September 19, 2018 .