Canton of Saint-Sever-Calvados

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canton of Saint-Sever-Calvados
region Lower Normandy
Department Calvados
Arrondissement Vire
main place Saint-Sever-Calvados
Dissolution date March 29, 2015
Residents 7,226 (Jan 1, 2012)
Population density 38 inhabitants / km²
surface 192.38 km²
Communities 18th
INSEE code 1430

The District of Saint-Sever-Calvados was 2015 a French canton in the department of Calvados and in the former region Basse-Normandie . It included 18 parishes in the Arrondissement Vire ; its capital (French: chef-lieu ) was Saint-Sever-Calvados . The nationwide changes in the composition of the cantons resulted in its dissolution in March 2015. Catherine Gourney-Leconte ( DVD ) was the last representative in the General Council of the Département from 2014 to 2015 .


The canton of Saint-Sever-Calvados was 192.38 km 2 and last had 7,226 inhabitants (as of 2012). It was on average at 186  m , between 39  m in Pont-Farcy and 351  m in Le Gast .


The canton consisted of 18 municipalities:

 local community   Population 
(as of 2014)
 Code postal   Code Insee 
Beaumesnil 212 14380 14054
Campagnolles 498 14500 14127
Champ-du-Boult 375 14380 14151
Courson 429 14380 14192
Fontenermont 143 14380 14279
Le guest 206 14380 14296
Landelles-et-Coupigny 887 14380 14352
Le Mesnil-Benoist 47 14380 14415
Le Mesnil-Caussois 127 14380 14416
Mesnil Clinchamps 970 14380 14417
Le Mesnil-Robert 200 14380 14424
Pont-Bellanger 65 14380 14511
Pont-Farcy 543 14380 14513
Saint-Aubin-des-Bois 230 14380 14559
Saint-Manvieu-Bocage 543 14380 14611
Sainte-Marie-Outre-l'Eau 114 14380 14619
Saint-Sever-Calvados 1,244 14380 14658
Sept-Frères 395 14380 14671

Population development

1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999 2006 2011
9036 8343 7386 7035 6854 7018 7117 7248

Coordinates: 48 ° 50 ′  N , 1 ° 3 ′  W