Johannes Richenbach

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Binding with attribution, Thurgau Cantonal Library

Johannes Richenbach († 1486) was a German clergyman and bookbinder in Geislingen an der Steige . He is considered one of the most important bookbinders of the 15th century. In the 1480s he was supported in his workshop by his brother Bernhardin. Richenbach tied primarily for clergy from the area around Geislingen and Ulm as well as for those in Schwäbisch Gmünd . The dated covers date from 1467 to 1484.

After Konrad Forster in Nuremberg , Richenbach was the second bookbinder to choose lettering for his bindings. On the front cover he usually stamped the author and / or title of the work, in some cases the name of the owner. He usually provided the back cover with a self-confident signature like me richenbach or something similar. Richenbach had around 50 individual stamps whose other evidence refers to the Ulm area. He also had seven roles. He was probably the first bookbinder to use roller stamps. The unusual use of red and green painting on the font aimed at creating an aesthetic effect.


Entries in the investiture protocols of the Diocese of Constance show that Johannes Richenbach received the chaplain fruition on the All Saints' Altar in the Geislingen parish church on September 22nd, 1463 . He must have died in the summer of 1486, as a successor was appointed on September 6, 1486 due to the death of Richenbach.

Bernhardin, in which one wants to recognize John's younger brother, also signed some bindings. On the binding of the Eichstätter manuscript st 193 it says: per me bernhardinum richenbach illigatum in gyslingen . Bernhardin studied in Tübingen in 1489 and worked with his brother in 1480 at the earliest. Its bindings are of much less quality. After John's death, he seems to have given up bookbinding. From 1480 he was also a chaplain in Geislingen, from where he went as pastor to Unterböhringen in 1492 , where he is attested in 1507.

Both of them are likely to have been bookbinding in order to improve their modest benefices financially.

List of bindings based on Scott Husby 2011

In 2011 Scott Husby combined the announcement of a Richenbach find in the Huntington Library with the publication of a list of all known bindings aimed at completeness: (R1) to (R56). It is the second count of the bindings. The first count goes back to Franz Falk , who compiled the first four volumes without having seen a single one himself. In 1910 Seymour de Ricci and Paul Schwenke, who provided an addendum (No. 10) , continued the count. Otto Glauning compiled 23 numbers in 1927 (taking over the count from De Ricci). The consecutive numbering established by Falk ended with the essay by Ernst Kyriss in 1944. The numbers 24 to 39 are added to the references in brackets below.

Under "Literature" only the first mentions / descriptions given by Husby in the literature, in the Richenbach special literature (by De Ricci, Glauning, Kyriss and Pingree) and in the most important incunabula databases (Bod-Inc, BSB-Ink, INKA) recorded. Further literature on the individual copies, if known, can be found in the notes.

Images are only proven if they are online.

Manuscript bindings

  • (R1) Collective manuscript: Pseudo-Bonaventura: Speculum BMV and others, paper manuscript with dates 1456–1466 and scribe's note (sheet 160r: per me Bartholomaeum plebanum pro tunc in Welzheim 1466).
    • New York, Morgan Library & Museum, MS M. 629
    • Images: Morgan Library .
    • Bound for: Bartholomäus Scherrenbach (cover: d (omi) no bartholomeo scherenbach ), pastor in Welzheim , later chaplain in Schwäbisch Gmünd
    • Provenances: S. Leigh Sotheby ; George B. Blomfield; Guy Feilden (Sale Sotheby's London 10 November 1906, no.165). Acquired from Bernard Quaritch in 1907 from J. Pierpont Morgan .
    • Literature: De Ricci; Glauning, No. 7; Kyriss 1951; Pingree 1977.
  • (R2) Virgil: Opera, paper manuscript 15th century
    • British Library London , Add. MS 11958
    • Bound for: Magister Bartholomäus Stolcz von Schwäbisch Gmünd (cover: pro m (a) g (ist) ro bartolome ° stolcz de gmund ).
    • Provenances: Samuel Butler
    • Literature: Weale, No. 615; Weale / Taylor, No. 77; Glauning, No. 9; Kyriss 1951.
  • (R3) Jacobus de Voragine: Sermones dominicales, paper manuscript dated 1459.
Representation of Marcus Wolf (owner of R4) on the Wolfstal board around 1500
  • (R4) Petrus Lombardus: Glossa in epistolas Pauli, paper manuscript 2nd half of the 15th century (not after 1471)
  • (R5) Expositio hymnorum et sequentiarium, paper manuscript, written in 1473/75 in the Ulm area
    • Bavarian State Library Munich, Clm 28315
    • Digitization: MDZ .
    • Bound for: a teacher who worked in Ulm in 1473 ( eram pedagogus Vlme ), later in Geislingen
    • Provenance: District and Study Library Dillingen, Cod. XV 69 (delivered to Munich in 1915)
    • Literature: Glauning, No. 17; Kyriss 1951.
  • (R6) Biblia Latina, manuscript on parchment, 15th century (or earlier?).
    • Franciscan Monastery of St. Mary of the Snow Prague
    • Provenance: Count Ferdinand Franz von Wrtby donated to the Franciscan monastery of Wotitz ( Votice ) in 1709 .
    • Literature: Glauning, No. 21; Rest; Kyriss 1951; Hamanová; Kyriss 1966.
  • (R7) Johannes Nider : 'The 24 golden harps', paper manuscript, written in 1464 by Pfaff Otmar Roser von Wiesensteig, Frühmesser zu Reichenbach, for Agnes Countess von Helfenstein née von Weinsberg, widow of Count Friedrich I. von Helfenstein.
    • Württemberg State Library Stuttgart, Cod.Donaueschingen 243
    • Bound for: Agnes Countess von Helfenstein, 1470.
    • Provenance: Hofbibliothek Donaueschingen , Cod. 243.
    • Literature: Glauning, No. 22; Rest; Kyriss 1951.

Cover of a block book

Bindings of incunabula

Drawing of R12 from 1872
  • (R13) Servius Maurus, Honoratus: Commentarii in Vergilii opera. [Strasbourg: Adolf Rusch, not after 1471]. ISTC .
    • Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart, Inc. fol. 14703
    • Provenances: Johannes Wingarter, pastor in Oeffingen ( Mgr. Jo [anne] s Wingarter quonda [m] pleban [us] In effing [en] legauit )
    • Literature: Kyriss 1933 (No. 28); Kyriss 1951; INKA (Renner, No. 6359).
  • (R15) Guillermus Parisiensis: Postilla super epistolas et evangelia. [Augsburg: Günther Zainer, around 1473]. ISTC .
    • Bodleian Library Oxford, Broxb. 18.8.
    • Provenances: Andreas de Falheim (16th / 17th century); Léon Gruel; Albert Ehrman.
    • Literature: Nixon; Bod-Inc G-318 .
  • (R16) Henricus Ariminensis: De quattuor virtutibus cardinalibus. Speyer: [Printer of the Gesta Christi, after November 10, 1472, not after 1473]. ISTC .
    • Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg, Inc. 4 ° 108509.
    • Literature: Hellwig.
  • (R17) Speculum humanae salvationis. [Augsburg: Günther Zainer, 1473]. ISTC .
    • Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart, Inc. fol. 14929.
    • Provenances: Consistorial Library Stuttgart (often took up old Württemberg monastery holdings in the 16th century)
    • Literature: Kyriss 1933 (No. 27); Kyriss 1951; INKA (Renner, No. 6442).
Front cover of R19
  • (R19) Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea. [Basel: Michael Wenssler, not after 1474]. ISTC .
    • British Library London, IC. 37042
    • Images: British Library , Commons .
    • Provenances: Michael Haidecker, pastor in Drackenstein (end of the 16th century).
    • Literature: Weale, No. 613-614; Weale / Taylor, No. 141; De Ricci; Glauning, No. 8; Kyriss 1951.
  • (R22) Jacobus de Clusa: Sermones de sanctis. [Blaubeuren: Conrad Mancz, not after 1476]. ISTC .
    • Walters Art Museum Baltimore, 91,646.
    • Bound for: Johann Sprintz (cover: pro d (omi) no iohane sprincz ).
    • Provenances: Dukes of Arenberg.
    • Literature: Miner; Pingree 1977.
  • (R23) Biblia Latina. [Basel: Bernhard Richel], 1475. 2 volumes, both by Richenbach. ISTC .
    • Salzburg University Library, W III 42
    • Bound for: Matthias Scheit (on the cover: schitt ) as above.
    • References: rest (Nos. 25-26); Kyriss 1951.
  • (R24) Biblia Latina. Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 1475. ISTC .
    • Huntington Library San Marino, PR 1970 LF c2, formerly 441108.
    • Images: Scott Husby Database .
    • Provenances: Edward J. Loftus (around 1952). From his widow in 1975 to the library.
    • Literature: Husby.
  • (R25) Anthology: (1) Boccaccio: De claris mulieribus. [Strasbourg: Georg Husner, around 1474/75]. ISTC . (2) Boccaccio: De casibus virorum illustrium. [Strasbourg: Georg Husner, around 1474/75]. ISTC .
    • Salzburg University Library, W II 32.
    • Image: Salzburg University Library .
    • Bound for: Matthias Scheit as above (on the cover: schitt , painted coat of arms in the ribbon).
    • Provenances: Prince Archbishop's Court Library Salzburg.
    • Literature: Frisch 1941 (No. 37).
Matthias Scheit's coat of arms in R27
  • (R27) Vincenz von Beauvais: Speculum historiale. [Strasbourg: Adolf Rusch, not after 1476]. ISTC .
    • Lviv University Library (Lemberg)
    • Illustration: Incunabula catalog 2011 at (Illustration for No. 39)
    • Bound for: Matthias Scheit as above ( schit on the cover, painted coat of arms in the ribbon).
    • Provenances: Józef Saba Koziebrodzki.
    • Literature: Kotula (No. 35); Kyriss 1944; Kyriss 1951.
  • (R28) Biblia Latina. Basel: Bernhard Richel, September 8, 1477. ISTC .
    • Württemberg State Library Stuttgart, Bb lat. 147701-1.
    • Literature: Leuze; Glauning, No. 14; Kyriss 1951; INKA (Renner, No. 1229).
  • (R29) Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea. Ulm: Johann Zainer, not after 1477. ISTC .
    • Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart, Inc. fol. 16095 B.1 (HB).
    • Provenance: Zwiefalten Benedictine monastery.
    • Literature: Leuze; Glauning, No. 15; Kyriss 1951; INKA (Renner, No. 3663).
  • (R32) Vocabularius. Blaubeuren: Conrad Mancz, around 1477. ISTC .
    • Newberry Library Chicago , Folio Inc. 2659.
    • Provenances: Mr. Otmar (Roser, see R 7) in the Wiesensteig Hospital ( item diser vocabularius is too wisenstaig in the hospital from othmars and is too wisenstaig in the hospital ); Royal Library Munich (sold as a duplicate); Louis Lucien Bonaparte
    • Literature: Pingree 1977.
Binding in Bamberg: R33
  • (R34) Conradus de Brundelsheim / Soccus: Sermones de sanctis. [Reutlingen: Michael Greyff, not after 1478]. ISTC .
    • Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart, Inc. fol. 14829 (4).
    • Provenances: Bernhard Ritler ( Fratris Bernardj Ritlerj , 16th century); John Roland Abbey (bookplate 1933); Marlborough Fine Art second-hand bookshop, London (1963).
    • Literature: Kyriss 1966; INKA (Renner, No. 1969).
  • (R37) Hugo Ripelin: Compendium theologiae veritatis. Ulm: Johann Zainer, [not after 1480]. ISTC .
    • Wellcome Institute London
    • Illustration: Wellcome Collection (black and white).
    • Provenances: Georg Kloss as above; WH Hammond Jones (sold 1898). In the library since then.
    • Literature: Pingree 1998.
  • (R38) Guillelmus Duranti: Rationale divinorum officiorum. [Strasbourg: Georg Husner, not after 1479]. ISTC .
    • Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart, Inc. fol. 6465 (2).
    • Provenances: Hofbibliothek Donaueschingen , Inc. 193; Sotheby's (London, July 1, 1994), Donaueschingen sale, no.263.
    • Literature: Glauning, No. 23; Rest; Kyriss 1951; INKA (Renner, No. 2242).
  • (R41) Johannes Herolt: Sermones discipuli. [Reutlingen: Michael Greyff, around 1478/79]. ISTC .
    • Bridwell Library at Southern Methodist University Dallas , 06951.
    • Images: Scott Husby Database , Bridwell Library , Bridwell Library .
    • Provenances: Oberherrlingen Castle ( Eugen von Maucler with bookplate 1839); Joseph Baer, ​​Catalog 725 (1926), No. 282; Bernd Pattloch, Aschaffenburg (ex-libris); Sotheby's (London), 22. – 23. November 1984, No. 193; Reiss & Auvermann (Königstein), auction 46, 15. – 18. October 1991, No. 152. 7. Stuttgarter Antiquariat (Dr. Kocher-Benzing), catalog 150 (June 1992), No. 33 (first recognized as a Richenbach binding). Sotheby's (London), December 1, 1993, no.133 (not sold). 9. Attorney Detlef Mauss, No. 48; Percy Barnevik, Stockholm, 2000; Christie's New York, May 24, 2002, No. 120. In the Bridwell Library since 2002.
    • Literature: Mauss 1996; Mauss 1999.
  • (R46) Missale Basiliense. [Basel: Bernhard Richel and / or Peter Kollicker and Johann Meister, not after 1479]. ISTC .
    • University Library Augsburg, 02 / B146.
    • Provenances: Counts of Helfenstein zu Wiesensteig (1626), Oettingen-Wallerstein Library (Wallerstein, Maihingen, Harburg Castle).
    • Literature: Kyriss 1963.
  • (R47) Johannes Gritsch: Quadragesimals. Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 1481. ISTC .
    • Current owner unknown, most recently Hartung and Hartung Munich, auction 103, November 2001
    • Literature: Nickel.
Rub through the signature of R49
  • (R49) Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea. [Strasbourg: printer of the Legenda aurea], 1482. ISTC .
    • Capuchin Monastery Lucerne, P IV 29 214.
    • Literature: Kyriss 1933 (No. 34); Kyriss 1951.
  • (R50) Herolt, Johannes, Sermones discipuli. Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, September 2, 1483. ISTC .
    • Bavarian State Library Munich, 2 Inc. approx. 1334 b.
    • Bound for: Georgius Kegler ( georio kegler ).
    • Provenances: Jesuit College Dillingen ; District and Study Library Dillingen. A triggered single-sheet print bears a handwritten confirmation by the notary Gregor May from Tübingen (read BSB-Ink: Lauingen) (probably 1481).
    • Literature: Glauning, No. 19; Kyriss 1951; BOD Ink H-198 .
  • (R51) Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea. [Strasbourg: Printer by Jordanus von Quedlinburg (Georg Husner)], May 4, 1485. ISTC .
    • Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, 2 Inc. ca 1703 c.
    • Provenances: Adam Harsch, Augustinian Canons Polling (1744). Triggered two single-sheet prints, including a confession form for the collegiate church St. Amandus in Urach (Urach, not after 1483).
    • Literature: Glauning, No. 18; Kyriss 1951; BSB-Ink I-88 .
  • (R53) Anthology: (1) De contractibus et vitalitiis. [Strasbourg: Printer by Henricus Ariminensis (Georg Reyser), not after August 24, 1473]. ISTC . (2) Pseudo-Albertus Magnus: De adhaerendo Deo. [Urach: Conrad Fyner, 1481]. ISTC . (3) Johannes de Verdena: Sermones dominicales. [Strasbourg: Printer by Jordanus von Quedlinburg], September 15, 1485. ISTC .
    • University Library Tübingen, Gb 764.2.
    • Provenances: Benedictine monastery Zwiefalten (17th century).
    • Literature: Kyriss 1933 (No. 29); Kyriss 1951; INKA .

Cover without text

Owner's note of R54
  • (R54) Cover without an old book block.
    • German National Library Leipzig, DBSM / Klemm VIII, 312
    • Bound for: (Margaretha) Schleicher von Ulm (cover: Das buoch bij der schlicheri suh ), prioress in Obermedlingen .
    • Provenances: Dominican convent Obermedlingen (gift from Franz Schleicher); Heinrich Lempertz; Stock Exchange Association of German Booksellers (from 1876).
    • Literature: spark.

Lost copies

  • (R55) Biblia Latina. [Strasbourg: Heinrich Eggestein, not after May 24, 1466]. ISTC .
    • The cover is lost. The volume that was in the Royal (today: State Library) Munich in the 19th century is now in the New York Public Library . Apparently, when the new binding in the Benedictine monastery Thierhaupten was made in 1595, the information from the earlier binding was noted.
    • Bound for: Ludwig Schleicher, pastor in Geislingen, dated 1468.
    • Provenances: Abbot Benedikt Gaugenrieder von Thierhaupten (ex-libris 1587); Benedictine monastery Thierhaupten (repealed 1803).
    • Literature: De Ricci; Glauning, No. 6.
  • (R56) Hieronymus: Epistolae. [Strasbourg: Johann Mentelin, not after 1469]. ISTC .
    • Lost, last in the 19th century in the Royal (today: State Library) Munich. The volume, sold as a duplicate, is now in the Bodleiana in Oxford.
    • Dated 1470.
    • Provenances: Abbot Benedikt Gaugenrieder von Thierhaupten (ex-libris 1587), as above; Abbot Corbinian Kerle von Thierhaupten (ex-libris 1667); Benedictine monastery Thierhaupten
    • Literature: De Ricci; Glauning, No. 5.

Supplements to Husby

  • (R57) Back cover without book block. On the inside there is a miniature with John on Patmos glued on , which was probably made in the vicinity of the Freiburg clarissess Sibylla von Bondorf.
    • State Graphic Collection Munich, Inv. No. 31580.
    • Literature: Klaus Graf referred in Archivalia of February 23, 2013 to the mention in Steingräber 1952, p. 239 f., Note 6. According to Steingräber, the volume was known to Ernst Kyriss, but was not published by him.
  • (R58) Pseudo-Hieronymus: Vitae sanctorum patrum sive Vitas patrum. Ulm: Johann Zainer, [around 1478/79] ISTC .
    • Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart, Inc. fol. 8594 (HB).
    • Provenances: Magister Johannes Rummel (end of the 16th century); Dominican convent Mergentheim (repealed 1805)
    • Literature: Renner, No. 3217; INKA . The volume was known to Ernst Kyriss, but was not published by him.


58 volumes are known that were bound by Johannes and Bernhardin Richenbach, 59 if you don't just count the two Salzburg bindings (R 23). Two bindings have been lost for so long that one has to assume a loss. Two volumes are inaccessible in private hands.

The dates of the volumes range from 1467 to 1484.

Most of the volumes are in Germany. The Württemberg State Library owns 11 volumes, the Bavarian State Library 5 (previously there were three more). Except for the two bindings in Leipzig (35, 54) only libraries in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria have copies. In the USA there are 6 covers, in Great Britain 5, in Switzerland 4, in Austria 3 (all in Salzburg, 4 covers), in Denmark, the Czech Republic and the Ukraine one each. There are three volumes in private ownership (12, 42, 47). Existing monastery libraries also keep three volumes (6, 45, 49).

In terms of content, the bound works were geared towards the practical needs of secular priests active in pastoral care. 14 works alone are collections of sermons and other sermon literature (R 1, 3, 22, 26, 30, 33, 34, 36, 39, 40, 41, 47, 50, 53), 12 are Bibles and Bible interpretations (4, 6, 14 , 15, 18, 23, 24, 28, 43, 44, 52, 55), 7 are legends or writings about saints (19, 29, 33, 48, 49, 51, 58). Liturgy and liturgy explanations: 5, 31, 38, 46. Church Fathers: 9, 10, 12, 56. Other theological writings (8, 11, 16, 17, 18, 21, 37, 42, 45, 53) include editions of the handbook by Hugo Ripelin of Strasbourg (37, 42, 45), two prints that deal with the Jews deal (11, 18), and a salvation mirror (17). Classics and interpretations of classics: 2, 13, 35. Dictionaries: 20, 32. Canon law: 53. History: 27. Authors of the Italian Renaissance: 25. A single volume (7) contains German-language edification literature.

As for the places of printing, Strasbourg dominates with 18 volumes. The oldest five prints bound by Richenbach came from Strasbourg presses (R9–13). 9 incunabula were printed in Ulm, 5 in Basel, 4 each in Augsburg and Nuremberg, 3 in Blaubeuren, 2 each in Reutlingen and Speyer, one in Urach. Italy is only represented with one Milan print.


  • William HJ Weale: Bookbindings and Rubbings of Bindings in the National Art Library, South Kensington Museum . London, 1898 ( Internet Archive ).
  • Seymour de Ricci: Jean Richenbach: un relieur du XVe siècle . In: Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen 27 (1910), pp. 409-412 ( DigiZeitschriften ).
  • Jean Loubier : Johann Richenbach's book covers . In: Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen 29 (1912), pp. 19-25 ( DigiZeitschriften ).
  • William HJ Weale / Lawrence Taylor: Early Stamped Bookbindings in the British Museum . London 1922 ( Internet Archive ).
  • Otto Leuze: Further book covers by Johann Richenbach. In: Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen 43 (1926), pp. 235–245 ( DigiZeitschriften ).
  • Otto Glauning: A contribution to the knowledge of Johann Richenbach's bindings . In: The library and its treasures. Festschrift for the 250th anniversary of the Leipzig City Library. Leipzig, 1927, pp. 95-112 ( Internet Archive ).
  • Josef Rest : News about Johannes Richenbach . In: Jahrbuch der Einbandkunst 2 (1928), pp. 47–59.
  • Ernst Kyriss: Contributions to the binding research of the 15th u. 16th century. In: Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen 50 (1933), pp. 316–321.
  • Georg Burkhardt: Two spiritual bookbinders from Gmünd Johann and Bernhardin Richenbach . In: Gmünder Heimatblätter 8 (1935), pp. 120-125, 133-138.
  • Rudolf Kotula: A previously unknown Richenbach binding from the collection of the University Library in Lwów (Poland). In: Archiv für Buchbinderei 39 (1939), pp. 79-81 ( Internet Archive ).
  • Ernst von Frisch: Another Richenbach . In: Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 1940, pp. 516-519.
  • Ernst von Frisch: The fourth Salzburg Richenbach . In: Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 1941, pp. 308-313.
  • Ernst Kyriss: Contributions to binding research of the 15th century. In: Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen 60 (1944), pp. 385-400.
  • Ernst Kyriss: Two Geislinger bookbinders of the 15th century . In: Journal for Württemberg State History 8 (1944–48), pp. 271–279.
  • Ernst Kyriss: Ornate Gothic bindings in the old German-speaking area . Vol. 1, Stuttgart 1951, p. 50 f. (quoted: Kyriss 1951).
  • Ernst Kyriss: Valuable old bindings in Swiss libraries . In: Stultifera navis 8 (1951), pp. 8-18 (cited: Kyriss. Libraries 1951; ).
  • Erich Steingräber : Nine miniatures from a Franziskus vita . In: Journal for Swiss Archeology and Art History 13 (1952), pp. 237–241 ( ).
  • Howard Nixon: Broxbourne Library. Styles and Designs of Bookbindings from the Twelfth to the Twentieth Century . London 1956, pp. 17 f., No. 7.
  • Dorothy Miner: The History of Bookbinding, 525–1950 AD An Exhibition Held at the Baltimore Museum of Art, November 12, 1957 to January 12, 1958 . Baltimore 1957, p. 65.
  • Ferdinand Geldner : Book covers from eleven centuries . 2nd edition Munich 1959.
  • Pavlina Hamanová: Z dějin knižní vazby od nejstarších dob do konce XIX. proud Prague 1959, pp. 45–46 (not viewed).
  • Ernst Kyriss: German bookbinders of the late Gothic and Renaissance. In: Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens 3 (1961), pp. 181–204.
  • Ernst Kyriss: Late Gothic bindings with print on Harburg Castle. In: Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 1963, pp. 254–260.
  • Ernst Kyriss: The bindings of the incunabulum collection JR Abbey in the Württemberg State Library. In: Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens 6 (1966), pp. 1037-1066.
  • Fritz Funke: The fortieth Richenbach binding . In: Jahrbuch der Deutsche Bücherei 3 (1967), pp. 101-107.
  • Barbara Hellwig: Incunable catalog of the Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg . Wiesbaden 1970, p. 145, No. 462.
  • Isabelle Pingree: Richenbach Bindings in the United States. In: Gutenberg-Jahrbuch (1977), pp. 330-344.
  • Manfred von Arnim: Catalog of the library Otto Schäfer Schweinfurt. Part 1. Prints, manuscripts and bindings from the 15th century . Stuttgart 1984, p. 109 No. 6.
  • Inge Dahm: Aargauer Incunable Catalog . Aarau u. a. 1985, no.21.
  • Detlef Mauss: About my private collection of 101 incunabula . In: Bibliothek und Wissenschaft 29 (1996), pp. 133–156, here pp. 137 f., No. 48.
  • Isabelle Pingree: A newly discovered Richenbach Binding . In: Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 73 (1998), pp. 296-303
  • Detlef Mauss: The only Richenbach binding in private hands . In: Einbandforschung 4 (1999), p. 16.
  • Holger Nickel: Two Richenbach bindings in stores. In: Einbandforschung 11 (2002), pp. 41–42.
  • Peter Amelung: Richenbach, Johannes . In: Lexicon of the entire book system, Vol. 6, Stuttgart 2003, pp. 303-304.
  • Dietrich Hakelberg: A book cover by Johannes Richenbach for Conrad Schuoler . In: Einbandforschung 18 (2008), pp. 37–41 ( Freidok ).
  • Scott Husby: Another “per me”: A Richenbach Binding Discovered in the Huntington Library . In: The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 105 (2011), pp. 295-324.
  • Gerd Brinkhus and Ewa Dubowik-Baradoy with the participation of Astrid Breith: Incunabula of the University Library Tübingen, the Princely Hohenzollern Court Library Sigmaringen and the Evangelical Monastery of Tübingen . Wiesbaden 2014.
  • The incunabula of the Württemberg State Library in Stuttgart . Described by Armin Renner with the assistance of Christian Herrmann and Eberhard Zwink. Preface by Hannsjörg Kowark †. 4 volumes. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2018 (= incunabula in Baden-Württemberg 5). ISBN 978-3-447-11075-4 (quoted: Renner).

Web links

Commons : Johannes Richenbach  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Amelung 2003, p. 303.
  2. Wording in rest, p. 48.
  3. Kyriss 1944/48, p. 273 f.
  4. ^ In the Gutenberg Festschrift 1900 ( Internet Archive ).
  5. Description .
  6. .
  7. .
  8. Manuscript catalog .
  9. ^ Wording from Weale / Taylor, p. 31, no. 77.
  10. ^ Catalog of auction 1840: Bibliotheca Butleriana , No. 519 Google Books .
  11. Manuscript catalog by Karl Halm and others 1894.
  13. Description: [ Manuscripta Mediaevalia] (2019); Hedwig Röckelein / Alexandra Lahr: Sum ex Bibliotheca Gamundiana. Book treasures from lost Gmünd monastery libraries . Schwäbisch Gmünd 1989, p. 20 No. 8.
  14. Manuscript catalog from Hermann Hauke ​​and others 1984.
  15. ^ Communication of Latin entries from the owner about the reception of Emperor Frederick III. in Ulm in 1473 and the papal legate in Geislingen in 1474 by Joseph Schlecht in: Jahrbuch des Historischen Verein Dillingen 9 (1896), pp. 246–250 UB Augsburg .
  16. Topography of Historic and Art Monuments in Selcan Political Districts . Prague 1899, p. 160 f. Internet Archive .
  17. .
  18. Owner's note at Rest, p. 53. About the copy: Matyáš Franciszek Bajger: Czech Franciscan Book Culture . Dissertation Ostrava, English version 2016, p. 482 ( PDF ), Czech version: .
  19. Manuscript Census . About Agnes: .
  20. .
  21. .
  22. Madsen No. 397 .
  23. .
  24. ^ Catalog of the Library of Dr. Lump . London 1835, p. 34, No. 460 Google Books .
  25. ↑ In 1791 François Xavier Laire gave: Index librorum [...]. Bd. 1, Sens 1791, p. 42 ( MDZ ) in a schematic representation of the binding the name Richenbach again.
  26. ^ Wording according to Weale, p. 240, No. 612.
  27. .
  28. Arnim, pp. 141-143, No. 25; .
  29. Catalog 1835, p. 35 No. 468.
  30. . Testified for around 1900 and around 1933 for the library in Brussels by Willem de Vreese: De manuscripts of Jan Ruusbroec's works . Gent 1900, p. 87 Note 2 Internet Archive and Het Boek 21 (1933), p. 107. In 1872 the volume belonged to a Belgian private collection (possibly Arenberg): Le bibliophile belge 7 (1872), p. 56 f. Google Books .
  31. According to GW, cf. Bod-inc , not to have been printed before 1473. Since the owner acquired it in 1473, it should belong to the year 1473.
  32. Reproduction of the autobiographical entries in Glauning, p. 110 Note 9. The rest of p. 50 thinks of Nikolaus Sattler from Geislingen, who became the parish priest in Owen in 1489, but, contrary to what was announced, never submitted his evidence.
  33. .
  34. .
  35. Hardo Hilg's 1994 manuscript catalog.
  36. Pingree 1977, p. 339.
  37. Proofs as for (R12).
  38. After Hakelberg p.39 probably Conrad Schuoler from Wiesensteig until 1469 vicar in Westerheim .
  39. .
  40. .
  41. Pingree 1977, p. 335.
  42. Pictures of the Commons ownership entries .
  43. Peter Amelung in: Treasures from old and new times . Karlsruhe 1992, p. 32 f.
  44. .
  46. So Rest, p. 56 Note 1 according to information from Kleinheubach.
  47. .
  48. ^ Abbreviated from the library's OPAC .
  49. ^ Heribert Hummel / Thomas Wilhelmi: Catalog of the incunabula in libraries of the Rottenburg-Stuttgart diocese . Wiesbaden 1993.
  50. Bernd Breitenbruch: The incunabula of the city library Ulm . Weißenhorn 1987, ISBN 978-3-87437-263-3 .
  51. Kyriss: Libraries 1951, p. 14 f.
  52. Kyriss: Libraries 1951, p. 14 f.
  53. Inscription front cover: Discipulus // pertinet // domino // georio kegler Inscription back cover: Per me // richenbach // inligatus // in gislingen (information from the Bavarian State Library according to Ferdinand Geldner: book covers from 11 centuries . Munich 1958, p. 25 with Figure 33).
  54. .
  55. Brinkhus, No. 1300, 33, 608.
  56. .
  57. According to , the former content is probably in the historical archive of the city of Cologne: Imitatio Christi deutsch, written in 1473 by Johannes Lebzelter, handwriting census .
  58. .
  59. reads: Haec Biblia erat Doctoris Ludovicj Schlicher Ecclesiae in Gÿslingen rectoris. M.cccc.lxviij. Illigator tunc temporis erat Joannes Richenbach capellanus in Gÿslingen anno. M.cccc.lxviij. Hinc colligere licet antea fuisse impressam. The wording of the note was printed by Johann Christoph von Aretin: Beyangebote zur Geschichte und Literatur 6 (1806), p. 104 Google Books and Joseph van Praet: Catalog des livres imprimés sur vélin, avec date, depuis 1457 jusquʹen 1472 . Paris 1813, p. 99 f. ( Commons ), in which the last sentence is missing but correctly reads "illigator". The reference to the New York location was given by a commentator in .
  60. Illustration of the bookplate: .
  61. .
  62. . There is only the description of Johann Christoph von Aretin of the cover: Beybeitrags zur Geschichte und Literatur 6 (1806), p. 104 f. Google Books . The reference to the Oxford location was provided by a commentator in .
  63. .
  64. LEO BW